Practical Handout Digestive System Part I a PDF

Title Practical Handout Digestive System Part I a
Author 雨 樱
Course Traditional Chinese Medicine
Institution Xiamen University Malaysia
Pages 14
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MED103 Practical Handout DIGESTIVE SYSTEM I Objectives This chapter should help the student to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

List the organs of the alimentary system Describe the role of each organs in the system’s function Describe the structure of tongue Describe the structure of oesophagus Describe the structure of stomach Describe the structure of small intestines Describe the structure of large intestines

Instruction 1. Study and observe the diagrams, specimens or models given to you. 2. Look at the each diagram below, identify each label and write its name in the space given. 3. Please answer all the questions in the spaces given.

General Overview Using the terms provided, please complete these statements: Tube Accessory organs


Gastrointestinal tract

gastrointestinal tractextending The digestive system consists of the digestive tract, a ________ accessory organs from the mouth to the anus, and its associated _______________ (primarily glands), which secrete fluids into the digestive tract. The alimentary digestive tract is also called the ____________ canal. The term tube _______________ technically refers only to the stomach and intestines but is often used as a synonym for the digestive tract.

Prepared by AP. Dr. Che Norma Mat Taib Department of Human Anatomy, FMHS, UPM.


Match these terms with the correct statement or definition: Salivary glands & tonsils Oral cavity Oesophagus Salivary glands & tonsils ________________ Oral cavity ________________ Stomach ________________

Oesophagus ________________


1. Accessory organs of the oral cavity. 2. The first section of the digestive tract; surrounded by the lips, cheeks, teeth, and palate. 3. Part of digestive tract with many tubes like glands that release acid and enzymes; mixes acid, enzymes and food together. 4. The structure that connects pharynx and stomach.

Oral Cavity Match these terms with the correct statement or definition: Lingual tonsil Mastication Intrinsic muscles Buccal fat pad Speech Buccinator muscle Sulcus terminalis Fauces Vestibule Extrinsic muscles Lingual frenulum Palate Buccinator muscle _________________ Vestibule _________________ Palate, fauces _________________ Extrinsic muscles, Intrinsic muscles _________________

Mastication, speech _________________

Lingual frenulum _________________ Buccal fat pad _________________ Sulcus terminalis _________________ Lingual tonsil _________________

1. Muscle that flattens the cheek against the teeth. 2. Space between the lips or cheeks and the alveolar processes. 3. Posterior boundary of the oral cavity; opening into the pharynx 4. Muscles attached to the tongue and move the tongue. 5. Two important functions of the lips, cheeks and tongue. 6. Thin fold of tissues; attaches tongue to floor of the mouth. 7. Structure that round out the profile of the side of the face. 8. Groove that divides the tongue into two portions. 9. Lymphatic tissues on the posterior one third of the tongue.

Prepared by AP. Dr. Che Norma Mat Taib Department of Human Anatomy, FMHS, UPM.


List the frenulum that you can see from this diagram. Superior labial frenulum, lingual frenulum, inferior labial frenulum _________________________________________________________ State the function of frenulum. to provide stability of the upper and lower lips and the tongue _________________________________________________________ State the action of ‘A' during swallowing process. prevents food and liquid from going up to the nose when swallowing _________________________________________________________ State the boundaries of oral cavity lips Anteriorly: __________________________________ oropharynx Posteriorly: __________________________________ palate Superiorly: __________________________________ tongue Inferiorly: __________________________________ cheeks Laterally: __________________________________

Prepared by AP. Dr. Che Norma Mat Taib Department of Human Anatomy, FMHS, UPM.


State the group of muscles of tongue and list the main action for each of the group muscle. 1. Intrinsic muscles: alter the shape of tongue 2. Extrinsic muscles: changes the position of tongue as in chewing and also moving the tongue from side to side as well as in and out

Label the muscles of tongue that you can see from this diagram.

Palatoglossus Styloglossus muscle

Genioglossus Hyoglossus muscle

Name the muscle(s) that can Styloglossus muscles Retract the tongue:_____________________________________ Genioglossus Protract the tongue. ____________________________________

Prepared by AP. Dr. Che Norma Mat Taib Department of Human Anatomy, FMHS, UPM.




List the projections/papillae present in area A. Filiform, Fungiform, Circumvallate, Foliate _______________________________________________________ Name the tonsil present in area B. Palatine tonsil, lingual tonsil _______________________________________________________ State the function of tonsil. trap and stop germs from entering human body through the mouth or nose _______________________________________________________ Answer the questions below 8 1. Number of incisors in each quadrant of the mouth. _______ 4 2. Number of canines in each quadrant of the mouth. _______ 8 3. Number of premolars in each quadrant of the mouth. _______ 8 4. Number of molars in each quadrant of the mouth. _____ __

Prepared by AP. Dr. Che Norma Mat Taib Department of Human Anatomy, FMHS, UPM.


Match these terms with the correct statement or definition: Periodontal ligament Primary teeth Gingiva Dental alveoli Cementum Wisdom tooth Periodontal ligament __________________ 1. Connective tissue that holds the teeth in the alveoli. Gingiva __________________ 2. Dense fibrous connective tissue and stratified squamous epithelium that covers the alveolar ridges. Dental alveoli __________________ 3. Sockets containing the teeth. Primary teeth __________________ 4. Deciduous teeth; also called milk teeth. Cementum __________________ 5. Bone like structure which helps anchor the tooth in the jaw Wisdom tooth __________________ 6. Usually appear in a person’s late teen or early Twenties

Prepared by AP. Dr. Che Norma Mat Taib Department of Human Anatomy, FMHS, UPM.


Using this diagram determines the 4 planes that divide the abdominal cavity into 9 regions. Name the regions below.


B. Epigastric




Right lumbar


Right iliac




Umbilical region





Left lumbar

Left iliac

List the organs lie in the area A, G and H. right portion of liver, gallbladder, lidney and intestines A: _____________________________________________ appendix, cecum and right iliac fossa G: _____________________________________________ bladder, part of sigmoid colon, anus, uterus and ovaries or prostate H: ______________________________________________________ Peritoneum Define peritoneum the serous membrane forming the lining of abdominal cavity and covers the abdominal organs _________________________________________________________ Define mesentery a double fold of peritoneal tissue that suspends the small intestine and large intestine from the posterior abdominal wall _________________________________________________________ List the organs that classified as a) Intraperitoneal organ: liver, spleen, stomach, superior part of duodenum, jejunum, ileum, ____________________________________________________ transverse colon, sigmoid colon and superior part of rectum ____________________________________________________ b) Retroperitoneal organ: inferior of duodenum, ascending colon, descending colon, middle third of rectum, ____________________________________________________ pancreas, ureters, kidneys, adrenal glands, renal vessels ____________________________________________________

Prepared by AP. Dr. Che Norma Mat Taib Department of Human Anatomy, FMHS, UPM.


State the function of mesentery. attaches intestines to the abdominal wall, helps storing fat and allows blood vessels, lymph vessels and nerves to supply intestines

List out the structures localised in the mesentery. mesocolon, mesorectum, mesosigmoid _________________________________________________________

Oesophagus Define the oesophagus. a muscular tube that connects mouth to stomach _________________________________________________________ State the beginnings and endings of the oesophagus. level border cricoid Begins: __________________________________ level of T11 in gastric cardiac orifice Ends: ___________________________________ List the 4 constriction areas present in the oesophagus. at its beginning (C6) _________________________________________________________ where it is crossed by aortic arch (T4) _________________________________________________________ at the left main bronchus (T5-T6) _________________________________________________________ it crosses the diaphragm at oesophageal hiatus (T10) _________________________________________________________ Using a different colour of arrow, indicate the constriction areas of oesophagus.

Prepared by AP. Dr. Che Norma Mat Taib Department of Human Anatomy, FMHS, UPM.


State the clinical significance of it. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

Stomach Match these terms with the correct statement or definition: Rugae Fundus Cardiac sphincter Pyloric sphincter Muscularis layer Cardiac sphincter _______________ Rugae _______________

Muscularis layer _______________

Pyloric sphincter _______________

Rugae _______________ Fundus _______________

1. Structure surrounds the gastroesophageal opening. 2. Large mucosal folds formed when the stomach is empty. 3. Part of the stomach wall that consists of longitudinal, circular and oblique layers of smooth muscle. 4. Relatively thick ring of smooth muscle that surrounds the opening between the stomach and the duodenum. 5. Non permanent folds in the stomach. 6. Part of the stomach that fills with air.

Prepared by AP. Dr. Che Norma Mat Taib Department of Human Anatomy, FMHS, UPM.


Pyloric sphincter

Small Intestine Match these terms with the correct statement or definition: Duodenum Peyer’s patches Jejunum Ileum Ileocecal sphincter Ileocecal valve Peyer's patches _______________ Ileocecal valve _______________ Jejunum, ileum, duodenum _______________

Ileocecal sphincter _______________

1. Aggregations of lymph nodules in the ileum. 2. One-way valve at the ileocecal junction. 3. Two parts of the small intestine that are the major sites of nutrient absorption. 4. Ring of smooth muscle located at the junction of the ileum and the large intestine (ileocecal junction).

Prepared by AP. Dr. Che Norma Mat Taib Department of Human Anatomy, FMHS, UPM.


Match these terms with the correct statement or definition: Colon Jejunum Rectum Anus Cecum Ileum Duodenum Colon ________________ Jejunum ________________ Duodenum ________________

Anus ________________ Ileum ________________ Rectum ________________

Cecum ________________

1. Part of the large intestine with ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid segments. 2. Second segment of the small intestine; major site of absorption. 3. First segment of the small intestine, with the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas as major accessory structures. 4. Inferior termination of the digestive tract. 5. Third segment of the small intestine; more mucus secretion and less absorption occurs here. 6. Part of large intestine between sigmoid colon and anal canal. 7. First segment of the large intestine, a blind pouch to which the vermiform appendix attaches.

Large Intestine Match these terms with the correct statement or definition: Sigmoid colon Taenia coli Vermiform appendix Descending colon Anal canal Epiploic appendages Ascending colon Anus Transverse colon Epiploric appendages ________________ Rectum ________________ Anal canal ________________ Haustra ________________ Transverse colon ________________ Crypts ________________

Rectum Crypts Haustra

1. Small, fat-filled connective tissue pouches attached to the outer surface of the colon. 2. Straight, muscular tube between the sigmoid colon and anal canal. 3. Last 2 to 3 cm of the digestive tube. 4. Pouches formed in the colon when the taenia coli contract. 5. Portion of the colon that extends from the right colic flexure to the left colic flexure. 6. Straight tubular glands in the epithelium of the large intestine.

Prepared by AP. Dr. Che Norma Mat Taib Department of Human Anatomy, FMHS, UPM.


Sigmoid colon ________________ Taenia coli ________________

7. Portion of the colon that forms an S-shaped tube that ends at the rectum. 8. Three bands of longitudinal smooth muscle that run the length of the colon.

Assays 1. Briefly explain the differences between jejunum and ileum.

Characteristics Colour

Jejunum Deeper red

Ileum Paler red

2-4 cm

2-3 cm

Thick and heavy

Thin and light




Vasa recta


Caliber Wall

Arterial arcades

Fat in mesentery Circular folds/ Plicae circulares Lymphoid nodules

A few large loop

Short Many short loop



Large, tall and closely packed

Low and sparse, absent in distal part



2. Briefly describe the structural characteristic distinguishing the large and small intestines. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Prepared by AP. Dr. Che Norma Mat Taib Department of Human Anatomy, FMHS, UPM.




Name the labelled structures X, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23 and 30. X: 17: 18: 19: 22: 23: 30:

Prepared by AP. Dr. Che Norma Mat Taib Department of Human Anatomy, FMHS, UPM.


Will you observe taenia coli in the rectum? ____________ State the location of structure no. 18. ________________________________________________________ At which point you can localize the base of structure no. 18. ________________________________________________________ State the location of pain when the structure no. 18 become inflamed. ________________________________________________________ Name the folding inside structure no. 17. State their function. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ List TWO (2) sphincters in structure Y. _________________________________________________________

Prepared by AP. Dr. Che Norma Mat Taib Department of Human Anatomy, FMHS, UPM.


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