Pocky - group assignment PDF

Title Pocky - group assignment
Course Marketing Communication
Institution Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Pages 36
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Table of Contents 1.


Current Situation Analysis.......................................................................................................................4 1.1

Background Research and Analysis................................................................................................................... 4


SWOT Analysis.......................................................................................................................................................... 7


Key Marketing Problem or Opportunity........................................................................................................... 7

Key Strategic Decisions............................................................................................................................8 2.1 Marketing Objectives................................................................................................................................................. 8 2.2 Communication Objectives....................................................................................................................................... 8 2.3 Positioning.................................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.4 Campaign Target Audience....................................................................................................................................... 9 2.5 Campaign Budget...................................................................................................................................................... 11 2.6 Brand Personality/Character................................................................................................................................ 11 2.7 Integrated Communication Brief (Creative Brief).......................................................................................... 11


Creative Strategy.....................................................................................................................................11 3.1

Development of Creative idea........................................................................................................................... 11


Detailed Explanation and Mock-ups............................................................................................................... 12

3.2.1 Advertising...................................................................................................................................12 3.2.2 Pocky Mascots..............................................................................................................................13 3.2.3 Bringing Pocky Van to Singapore................................................................................................13 3.2.4 YouTube Storyboard.....................................................................................................................14 4.

Media Strategy........................................................................................................................................16 4.1

Justification of Media and Media Vehicles Selected.................................................................................... 16

4.1.1 Out-Of-Home Media (MRT & Bus Shelter).................................................................................17 4.1.2 Out-Of-Home Media (Bus Shelter)..............................................................................................18 4.1.3 Out-Of-Home Media (Roadshows Campaign).............................................................................19 4.1.4 Print Media (Magazine)................................................................................................................20 4.1.5 Social Media (Facebook Advertising)..........................................................................................20 4.1.6 Social Media (Facebook & Instagram).........................................................................................21 4.1.7 Social Media (Celebrities Endorsement)......................................................................................21



Media Objectives................................................................................................................................................... 22


Media Plan/Schedule........................................................................................................................................... 24

Other IMC Activities/Elements/Tools...................................................................................................25 5.1

Selection, Integration & Detailed Explanation / Mock-ups...................................................................... 25

5.1.1 Point of Purchase..........................................................................................................................25 POCKY IMC PLAN 2

5.1.2 Promotional Packages..................................................................................................................25 5.1.3 Product Placement........................................................................................................................26 5.1.4 Direct Marketing..........................................................................................................................26 5.1.5 Event Sponsorship........................................................................................................................26 5.1.6 Cause Related Marketing (CRM).................................................................................................26 6.

Evaluation and Control..........................................................................................................................27 6.1

Outline Evaluation/Tracking Techniques...................................................................................................... 27


Demonstrate Possible Corrective Scenario................................................................................................... 28




Appendices...............................................................................................................................................31 8.1

Appendix A (Creative Brief)............................................................................................................................... 31


Appendix B (Peer Evaluation)........................................................................................................................... 33


1. Current Situation Analysis 1.1 Background Research and Analysis Internal Research & Analysis Ezaki Glico, founded by Riichi Ezaki in 1922 was a company that has two subsidiaries, Glico dairy products and Glico foods. The introduction of its first released its well-known new product in 1966 in a red box named ‘Pocky” to the market was a huge success. This red box consists of a simple chocolate coated on a pretzel-like stick, along with a snapping and crunchy sound while eating it. In 1970, Glico group expands its major product through a new subsidiary, Thai Glico Co Ltd, for international growth and marketing. At that time, there were only 3 flavors available which are chocolate, strawberry and almond. In recent years, Pocky has become known for its innovation of wide varieties of flavors and variation to cater to different regions and parts of the world. Currently, Pocky snacks can be found easily in any supermarkets and even through online stores, which also has been adopted as one of the well-known Japanese snack products [ CITATION Eza151 \l 1033 ]. External Research & Analysis Macro Environmental Factors The external environment refers to the relevant social and physical factors outside the typical boundaries of an organization, which affect managerial decision-making [ CITATION Zha11 \l 1033 ]. It consists of six factors such as political, economic, social-cultural, technological environmental and legal sectors. However we will only be looking at four factors in relation to our entity. Political Singapore is ranked as the top country for several indicators of government efficiency, including government decisions, ease of doing business and adaptability of government policy [ CITATION Tan151 \l 1033 ]. Also, the country’s political stability and strong economic fundamentals provide a favorable operating environment for businesses. Singapore is well known for its transparent and efficient regulatory framework, which provides investors security over contract enforcement and property rights [ CITATION Eur15 \l 1033 ]. Economical Singapore is seen as the number 1 city with the best investment potential, it outranks the world as an investment destination [ CITATION Sin15 \l 1033 ]. With no restrictions on the repatriation of profits and the import of capital, along with the most favorable operating conditions and strong diplomatic ties, Singapore’s stable political and economic climate creates an ideal environment to invest in. POCKY IMC PLAN 4

Social-cultural In a national report, it was estimated that the average Singaporean worked a total of 46.3 hours a week in 2008. This would roughly translate to an average of eight and half hours of work every weekday, and four hours each weekend [ CITATION Lim10 \l 1033 ]. According to Google (2015) trends, we are able to observe the patterns of Singaporean in relation to Matcha products. It is seen that consumers became more aware of Matcha products in 2015, although it was introduced to the market in 2011. With the understanding of the lifestyles and culture of Singaporeans, we would better be able to cater to their needs be it in terms of communication and the use of marketing techniques. Technological With strong government support, Singapore has become one of the world leaders in Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Internet business usage expanded rapidly in the 2009-2014 period from 74.6% of total businesses in 2009 to 87.6% in 2014. In 2014, 97.7% of total households in Singapore possessed a mobile telephone, up from 96.2% in 2009. This was well above the Asia Pacific average of 87.4%, while remaining below Hong Kong (99.7%) [ CITATION Eur15 \l 1033 ]. Through the numbers, we are able to conclude that more Singaporeans are getting tech savvy, which makes information easily reachable to consumer through the use of online platforms. This can be seen through Pocky’s website, Facebook page and Instagram. Information about the product can now be easily communicated to consumers in a fun and interactive way. Competitive Analysis Perceptual Map


Direct Competitor PEPERO is seen as Pocky’s direct competitor as it targets the same market segment and has similar biscuit design. However, Pepero has slightly more varieties of flavor as compared to Mitsuya or Pocky. Besides the regular chocolate, strawberry, plain and cookies & cream flavors, they also have three other interesting flavors. Comparing to other brands, it may be seen as being slightly pricier.


PEPERO can be found in any leading supermarket and

ource: Lotte 2015)

confectionary stores. Indirect Competitor MITSUYA Tasty Biscuit Sticks is Pocky’s indirect competitor. Being able to fulfill the same need of consumers should they not be able to purchase Pocky or Pepero, this would be seen as an alternative. However, MISTUYA has only one flavor. Following the same design, the product however differs such that it is a savory snack. MITSUYA tasty biscuits come in two packaging sizes to cater to

(So urce: Redmart 2015)

those who would want more in a packet, it can also be found in all leading supermarkets and confectionary stores. Consumer Behavior Analysis

Consumers who are snack lovers and more adventurous to try out new flavors in food products and therefore always looking out for new variety or option to choose from rather than just sticking to one flavor on its own. Likewise, consumers who always multi-task and prefer food that are easy to eat without hindering their current activities. Brand Evaluation Product

- Well known for its coated flavor sticks and not demographically restricted - Low-involvement fast moving consumer good - Pocky sticks with coated flavors in a unique shape for consumption allowing multitasking without getting chocolate on your hands - Small packaging with many sticks per box providing satisfaction and convenience of portability


- Affordable in the market by anyone of any age group and income level - Not price sensitive


- Pocky is available in more than 30 countries including Singapore - Available in most supermarkets and convenience stalls


Due to the resemblance of the number 1 and the iconic Pocky snack stick-shape, Glico group holds a customer appreciation day of fun events each year on the 11th November POCKY IMC PLAN 6

(11.11). However, with the lack of advertising and recent penetration of competitors, resulting in Pocky losing their foothold as the leading choice for stick snacks 1.2 SWOT Analysis Strength


Strong Brand Recognition Pocky, a subsidiary of Glico Group is one of the most famous stick snacks globally

Non Significant Differentiated Pocky sticks are not significantly differentiated with major competitors

Good Brand Packing Simple red plain packaging allows consumers to recognize the brand easily

Lack of Marketing Advertising Pocky lack advertising which results in low awareness

Innovative Having continuous R&D to create new flavor cater to different consumers

Easily to Obtain Available in most convenience stalls and supermarket Opportunities


Increase in Flavors Available Due to the growing trend in new flavors, Pocky can widen its product range by having more varieties

Health-Conscious Consumer Snacks portrays to be unhealthy and considered in a ‘Junk Food’ which results in some consumer avoiding it

Marketing Activities Pocky can increase its marketing activities in different platforms to gain more brand awareness

Active Promotions Pocky can provide more promotion to gain a larger market share and brand loyalty

Competitive Market in Snacks’ Industry Due to the competitive market, competitors could easily learn the new market trend and create their own new product or flavors to attract consumers

1.3 Key Marketing Problem or Opportunity Marketing Problem Being in the market for so many years, Pocky has gain lots of recognition and regular consumers in purchasing their products. However, in recent years, due to the penetration of more competitive brands such as Pepero and Mitsuya tasty biscuit with strong branding equity in the snacks industry, consumers have the choice of choosing different categories of flavors and options of brands available. Similarly, as Pocky is considered a fast moving consumer goods with low involvement, consumers would normally grab the snacks they are craving for or whichever at a lower cost and make their purchase. With the lack of marketing advertising and promotion, many consumers do not have the knowledge and information about the POCKY IMC PLAN 7

upcoming new flavors that Pocky had introduced into the market. Instead, ‘snacks’ has relatively been considered and position as unhealthy and falls under the junk food category. Marketing Opportunity With the upcoming trend of Matcha Green Tea flavor in the market, Pocky will take the opportunity of this campaign to introduce and penetrate the Matcha Green Tea Flavor into the market with the help of using various media strategies and sales promotion to advertise and create brand awareness. Furthermore, Pocky will emphasis on the slogan and theme to consumers when they are snacking away with the Matcha Green tea flavor and it will change the customer's’ taste and perception towards Pocky, thus satisfying customers’ cravings.

2. Key Strategic Decisions 2.1 Marketing Objectives Pocky’s marketing objective is to increase sales, at a constant rate, by 30% in the following years and for sales to go up by 30 million of yen in the current fiscal year. This can be done through having effective marketing strategies such as advertising which in turn would increase our brand and product awareness, by the end of our campaign. Based on Glico Annual Report 2013, analysis shown that there has been an increase in sales in the confectionary category from year 2011 to 2012 globally. Sales in 2011 was seen at ¥81,599 million and ¥83,112 million in the following year, 2012, amounting to a 1.9% increase [ CITATION Eza13 \l 1033 ]. As this IMC campaign is targeted based in Singapore, in order for sales to go up by 254 million of yen (SGD $3 Million), we are aiming to sell 2 million units of Pocky by the end of our campaign, having a positive net revenue. 2.2 Communication Objectives Through the launch of Matcha Pocky and with the use of various advertising platforms such as Facebook and Instagram we are aiming to increase brand awareness by 30%. The effectiveness of our campaign at gaining product awareness can be measured through detailed research analysis on the various communication platforms. Different platforms to communicate to consumers will be further elaborate in Creative and Media Strategy. 2.3 Positioning Our distinctive benefit for Matcha Pocky is the fun and enjoyable moments while eating Pocky, sharing the joy with their family and friends. In addition, the affordable green-tea flavored biscuit stick also adds on a significant value to the increasing trend of Matcha-lovers. POCKY IMC PLAN 8

Positioning Statement: “Pocky is about sharing happiness with friends, family, colleagues anyone, anytime, anywhere! With plenty of sticks in each box, Pocky is the perfect snack for bringing people closer together and livening the mood.” With the introduction of the newly flavored Matcha Pocky through our marketing communication campaign, consumers who are open to experiential benefits of new creations and taste would be highly attracted to purchase this product. 2.4 Campaign Target Audience Our target audiences are likely to be young female adults, ranging from age 16 to 25 (mostly junior college, polytechnic, university students, and fresh graduates who just started working). Female consumers are likely to have impulse buying behavior, which are associated with hedonistic consumption, and improving their mental status [ CITATION Sig12 \l 1033 ]. In addition, it is suggested that women are likely to be influenced by social pressure, shown to have a higher tendency and intention of consuming confectionary snacks, are, while men are not [ CITATION YeL12 \l 1033 ]. Therefore, our promotional campaigns are likely to target on female consumers who enjoys hedonism consumption and sweet snacks. Behavioral Sequence Model The involvement ...

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