Pneumonia Diagnosis concept map2.docx Uniek PDF

Title Pneumonia Diagnosis concept map2.docx Uniek
Author Anonymous User
Course Nursing LVN
Institution Unitek College
Pages 2
File Size 105.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 91
Total Views 148


Unitek College study guide or assignment term II LPN program Reno 2022
To God be all honor and Glory now and forever...


References (n.d.). Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2020, June 13). Pneumonia. Mayo Clinic. Vera, M., By, -, Vera, M., & Vera, M. (2020, September 6). Risk for Infection Nursing Care Plan & InterventionsPlan. Nurseslabs. Wayne, G., By, -, Wayne, G., & Wayne, G. (2019, March 20). Ineffective Airway Clearance – Nursing Diagnosis & Care Plan. Nurseslabs. Wayne, G., By, -, Wayne, G., & Wayne, G. (2020, September 6). Acute Pain: Nursing Interventions and Care Plan. Nurseslabs.

Signs and Symptoms       

Chest pain when breathing/coughing Fatigue Cough, which may produce phlegm Confusion or changes in mental awareness Fever, sweating, shaking/chills Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Shortness of breath Lower than normal body temp

Pathophysiology Infectious organisms that reach the alveoli are highly virulent. They overwhelm the macrophages, resulting in the production of fibrin-rich exudate that fills the infected and neighboring alveolar spaces, causing them to stick together, rendering them airless. This inflammatory response causes proliferation of neutrophils which can damage lung tissue, leading to fibrosis and pulmonary edema, which also impairs lung expansion

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Medical Diagnoses

Prostate cancer Sigmoid Colon Cancer

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Nursing Diagnosis #1 with Interventions  

Position patient upright if tolerated Perform nasotracheal suctioning as needed Educate patient in: optimal positioning, use of abdominal muscles for more forceful coughing, use of incentive

Nursing Diagnosis #2 with Interventions Risk for Infection  

Proper hand washing technique Educate patient and SO about proper cleaning, disinfection, and sterilizing of equipment Maintain strict asepsis for dressing changes, wound care, IV therapy, and

Bacteria in the blood stream (bacteremia) Difficulty breathing Lung abscess Fluid accumulation around the lungs (pleural effusion)

Patient Teaching

Esophageal Cancer

Antibiotics Cough medicine Fever reducers/pain relievers Fluids

Ineffective Airway Clearance

WBC – (Normal Range: 4,500- 10,000 WBC/mcL) Normal or slightly elevated in viral pneumonias. Increased in bacterial pneumonias Sputum Grams Stain & Culture – Guides treatment until a culture and sensitivity is available. Blood, pleural fluid, transtracheal or transthoracic aspirate, and/or tissue cultures Arterial blood gases analysis


Age Compromised immunity due to underlying chronic disease Smokers, alcoholics, asthmatics Recent hx of upper respiratory infections Residents of elderly care facilities

Treatment/Medications   

Risk Factors  

Diagnostics & Labs

Get plenty of rest, because pneumonia can reoccur. Stay hydrated to loosen mucus in your lungs. Take medicine as prescribed to make sure all of the bacteria is killed off, even if you feel better.

Nursing Diagnosis #3 with Interventions At risk for acute pain  

Acknowledge and accept client’s pain Provide measures to relieve pain before it becomes severe Use of pharmacological pain management, starting with nonopioid analgesics...

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