Pos 2041 exam 1 - Exam PDF

Title Pos 2041 exam 1 - Exam
Course Intro to US Government
Institution Nova Southeastern University
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Government Institutions and procedures through which a territory and its people are ruled

Politics The conflict over the leadership, structure, and policies of governments

Power Shared between States and the Federal government. Is not shared evenly, but the federal government has the final say.

Increased the American trust in the government from 44% to 56%. After this incident, the Department of Homeland Security was added to the Cabinet September 11, 2001 and its effect on the cabinet and the American people

Demos: People Kratia: Rule The rule of the people. The Greek words where democracy comes from and its meaning.

Inputs We the people with demands and supports (money)

Outputs Legislature, Executive, and Judicial power

Conversion Three branches

Political Efficacy The ability of the people to influence government and politics

People have low political knowledge and USA has the worst voter turnout. Issues concerning political apathy and being a good citizen

Basic foundation of who shows up to vote. Biggest voter turnout in America comes from 55 year old white males. Role of political involvement/activity and age, income, and education.

Authoritarian government group Concentration of power is in this group

Power Basic theory of constitutional and authoritarian government

Amendments 1-10 the Bill of Rights

Liberty, Equality, and democracy American core political values and the conflicts that have occured

Yes Power is shared between the states and federal government:

435 How many people are in the House of Representatives

100; two per state How many people are in the Senate

2/3 of Congress (2/3 of 435 and 2/3 of 100) How much of Congress does it take to override a veto

1. Federal and State government 2. Checks and balances 3. Separation of power and state 3 constructs in the Constitution

Yes There are no absolutes in the Constitution

Yes Is trust in the government at an all time low?


Percentage of population that think Congress is doing a good job

Nebraska Only state with a unicameral government

18 trillion Amount of debt the USA has accumulated

Unitary Government Type of government America had under the king from 1600-1700's

Confederal government Central government has less power and the power rests with the members

Congress Made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate

New Jersey Plan Stated smaller states needed to have equal representation among the 13 states

Virginia Plan Larger populated states have more problems and therefore need more representations

Connecticut Compromise

Led to the creation of the Senate and the House of Representatives

1. Congress can declare war 2. President is the commander in chief during this time Powers found in the US Constitution

Legislative Branch Article 1 of the Constitution creates the :

Executive Branch Article 2 of the Constitution creates the:

Judicial Branch Article 3 of the Constitution creates the:

Relationships among the states Article 4 of the Constitution deals with:

The 2 step process supermajority needed to ratify amendments Article 5 of the Constitution deals with:

The federal law is supreme over state law (Supremacy Clause) Article 6 of the Constitution deals with:

The ratification of the Constitution Article 7 of the Constitution deals with:

The Bill of Liberties/Rights What are the first 10 Amendments in the Constitution know as:

Legislature What was the one branch in the Articles of Confederation?

2/3 of Congress 3/4 of states holding a convention The 2 step process to ratify amendments in Article 5:

Checks and Balances Mechanisms through which each branch of government is able to participate in and influence the activities of the other branches; Ex: Presidential veto power over legislative, Senate power to approve presidential appointments, and judicial review of congressional enactments.

Federalism A system of government which power is divided, by a constitution, between a central government and regional government.

21st Which amendment was not ratified by 3/4 of states?

18th (prohibition) Which amendment was repealed

1789 When did the Constitution take effect?

Constitution Most powerful law of the land as determined by the Supreme Court

5 How many Cabinet positions were there originally?

3 Least amount of electors a state can have.

270 Simple Majority

Bolting When the electors don't reflect the state's votes

McCulloch v. Maryland One of the most powerful Judicial Output: Doctrine of implied powers was executed for the first time, which used the "elastic clause" as the basis for constitutional implication.

Judiciary Act of 1789 Case about judicial review; First major piece of legislature output.

Inherent, Innumerate, implied, and reserved powers to the states Powers of the Constitutions

Section 8 of Article 1 in the Constitution Explains what Congress shall do

Section 9 of Article 1 in the Constitution. Explains what Congress shall not do

Section 10 of Article 1 in the Constitution Explains what states may and may not do.

Amendment 1 Speech Press Assembly Religion Petition

Amendment 5 Due process (fair treatment) for the federal government:

Amendment 8 No excessive fines and cruel and unusual punishment

Amendment 10 Separation of Powers

Amendment 13 Outlaws slavery

Amendment 14 Due process for the state government

Amendment 15 The right of Black males to vote in 1870

Amendment 16 Congress has no power to lay and collect taxes on income

Amendment 18 The Prohibition of intoxicating liquors

Amendment 20

Terms of the President and VP shall end at noon on Jan 20 and the terms of Senators and House Reps shall end on Jan 30 at noon; Congress shall assemble for a meeting every 3rd day of Jan. If the president elect dies before taking office, the VP elect shall take his place

Amendment 21 Repeal of the 18th amendment

Amendment 26 Voting for those 18 and older in 1971...

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