Planning Instruction for Diverse Learners PDF

Title Planning Instruction for Diverse Learners
Author Jill Bovee
Course 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 5
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Name: Jill Blocker Date: 3/31/2021 Course: ELM-200 Instructor: Kimberly Werking

Planning Instruction for Diverse Learners Sample Lesson Plan Name: Trisha Allen Grade/Topic: 6th Grade ELA Lesson Name: Plot Diagram National/State Learning Standard: Arizona’s English Language Arts Standards – 6th Grade 6.RL.3 Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution. Academic Language: Exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, plot, plot diagram Specific Learning Targets/Objective: Students will be able to identify story elements of a fable and defend why they would be defined as exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Anticipatory Set: Students will watch a brief video that introduces a plot diagram through the Disney movie “The Lion King.” Throughout the video, students will be asked if they can identify other favorite movies (or books) that contain a coinciding element of the plot diagram. Students will use these examples later on in the lesson. Multiple Means of Representation: Define vocabulary and provide specific examples of these terms in various books, fables, and or movies. Explain that as a story progresses, characters’ actions generally follow a predictable format. Using an example of a recent animated blockbuster movie, have students identify the different aspects of the plot diagram. Multiple Means of Expression: Students will diagram the plot of a short fable using vocabulary from the lesson. Students will defend their rationale on the provided diagram sheet.

Differentiating for Diverse Learner

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Multiple Means of Representation: Define vocabulary and provide specific examples of these terms in various books, fables, and or movies. Explain that as a story progresses, characters’ actions generally follow a predictable format. Using an example of a recent animated blockbuster movie, have students identify the different aspects of the plot diagram. * Please review the original assignment directions and rubric prior to submission. IMPORTANT: To earn a 5 on the rubric, your explanation for each activity must be 100 words or more. One in-text citation per intelligence is expected. Two to three different scholarly sources are required. Howard Gardner’s Lesson Activity Multiple Intelligence Theory Interpersonal For this assignment activity I would pair the children up in groups of 3. Intelligence Each student will be given interview questions to interview the other student on the movie they watched. The interview questions will ask why they chose that movie, describe the movie and how it meets the plot diagram. The interview questions will ask which part was the exposition, rising action, falling action and ask why they are. This activity meets the interpersonal intelligence theory as it will have the students work together in pair grouping. By pairing them up into a group setting this works with the student social skills to recognize and understand each other to learn from each other (George Lucas Educational Foundation, 2016). LogicalMathematical Intelligence

Visual-Spatial Intelligence

For this assignment activity I would have the student with this intelligence work independently. They would compare and research each part of the diagram for the exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Explain what the definition of each is, give an analogy of why it is based on facts from the movie they watched and why it is that part of the plot diagram next to the definition of each part of the plot diagram. The movie that would be assigned for them to watch would be Princess Bride. This activity meets the Logical Mathematical Intelligence theory as it will have the students do research use logic and facts to describe each part of the plot. They will use equations of the story to use as a fact with proof as to why that part of the movie would meet the definition of the pot diagram (George Lucas Educational Foundation, 2016). For this assignment activity I would break them up into a group of 5 students per the group for the Visual-Spatial intelligence. I would have them read a story, when they come together in their groups after reading the story at home. They will need to have highlighted the areas in the story of exposition in blue, conflict in red, rising action in yellow, climax in orange, falling action in black and resolution in green. Once they get

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together in their group, they will have a map to complete with the colors that used to highlight. They will need to fill out the sections of the map based on the colors they highlighted in the story they read to meet each part of the plot diagram. This activity meets Visual-Spatial Intelligence as the highlighting will assist them in mental images. It will also help with the plot diagram content to see differences in the story they are reading. This will help them to distinguish and map details separately for the plot diagram (Ormrod & Jones, 2018). Musical Intelligence

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

For this assignment activity for Musical Intelligence. I would have them watch the movie the Princess Bride and after watching the movie describe the movie based on the music. What parts of the movie are what plot diagram and how they can tell based on the music of the movie. Break them up in teams of three discuss this and list parts of movie are which part of the diagram and why. Then have the students write it down on a worksheet for the teacher to see. Example: When the movie has a song that is tense, and dark is the conflict. The resolution would be a happy song. This activity meets Musical Intelligence as it meets the student being able to comprehend the music’s meaning and how it aids in each part of the plot diagram. It helps the students with the intelligence to be able to learn with their appreciation of music and how this underlying structure relates to what they are learning in this assignment (Ormrod & Jones, 2018). For this assignment activity for Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence the activity would have the students identify different aspects of the Princess Bride for the plot diagram. Breaking them up into groups of 5 assigning them each a part of the plot diagram to act out in a performance in their group. Once the students have guessed the right part plot diagram the student performed, the student performing it would explain their performance and why it was that plot diagram. This activity meets Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence by having the student act out the plot diagram for the other member of their group. It helps to incorporate them using their bodies to act out the scenes of the movie. They can use dance or a performance that will help them learn the structures of the plot diagram more effectively (Ormrod & Jones, 2018).

Intrapersonal Intelligence

For this assignment activity for Intrapersonal Intelligence. I would also assign them to watch the Princess Bride as part of their assignment. With this assignment after watching the movie would have to feel out a worksheet for plot diagram and write out how the story made them feel or the even that was happening and how they could relate to that character. After they describe the how parts of the movie made them feel, they

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would then need to explain why that was that part of the plot diagram.

Naturalist Intelligence

Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence

This activity meets Intrapersonal Intelligence by having the students describe how they related to the characters of the movie. This utilizes their skills to understand the characters and their intentions what their motivations are behind the characters actions (George Lucas Educational Foundation, 2016). For this assignment have the student break up into pairs have them pick out a story that relates to animals and nature that has a plot diagram that they can explain. How that story based on the animals meets all definitions and parts of the plot diagram that they chose. Such as a movie such as Eight Below that is about a man and his dogs in nature during winter, and how he rescued his dogs. Describe each part of the plot diagram as it relates to this movie or story, they choose on a work sheet with each part of the plot diagram listed. This activity meets Naturalist Intelligence by having the students pick out a movie or story they can relate to that has do with animals or nature. It has them tap into the knowledge they have about nature, weather or animals with their understanding and helps them to effectively explain the plot diagram identify or distinguish explaining to their team member (George Lucas Educational Foundation, 2016). For this assignment have the students explain a story they have read. Analyze each part of the story and explain based on their analyses write definition of the vocabulary in that part of the book with a specific example of why that is that part of plot diagram. Create a speech that is persuasive in argument to why they feel that part of the story is each plot diagram. They will debate this in their groups they are assigned too. This activity meets Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence by having the student read the story recognizing the words meaning and intention in the story. With have them debate this in their groups with a speech will have them use language to explain the story effectively with their verbal skills (Ormrod & Jones, 2018).

References George Lucas Educational Foundation. (2016). Multiple Intelligences: What Does the Research Say.

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Ormrod, J. E., & Jones, B. D. (2018). Essentials of educational psychology: Big ideas to guide effective teaching. (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

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