Portfolio ARW2 - trabajo 5 PDF

Title Portfolio ARW2 - trabajo 5
Author Marcela Moreno Maguiña
Course Inglés
Institution Educación Secundaria (Argentina)
Pages 11
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STUDENT: MORENOMAGUIÑA, MARCELATEACHER: KARLAVALLES2021PORTAdvanced Reading andWriting 2WRITING 1: SUMMARY ESSAYKOKO – THE SMARTEST GORILLA INTHE WORLDWe are curious to understand how animals communicate all the time. Pitifully animals do not communicate as we do. But some animals have the ability t...





KOKO – THE SMARTEST GORILLA IN THE WORLD We are curious to understand how animals communicate all the time. Pitifully animals do not communicate as we do. But some animals have the ability to learn sign language to communicate with us. For example, the great apes. And that's the case with the gorilla Koko who is considered the smartest gorilla in the world. She has a unique ability to learn sign language. Koko lived in California. She past her entire life at the Gorilla Foundation headquarters, which is responsible for teaching sign language to primates. Thanks to that, Koko achieved to understand over 2000 signs. So she acquired to have communication with humans. There was a controversy because she got an IQ higher than that of a developmentally disabled person. But that's comparisons like these don't make sense. Unfortunately, Koko died on June 19, 2018, at the age of 46. Foundation's employees were dismayed by her death because apparently, she was in good health. Since now Koko holds the record among ''nonhumans'' to show 1,000 AS (American sign language) characters and recognize over 2,000. Koko had good cognition; she was able to invent her own words. Also, she perceives the gestures for a finger and another for a bracelet. At the age of 19, she surprised the world by passing the so-called mirror test. She could recognized herself in the mirror and she doesn't discern herself to be another gorilla. Also, Koko could communicate her condition of prosperity, which was why researchers contended that Koko felt monitoring her reality.


We are curious to understand how animals communicate all the time. Pitifully animals do not communicate as we do. But some animals have the ability to learn sign language to communicate with us. For example, the great apes. And that's the case with the gorilla Koko who is considered the smartest gorilla in the world. She has a unique ability to learn sign language. Koko lived in California. She past her entire life at the Gorilla Foundation headquarters, which is responsible for teaching sign language to primates. Thanks to that, Koko achieved to understand over 2000 signs. So she acquired to have communication with humans. There was a controversy because she got an IQ higher than that of a developmentally disabled person. But that's comparisons like these don't make sense. Unfortunately, Koko died on June 19, 2018, at the age of 46. Foundation's employees were dismayed by her death because apparently, she was in good health. Since now Koko holds the record among ''nonhumans'' to show 1,000 AS (American sign language) characters and recognize over 2,000. Koko had good cognition; she was able to invent her own words. Also, She perceives the gestures for a finger and another for a bracelet. At the age of 19, she surprised the world by passing the so-called mirror test. She could recognized herself in the mirror and she doesn't discern herself to be another gorilla. Also, Koko could communicate her condition of prosperity, which was why researchers contended that Koko felt monitoring her reality.


KOKO – THE SMARTEST GORILLA IN THE WORLD We are curious to understand how animals communicate all the time. Pitifully animals do not communicate as we do. But some animals have the ability to learn sign language to share with us. For example, the great apes. And that's the case with the gorilla Koko who is considered the smartest gorilla in the world. She has a unique ability to learn sign language. The Gorilla Foundation headquarters where Koko lived was in California The Gorilla Foundation is responsible for teaching sign language to primates. Thanks to that, Koko achieved to understand over 2000 signs. So she acquired to have communication with humans. There was a controversy because she got an IQ higher than that of a developmentally disabled person. But that's comparisons like these don't make sense. Unfortunately, Koko died on June 19, 2018, at the age of 46. Foundation's employees were dismayed by her death because apparently, she was in good health. Since now, Koko holds the record among ''nonhumans'' to show 1,000 AS (American sign language) characters and recognize over 2,000. Koko had good cognition; she was able to invent her own words. Also, Koko perceives the gestures for a finger and another for a bracelet. At the age of 19, she surprised the world, bypassing the so-called mirror test. She could recognize herself in the mirror, and she doesn't discern herself to be another gorilla. Also, Koko could communicate her condition of prosperity, which was why researchers contended that Koko felt monitoring her reality. The article concludes by saying that Koko means "fireworks child" in Japanese Hanabi-Ko and refers to her birthday. They also mention that Koko spoke to each of the guests in sign language through a human interpreter who knew ASL, and she was tremendous for a gorilla – she weighed 127 kg, while the wild ones weigh up to 90 kg.


THESIS STATEMENT: We are curious to understand how animals communicate all the time. Pitifully animals do not communicate as we do. But some animals have the ability to learn sign language to share with us.

- SUPPORTIVE IDEAS (1,2,3,…): 1. Koko holds the record among ''nonhumans'' to show 1,000 AS characters and recognize over 2,000. 2. At the age of 19, Koko surprised the world, bypassing the so-called mirror test. 3. Koko perceives the gestures for a finger and another for a bracelet.

- CONCLUSION: The article concludes by saying that Koko means "fireworks child" in Japanese Hanabi-Ko and refers to her birthday. They also mention that Koko spoke to each of the guests in sign language through a human interpreter who knew ASL.


THE PILL THAT ALLOW YOU TO LIVE TWICE AS LONG If scientists could create a pill that allows people to live twice, maybe I wouldn't take it. It's not easy as it seems, eternity isn't so awesome. I think that there are pro and con. Every person desires to live vigorously and spend more quality time with loved ones or have more time to do many things or punctual things, except depressed people, hill people, and so on. Reasons to take this pill might seem like a no-brainer: People could spend more quality time with loved ones. People could try different careers or learn new languages to travel worldwide. Also, they could try other jobs to know what the best position is. Therefore, people couldn’t be worrisome about getting more time to resolve a problem utterly. They could have more time to resolve any issues. People could achieve their goals and watch future generation grow up. Also, people could experience new changes in their life using new technologies in the future. On the other hand, reasons not to take this pill: This pill won't solve any of our current social problems. All sorts of issues around like war and poverty will exist. And that people live longer. I don't think it helps at all. And about marriage, family and work will change in fundamental ways. Also, it will change the attitudes toward the young and the old. In conclusion, I said before, I will not take the pill. I prefer to live long enough and strive to achieve my goals. Spend my free time always with the people I love. And be tolerant of everyone.

TEACHER COMMENTS: If scientists could create a pill that allows people to live twice, maybe I wouldn't take it. It's not easy as it seems, eternity isn't so awesome. I think that there are pro and con. Every person desires to live vigorously and spend more quality time with loved ones or have more time to do many things or punctual things, except depressed people, hill people, and so on. Reasons to take this pill might seem like a no-brainer: People could spend more quality time with loved ones. People could try different careers or learn new languages to travel worldwide. Also, they could try other jobs to know what the best position is. Therefore, people couldn’t be worrisome about getting more time to resolve a problem utterly. They could have more time to resolve any issues. People could achieve their goals and watch future generation grow up. Also, people could experience new changes in their life using new technologies in the future. In conclusion, I said before, I will not take the pill. I prefer to live long enough and strive to achieve my goals. Spend my free time always with the people I love. And be tolerant of everyone.


THE PILL THAT ALLOW YOU TO LIVE TWICE AS LONG Have you ever imagined living twice as long as the average person or even more? If scientists could create a pill that allows people to live twice as long while remaining free of infirmities, would you take it? This proposal can be tempting since you will not suffer from diseases. There are pros and cons. Every person desires to live vigorously and spend more quality time with loved ones or have more time to do many things or punctual things. Next, I will give you two awesome reasons that would convince you to take this pill. The first reason is that you will have the opportunity to study different careers. And you will acquire more knowledge as time goes on. So, you couldn't be worrisome about having enough time to resolve a problem utterly fully. So, the phrase ''time is money'' is not a problem. The second reason is the privilege of not contracting diseases since it could increase the blood's defenses, and consequently, your body will take time to age. On the other hand, these are the reasons why you should not take that pill. The first is that there would be an inevitable increase in population. Since several generations would come together, that could be a radical change to society because of the diversity of beliefs. The second problem is poverty. Since there would be an excessive increase in the population, poverty would advance with it. And it would be a massive problem for underdeveloped countries since they could not overwhelm the entire population. In conclusion, after knowing the pros in cons, I would instead not take that pill. I prefer to live long enough to be able to achieve all my goals. To have time to spend with my family and friends. I will always try to be tolerant of society. And be as happy as a clam.

- INTRODUCTION (HOOK): Have you ever imagined living twice as long as the average person or even more? If scientists could create a pill that allows people to live twice as long while remaining free of infirmities, would you take it? This proposal can be tempting since you will not suffer from diseases. - SUPPORTIVE IDEAS (1,2,3,…): 1. You will have the opportunity to study different careers. And you will acquire more knowledge as time goes on. 2. The privilege of not contracting diseases since it could increase the blood's defenses, and consequently, your body will take time to age. 3. There would be an inevitable increase in population. Since several generations would come together, that could be a radical change to society because of the diversity of beliefs. 4. There would be an excessive increase in the population, poverty would advance with it. And it would be a massive problem for underdeveloped countries since they could not overwhelm the entire population.

- CONCLUSION: I would instead not take that pill. I prefer to live long enough to be able to achieve all my goals. To have time to spend with my family and friends.


VOLUNTEERING PROGRAM Have you ever proposed to participate in volunteering? Would you like to have the opportunity to change people's lives? Volunteering gives you the satisfaction of being able to play an important role in someone else's life. And not only that, but it also makes you feel proud of yourself because no one is forcing you to do it. Even though volunteering is a good idea for the students, it shouldn't be mandatory because they may have a negative experience and become resentful and never do volunteering again. One of the reasons for volunteering is the best way to spend your free time. Instead of sitting around, help society by helping those most in need with your time and talent. You can also meet new people. And with that, learn to work as a team, joining forces to achieve a determined objective, applying your knowledge and skills. And you may also discover talents or abilities that you do not know. Volunteering benefits you in your resume. It is an experience that many companies value. Since you develop leadership and teamwork skills, these characteristics are fundamental because you could face any difficulties. Volunteering helps you grow as a person and make yourself the right job candidate. In conclusion, although volunteering can be seen as a challenge at first, it inspires you to help the people who need it the most. Helping people in need that's what matters. Volunteering is about helping the community around you and, at the time, allowing yourself, whether that is for your career or just making yourself feel good.

- THESIS STATEMENT: Volunteering gives you the satisfaction of being able to play an important role in someone else's life. And not only that, but it also makes you feel proud of yourself because no one is forcing you to do it. - SUPPORTIVE THESIS (1,2,3,…): 1. The best way to Invest your free time. Instead of sitting around, help society by helping those most in need with your time and talent. 2. You can meet new people. And with that, learn to work as a team, joining forces to achieve a determined objective, applying your knowledge and skills. 3. You develop leadership and teamwork skills, these characteristics are fundamental because you could face any difficulties. - CONCLUSION: Volunteering is about helping the community around you and, at the time, allowing yourself, whether that is for your career or just making yourself feel good....

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