Portfolio Unit 5 - assignement PDF

Title Portfolio Unit 5 - assignement
Author Theo p.
Course Financial Accounting
Institution University of the People
Pages 3
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In personal and workplace settings, conflicts inevitably occur. Conflicts must be resolved as soon as they are recognized. Conflict resolution styles, such as avoidance, competition, accommodation, compromise, and collaboration are used to address conflict situations. In the following scenarios, sug...


In personal and workplace settings, conflicts inevitably occur. Conflicts must be resolved as soon as they are recognized. Conflict resolution styles, such as avoidance, competition, accommodation, compromise, and collaboration are used to address conflict situations. In the following scenarios, suggest the appropriate conflict resolution style(s). Explain your rationale for the choice and the anticipated outcome. 1. Laura has planned to take a day off this week. Her supervisor Tara noticed that work demands will be high on the day of her request. She wants Laura to reschedule her day off with the promise to allow her flex time and leave as soon as the job is accomplished. In that case, the best option possible or style is the compromising style. By asking for laura privately if possible to reschedule her day off you send her the message that the decision belongs to her and give her the consideration she deserves. One mistake that managers or leaders do most of the time is to try to force or impose the decision and the outcome never good. Hence, Laura should compromise her week off to resolve the conflict as Tara's requirement of completion of the tasks under Laura's job is more important than the day-off for Laura

2. Two talented but aggressive teammates want to show off their skills during a project meeting. One wants to take credit for the work he has done and the other tries to advance his ideas front and center. The team leader wants these two to work together well. For this case of figure, according to me the compromise and the collaborative style of negotiation will work. Compromise because each teammate has to make a room for the other teammate in other to have both of them meet in the middle and both be winning. This will have to work with each teammate in a mediation style. Another alternative is the Collaborating style is the process of finding a solution to a conflict that will meet the needs of all the entities involved in the conflict. Hence, the team leader should find a way in which both the teammates can get their wants fulfilled. ( Rudi G, 2019). This will resolve the conflict and both the teammates will get satisfied. This style will help the team leader in implementing equality among the teammates. 3. A company picnic is + being planned. Two subgroups are tasked to come up with a fun and enjoyable program for the employees and their families. One group has its own set of group activities while the other group leans more toward individual participation. At a recent communication meeting, the two groups have expressed their desire to work together. In this case the better option is the collaborative approach in that case each team coud associate their efforts in a global presentation for a sucessuful presentation and in oder to not create any frustuation Responding to the rumor mill, Mary confronted Alyssa at a coffee break for spreading lies about her love life. Mary was relentless and fuming mad about the situation. Entering the cafeteria, coworker Latisha witnessed the entire argument.

The avoiding style of resolving conflict should be used by AlyssaOne thing about rumors is that the more you tried to confront or stop it, it will go more viral. The best solution will be the avoid any confrontation 4. Mario who works as a front-line employee in a packing company is one of the most reliable in the group. One day, he received a phone call from his wife informing him that the babysitter for their two sons fell sick. He would have to come home because the wife must leave for work within the next hour. The line is short-staffed and supervisor Mark wants Mario to complete his duties. The compromising style of resolving conflict should be used by Mario and his supervisor Mark. This style involves finding a solution that will not please both of the entities. Your child's babysitter sickness is pretty serious due to the contact with the kid. Resolving it for a day would be better than having him out for weeks because his son is sick. One of the entities compromises to fulfill the requirements as the requirements are more important. Hence, Mark should compromise on the quality service by Mario for that particular day and find someone less competent for the place Mario as Mario's requirement of taking care of his children is more important in this case.

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