Politics is the authoritative allocation PDF

Title Politics is the authoritative allocation
Author Md Riyad Hosen
Course Government & Politics
Institution University of Dhaka
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An Assignment On “Politics is the authoritative allocations for the society”

Submitted To: Md. Al- Amin Lecturer Department of Political Science University of Barishal

Submitted By: Md. Abul Kasem Rifat Serial No: 60 Session: 2019-2020 Department of Political Science University of Barishal

Date of Submission: 30/05/2020

Introduction: Politics refers to a set of activities associated with the governance of a country or an area especially the debate between parties having power. It involves making decision that apply to members of group. It also involves the use of power by one person to affect the behavior of another person. It refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance organized control over a human community, particularly a state. Politics is the way that people living in groups make decisions. Politics is about making agreements between people so that they can live together in groups such as tribes, cities, or countries. In everyday life, the term “politics” refers to the way that countries are governed and to the way that governments make rules and laws. On the other hand, authority is that form of power which is legalized and legitimized. Authority is closely associated with power. Authority is formal or legal as distinguished from personal power. Authority is a form of power a statute giving power to a minister. The power or right to make decisions, give orders enforce obedience a person or organization having political or administrate called authority. Where there is a legal basis with power, it is called authority. If a person has power due to special office, he occupies that is known as authority. Authority is the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience. Authority are the people who have the power to make decisions and to make sure that laws are obeyed. Authority is the power to influence others especially because of one’s commanding manner or one’s recognized knowledge about something. Authority is the right to command and control other people. ➢ Power + legitimacy = Authority Authority consist of two important components: power and legitimacy. Authority means legitimate power which has been approved by the people or power in accordance with the constitution or the law of the state. A government officer is competent to use authority- his authority is clearly defined.

Base of Politics: In politics, the term base refers to a group of voters who almost always support a single party’s candidates for elected office. Base voters are very unlikely to vote for the candidate of an opposing party, regardless of the specific view’s candidate holds. Politics is the word which comes from the ‘Greek’ word ‘polis’ which means “affairs of the city.” The singular politic first attested in English 1430 and comes from middle French politique, in turn from Latin politics, which is Latinization of the Greek ‘politics’ meaning amongst others “of, for, or relating to citizens,” “civic”, “belonging to the state,” in turn from (polites), ‘citizen’ and that from ‘city’. In other words, politics is the study of a city state. It has grown to encompass more than just city affairs, but civics and state affairs.

Definition of Politics: ➢ Politics is activities which improving someone’s status or increasing power an organization. ➢ Politics is the activities of governments concerning the political relations between states. ➢ For Aristotle, “the father of political science, it is “the master science” from this view, politics is an ethical activity concerned with creating a just society.” ➢ For Machiavelli, “politics is an art of coming to power and retaining the power.” ➢ For Henry Adams, “politics is the systematic organization of hatreds.” ➢ For Karl Marks, “politics is merely organized power of one class to oppress another class.” ➢ According to the Easton, “politics is the authoritative allocations of values for the society.” ➢ According to Harold Laswell, “politics is the stud of influence and the influential or the study of shaping and sharing of power.” ➢ According to Catting, “politics is the study of human and social control.” ➢ For Hannah Arendt, “politics is acting in concert.” ➢ Politics is the action of the government as law making and executing body. ➢ Politics is the action of the political parties and leaders aimed at achieving or relating power. ➢ Mahatma Gandhi is often quoted to have said, “politics without ethics is a sin.” ➢ Politics is policy formulation and policy implemental.

Allocating scarce values of politics: Politics is a process of allocating scarce values. Politics = Allocation Wealth Values (Resources)

Power Status


The Authoritative Allocation of Values: Late political scientist David Easton once defined politics as “the authoritative allocation of values” for the society. Easton, in a Framework for Political Analysis, uses the term ‘political system’ to designate the pattern or system of human inter-actions and relationship in any political society through which authoritative allocations are made and implemented allocations that binding on all members of the society and recognized as such by the great majority of the members.

Politics can be defined as the authoritative allocation of values. Before we can begin to understand what that means, we need to know who said it. That analysis came from David Easton, a Canadian-American political scientist of the 20th century. Easton was an early figure in the discipline of political sciences who argued that there was no working definition of his field and that scholars needed solid frameworks that could be used to concretely and consistently analyze politics as a scientific discipline. Luckily, Easton was prepared with a framework. In 1953, he proposed a systems theory for political science, or a framework in which various human behaviors either create input or are affected by output within a system of political actions. This five-step system organized political actions into loops of feedback between the various citizens and leaders in a political system, all based around human behaviors and human actions.

A rough outline of a political system according to Easton.

So, David Easton had defined the concept of a political system.

Authoritative Allocation of Values: Easton defined political system in terms of human behavior. That was step one. Step two was defining their purpose, and that's where we begin to understand the nature of politics. According to Easton, political systems are maintained by specific sorts of interactions between people: those that authoritatively allocate values for a society. Great. So, what does this mean? A value, in this analysis, is anything of worth. It can be a material object as well as an ideology, goal, social ranking, or anything else that lots of people deem to be valuable. You may have heard politicians talk about things like family values or national values or humanitarian values. Those matter to our political decision-making behaviors just as much as money and things of physical value.

Parts of Authority: Two things are involved in the concept of authority a position or role in an institution and individual occupying that position. Role means the sector of pattern expectations about behaviour that the member of society attaches to a position. An institution is a set of interrelated roles designed to organize and coordinate behavior as to perform a function. Authority is attached to these positions. Authority means the agreed upon certain enabling rights to control certain people on certain issues within a political system. Authority is that power which is popularly or constitutionally recognized as rightful or legitimate. In short, Authority is legitimate power, the right to give commands that people have a moral obligation to obey. No government can long function without some degree of authority.

Sources or types of Authority: According to Max Weber, there are three types or source of authority: i. ii. iii. I.

Traditional Charismatic Legal-rational

Traditional Authority: Traditional authority is a form of leadership in which the authority of an organization or a ruling regime is largely tied to tradition or custom. Traditional authority based on ancient customs or traditional or conventions. It is based on the development and persistence of habits of obedience over many generations. Example this type of Authority: British King and Queen.


Charismatic Authority: Charismatic authority is power legitimized by a leader’s exceptional personal qualities which inspire loyalty and obedience from followers. It involves a type of organization or a type of leadership. Charismatic authority refers a person who has some extraordinary personal qualities. Such as truthfulness, heroism, personal charm, good character. From this quality he/she can lead that man’s people. And the people’s following this leader usually charismatic leaders emerge only in time when the social and political crisis. Example of this type of authority: In 1971, Bangabandhu perorating for the means people. The man’s people follow up his speak. And all the Bengali people fight against Pakistan army. Here Bangabandhu is a charismatic leader.


Legal-rational Authority: Legal-rational authority is a form of leadership in which the authority of an organization or a ruling regime is largely tied to legal legitimacy and bureaucracy. Legal-rational authority is such types of authority where obedience is commanded not by custom or accepted by the public. Example of this authority: Modern government bureaucracy system. According to Max Weber, no governmental systems go by without these three kinds of authority. It is possible to find a mixture of two or three these types in one regime.

Conclusion: At last, we can say that there is a morality of the common people be this power and the common people accept that powerful person then he/she can be called authority. One the other hand, authority as a concept, can be used to mean the right to exercise of power given by the state or the academic knowledge of an area or in societies, by higher spiritual power. A good authority can move a society or towards progress with the right direction. Authority plays an important role for every society. Politics is not described in a world. The extent of politics is very large. Because it is predominating everywhere. Politics is something that can not be avoided in human life. It can be found in the government of a country, town, political party, civic, association and many other organizations for this reason Aristotle said that, “politics exists everywhere.” Politics is all about the rule of order, to put everyone in society in their right niche, for true development....

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