Post Lab Separating the Components of Panacetin PDF

Title Post Lab Separating the Components of Panacetin
Course Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
Institution University of Maryland Baltimore County
Pages 2
File Size 33.6 KB
File Type PDF
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lab report...


Sept 20, 2015 Post Lab Separating Panacetin Lab

1.a)Af t eraddi ngdi c hl or omet hanet opanac et i n,y oudi dn’ ts t i ror s hak et hemi x t ur el ongenough? Ther ewoul dbeal owper cent ageofs uc r oser es i duel ef tov er andhi ghper c ent ageofpanacet i n b)Dur i ngt heNaHCO3ex t r act i on,y ouf ai l edt omi xt heaqueous andor gani cl ay er st hor oughl y I ft hel ay er swer en’ tt hor oughl ymi x edt heny ouwoul dhav ea l owerper cent ageofs odi um acet y l s al i c y l at eandahi gher per c ent ageofas pi r i n c )Youmi s t ak enl yex t r ac t edt hedi c hl or omet hanesol ut i onwi t h5% HCLr at hert han5% NaHCO3. Aspirin couldn't form its salt without NaHCO3, so it wouldn't go to aqueous layer, and would stay with dichloromethane. No aspirin would be extracted, and remain with unknown (higher %)

d) Used litmus instead of ph paper for a ph of 7. The issue with litmus is that it only has 2 colors (red-Acidic, Blue-Basic). Therefore the pH reading wouldn’t be specific if you didn’t use pH paper.

2.p.24,#4( Hi nt :ac et ami nopheni sas t r ongerac i dt hanwat er . ) Youhav et ofir s tfil t ers uc r osewi t hdr y i ngagentandfi l t er paper .Ther es ul t i ngl i qui di ny ourEr l enmey erfl askwi l lbe ac et ami nophenandas pi r i n.AddCH2Cl 2t ol i qui d,whi c hwi l l beus edt of or m anor gani cl ay er .ThenaddNaHCO3anddo al i qui dl i qui dex t r ac t i on.Af t ert hatt her esul t i ngor gani cl ay er s houl dhav eac et ami nophenonl y ,whi l et heaqueousl ay er s houl dhav eas pi r i nandNaHCO3.AddHCLoranot her s t r ongac i dt ot heas pi r i nmi x t ur et oi s ol at ei t . 3.Supposear eact i onmi x t ur e,whendi l ut edwi t hwat er ,affor ded300mL ofanaqueouss ol ut i onof30goft her eact i onpr oductmal ononi t r i l e [ CH3( CN) 2] ] ,whi chi st obei s ol at edbyex t r ac t i onwi t het her .The

s ol ubi l i t yofmal ononi t r i l ei net heratr oom t emper at ur ei s20. 0g/ 100mL, andi nwat eri s13. 3g/ 100mL.Keepi ngi nmi ndt hatKdi st her at i oof s ol ubi l i t i esi nt het wos ol v ent swhatwei ghtofmal ononi t r i l ewoul dbe r ecov er edbyex t r ac t i onbya100mLpor t i onofet her ....

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