POL 101 Final Study Sheet PDF

Title POL 101 Final Study Sheet
Author Nia Gibson
Course American Government And Politics
Institution John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Pages 13
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POL 101 Final Study Sheet Final Exam topics: the final exam will cover the material you have been assigned since the second exam: civil liberties and rights, terrorism, and federal debt. I expect you, of course, to have done the reading, listened to the lectures, and watched the assigned videos. For civil liberties and rights, I recommend preparing by focusing on the lectures. I will ask you about specific court cases and the precedents that they set. I will ask you about liberties and rights in the Constitution, and how the judiciary has interpreted them. I will not ask you to memorize dates. For terrorism, you should focus on the readings. You have to know the general history of the British conflict with the P  rovos. You have to understand the Klan article and the Mao article. For federal debt, you need to focus on the IOUSA video, my lectures, and the C  alleo article. You should understand the following, at the very least: history of US federal debt (why it rose or declined over time); why high debt is problematic; capital per worker; causes of prosperity and poverty; investment; good vs. bad debt; unfunded liabilities; the role of the dollar according to C  alleo; monetization; default; austerity; government options during a debt crisis.

Civil Liberties Lectures: Lecture #1 Fiscal Policy: Government starts spending money to bring the economy up to full production - By taxing us and take that money and spend it - Problem with that (Ricardian Equivalence) - The less controversial way is the government to borrow money and spend it effectively (fiscal policy) - We are at full capacity, there is no waste right now (government decimate coming up to a trillion dollars) - People are getting income but not consuming it. They aren’t investing it and it is getting taxed - When people see that when their money is losing value then they start investing it. 2008 there was a banking crisis ( a lot of banks went under)/ The government gave loans to bail out different banks. They got paid back but it was controversial. - Did not raise taxes but borrowed a lot of money which contributed to our major debt(federal debt) - Even when we got back to normal, we still spent too much - NY State is heading to a financial crisis - European central bank prints money for (Euros) states gave up sovereignty to have a common currency area - European do not have the sovereign power to have a fiscal policy CIVIL LIBERTIES VS CIVIL RIGHTS - Civil Liberty: area of behavior where the sovereign (state/federal) cannot coerce the individual, if they do coerce you then they have to go through a legal procedure. - That the zone of liberty is too big, and the sovereign should have more power to coerce you - The civil liberties protect US, we need protection from the sovereign. - First argument: They say (sovereign) to give up your civil liberties to gain protection. This makes it easier to control us - Second argument: give up your liberties so the sovereign can take care of you


There’s no freedom of speech in Europe(we have more freedom of speech than any other country) - Civil Rights: area of behavior where the sovereign MUST coerce individuals and institutions to treat other individuals and institutions in a particular manor. - 13th and 14th amendment - 13th amendment (slavery is not allowed ) soverign is saying if person A tries to buy person B to be a slave, we won’t let you. Free the slave and put you in prison - Goergetown university had a lot of slaves to build their university - Civil right violation: soverign not letting corporations hire people because of their sex, religion, etc (protective categories) - Cases against religious Christian bakers (gay couples asked them for their services for a wedding and the baker said no. Gay couple went to the sovereign and told them the baker is violating our civil rights - Baker argued freedom of religion (they(bakers) lost on this stance) Using religion as an excuse - Sovereign can force them because the baker was providing a public service  - Case in NY State (on the weekend they rented out their farm which means they giving a public service. They denied a gay couple entry and the couple won the case against the farmers and they lost their farm) - Freedom of Speech? soverign cant make you say something and they - Baker won the case on freedom of speech. He was not forced to inscribe the cake with the names of the couple. Can not force him to say anything - Hate speech is legal in this country - Specific civil liberties - 2nd Amendment: Right to bear arms (Chicago & Washington DC illegal to own a handgun) - 2nd Amendment applies to individuals Lecture #2 - Amendments 1-8 - Habeas Corpus: police cant arrest you and send u to prison without charging u for a crime (48 hours) - 8th Amendment (cruel and unusual punishment) ex. cant give you excessive time if u steal a banana - A federal judge will say what is excessive bail /fine - Cruel & Unusual Punishment - it is whatever the federal judge says it is - Abortion is civil liberty because they can not coerce the woman Roe V Wade (abortion is a privacy and it is under civil liberty) - Scenario 2: constitution does not have anything to do with abortion - Congress says its legal then the state can not make it illegal based on the supremacy clause - Pornographic movies/videos/magazines were once illegal - Freedom of speech- expression - Sued Louisiana about putting strict regulations about Louisiana. Where thy only made one place available for abortion

- It has to be both Cruel & Unusual Punishment - Lethal injection is good since the person does not feel anything - Federalist society- inside of law schools - Judges are weak compared to congress and judges - Release prisoners because it was overcrowded - cruel & Unusual Punishment - Not giving prisoners medical care is cruel & Unusual Punishment - Because we are bitterly divided it is easy for us to become a lawless enviroment Lecture #3  - 1st Amendment - Religion: establishment clause- there cannot be an establishment of religion (only certain religions can be acted upon) by law - sovereign cant stop you from your religion - Establishment Clause - Religious test for office? - Amendment 5 (takings clause) Debt Lecture #1 - Illinois, NY, and California/Connecticut (States in the worst debt) - Sovereign debt: in different countries (ex Russia0 - Federal sovereign - There is a certain cap that the treasury can borrow money for us . if they reach the limit, congress is the only one who can extend it for more. - Can’t decide how small or big the debt is without understanding the economy beforehand (GDP) - Your debt is big or small depends on your income - GDP is 50 million, debt is 2 percent (means this is crippling) paying 10 million dollars a year towards the debt. This means to get on top of this they have to tax their people 20% more. - When debt gets up to 100% of GDP then that is a huge problem. - If there is a question on the test saying “if the debt is 20 billion, is that bad?” answer: there is not enough info because we do not know what their GDP is - Why is there a problem that federal debt is so high? (22-23 trillion dollars- federal debt) GDP: 22-23 trillion - Capital Per Worker: Rich versus Poor people capital (rich countries has high worker per capital and poor countries have low capital per worker - Capital: what makes workers (labor) productive or produce wealth Ex: machines, tunnels, roads, college building, technology - Land/Labor/Capital: three factors of production (produce all wealth) - Large amount capital per worker: rich but debt decreases this - The highest percentage of debt since 1945 - GDP keeps going up - Goerge W bush debt was 50% GDP - Obama debt was 65% + 35% GDP Debt Lecture #2 - (rich countries has high worker per capital and poor countries have low capital per worker


High level of federal debt with deplete capital per worker Three factors of production: land, labor, and capital- these are used to produce wealth The more capital you have for your worker, the richer your country is Capital: tools, equipment, anything to do with making things more profitable (produce further wealth) - Immigration boosts capital - Capital per worker is very important! - Consumed, invested, government spend - If consumed then it is gone (consumer goods/services) 70% of the economy - Invested ( capital per worker) 15% of the economy - Goverment spending (15% of economy) -Paying lawyers/federal workers - The government can use the money they tax us by consuming it, spend it on war, or they can invest it - Government invests by building schools, bridges, subway(for u to get to work), airport - War is considered wasteful because it does not give us money Problem with federal debt: - How does the gov pay for the wars: they tax us or they borrow the money. - Taxes were lowered when we went to war with IRAQ - Spanish empire fell because they fought expensive wars, british are bankrupt after world war 2 - Since the year 2000, “G” shot up out of GDP. Investments stayed stable - The economy is absorbing more than it produces. We are living beyond our means - We will hit a debt crisis! We are Taking in 3 trillion dollars of tax revenues. (Payroll, individual, tariffs) - Republicans Cut down on federal revenue, very irresponsible, did not cut down their spending - They spend it on 20% on war, 15% interest on debt, some of it is spent on operating - Social security, medicare, and medicaid (skyrocketing areas of federal spending) - Deeper level: there is a political crisis. Politcal parties know about it and know what to do to stop this crisis but they wont do it. It is a moral crisis. - Borrowing against the future, taking from the young to spend for the elders - Diff types of debt crisis - There is good debt and there is bad debt: good debt is debt for effective investment, bad debt: is debt for consumption(consumer goods) - Went into a huge amount of debt in the 19th century - We are in debt because of spending money on consumption and war! - We owe China and Japan the most money on a foreign scale. - Congress authorizes if you can borrow the money - Debt Crisis: WHEN NO ONE WILL LEND US ANY MONEY ANYMORE - Three options in a debt crisis: 1. a  usterity: will cut government spending - Federal Sovereign can raise taxes. They would have to tax 1 trillion dollars - Average bodyweight dropped in Venezuela because they can not afford to eat Lecture #3 (federal Debt) - Political leaders care about getting re-elected and not about the federal debt


Trump made the debt situation worst .Republicans have been doing this since 1980’s Democrats They believe if we tell the people reality of debt then other parties would use propaganda and things would get misconstrued - UNFUNDED LIABILITIES: - 1. Social security : created in 1930’s - 2. Medicare: created in the 1960’s - Why? Because it is our money and not the governments - Have a social security number so the federal soverign knows how much you put in your trust fund. The money they take out of your check is your money and they hold it for the future. This also goes for medicare trust fund, they take it out of your check and put it to the side for you. This is your money - THE PROBLEM IS THAT THEIR IS NO MONEY IN YOUR TRUST FUND, THE GOV SPENT IT . IT IS NOT SAVED FOR US : PONZI SCHEME Lecture #4 (Federal Debt) - To force people to pay dues to a union they are not a part of is a violation of civil liberties - We have to stop austerity - We should be raising taxes and cutting spending right now. Cutting military spending because it is not efficient - Trump reduced taxes and increased spending - Federal debt should not be questioned/ not honored is on the constitution - Fired Paul O’ Neal because he wouldnt want to increase the spending and increase the federal debt (from bush administration) - 2nd option: to default - The US owes Foreigners about a trillion dollars (Japan & China) - Venezuelen debt crisis (borrowed a lot of money and defaulted) - We have a lot of assets abroad - We pay 300 billion a year towards interest debt - Capital controls not here - 1970 golden exchange standard - Money: Store of value, immediate exchange - Inflation is the result of the money supply Lecture #5 (Federal Debt) - Internal debt crisis - First option: to have obscurity by reducing spending - 2nd option: complete default (against the constitution) - 3rd option: monetization means the fed reserve (sovereign) confirmed by the senate, - Controls money supply, which determines price level, the purpose of money: store of value and medium of exchange means fed reserve bank will print up a trillion dollars and lend that to the treasury and the treasury will spend it - PROB: massive increase in the money supply WORST THING TO BE DONE can cause inflation / lost 90% value of money


Germans started monetizing their money in the 20s which made their money worthless. Hyperinflation Venezuela had hyperinflation: money is useless In Germany, they do not have credit cards and don’t do mortgages Inflation takes savings If foreign countries think we will monetize then they will stop lending us money Savers & creditors get wiped out during monetization Debtors win during monetization Certain things you do not want to cut from the budget (ex. NASA/CYBER Devense) Cut the fat and leave the crucial stuff Change our healthcare system !!!! If we can get our healthcare down to 10% of GDP then thas 2 trillion a year which we fix our debt Congress greatest power: MONEY

  OK so so the judges will not let the sovereign do certain things to be concerned about Pledge of Allegiance well there have been lawsuits about that right now the Pledge of Allegiance you know you're excited it's your first day of school you're six years old what do you pledge allegiance to the flag of United States of America right and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under whom God indivisible OK so now what is your name should you should you all these kids they have to say if they want it they won't say the Pledge of Allegiance   now there was a guy in Washington state who is atheist any suit and he said my daughter should not be forced to stay under God in the Pledge of Allegiance religion well just said the judges decided no she asked the same you look at your the currency in your wallet if you look at the currency in your wallet what does it say in what we trust currency   OK well it's a little bit so there was a a judge in a state judge in Alabama who put up the 10 commandments in his courthouse sorry buddy So what about the fact that we have schools churches in New York city   so first of all since it is a a religious establishment they do not have to pay taxes on their property what kind of property taxes because it's it's a non-profit religious statue   now let you decide that this is This is why I'm saying that actually although there technically isn't an established religion you actually can get around it because if New York State started to try to tax the Catholic Church Lincoln taxes Apple computer for property the judges would stop working for doing that and say well they get religious exemption in certain taxes did you then decide or you know what and it's just my personal religion so now my apartment i should be able to talk on the rent from you know you know because it's it's it's supported by religion or you can't make me pay my income tax because this is my religion 

what about Catholic schools so the Catholic schools you know by the way did they they can't deprive not Catholic students from attending those schools is that we celebrate and we talked about the difference last class and so In other words the sovereign is going to coerce Catholic schools lending any students even if they're not have everybody follow what's going on there from civil rights are definition of civil rights in the last class  Catholic Church The Catholic Church gets lots of public money from the city of New York City how is that not establishment of religion because the judges say it and the test here is called the lemon test and basically what they're saying some people say that there is separation of church and so this is a phrase dangerous but the constitution separates the church acid you know as as Jesus said when they asked him should we think they sent him they were trying to travel  Roman God and she said why render unto Caesar the things that are caesar's and render unto God OK see but from our search pull that sucker so some people therefore say that in this country we have separation of church and state which is which who is Houston aprus but he certainly feels it doesn't say that their separation it says there shall not be establishment religion   so the question is how much between our religion and the answer is it has to serve the intermingling has to serve some important public purpose not the judges have decided their copies of Inter mingling as long as it supports an important public so education where anybody can really go to Catholic school therefore they can get some money from the state even though  OK what about the free exercise OK well this is the free exercise clause so it says Congress shall make no law this goes from the states as well prohibiting the free exercise of religion sovereign can't prohibit the free exercise of religion  OK is this unlimited no it's not as we talked about previously as I mentioned if an individual decides that their religion is there accountable and they grab their neighbor and eat them and then it is protected by the free exercise clause no because you're you're violating somebody else or violating somebody else is   I'm what did you say that your religion forbids you from paying taxes sorry that's not going to be accepted you know you could claim whatever you want I mean you can make on any religion you want correct and then say this is a religion   therefore I can do what I want no S  o what it means is first of all for exercise of religion is never absolute it's going to be limited by the soccer really trying to stop the rights of others being impinged by your free exercise of religion but also the fact is that people just sort of make up religions the church is fine not recognize it as a religion religion that's just you decided you're doing what you want to do and so I say that top things  I mean if somebody is you know a Buddhist or Hindu you wanted their very well known religions right like a Buddhist or Hindu or Jewish or Muslim or Christian I mean the judges are going to say Oh yeah

that's a religion yeah that's religious and then they're going to give you certain latitudes practice a religion   but if you're a scientologist they think it's a religion Scientology which you know not familiar with it but I know that they think it's religion Scientology well they say it's a religion why are they going to get all the same here passes to exercise that in various environments as somebody who is Christian maybe not because even though there is some OK so interesting questions to arise where let's not let's look at these less known for new systems but more common religions in a more commonly followed another   question is how much you know how much lattitude that people have to exercise their religion and my point is that this this latitude probably because the elite in this country are becoming less and less religious unless religious and so that filters into judiciary filters into media filters throughout the making classes of society and  just here I mean we can talk about some controversial stuff or some non-controversial source using stuff I mean there are lots of different examples but if you are a prisoner of the state of New York and you're a religious Jew do they have to give you kosher meals otherwise they're violating your free exercise of religion if you're Muslim do they have to give you how long nails yes ...

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