Physio Colloq 4 PDF

Title Physio Colloq 4
Author r G
Course Physiology
Institution Medical University-Varna
Pages 47
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Physio Questionnaire Midterm 4Which of the following statements about pulmonary airways is FALSE?● Are all collapsible ● Humidify inspired air ● Normally offer a low resistance to airflow ● Dilate in response to adrenergic drug The conduction airways● Comprise of the anatomical dead space in a healt...


Physio Questionnaire Midterm 4

Which of the following statements about pulmonary airways is FALSE? ● Are all collapsible ● Humidify inspired air ● Normally offer a low resistance to airflow ● Dilate in response to adrenergic drug The conduction airways ● Comprise of the anatomical dead space in a healthy individual At which of the following sites pO2 is the highest? ● Alveolar gas ● Anatomical dead space at the end of inspiration An increase in plasma parathyroid hormone (PTH) level would lead to an increase in which of the following? ● The number of active osteoblasts ● Collagen synthesis ● Renal synthesis of calcitriol ● Plasma phosphate concentration Which factor promotes the appearance of the platelet plug? ● Fibrinogen ● collagen A deficiency of iodine in the diet causes ● Increased TSH secretion ● Thyroid enlargement (goiter) Which disorder refers to an enlarged thyroid gland? ● Goiter The Haldane effect ● Promote CO2 release in the pulmonary capillaries as the blood PO2 rises ● Shifts the CO2 dissociation curve to the right ● Promotes the transport of =2 in systemic arterial blood What type of blood vessels has the lowest mean blood velocity?

Which of the following mechanisms explain referred pain phenomenon? ● Divergence ● Lateral inhibition ● Convergence ● None of the above High cortisol levels tend to decrease which of the following? ● ● ●

Blood glucose level Protein catabolism (breakdown) The inflammatory response

● Fat catabolism (breakdown) Which cranial nerves carry taste impulses from the taste buds? ● Vagus, accessory, hypoglossal ● Facial, vestibulocochiear, hypoglossal ● Facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus Intracellular hormone receptors are located ● In the nucleus ● In the cytoplasm or in the nucleus ● In the mitochondria ● In the cytoplasm of target cells Which hormone stimulates the development of secondary female sex organs? ● GnRH ● Estrogen ● LH ● FSH The receptors that are stimulated by a large drop in the PaO2 are located ●

In the carotid and aortic bodies

Hypoxia affects respiration by stimulating the ● Carotid and aortic chemoreceptors Which of the following is NOT a hormone released from the thyroid gland? ● Triiodothyronine ● All of the above are released by the thyroid gland Which of the following is not always present in the blood? ● Prothrombin ● Thrombin Regarding anemia ● Anemic individuals are unable to sustain long periods of aerobic exercise Stress __________ cortisol secretion. ● Increases A decreased cortisol secretion would lead to ● Increased blood glucose ● Increased ACTH secretion Ventilation may be increased in ● Response to a metabolic acidosis Growth hormone increases ● Blood glucose and amino acids ● Blood glucose Peptide hormones ● Can be stored in secretory granules A molecule that activates plasminogen prior to the time that a clot forms would ●

Has no effect on the rate of clot formation

● Cause a clot formation to take longer Alveolar ventilations is equal to the ● Minute ventilation- Dead space ventilation ● Tidal volume*respiratory rate Which of the following conditions indicates that pCO2 is above normal in arterial blood? ● Hypercapnia The major sign of hypoventilation is ● hypercapnia Hypercapnia ● Refers to excess carbon dioxide in the arterial blood The percentage of red blood cells in whole blood is called ______. ● Serum ● Hematocrit Which of the following statement is FALSE? ● Insulin is the only hormone capable of lowering blood glucose level ● Type II diabetes is characterized by a lack of insulin secretion Which of the following statements is FALSE? ● Residual volume in the lungs is about 3.0 litres in males Which disorder is characterized by reduced sensitivity target cells to insulin? ● Type II diabetes The activation of B cells ● Occurs in the process of innate immunity ● Results in the production of antibodies Antibodies are defence substances produced by the ● B-lymphocyte Complement system is involved in ● Innate immunity ● Adaptive immunity Which of the following statements is FALSE A large reticulocyte count in the blood could indicate that there is a low production of erythrocytes What is the most significant factor that helps maintain plasma osmotic pressure? ●

● Electrolytes ● Albumin The target cells for the endocrine hormones ● All of the above Oxytocin secretion is stimulated by ● Stretch of the cervix of the uterus ● Decreased blood osmolality Oxytocin secretion causes

● Milk ejection in lactating females The major, more potent form of thyroid hormone that interacts with target cells is ● Triodothyronine (T3) The most biologically active iodothyronine secreted by the thyroid follicles is ● Triodothyronine (T3) The arterial PO2 is predicted to be reduces to some extent from ● Carbon monoxide poisoning ● Ventilation-perfusion (V-Q) imbalance Visceral pleura is found ● On the walls of the thorax, diaphragm and mediastinum ● On the surface of the lung Regarding parathyroid hormone (PTH) ● High levels of PTH demineralize bone and elevate plasma calcium Regarding parathyroid hormone (PTH) PTH increases Ca2+ deposition in the bones PTH secretion is increased in response to a fall in plasma calcium concentration and decreased by a rise in plasma calcium levels All of these are symptoms of untreated diabetes mellitus EXCEPT ● ●

● Insulin shock Which of the following statement is TRUE ● Vitamin D stimulates reabsorption of Ca2+ Which cells release antibodies into the circulation? ● B-Lymphocytes Which of these statements concerning respiration is FALSE? ● Higher brain centres can modify the activity of the respiratory centre ● The Bohr effect allows CO2 to bind more easily to haemoglobin Which of these inhibits CRH secretion? ● Cortisol Which substance slowly dissolves the clot? ● Plasmin Which of the following statements about the chromatin cells in the adrenal medulla is FALSE? ● They are stimulated to release catecholamine by sympathetic fibres ● They are specialized for the production of steroid hormones What does thromboxane do in the body? ● It is released by aggregated platelets Which of following conditions refers to an increase alveolar surface tension due to insufficient surfactant? ● Newborn respiratory distress syndrome The surface tension of the alveolar fluid ●

Tends to decrease lung compliance

Insulin increases ● Blood glucose level ● Lipid synthesis (lipogenesis) Insulin exerts all of the following effects EXCEPT ● Increase in glucose transport in adipocytes ● Increase in secondary active transport of glucose into muscle cells Which of these symptoms occur as a result of hypocalemia? ● Decreased muscular excitability ● Muscle spasms and tetany Most of the endocrine systems are regulated by ● Negative-feedback mechanism ● Positive-feedback mechanism Concerning respiration ● Pulmonary surfactant is a combination of phospholipids and proteins Indicate which lung volume/capacity is being described: Amount of air breathed in and out in one minute ● Pulmonary ventilation Red blood cells survive around ____ days. ● 120 Which of the following disorders is characterized by decrease in bone mass and density in adults? ● Osteoporosis Surfactant ● Reduces surface tension if the fluid lining the alveoli Which of the following is NOT a hormone released from the thyroid gland? ● All of the above are released by the thyroid gland T cells ● Are processed in the thymus The afferent (sensory) endings for the Hering- Breuer reflex are stretch receptors in the ● Lungs The Hering-Breuer inflation reflex ● Occurs in response to change in carbon dioxide in the blood ● Inhibits inspiration Which of the following association is FALSE? ● Leukocytosis-> Decreased white blood cell count The primary site of 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol formation from its immediate precursor is the ● Skin ● Liver ● Kidney Which of these lung volumes/ capacities is the largest? ●

Inspiratory reserve volume

● Vital capacity Which of the following is FALSE concerning pulmonary circulation? ● The pulmonary circulation is dependent on gravity but the pulmonary ventilation ….. The thyroid cells that produce thyroid hormones T3 and T4 are called ● Follicular cells Sodium citrate is important anticoagulant due to its ability to ● Create helate connections with Na2+ ● Bind factor XIII Which statement regarding carbon dioxide is FALSE? ● Has a lower diffusion coefficient than O2 Estrogen, testosterone and glucocorticoids are all examples of ● Steroids Decreased blood glucose ● Increase glucagon secretion ● Increase cortisol and glucagon secretion The average amount of blood in an adult is ___ % of body weight ● 8% Which of the following promotes breast development and stimulates milk secretion? ● Oxytocin ● Prolactin During quiet breathing ● The residual volume exceeds the tidal volume During quiet breathing ●

The minute ventilation can be determined from the tidal volume and the respiratory rate

Which of the following statements is False? ● Antibodies are secreted by granulocytes ● 80% of all haemophiliacs lack the genetic ability to synthesize facto VIII Hemophilia results from ● Deficiency of platelets ● Genetic inability to produce one of the factors in the clotting cascade Which of the following statements is TRUE? ● The clotting cascade may be triggered by the intrinsic pathway or the extrinsic pathway Indicate which lung volume/capacity is being described: The extra volume of air that can be maxmimal… ● Inspiratory reserve volume If a pneumothorax occurs, pleural pressure becomes _________ barometric pressure ● Less than ● Equal to Central chemoreceptors are located in the ________ and respond to ___________.

● Medulla- CSF H+ Which of the following statement is FALSE? ● T4 is the major biologically active form of thyroid hormone at the cellular level Which of the following is a characteristic of emphysema? ● A diffusion barrier is created between the alveolar air and the blood ● Abnormally high lung compliance Which leukocytes does NOT have phagocytic properties? ● Eosinophil ● Lymphocytes Which of the following is NOT accomplished by thrombin? ● It facilitates its own formation ● It activates tissue thromboplastin The __________ cells are actively involved with allergic reactions ● Eosinophil All of the following are likely to occur after damage of the anterior pituitary gland EXEPCT ● Deficiency of oxytocin Which one of the following hormones is released from the anterior pituritary gland? ● Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) ● Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) Releasing hormones and inhibiting hormones ● Are secreted from the anterior pituitary ● Are all neurohormones During expiration the volume of the thorax_________ as the diaphragm _________. ● Decreases, relaxes Which of the statements about the cells in the zona fasciculate is FALSE? ● They are involved in the stress response ● store hormone in secretory granules prior to release A high ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) ratio of the lungs will cause which of the following ● An increase of the physiological dead space Which of the following statements for gas exchange is FALSE? ● Expiration is normally an active process Hormones with lipolytic include all of the following EXCEPT ● Glucagon ● Insulin Immediately after a meal which hormone level increases? ● Insulin Increasing the tidal volume, while keeping everything else constant, will increase the ● Alveolar ventilation If alveolar volume increases, alveolar pressure ●


Hormones can be any of these types of molecules EXCEPT ● Glycolipids The arterial PO2 is predicted to be reduced from ● Anemia ● High altitude Which plasma proteins help transport lipids in the bloodstream? ● Globulins ● Albumins Choose the arrangement that lists the chemicals in the order they are active during clot formation 1. Fibrin 2. Fibrinogen 3. Prothrombin activator 4. Thrombin 5. Factor XII ● 5. 3. 4. 2. 1. Regarding some laboratory tests ● A sedimentation time test can be used to check for bleeding problems ● A prothrombin time test can be used to check for bleeding problems Compliance of the lung ● Is decreased in the lungs without surfactant Which of the following peptides is synthesized by neurosecretory neurons? ● Somatostatin Which of the plasma proteins are antibodies? ● Gamma globulins In peripheral capillaries more O2 can be unloaded from blood of a given PO2 when ● 2,3-BPG in the red blood cell is reduced ● pCO2 is increased Which of these statements concerning respiration is TRUE? Respiratory centres located in the brain stem are responsible for generating the rhythmic pattern of breathing Which of these statements concerning respiration is TRUE? ●

During inspiration, the intrapleural pressure increases Local elevation in temperature enhances oxygen release from haemoglobin for use by the more active tissues Administration of an agonist for which of the following receptors would be expected to cause bronchodilation? ● ●

● Beta adrenergic Stimulation of the reticular activating system of the brainstem (RAS) plays what role in ventilation? ● Stimulation enhances exhalation but inhibit inhalation ● Stimulates ventilation Which of the following is NOT a hormone released from the thyroid gland? ● Triodothyronine ● All of the above are released by the thyroid gland All of the following are effects of cortisol EXCEPT

● Muscle protein catabolism ● Hepatic cholesterol synthesis Which of the following plays a role in dissolving clots? ● Plasmin The volume of gas in the lungs at the end of a maximal expiration is referred to as the ● Residual Volume (RV) Parathyroid glands respond to low serum calcium by ● Secretion calcitonin ● Secreting parathyroid hormone In response to a decrease in plasma Ca2+ below the normal level parathyroid glands ● Increased parathyroid hormone secretion Increased plasma potassium concentration increases secretion of ● Thyroid hormone ● Aldosterone Anemia causes which of the following? ● Decreased arterial oxygen content Acetylsalicylic acid ● Inhibits platelet production ● Inhibits platelet aggregation Which of these conditions produces elevated TSH secretion? ● Decreased T4 production ● All of these Most CO2 is transported as ________ in the blood. ● Bicarbonate ions in plasma Which of the following statements about chromaffin cells in adrenal medulla is FALSE? ● They are specialized for the production of steroid hormones ● They are stimulated to release catecholamine by sympathetic fibres Surfactant ● Reduces surface tension of the fluid lining the alveoli Increased plasma calcium ● Increased calcitonin Glucose transport occurs by insulin- independent facilitated diffusion in which of the following tissues? ● Adipose tissue ● Brain Indicate which lung volume/capacity is being described: The volume of air entering or leaving the lungs in a single breath during quiet breathing. ● Tidal volume Which one of the following hormones is released from the posterior pituitary gland? ● Oxytocin Which of the following hormones has no effect on growth

● oxytocin The posterior pituitary secretes ● Oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone Which of the following statements is FALSE? ● During inspiration intraalveolar pressure increases Which type of anemia is caused by inadequate erythropoietin production? ● Hemolytic anemia ● Renal anemia Platelets ● Form the plug upon injury of a vessel Which of the following substances triggers the production of viral-blocking enzymes by potential host cells? ● Perforin ● Interferon Respiratory chemoreceptors ● ●

In the carotid and aortic bodies are not sensitive to H+ In the medulla are most important in the ventilator response to an elevated pCO2

Peripheral chemoreceptors are located in the _______ and respond to _______. ● Carotid bodies – plasma H+ Ventilation may be increased in ● CO poisoning ● Response to a metabolic acidosis Iron (Fe) in the body is mostly stored in the form of ● Ferritin Interruption in the function of the hypophyseal portal system would have which one of the following effects? ● Inhibition of ejection of milk from the mammary gland ● Inhibition of TSH secretion Rat poison contains a toxin that blocks the livers ability to utilize vitamin K. Animals that consume rat poison would die of ● Hemorrhage Intracellular hormone receptors are located ● In the cytoplasm or in the nucleus In a person standing upright, which region of the lungs has the highest ventilation rate/ the highets perfusion rate? ● Highest ventilation; Base; highest perfusion; Base Which of the following statements is FALSE? Each B lymphocytes is pre-programmed to respond to only one of the millions of different antigens Which of the following is an anticoagulant? ●

● Plasmin ● Antithrombin Thyroid hormones inhibit TRH and TSH secretion. This is an example of ● Negative feedback regulation of hormone secretion A negative feedback is ● Cortisol inhibition of CRH release Concerning diffusion of O2 and CO2 in the lungs ● If the blood-gas barrier is markedly thickened, diffusion of O2 is impaired All of the following are likely to occur after removal of the pituitary gland EXCEPT ● Atrophy of the thyroid gland ● Decreased PTH secretion In emphysema, which of the following would be expected to be above normal? ● Vital capacity ● Lung compliance Lung compliance ● Is the change in lung volume per unit change in the transpulmonary pressure Luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone ● Both stimulate secretion of peptide hormones in the ovaries ● Both bind to G-protein coupled membrane receptors Indicate which lung volume/capacity is being described: The minimum volume of air remaining in the lungs after maximal expiration ● Residual volume The hormone adrenalin is responsible for ● Increased cardiac activity ● All of the above Which of the following statements is FALSE? ● Antibodies are grouped into eight subclasses Airway resistance is ● Decreased by beta-2 agonist drugs The most important phagocytes are ● Neutrophils and macrophages Neutrophils ● Are usually the last cells to enter infected tissue ● Often die after phagocytosis Which cell has no nucleus when it is mature? ● Erythrocyte Which of the following statements is TRUE? ● Thyroid hormones increase the body’s basal metabolic rate Which hormone has the greatest effect on basal metabolic rate (BMR)? ●


● Thyroxine A person whose platelet count is 100 x 109/L would be suffering from ● Thrombocytopenia Vitamin D3 (calcitriol) and parathyroid hormone (PTH) have many similar effects. Which of the following physiological effects is specific ONLY for calcitriol? ● Increased renal phosphate excretion ● Increased intestinal Ca2+ absorption by direct effect on enterocytes A lack of surfactant, result in ● Collapse in alveoli All of the following are neuropeptide hormones EXCEPT ● Oxytocin ● LH Hypothyroidism in infants results in ● Goiter ● Cretinism The functional residual capacity (FRC) is the sum of the ● RV and ERV Who is at risk for developing a fatal Rh incompatibility? ● Second Rh+ fetus of Rh- mother Patients with Graves’ disease are hyperthyroid. Which one of the following characterizes their plasma levels of T4 and TSH? ● High T4 and high TSH ● High T4 and low TSH A change in PaCO2 from normal (40 mm Hg) to 28mm Hg means the subject ● Is hyperventilating Which statement regarding alveolar gases is FALSE? ● A reduced ventilation/ perfusion ratio increases both PO2 and PCO2 The volume of air that is available for gas exchange each minute is the ● Minute ventilation ● Alveolar ventilation Indicate which lung volume/capacity is being described: Amount of air that is available for exchange of gases with the blood per minute ● Alveolar ventilation Which of the following describes the major function of tissue thromboplastin? ● It converts fibrinogen to fibrin ● It is released from traumatized tissue and trigger the extrinsic clotting pathway What converts fibrinogen to fibrin ● Thrombin Given this information: Tidal volume= 0.5L expiratory reserve volume= 1L; Dead air space= 0.1 L; respiratory rate= 10/min; the alveolar ventilation is ●

4.0 L/minute


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