POL2 - Essay 6- “Do great wars lead to great changes in the international system Consider in relation to the Second World War PDF

Title POL2 - Essay 6- “Do great wars lead to great changes in the international system Consider in relation to the Second World War
Course International Conflict, Order and Justice
Institution The Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Cambridge
Pages 7
File Size 76 KB
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POL2 Essay 6: great wars lead to great changes in the interna tional system? Consider in relation to the Second World Will Popplewell If, as Gilpin states, there are systemic causes of war, then there can also be systemic consequences. In particular, great wars are likely to have larger and further ...


POL2-Essay6:“Dogr eatwar sl eadt ogr eatchangesi nt hei nt er nat i onalsyst em?Consi deri nr el at i ont ot heSecondWor l dWar . ” Wi l l Poppl ewel l I f ,asGi l pi ns t at es ,t her ear es y st emi cc ausesofwar ,t hent her ecanal sobes y st emi cc ons equences .I npar t i cul ar ,gr eatwar sar el i k el yt ohav el ar gerandf ur t herr eachi ngconsequencest hansmal l confl i ct swi t hl i mi t edi nt er nat i onal i nv ol v ement .TheSecondWor l dWar i sanex ampl eofal ar gescal ewar ,i nt er msofr esour cesr equi r ed,dur at i on,andi nt er nat i onal r each,whi chdi di ndeedhav ei mpor t antc onsequencesf ort hei nt er nat i onal s y st em i n t hepost wary ear s .TheSecondWor l dWarmar k edt hedr ast i caccel er at i onofani ncr easi ngl yi nst i t ut i onal i sedi nt er nat i onal s y st em,t aki ngt hefledgi ngi deal sof1815and1919and embodyi ngt hem i nt heUN,NATO,andv ar i ousot hersmal l eror gani sat i ons .Fur t her mor e, t heSecondWor l dWarf undament al l yc hangedt henat ur eofwarf oral lf ut ur econfli ct s ,f ac i l i t at edat r ans i t i onofhegemonyt ot heUni t edSt at es ,andi r r ev er si bl yc ommi t t edt hedi smant l i ngoft heEur opeani mper i al s y st em.

Gener al l y ,I k enber r yt heor i s est hatc hangesi nt hei nt er nat i onal s y st em occ uraf t erwar sf or av ar i et yofr easons .Pr i mar i l y ,heci t est wosc hol ar sofI nt er nat i onal Rel at i ons,Gi l pi nand Kr at z enst ei n,i nt hei ranal y sesoft henat ur eofhi s t or yandhi st or i cal c hange;Gi l pi npr oposedt hats y st emi cchangef r equent l yoccur r edaf t erdr amat i corepi sodi cmoment s ,and Kr at z enst ei nwr ot et hathi st or yi sa“ sequenceofi r r egul arbi gbangs ”( I k enber r y ,2001,7) . I fweacc eptt hatwari sonesuch‘ bi gbang’ ,anepi sodeoft ur moi landupheav al ,andt hat t heseev ent sar ewhatdr i v eal ar geamountofhi s t or i cchange,t heni tmak ess enset oconc l udet hatwardoesatl easthav et hepot ent i al t ohav es i gni ficanthi s t or i calc onsequences . Mor et angi bl y ,I k enber r yt henexpl ai nst hatt hi socc ur sbecaus ewart endst oendwhenone s i dehaswonandhas ,ass uch,est abl i shedapos i t i onofsuper i orpowert ot hel oser( I k enber r y ,2001,5) .Thi senabl est hevi ct or ,knowi ngt hatt hepowergapwi l lshr i nkdur i ngpost warr ecov er y ,t oenf or cecondi t i onsupont hel oser/l osi ngpower swhi c hshapet hepost wari nt er nat i onals y st em i nt hei rf av our ;i ndeed,t hemor eext r emet hepowergapaf t ert he war ,t hemor echanget hevi ct orcanenf or ce( I k enber r y ,2001,5) .Theev i dencef ort hi st heor y ,hepoi nt sout ,i st hatt hei nst i t ut i onal i sat i onofi nt er nat i onalor derhasdev el opedi n s pur t ssi nce1815,mos tof t en,andmosts i gni ficant l y ,af t eral ar gewarasi n1815,1919, and1945( I k enber r y ,2001,4) .

Theex ampl eoft heSecondWor l dWarf ul fil st hes econdi t i onswel l .Nev erhasast at e emer gedf r om al ar geconfli ctasi nt er nat i onal l ydomi nantast heUni t edSt at esaf t ert he SecondWor l dWar ;and“ i nt hey ear sbet ween1944and1951,t heUni t edSt at esandi t sal l i esbr oughtabouthi s t or y’ smosts weepi ngr eor gani s at i onofi nt er nat i onal or der ”( I k enber r y , 2001,163) .Si nce1954t her ehav ebeenv er yf ewi nt er st at ewar s ,andt hoset hater upt ed wer er es t r ai nedbys uper poweri nt er v ent i on-al t houghsomewoul dar guet hatmor econfli ct wasal soc r eat edbyt hepr ox ywar soft heCol dWar( Kal dor ,2006,31) .Kal dorar guest hat t heI r anI r aqwar ,whi chl ast edf orei ghty ear s,i sact ual l yanex cept i onwhi chpr ov est he r ul e,f ori twasonl yt hepr esenceofoi l ,andr el at i v el yl owi nfl uenceoft hesuper power s,i n bot hcount r i est hatf aci l i t at edt heper pet uat i onoft hewar( Kal dor ,2006,31) .Ass uc h,t her e i sas t r ongopi ni ont hatt hecondi t i onsaf t ert heSecondWor l dWarwer econduci v et o l ar gesc al ei nt er nat i onalr ef or m att hehandsoft heUni t edSt at es,andagener al agr eementt hatt heUni t edSt at esdi di ndeedt ak et hi soppor t uni t yandshapedt hei nt er nat i onal s y s t em. Howev er ,whi l s tI k enber r yst at est hatt heper i odsi ncet heSecondWor l dWarhasbeent he mos tst abl eandpeacef ulper i odi nr ec enthi st or y ,Iwoul dcont estt hathei sonl yhal fr i ght ( I k enber r y ,2001,5) .Whi l stt her ehasnotbeenanot herWor l dWarsi nce1945,andAmer i canhegemonyemer gedt r i umphanti n1989,confli ctbl oodi ert hananyot hert i mehaspepper edr ecenthi st or yandatt i mes ,suchasi n1961,t hef r agi l i t yoft hebi pol ars y s t em was ev i denti nt het er r i f y i ngcl osenesswi t hwhi cht hewor l dc amet onuc l earwar .Theact ual poss i bi l i t yofnucl earwarr emai nsani nt ensear eaofdebat e,butt hef actr emai nst hati n t hebi pol arconfli ctbet weent heUSandt heUSSReachpar t yposses sedweaponsof mas sdest r uct i on,t hepot ent i aluseofwhi chent er edi nt opol i t i cal confl i ctuponsev er aloccas i ons.Ass uch,Iwoul dagr eewi t hI k enber r yt hatt heSecondWor l dWardi dpr oducean i ncr edi bl ys t abl ei nt er nat i onal s y st em,butwi t ht hecav eatt hatt hei nt er nat i onals y s t em had t ogot hr oughanot herwari nt hemeant i met or eacht hi ss t abi l i t y-t heCol dWar .Ast he condi t i onsatt heendoft heCol dWarwer egener al l yi npl acebef or ei tbegani n1949,one coul di nt er pr ett hathadt heCol dWarnotemer gedt hi ss y st em ofor derwoul dhav e emer gedst r ai ghtoutoft heSecondWor l dWar ,wi t hper hapsal i t t l el es saggr ess i onf r om t heAmer i cans ,orpar anoi af r om t heSovi et s ;howev er ,t hi si sc ount er f act ual specul at i on.

Ot hereffect soft heSecondWor l dWarupont hei nt er nat i onal s y st em ar el essgr andt han t he‘ wart oendal l war s ’br anch,butal sol essc ont ent i ous .Thefir sts ucheffecti st hei ns t i t ut i onal i sat i onofi nt er nat i onalor der .Af t ert hewart her ewasal ar gegr owt hi nt henumber andr eac hofi nt er nat i onal or gani s at i ons ,f r om t hegl obal UNt ot her egi onalOEEC( Or gani s at i onf orEur opeanEconomi cCooper at i on) ,andt hedi s par at e,or‘ cul t ur al ’ Commonweal t h( I k enber r y ,2001,16773) .I ndeed,“ t hewest er ni ndust r i al or derwasc har act er i sed bymul t i l ay er edi ns t i t ut i onsandal l i ances ,openandpenet r at eddomes t i cor der s ,andr eci pr ocal andl ar gel yl egi t i mat emechani smsf ordi s put er es ol ut i onandj oi ntdeci s i onmaki ng. ” , andt hi si sachar act er i s t i cuni quet ot hepos t1945per i od-f orwhi l stt heLeagueofNat i ons at t empt edt ocr eat es uc hat hi ng,i tdi dnotgof arenoughanddi dnotsucc eed( I k enber r y , 2001,210) .Fur t her mor e,t heUNwasnotj ustani nst i t ut i onal i sat i onoft hepr act i ceswhi ch wer ecomi ngt odomi nat et hei nt er nat i onal s y st em,i twasal soani ns t i t ut i onal i sat i onoft he nor mat i v ev al ueswhi c hwer ebei ngcel ebr at edi n1945.Li ber aldemocr ac y ,pac i fis m,economi ccooper at i on-t hesewer eal l v al ueswhi cht heUni t edSt at esandheral l i eswant edt o engenderi nt hepost warwor l d,andwer e,ass uch,wor k edi nt ot heUNChar t er( Ur wi n, 1981,54) .I tmustal sobesai datt hi sj unct ur e,t hatt hei nst i t ut i onal i sat i onofi nt er nat i onal or deri n1945al sol ock edsev er al out dat edf act or si nt ot hei nt er nat i onals y s t em,suc has gi vi ngFr anceandBr i t ai naseatont heUNSecur i t yCounci l ,as i deeffectoft hesepower s bei ngont hes ames i deast heUni t edSt at eswhens heemer gedhegemon( May al l ,2005, 293) .Howev er ,i tr emai nst hecaset hatt hei nst i t ut i onal i sat i on,andi ndeedt hes ucces sf ul i nst i t ut i onal i sat i on,orsuchst andar dsoft hei nt er nat i onals y s t em r emai nsanewconcepti n i t sel f ,andass uc hcanber egar dedasagenui neeffectupont hei nt er nat i onals y s t em, br oughtaboutbyt heSecondWor l dWar . Topar t nert hegr owi ngi ns t i t ut i onal i sat i onoft hei nt er nat i onal s y st em,t her ear oseani nc r easei nt hepowerandnumberofbi ndi ngal l i ancesandt r eat i es .NATO,whi chwas moot edi ni t i al l yasal oosecol l abor at i onbutwhi chbecamet ot al l ybi ndi ngi n1950,andi t s par t nert r eat y ,t heWar sawPactof1955,wer ek eyf eat ur esoft hepost wari nt er nat i onalor der ,andonewhi chhel pedc ementt hedev el opmentoft hebi pol aror der( I k enber r y ,2001, 166) .Theyal s or epr esentt hegr owi ngt r eet owar dsi nt er nat i onal i sm i nt r eat i es ,ass hown byt hecr ossAt l ant i cc har act erofNATO,andt hesheernumberofst at esi nv ol v edi nt he War s awPact .Theseal l i ancescont r asts t ar kl yt ot hosechangeabl eandv ol at i l eal l i ance s y s t emsofbef or et heFi r s tWor l dWar ,orev ent heabandonedAngl oAmer i canGuar ant ee andunhonour edFr ancoCz ec hal l i ancepr i ort ot heSecondWor l dWar .I ndeed,t hepos t -

waral l i ancesbl ur r edt hemi l i t ar ypoweroft hev ar i ouss t at ess oc l osel yt hat“ i nt egr at ed commands y st emsest abl i s hedami l i t ar ydi vi s i onofl abouri nwhi c honl yt hesuper power s hadt hei ndependentcapaci t yt owagef ul l sc al ewar s”( Kal dor ,2006,31) .I ndeed,i npar t i cul ari nr el at i ont oNATO,manyEur opeancount r i esabandonedt hef or mer l yneces sar y guar ant eeofs ov er ei gnt y ,t hatmonopol yofl egi t i mat eor gani s edv i ol ence,andpl acedt hei r s ecur i t yi nt hehandsoft heUni t edSat es .Thi si npar t i cul arr epr esent st hechangi ngnat ur e ofal l i anceswhi chdev el opedaf t ert heSecondWor l dWar ,andt hegr owi ngt r endt owar ds i nt er dependence. Aswi t hmostconfli ct s ,t heSecondWor l dWarpr oducedandv i ct or i ousgr oupofst at es,and agr oupof‘ l os er s ’ .Andwhi l stt het r ans f erofhegemonywasnotas i mpl eequat i onofl os er t ov i ct or ,i twasi ndeedav i ct or ,t heUni t edSt at es ,whi chemer gedashegemon.I k enber r y definest heAmer i canhegemonypost waras“ anopenorpenet r at edhegemony ;anext endeds y st em t hatbl ur r eddomes t i candi nt er nat i onal pol i t i csasi tc r eat edanel abor at e t r ansnat i onal andt r ansgov er nment al pol i t i cal s y st em wi t ht heUni t edSt at esati t sc ent r e” ( I k enber r y ,2001,203) .Thi si npar tr eflect st hepr ev i ousanal ys i soft hei ncr easei ni nst i t ut i onal i sat i on,butal s os howshowt heUni t edSt at esus edi t shegemoni cposi t i ont obi ndt he post warst at esi nt oamor ecompl exs y st em t hansi mpl ehegemoni cdomi nat i on.Andt he Amer i cani nv ol v ementi nEur opewasnotsi mpl yar es ul toft hegr owi ngf earofSov i et power ;asear l yas1943Chur c hi l l hadpr oposedpl ansf oranAmer i canseatonv ar i ousEur opeancounci l s ,andt hedev el opmentofapr ec ur sort oNATO /t heG8,whi cht heUni t ed St at esgov er nmentwer eser i ousl ycons i der i ng( I k enber r y ,2001,206) .Ass uch,i ti smor e l i k el yt hatt hei nv ol v ementoft heUni t edSt at esi nEur ope,andr es ul t i ngi nt er nat i onal i sat i on oft heAmer i canhegemony ,canbeatl eastpar t l yat t r i but edt ot heconsequencesoft he SecondWor l dWar ,andnotonl yaspar toft heCol dWar . J ustast hehegemonywaspas sedt ot heUni t edSt at es ,i twast ak enf r om West er nEur ope, whi c hr et r eat edf r om i t spr ev i ousposi t i onont hei nt er nat i onals t age( May al l ,2005,293) . Whi l stEur opemostdefini t el yr emai nedabat t l egr ound,ort heat r e,f ormanyev ent soft he Col dWar ,i npar t i c ul arupt ot he1960s ,i tceas edt obeanact oratt hel ev el t hati thadbeen dur i ngt he19t handear l y20t hCent ur i es .Howev er ,t hecol l apseoft he“ Eur opeanEmpi r e” wasf arl es sdr amat i ct hanpr ev i ousdemi sesofEmpi r es ,pot ent i al l ybecausei twasmanagedbyabeni gnhegemonwhi chhadav est edi nt er es ti nWest er nEur opeanst abi l i t y ( May al l ,2005,293) .Thi si sposs i bl yaconsequenceoft hef actt hatt het r ans f erofhege-

monybet ween1939and1945wasnotf r om l osert ov i ct or( asi nt heNapol eoni cWar s) , nordi di tr emai ni nt hehandsoft hevi ct or( asi naf t ert heFi r s tWor l dWar ) ,butt r ans f er r ed bet weendi ffer entv i ct or s. Anot herk eyconsequenceoft heSecondWor l dWarwashowt hehegemoni cposi t i onof t heUni t edSt at esper mi t t edi tt opushi t sagendaofdemoc r at i sat i on,whi chmani f est edi ni t i al l yi nt heMar shal l Pl anof1948ands ubsequenteffor t st opr opupl i ber al gov er nment s acr os sEur ope.Thi sf oundoneofi t smostdr ast i ceffect si nt hedecol oni al i sat i onmov ement ,whi c hemer geds ost r ongl yf r om t heendoft hewar( I k enber r y ,2001,173) .Ur wi n i dent i fiest hat ,par t i cul ar l yi nt her egi onsofNor t hAf r i ca/ Ar abi a,Sout handSout hEast Asi a,andSubSahar anAf r i ca,Eur opeancol oni al power swer ef or c edt oi nv ol v et r oops f r om t hecol oni es;I ndi ai npar t i c ul arsuffer edf r om adr af tf ors ol di er s ,whi c hgr eat l yex acer bat edt heI ndi ani ndependencemov ementunderGhandi( Ur wi n,1981,192) .Thi sc ost t hecol oni al power spr es t i ge,andi ns omecas esev endr ov et hem outoft hecol oni es ,onl y t ober epl acedbyt he‘ emanc i pat i ng' Uni t edSt at es ,f orex ampl ei nmanypaci fi ccol oni es ( Ur wi n,1981,193) .TheBr i t i s hCommonweal t hwaspr obabl yt heonl ys i gni ficantr emnant oft hecol oni al per i od,butwasf armor eal ongt hel i nesofani ns t i t ut i onal i sed,cul t ur al or gani sat i ont hanani mper i al met hodofcont r ol .Ass uch,decol oni al i s at i oncanbeseenasa s y s t emi ceffectoft heSecondWor l dWari ni t sownr i ght ,andal sof eedsi nt ot hegr owi ng t r endt owar dsdemocr at i sat i on/l i ber t y ,andl ast l yt hei nst i t ut i onal i sat i onoft hepost wari nt er nat i onals y s t em. Fi nal l y ,t heSecondWor l dWarhadas i gni ficanti mpactupont henat ur eofwari t sel f ,f r om causesandj ust i fi cat i onst oconduct .Theact i onsoft heNaz i s ,par t i c ul ar l yt hehol ocaust , br oughtt heconceptofgenoci deandwarcr i mesi nt ot hev ocabul ar yofwar ,br oadeni ngt he t r adi t i onal scopeoft hec ausesofwar sf r om r el at i onsofpower( Kal dor ,2006,27) .Kal dor goesasf arast os t at et hatt heSecondWor l dWarwas ,f ort heal l i es ,a“ waragai nstev i l ” , andt hi sr epr es ent showal ongwi t ht hei s sueofgenoci de,nor mat i v ev al uesbecamemor e i nfluent i al i nt heanal y s i sofwar s;t hi si ncl udest henor mat i v ej udgementt hatt heper pet uat i onofwari ni t sel fi swr ong,whi chor i gi nat edi nVer sai l l esandwaspi ck edupev enmor e s t r ongl yi n1945( Kal dor ,2006,29) . I nt er msoft henat ur eofwari t sel f ,t heSecondWor l dWarr edefinedTot al War ,pushi ngt he boundar i esofwhatpeopl ewoul dt ol er at ei nt heconductofwar .Kal dorsuggest st hatt he popul at i onsoft heUni t edSt at esandWest er nEur opeonl yt ol er at edt heSecondWor l dWar

becauseoft heheav i l ynor mat i v eel ement sof‘ def endi ngdemocr ac y’ andant i genoc i de whi c ht hewes t er ngov er nment sl oudl yc hampi oned;howev er ,af t ert heSecondWor l dWar , t hepopul at i onsoft hewes t er ncount r i eswer ei nc r edi bl yadv er set ot hei deaoff ur t herwar wi t ht heSovi etUni on,l eadi ngt ot heI r onCur t ai nr at hert hananot herconfli ct( Kal dor ,2006, 2930) .I ndeed,t hi sobj ect i ont owarwasal s ocodi fiedi nt heUNChar t er ,agai nshowi ng t heex t entofi nst i t ut i onal i sat i onaf t ert heSecondWor l dWar .Bey ondt ot al ,i nt er st at ewar , ot herf or msofwarwagedwer ei nt r i nsi cal l yc hangedaswel l :s mal ls cal ewar s,of t enbet weenonedomi nat i ngpowerandoneweak er ;ci vi lwar s;andguer r i l l awar sbecamet he mos tcommonf or msofconfli ctaf t er1945( Kal dor ,2006,3032) .Whi l stt hecasual t i esand br ut al i t yoft hes ewar swasc ompar abl et ot hatoft heSecondWor l dWar ,i nt er msofi nt er nat i onal i nv ol v ement ,andi mpact ,t heyhadagr eat l yr educedeffect .Nuc l earweaponsar e t hefinal el ementoft hechangi ngnat ur eofwar ,andasIment i onedneart hes t ar toft hi s es say ,t heact ual l yl i k el i hoodoft hei rusei ss t i l l cont es t ed;whi l s tsomec l ai mt hatnucl ear weapons ,andpar t i c ul ar l ymut ual nucl earcapabi l i t y ,nul l i f yamaj orcaus eofwar( t hepot ent i alf orast at et ogai nf r om t heconfli c t ) ,ot her ssuggestt hatt heev ent soft heCol dWar , andpar t i c ul ar l y1962,wer esi mpl yl uckyi nt hei rav oi danceofnucl earwar( Kal dor ,2006, 34) . Toconcl ude,t heSecondWor l dWarpr ov i desacl earex ampl eofawarwhi c hdi di ndeed hav ef arr eac hi ngs ys t emi cc onsequences .Whi l stmi norel ement soft hepr ev i ousor der wer ecar r i edf or war dsi nt ot hepost wars y s t em,suc hasEur opeani nfluenceont heUNSec ur i t yCounci l ,andot hereffect soft hewarar eques t i oned,suchast hel egac yofor derand peace,i ngener al t her ear esev er als y s t emi cconsequenceswhi c har ewi del yacc ept edas r es ul t soft hewar .Thesei ncl udet hedecol oni al i sat i onbyEur opeanpower s ,t hei nst i t ut i onal i sat i onofbot hpr act i cesoft hei nt er nat i onal s y st em andpost warnor mat i v ev al ues ,and t hechangi ngnat ur eofwar f ar e.Oft hese,t hei nst i t ut i onal i sat i onofpr act i ceandnor mswas t hef ar t hes tr eac hi ngandt hemosts t r i ki ng,aswel l ast hef ul fil mentofal egac ybeguni n 1815,andass uchi sper hapst hemos ts i gni fi cantoft hes y s t emi ccons equencesoft he SecondWor l dWar .

Bi bl i ogr aphy: I k enber r y ,G.2001.Af t erVi c t or y .Ox f or d:Pr i ncet onUni v er si t yPr es s. Kal dor ,M.2006.NewandOl dWar s .Cambr i dge:Pol i t y . May al l ,J.2005.TheShadowofEmpi r e:TheEUandt heFor merCol oni al Wor l d.I n:Hi l l , C. ,andSmi t h,M. ,eds .2005.I nt er nat i onal Rel at i onsandt heEur opeanUni on.Oxf or d: OUP Ur wi n,D.1981.Wes t er nEur opeSi nce1945.London:Longman...

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