POM MCQs - Production and Operation Management- Multiple Choice Question for Online Exams PDF

Title POM MCQs - Production and Operation Management- Multiple Choice Question for Online Exams
Author Sad SB
Course Production and operations management system
Institution Bangalore University
Pages 6
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Production and Operation Management- Multiple Choice Question for Online Exams...


1. Select the odd one which is not the dimension of quality? A. Response. B. Reliability. C. Reputation. D. Reassurance 2. ___________ study is concerned with the determination of the amount of time required to perform a unit of work. A. method B. motion C. work D. time 3. The 4Ms does not include___________. A. men. B. material. C. message. D. machinery. 4. In which type of production system the unit cost of production is low? A. Combined production B. Continuous production. C. Intermittent production. D. Custom production 5. All of the following decisions fall within the scope of operations management except for ______________________. A. financial analysis B. design of products and processes C. location of facilities D. quality management 6. ___________ may be defined as the ratio between output and input. A. Production. B. Productivity. C. Batch production. D. Job production.

7. Henry Ford is noted for his contributions to ____________________. A. standardization of parts B. statistical quality control C. assembly line operations D. scientific management 8. Product layout is suitable for _________ type of production. A. small. B. mass. C. less. D. medium 9. More textile mills in Coimbatore is mainly due to _________. A. no other industry can be setup in this area. B. regulation by govt. C. climate. D. power supply. 10. Operations management is applicable ________________. A. mostly to the service sector . B. to services exclusively . C. mostly to the manufacturing sector . D. to manufacturing and service sectors 11. Which of the following would not be an operations function in a fast-food restaurant? A. Making hamburgers and fries. B. Advertising and promotion. C. Maintaining equipment. D. Designing the layout of the facility 12. The main components of production system include which of the following? A. Men, material. B. Services, satisfaction. C. Input, process, output. D. Process, service

13. Which of the following is not a typical service attribute? A. Intangible product. B. Easy to store. C. Customer interaction is high. D. Simultaneous production and consumption 14. The primary function of plant maintenance does not which of the following_______. A. maintenance of existing plant and equipment. B. alterations to existing equipment and buildings. C. selling of old machineries. D. equipment inspection and lubrication. 15. The function of _______________ involves the decision when, what, how, and why to produce goods . A. production planning. B. production control. C. method analysis. D. quality control. 16. Ship Building and Aircraft manufacturing is an example of ________ type of layout . A. combined. B. matrix. C. fixed. D. group 17. Which of the following services is not unique, i.e., customized to a particular individual's needs? A. Hairdressing. B. Elementary education. C. Legal services. D. Dental care 18. The manager of inventory would most likely be found in the __________. A. finance function. B. marketing function. C. manufacturing function. D. information system function. 19. Mass production is characterized by _________________. A. Low volume high variety. B. High volume low variety. C. High volume high variety. D. Low volume low variety. 20. ___________ is the ratio of available goods and services to the potential resources of the community or the country. A. Purchasing power. B. Simulation. C. Productivity. D. Demography

DAY 2 21.Performance appraisal is also known as ______. A. merit rating. B. quality rating . C. credit rating. D. critical rating 22. Productivity can be improved by __________. A. increasing inputs while holding outputs steady . B. decreasing outputs while holding inputs steady . C. increasing inputs and outputs in the same proportion . D. decreasing inputs while holding outputs steady .

23. The service sector has lower productivity improvements than the manufacturing sector because ___________. A. the service sector uses less skilled labor than manufacturing . B. the quality of output is lower in services than manufacturing . C. services usually are labor intensive . D. service sector productivity is hard to measure . 24. Semi skilled people may be appointed in this ________ manufacturing system. A. job shop. B. continuous. C. intermittent. D. hybrid 25. _______ is a vital aspect of the managerial process. A. Controlling. B. Communication. C. Performance-appraisal. D. Merit rating. 26. _________ records graphically or diagrammatically, in sequence the movements connected with a process. A. Process chart. B. Route chart. C. Flow chart. D. Handling chart. 27. __________ is the first step in method study. A. Examine the facts. B. Record the present method. C. Develop best method. D. Select the work to study. .28. _____________ is one of the functions of materials management. A. Selling finished goods. B. Collection of bad debts. C. Receiving and warehousing. D. Managing cash flows.

29. The vendor rating is the process of rating the ______. A. suppliers . B. buyers. C. manufacturers. D. sellers 30. For a production manager, the product is________________ A. Optimal blend of uses. B. Optimal blend of services. C. Combination of surfaces. D. Combination of properties. VED analysis of inventory management stands for_________ A. Vital-Essential-Desirable B. ValuableEasy-Difficult C. Very-Essentially-Desired D. Valuable-Effective-Difficult to obtain

The material handling device which moves materials between two fixed points is _____________. A. conveyors. B. cranes. C. hoists. D. trucks A mission should be ________ both in terms of intension and words. A. simple B. brief C. clear D. vague

Due to availability of ___________, quality of the products produced by the manufacturers remains same. A. technology. B. raw materials. C. machineries. D. human resource.

Chances of accidents are more in ________ manufacturing system . A. continuous. B. intermittent. C. hybrid. D. job shop Which is not a part of 5R's of buying? A. Right quality. B. Right quantity. C. Right source. D. None of the above. ________family is primarily concerned with quality management. A. ISO 9004. B. ISO 14000. C. ISO 9000. D. ISO 14001. _________is carried out to verify whether a quality system is effective and suitable. A. Quality audit. B. Quality assurance audit. C. Quality verification. D. Quality analysis.

RPN in total quality management denotes _______. A. Risk priority number. B. Return priority number. C. Risk preference number. D. Return preference number Which of the following inputs has the greatest potential to increase productivity? A. Labor . B. Globalization . C. Management . D. Capital ____________ is defined as a technique of foreseeing or picturing ahead every step in long series of separate operations, each step is to be taken in the right place, of the right degree, and at the right time and each operation is to be done at a maximum efficiency. A. Production planning. B. Production control. C. Inventory control. D. Process control. Building construction and maintenance, maintaining service facilities such as water, gas, steam, compressed air, heating and ventilating, air conditioning, painting, plumbing and carpentry work includes _______________ type of maintenance . A. electric maintenance. B. civil maintenance. C. corrective maintenance. D. preventive maintenance. ______________ material handling device is used to move the material of different sizes and weights. A. Industrial trucks. B. Trolley. C. Crawlers. D. Cranes THERBLIGS was coined by _____________. A. Taylor. B. Gilberth. C. Henry Ford. D. Adam smith. The __________ approach considers only the immediate future. A. situationalistic approach. B. holistic approach. C. systems approach. D. tactical approach The legal functions that board of directors of any company are described in _______. A. partnership act. B. companies act. C. MRTP act. D. Indian companies act. 1. ___________ formulates long term plans for the organization.

A. Staff members. B. Business executives. C. Chief executives. D. Board members. ______________ type of layout are suitable for non repetitive or standard types of production . A. Process. B. Product. C. Group. D. Matrix Which of the following is not a computerized technique for layout planning? A. CAD. B. ALDEP. C. CRAFT . D. CORELAP. In a __________ Layout all machines or process of the same type are grouped together. A. Fixed position. B. Factory. C. Process. D. Product. ___________ states the image which the organization wishes to project. A. Objectives. B. Plan. C. Vision. D. Mission. The products that are made correctly and customized to consumer needs are called __________. A. core products. B. essential products. C. durable products. D. core services. Productivity measurement is complicated by _____________. A. the competition's output . B. the fact that precise units of measure are often unavailable . C. stable quality . D. the workforce size . Three commonly used productivity variables are _________________. A. quality, external elements, and precise units of measure . B. labor, capital, and management . C. technology, raw materials, and labor D. education, diet, and social overhead The first activity of purchasing cycle is _________. A. Communicating requirement to the purchase. B. Source selection and development. C. Recognizing the need for procurement. D. Inspection of goods Congestion is more in ________ layout. A. process. B. product. C. fixed. D. cellular. The decision in a sequential sampling scheme is taken ______. A. after inspecting the sample as a whole. B. after selection and inspection of items one by one. C. before inspecting the sample as a whole. D. before selection and inspection of items one by one Productivity tends to be more difficult to improve in the service sector because the work is_________________. A. often difficult to automate . B. typically labor intensive . C. frequently individually processed and customised. D. often an intellectual task performed by professionals. 9:47 am

Supplier rating system is also referred to as a _________used to obtain an over all rating of suppliersperformance . A. score card system. B. open ended system . C. credit card system . D. sub system. 9:51 am

Who among the following is associated with contributions to quality control in operations management? A. Charles Babbage. B. Henry Ford. C. Frank Gilbreth . D. W. Edwards Deming 9:53 am

Which is not true regarding differences between goods and services? A. Services are generally produced and consumed simultaneously, tangible goods are not. B. Services tend to be more knowledge-based than products. C. Services tend to have a more inconsistent product definition than goods. D. Goods tend to have higher customer interaction than services.

________ type of layout is a combination of functional layout and line layout. A. Cellular. B. Group. C. Product. D. Process....

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