Practical - Quantitative Determination of Proteinconcentration Using the Biuret Test PDF

Title Practical - Quantitative Determination of Proteinconcentration Using the Biuret Test
Author xEatMeUp .
Course Biology I
Institution Monash University
Pages 10
File Size 276.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 40
Total Views 130




Practical 1


Specific learning objectives  To introduce general techniques for assaying biochemical compounds using as an example, protein, one of the major chemical constituents of living cells.  To use these techniques to develop and test a hypothesis related to a biological question.  To develop skills in graphical presentation of experimental results.

Note: Before arriving to class, make sure you read and understand the information in the first few pages of this practical. This information will be assessed via a quiz at the beginning of the practical session. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: You will need your own sharp HB pencil, a ruler and eraser for the practical class and post-lab test.




Read the following concepts from Campbell Biology (10th Ed, Australian version).  Concept 2.3  Concept 5.4  Concept 10.1 Before coming to the practical, using the textbook and these notes, make sure you are able to define the following terms. absorbance amino acid buffer control covalent bond


4. 5.

peptide bond pH photosynthesis polypeptide

protein reagent blank rubisco standard curve

Please view the video ‘How to use a spectrophotometer pre-lab video’. This video is available in the ‘Laboratory Information’ block of Moodle under ‘Technical Resources’. Read and understand the introduction to this practical. You will be assessed on this information in the pre-lab quiz. It is essential you can answer pre-lab questions 1-3 (found on p1.4) before attending this practical. The links and information within the Introduction will help you answer question 3. Your TA will assess your understanding of these questions in a pre-lab discussion prior to beginning the ‘wet’ practical.

LINKS For further information on proteins and protein structure, see Kimball’s Biology Pages at:

INTRODUCTION Proteins are long chains constructed from amino acid building blocks linked together by covalent peptide bonds. Peptide bonds are formed by a dehydration reaction (i.e. the formation of a larger molecule from smaller units accompanied by the elimination of water) between two amino acids.

amino acid

amino acid

peptide bond

(For more detail see Figure 5.15 in Campbell Biology 10th Ed’) 1.2

A solution of alkaline copper sulphate (called biuret reagent) reacts with compounds containing peptide bonds to give a violet-coloured complex. The intensity of the colour is a measure of the number of peptide bonds, and therefore an indication of the amount of protein in the sample. The procedure for determining the concentration of protein in an unknown solution is to first construct a standard curve (Fig. 1) by reacting biuret reagent with standard protein solutions of known concentration, and then plotting the intensity of colour of the solution against protein concentration. Intensity of colour is most easily determined by measuring the absorbance of the solution using a spectrophotometer. The absorbance is the amount of light absorbed by the coloured solution and is typically proportional to the concentration of pigment in that solution.




0 0






Protein concentration (mg ml-1) Figure 1. An example of a standard curve of absorbance plotted against protein concentration for solutions of known protein concentration. Once a standard curve has been constructed, it can be used to calculate the protein concentration of an unknown solution by finding the protein concentration that corresponds to the absorbance reading obtained for that unknown solution (Fig. 2).


absorbance of unknown solution



protein concentration of unknown solution

0 0






Protein concentration (mg ml-1) Figure 2. Determination of the protein concentration of a solution using the standard curve in Figure 1. 1.3

EXPERIMENTAL QUESTION Photosynthesis is the process by which atmospheric CO2 is fixed by plants. In the Calvin cycle, each molecule of CO2 is added to a molecule of ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP), a five-carbon sugar with a phosphate group on each end. The enzyme that catalyzes this step is RuBP carboxylase (rubisco for short). This enzyme is by far the most abundant protein in chloroplasts, often forming about 80% of total leaf protein. When a plant is photosynthesising rapidly, rubisco levels are usually high. Today you will use a technique commonly used by biologists to measure the protein concentration in plants and animals. You will first prepare a series of standards and construct a standard curve. You will then use this standard curve to determine the concentration of protein in two silverbeet leaf extract solutions grown under different growth conditions. As rubisco is the most abundant protein in plants, we will assume (for this experiment) that any difference in rubisco concentration between the leaf extracts will also be evident in the total leaf protein, i.e. that leaves with decreased concentrations of rubisco will have decreased levels of total protein. Consider your answers to pre-lab questions 1-3. Your answer to Q 3. will serve as your hypothesis for the remainder of this practical.


Lab coats must be worn for the duration of this practical class. Safety glasses must be worn for the duration of the class. Biuret is caustic. Please take care when using it.

PRE-LAB QUESTIONS Q 1. In this practical exercise you will be using biuret reagent. Why is biuret reagent used in this experiment? Q 2. What is the experimental reason for constructing a standard curve? Q 3. Based on the above information and your own thinking, which plant do you hypothesize will have more rubisco, one raised in the sun or one raised in shade?


EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Work in pairs Part 1. Constructing the standard curve You have been given a standard protein solution in a phosphate buffer (tube labelled "BSA" for bovine serum albumen) with a protein concentration of 10 mg ml -1. The buffer acts to stabilise the pH of the solution in order to prevent deterioration of the protein. Table 1. Experimental protocol for construction of the protein standard curve. Tube 1






Buffer (ml)







BSA Protein solution (10 mg ml-1) (ml)







Biuret reagent








Total volume








Final protei n concentration (mg ml-1) Absorbance

1. Take 8 colorimeter tubes and label them 1 – 6 (as per above table), and ‘Sun ’ and ‘Sh’. The labels must be written within the top 1 cm of the tube to avoid interfering with the absorbance measurement. 2. Carefully insert the pipette labelled "buffer" into the "pi pump" supplied. See Appendix 1 on the whiteboard for a demonstration on how to do this. Hold the pipette close to the label at the top of the pipette. Insert the pipette firmly into the pi pump as far as it will go without forcing it. Warning: Do not hold the pipette at a distance from the end you are inserting into the pi pump because it might flex and break! 3. Practice using the pi pump with a little buffer by drawing it up and releasing it back into the buffer tube a few times. 4. Pipette into tubes 1 - 6 the volumes of buffer indicated in Table 1. Note: the pipettes on your bench are 1 ml pipettes. The “0” level on the pipette equals 1ml in volume - if you are not sure, ask a TA .


5. Change the pipette in the pi pump to the one labelled "BSA". Pipette into tubes 1 - 6 the volumes of protein solution indicated in Table 1. 6. When all the tubes are prepared, add 4 ml of biuret reagent to each tube from the auto-dispenser in the fume cupboard. The auto-dispenser is set at 4 ml. To dispense the biuret, simply pull the piston up as far as it will go and then release it. Note: biuret is caustic so wash your hands with water if spillage occurs. 7. The final volume of each tube should be identical (5.0 ml). Cap the six tubes and mix the contents by inverting them several times. Record the time. Leave at room temperature for 25 minutes to fully develop the colour. The colour is stable for up to two hours. Absorbance should be measured within this time. ** To save time, commence Part 2 preparations of Sun and Shade solutions before proceeding to the calculations below. ** Calculation of the protein concentration in tubes 2 - 6 (mg protein/tube) While you are waiting for the colour to develop in your samples calculate the protein concentration in tubes 1 - 6 and enter the results in Table 1. The general equation for calculating concentrations in samples with different volumes is: Concentration (pre-dilution) x Volume (pre-dilution) = Concentration (post-dilution) x Volume (post-dilution) C1V1 = C2V2


For example, the protein concentration in tube 2 is calculated as follows: Tube 2 contains 0.2 ml of a solution with a protein concentration of 10 mg ml-1, i.e. C1V1 = 10 mg ml -1 x 0.2 ml. The solution is then diluted to a final volume of 1.0 ml (V2) with an unknown concentration (C2). Using the formula above 10 mg ml-1 x

0.2 ml




1.0 ml 10 mg ml-1 x 0.2 ml

Concentration of tube 2 (C2)



1.0 ml =


2 mg ml-1

Measuring the Absorbance (refer to pre-lab video on this procedure in Moodle!) The amount of colour in a solution can be measured by measuring its absorbance, using a spectrophotometer. When light passes through a coloured solution, the amount of light absorbed is proportional to the number of molecules in the light path and to the length of the path the light has to travel, because the light becomes more scattered the further it travels. In a spectrophotometer, light passes through a solution in a tube of standard diameter. The transmitted light falls on a photoelectric cell and the current produced is a direct measure of the light transmitted through the solution. The absorbance of the solution (i.e. the light absorbed by the solution) is read directly from the instrument. Since the amount of protein in the experimental solutions is proportional to the amount of colour after adding biuret reagent, we can use the absorbance measurement to determine protein concentration. Note that absorbance has no units. It is the amount of light absorbed across selected wavelengths, calculated as the logarithm of the reciprocal of transmittance (the fraction of light passing through the solution, not absorbed by it). Tube 1 is called the "reagent blank" as it is used to correct for any colour produced by the reagents themselves in the absence of any protein. By using this tube to zero the spectrophotometer, the amount of colour produced by the reagents alone is automatically subtracted from all the reaction tubes. We have set the wavelength of light to 520 nm in the spectrophotometer, which is optimal for absorption by the violet-coloured biuret-protein complex. There is little absorbance by chlorophyll at this wavelength, so the green colour of your plant solutions will not be detected (and will therefore not interfere with the measurement of protein). Read the instructions next to the spectrophotometer. After setting the spectrophotometer to zero with tube 1, read and record in Table 1 the absorbance of tubes 2 - 6. (Note: Use the same spectrophotometer in subsequent experiments).

F 1. Using 1 or 2 mm graph paper, plot absorbance on the y-axis against protein concentration on the x-axis to obtain the standard curve, as in the example in Figure 1. Make sure that your figure has a fully descriptive caption. (See Appendix 2 on the whiteboard for guidelines).


Part 2. Determining the protein concentrations of silverbeet tissues Preparation of your silverbeet samples Now that you have some experience in constructing and using a standard curve to measure the protein concentration of a manufactured sample, you can apply your skills to a real biological question. Do silverbeet leaves that are grown in the sun contain more rubisco than those growing in shade? You are provided with two suspensions of silverbeet leaf, one from plants grown in full sun and the other from plants grown in shade. 1. Using the appropriately labelled pipette, dispense 1 ml of the ‘Sun’ suspension into your “Sun” labelled tube, and 1 ml of the ‘Shade’ suspension into your “Sh” labelled tube. 2. Add 4 ml of biuret solution to each tube. Stopper the tubes and mix them by inverting them several times. Wait 25 minutes for the colour to develop.

Table 2. Experimental protocol for determining the protein concentrations of silverbeet grown in the sun and shade. Sun

Shade Columns for modified procedure(s)

Procedure Protein solution (ml)



Biuret reagent (ml)



Absorbance Protein concentration derived from standard curve (mg ml-1) Protein concentration of original, unmodified solution (mg ml-1)

Determining the protein concentration in each silverbeet sample Measure the absorbance of the tubes labelled "Sun" and "Sh", using Tube 1 to zero the spectrophotometer. DO NOT invert your tubes before reading (because the resuspended chloroplasts may interfere with your result). Mark the absorbance readings on the y-axis of your graph. Determine the protein concentrations of each of the silverbeet samples using the standard curve, indicating with a dashed line how you obtained your protein concentrations (as in Fig. 2). You may need to carry out a modified procedure before being able to estimate the original protein concentration. Record your methods and results in Table 2. Repeat the procedure to accurately determine the protein concentration, but it’s tricky, so check with a TA first that your modified procedure is correct. Show the details of your methods and results including the final determination of the protein concentration of the original solution by completing Table 2. 1.8

QUESTIONS FOR REVISION These questions should be considered in preparation for your practical test. 1. In your Figure 1, should the line connect all the data points or should it be a line of best fit? Why? 2. Is it possible to determine the protein concentration of a solution from the standard curve if the measured absorbance is off the scale of the y-axis, i.e. higher than the highest y-value on the standard curve? Why/why not? Explain your reasons. 3. If you have a solution where the measured absorbance is off the scale of the y-axis (as in question 2, above) describe two ways in which you would modify the experimental procedure to determine the protein concentration of this solution. Ensure to use the correct biological/technical terms in your answers. 4. Do your results support your hypothesis regarding these tissue samples? 5. What is experimental error? List three examples of possible sources of error that may have occurred in your work in this practical class. 6. What is a negative result? What are 3 possible biological reasons for a negative result in this experiment? 7. What is the single major design problem in this experiment in drawing conclusions about different concentrations of rubisco in response to different growth light conditions?

FURTHER POINTS TO CONSIDER Biologists often need to know the concentrations of various compounds, as you have investigated in this practical session, in order to understand broader biological questions. Some examples relevant to this week's practical are listed below. (1) Do plants living under shaded conditions, e.g. on the floor of a rainforest, have mechanisms for maximising the amount of intercepted light? Shade-adapted plants often have thinner leaves, creating a greater surface area for light absorption per unit leaf dry weight. Most plants can also respond by increasing the concentration of chlorophyll per unit leaf area. (2) Do plants raised under different growth conditions provide different levels of food resource for herbivores? Leaves grown in higher light regimes may be more nutritious for herbivores than shade leaves due to potentially higher concentrations of protein and carbohydrate.


Important Before leaving the lab please empty all tubes into the labelled chemical waste container on the sink and then place them in the tubs provided. Place pipettes tip-side-up in the “Pipette discard” container on the sink and wipe your bench clean.

ASSESSMENT SUMMARY This practical will be assessed via a pre-lab quiz (at the start of your practical session), your participation in class including the production of Figure 1 and a post-lab in-class test, held in the last portion of the class. You will have 20 minutes to complete the test which will be held under exam conditions. You may use your completed Figure 1 as a resource but no other notes are allowed. Computers, phones, textbooks and non-approved notes are forbidden in this test.

Tests will be marked as hard copies and will be returned to you in your practical 2 class. Your grades will be uploaded into Moodle gradebook by your TA and you will receive a Moodle announcement when they are ready for review. This practical is worth 6% of your overall grade for BIO1011.



Pre-lab quiz


Good laboratory practice (including creating an appropriate graph in class)


Post-lab test





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