Polisci quizlet 2021 PDF

Title Polisci quizlet 2021
Course Poli Sci
Institution The University of Western Ontario
Pages 4
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Ideology- A set of ideas that provides the basis for organized political action, whether aimed at preserving, modifying, or overthrowing the existing system of power. Describe what is, explain why it is, propose what should be, and provide a program of action. The three parts of ideology- A worldview of the existing order, a vision of the future good society, an explanation of how political change can and should happen. Values of the left- liberty, equality, community/fraternity Values of the right- order, authority, hierarchy The left on human nature- believe in optimism and social progress The right on human nature-pessimism and skepticism about change The left on state intervention- More state intervention ie. economic regulation The right on state intervention- Less state intervention ie. deregulated markets Examples of classical ideologies- Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism, Fascism Examples of new ideologies- Feminism, Ecologism, Religious Fundamentalism, Multiculturalism Brian Barry's three characteristics of a liberal state- religious toleration, freedom of the press, and abolition of servile social status Brian Barry"- said "no religious dogma can be reasonably held with certainty" Themes and features of liberalism- individualism, freedom, reason, justice, toleration, Rule of Law, social contract, constitutionalism Natural rights- basic moral entitlements that give rise to universal duties Adam Smith- Advocated for economic liberalism. Capitalism/Commercial society is good. Social Darwinism- The strongest/smartest/most industrious will survive and deserve to. The state shouldn't interfere. (Herbert Spencer) Themes of Classical Liberalism- individuals are predominantly self-interested, negative freedom, the state as a necessary evil, positive view of society as a realm of freedom (ex. free market) Themes of Modern Liberalism- individuality, positive freedom, social liberalism, economic

management (Mill, Green on positive freedom, Rawls, Keynes) Welfare Liberalism- Main obstacles to freedom = poverty, ignorance, prejudice, and sickness. Governments can promote freedom by addressing these issues. (T.H. Green) Sources of classical liberalism-natural rights, utilitarianism, economic liberalism, social Darwinism Conservatism- Focuses on tradition, human imperfection, and society as a living organism. (Edmund Burke and Joseph de Maistre) Three objections to radical change (Albert Hirschman)- Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy Libertarian Conservatism-Reject traditional conservative emphasis on tradition, authority, and organic society. Defend private property rights and laissez-faire free market economy, and need a strong state to maintain order. The New Right- Combines two contrasting ideologies: neoliberalism and neoconservatism (liberal new right and conservative new right in notes). Examples = Thatcher and Reagan Core Socialist Themes- community, cooperation, social equality as a demand of justice, significance of socioeconomic class, common ownership: against private property and capitalism Famous defenders of socialism-Thomas Moore, Saint-Simon, Fourier, Robert Owen, Karl Marx/Friedrich Engels Themes in Marx -religion, alienation , history, exploitation, class struggle, the state, revolution Friedrich Engels' objections to capitalism-Destructive trade cycle (boom/bust), large number of unproductive people, the capitalist market generates unjust inequalities Eduard Bernstein-Evolutionary socialist: no need for revolution. Revise Marx's claims, a peace movement for change, socialist parties can achieve social reforms. Fabian socialism in Britain- Parliamentary path to socialism - "replace bullets with ballots" Fascism-"Fasces" (strength through unity), Totalitarian Reactionary, Counter-enlightenment, Nationalism, Elitism, Irrationalism Nazism-Blood and soil nationalism, Need for a strong, dominant leader, Lebensraum (living space), Social Darwinism, Racism and anti-Semitism

Feminism-End patriarchy and the subordination of women (liberal = change laws and institutions, radical= overcome sexist attitudes and beliefs) Anthropocenehomo -sapiens have more effect on the environment than the environment has on us Deep ecology-Calls for a radical change in our consciousness/mindset toward the environment Shallow ecology-Calls for institutional change in states and markets to protect humanity. (otherwise called environmentalism) Serious Environmental Problems-Loss of natural resources, ceilings on needed resources, harmful things we generate, population growth and per capita impact Thomas Midgley-"More impact on the atmosphere than any other organism" - leaded gasoline (ethyl), invented freon which makes fridge's possible Ecological Ethic-we are part of an interconnected natural system, respect for all life, humans have enormous power to do good or harm , stewardship for future generations The Gaia Hypothesis-concept of British scientist James Lovelock. The Earth and its creatures constitute a single, self-regulating system that is one organism . Four themes of Religious Fundamentalism-Religion as politics (denial of separation), the fundamentalist impulse, anti-modernism/selective modernism, militancy Islam-One of the three Abrahamic religions, Mohammed as prophet, Qur'an as holy book of God's wisdom Five Pillars of Islam-Shahadah (profession of faith), Salat (ritual prayer), Sakat (charity), Sawm (annual fasting), Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) Four External threats to Islam-Crusades, European imperialism, the state of Israel, Western ideas of modernity Radical Islamism-A fundamentalist political ideology not to be confused with Islam. Sayyid Qutb-Most influential radical Islamist thinker. Appalled by America (racism, inequality, sexual promiscuity, etc) Jahiliyya-Period of darkness of ignorance. Qutb argues that we are in a new age of ignorance. False Consciousness-People can't see their true situation or desires - the reason Muslim's

don't revolt against western influence Multiculturalism-Cultural diversity of modern societies, challenging the idea of the "normal" citizen. Rejects exclusion, assimilation, marginalization, and silencing. Three types of minority rights-Self-government rights as a response to majority nationbuilding. Polyethnic rights for ethnic groups and religious minorities (exemptions and public funding). Special representation rights in public positions. Three approaches to social advancement for minorities-Republicanism: equal legal and political rights. Redistribution: social rights and equal opportunity. Recognition: endorsing cultural difference...

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