PM4064 w2 L1 - Week 2 Lecture 1 Lecturer: Caroline Murphy PDF

Title PM4064 w2 L1 - Week 2 Lecture 1 Lecturer: Caroline Murphy
Author Ciara Gallagher
Course Employment Relations
Institution University of Limerick
Pages 2
File Size 40.4 KB
File Type PDF
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Week 2 Lecture 1
Lecturer: Caroline Murphy...


PM4064Week2Lect ur e1Monday911 Empl oymentRel at i onshi p-t hel egall i nkbet weenempl oy er sandempl oy ees . •Wear enows eei ngsomeoft hel ar ges tor gani sat i onsi nt hewor l ds ayi ngt hatt heyhav e noempl oy eest oav oi dl egal l i nk s . •Youar eal way sgonnahav edi ffer enc esi nt heempl oy mentr el at i ons hi p.Fort heempl oymentr el at i ons hi pt or emai nheal t hyy ouneedabal ancef orc onfl i ctandcooper at i on. •Regul at edwor kenv i r onment-cany our eal l yhav eanempl oy mentr el at i ons hi pwhen y ou' r ewor ki ngf orani ndi vi dualwheny oudon' thav eacont r actorar et r yi ngt oav oi dl egal l i nk s .Wor ki ngr emot el yorwor k i ngunderadi ffer entfl agshi pi sanex ampl eofunr egul at edwor kenv i r onment s….way sofwhi c hy ouc anav oi dr egul at i onofy ourwor kenv i r onment . •Needt obecar ef ul s i gni ngcont r actbecaus es omeempl oy er scansear c hy ourphoneent i r el yi fy ous i gnofft ous ey ourownphonef orwor k ,suc hasans wer i ngemai l s . •Empl oymentr el at i onshi pi smadeupof4cor ef eat ur es…. 1.“ Effor t r ewar d”bar gai n-effor tawar dednotj us tout come 2.As y mmet r i calpower -Domi nat i onandSubor di nat i on….Thosear et het opdomi nat ed r ol ewi t hmos tpower . 3.Commodi t yst at usofl abor .Labori ss omet hi ngt obeboughtandsol dsameaspr oper t y orpr oduc t s . 4.Economi cI nt er dependence.Empl oy er sc annotex i s twi t houtempl oy ees .Empl oy er s dependonempl oy ees . •Ex i s t enceofanat i onal l egalmi ni mum wagei sal ar geri nfl uenceont heempl oy mentr el at i onshi p. •I nfluencesont heempl oymentr el at i onshi p… pol i t i cal ,l egalandeconomi cenv i r onment ,t hel abourmar k et ,s ki l landeducat i onl ev el s ,t ec hnol ogi caldev el opment sand t r ends( heal t hands af et y ,et hi c s) •Hi ghunempl oymentt oanempl oy eri sagoodt hi ng… meanshi gherc ompet i t i onet c .but wheny ou' r et heempl oy eet hi si sabadt hi ngbec aus eofmor ec ompet i t i onandahi gher poolofappl i cant s .Wheny ouswi t c ht ot heot hersi deoft het abl ebet weenempl oy eeand empl oy ery ourv i ewschange. •Thi ngst hati nfluencepar t i ci pat i oni nt hel abourmar ket … age( ent r yandex i tf r om l abourmar k et ) ,gender ,av ai l abi l i t yofj obsandwages ,wor ki nc ent i v es ,whet herhous ehol dsar es uppor t i ngdependentchi l dr en. -15or20y ear sagowheny out houghtofs omeoneat30y out houghtf ul l t i meper manent j ob,mor t gage,f ul l yi nl abourmar k et .Butnowr ecenty ear sat30mos tpeopl ear eonl y s t ar t i ngoff.Peopl ehav e“ hi douti neduc at i on”del ayi ngt hei rac ces si nt hel abourmar k et byt aki ngonf ur t hereducat i on.Or“ hi douti npar tt i mej obs ” ….s uc hasi nt er nshi psor t empor ar ypos i t i ons. -“ Femi ni s at i on” -al otofs ect or st hatus edt obev er ymal edomi nat edorbecomi ngmor e pr edomi nant l yf emal ee. g. .Medi cal s ec t orandfinanci al ser v i ces . -Wor ki ncent i v es -s oci al wel f ar epol i c i es …s uc hasf ami l yi ncomes uppl ement s -anal l owanc et hati spay edt of ami l i eswhoar eear ni ngunderacer t ai nt hr eshol dofi ncome, whi chi ncr eas eswi t hmor ec hi l dr en. •Power -t hepowerempl oy er shav eov erempl oy ees -Theabi l i t yt ogetsomeonet odosomet hi ngt heywoul dnotdoot her wi s e.

-Es s ent i al l ymeanst ot ak eadec i si ont hatt hemaj or i t ydi dnotagr eewi t hbutt hemanagementdi dsot heyhav et hepowert oout v ot et hem i ndeci s i onmaki ng. -Themor econt r oly ouhav et hemor epower f ul y ouar e.( Basedonowner s hi pandcont r ol ) •“Theempl oymentr el at i ons hi pi snots t at i c ”I tchangesov ert i me. •Obj ect i vesoft heEmpl oymentRel at i onshi p: -*Remembert het r i angl ebet weenv oi ce,effic i ency ,andequi t y -Effic i ency =ec onomi cpr oduc t i onofgoods ,y ou' r enotr anoffy ourf eett r yi ngt ofini s ht he wor ky ouhav et ofi ni s h.Butmay bes omet i mesc andoal i t t l emor e -Equi t y =get t i ngt her i ghtpayf ort hewor ky ou' r edoi ng -Voi ce=y ou’ v eav oi ceatwor ks ot hatwhaty ous ai di shear d,butnott oomuc ht hati tbec omesdes t r uc t i v e. •ThePsychol ogi calCont r act -doesnothav eal egalc ont r act .Theyc anbr eakt hi scont r act .Youhav enor i ght st oaps y c hol ogi c alcont r acti ti ssomet hi ngt heempl oy ercr eat es wi t hy ou.Hast odowi t hhowt heyt r eaty ouandwhatki ndofr el at i onshi py ouhav ewi t h t heempl oy er . •Or gani sat i onalJust i ce-bas edonper cept i onsoff ai r ness . -Di s t r i but i v ej us t i ce-ev er y onet r eat edf ai r l y . -Pr ocedur al j us t i ce-f ai r nes sofcompanypol i c i es …l i k es ear chi ngy ourphone -I nt er act i onj us t i ce-t hewayt hemanagert al k st oy ou… y oudon' twantt hem y el l i ngat y oui npubl i ci nf r ontofcus t omer s -I nf or mat i onal j us t i ce-t heyl ety ouknowbef or et her ear ec hangesi nt hec ompani esl i k e c ut t i ngshi f t set c . -Whenper cept i onsofj ust i c ear ehi ghempl oy eesper f or m bet t erandvi c ev er s a. -Per cept i onsofj us t i c et ocowor k er seffectempl oy mentr el at i onshi pt oo....

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