Practice Quiz 2 PDF

Title Practice Quiz 2
Author Gabriela Bermudez
Course Introduction to Psychology
Institution Miami Dade College
Pages 11
File Size 300.9 KB
File Type PDF
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Question 1

1 out of 1 points

The ____ is the part of the peripheral nervous system that brings sensory information to the central nervous system and transmits commands to the muscles. Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


somatic nervous system d.

somatic nervous system

Question 2

1 out of 1 points

The parietal lobe in the cerebral cortex lies at the top of the head between the frontal and occipital lobes and is the location of the ____. Selected Answer:

primary somatosensory cortex

Correct Answer:

primary somatosensory cortex



Question 3

0 out of 1 points

The ____ is a part of the prefrontal cortex located right behind the eyes that participates in our emotional lives. Selected Answer:

frontal lobe

Correct Answer:

orbitofrontal cortex



Question 4

1 out of 1 points

Gene expression results in the synthesis of what component of a living cell? Selected Answer:


Correct Answer:




Question 5

1 out of 1 points

Georgio is jogging barefoot along the beach when he suddenly steps on the sharp edge of a broken shell. He instantly feels pain due to the message carried to his brain by ____. He then slowly walks home with an achy foot. The message of the ache is carried by ____. Selected Answer:

myelinated axons; unmyelinated axons

Correct Answer:

myelinated axons; unmyelinated axons



Question 6

1 out of 1 points

Dr. Pohlson is studying the heritability of self-confidence. Because all of his research participants are upper-middle class adolescents from the same private school in New York City, the heritability of selfconfidence will appear to be ____. Selected Answer:


Correct Answer:




Question 7

0 out of 1 points

A(n) ____ is a neuron that carries commands from the central nervous system to muscles or glands. Selected Answer:

sensory neuron

Correct Answer:

motor neuron



Question 8

0 out of 1 points

Dr. Benson discovers a new hormone, “hormone X,” which becomes elevated when people experience extreme anxiety. To establish a reciprocal relationship, Dr. Benson needs to show that ____. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


levels of anxiety correlate with levels of “hormone X” d.

people experience anxiety when injected with “hormone X”

Question 9

1 out of 1 points

When a parent’s cell divides to make an egg or sperm cell, each resulting cell contains ____. Selected Answer:

23 chromosomes

Correct Answer:

23 chromosomes



Question 10

1 out of 1 points

The major factor distinguishing human intelligence from the intelligence of other species is the ____. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


richness and complexity of social behaviors d.

richness and complexity of social behaviors

Question 11 0 out of 1 points

Which of the following best describes the relationship between evolutionary forces and behavior?

Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


The idea that evolutionary forces can mold behavior has come to light only in the last decade. c.

Although behavior is complex, evolutionary forces influence both physical traits and behavior.

Question 12

1 out of 1 points

The ________, which is involved in identifying, remembering, and responding to fear and aggression, takes its name from the Greek word for “________.” Selected Answer:

amygdala; almond

Correct Answer:

amygdala; almond



Question 13

0 out of 1 points

Your sister-in-law frequently comments on how many traits you seem to have in common with your eight-year-old niece. You share your extensive knowledge on genetics and explain that the chance you share an allele with your niece is ____. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


one sixteenth c.

one fourth

Question 14

1 out of 1 points

Recessive alleles determine a phenotype when an individual is ____. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


only homozygous for a particular gene c.

only homozygous for a particular gene

Question 15

1 out of 1 points

Dominant alleles determine a phenotype when an individual is ____ for that particular gene. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


either homozygous or heterozygous c.

either homozygous or heterozygous

Question 16

0 out of 1 points

What do modern biologists describe as the “descent with modification from a common ancestor”? Selected Answer:


heritability Correct Answer:


the human genome

Question 17

0 out of 1 points

Which gene is thought to play a major role on distinctly human behaviors, including the development of language? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


HIF-1a a.


Question 18

0 out of 1 points

In autism spectrum disorder, a condition that involves deficits in language, sensory processing, and social behavior, abnormalities in the ________ are common. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


hippocampus d.


Question 19

0 out of 1 points

Rodney, who has ____, takes medication to help offset the depletion of ____ in his brain. However, although the medication is helping his condition, his wife knows that she has to watch out for side effects related to Rodney over-engaging in pleasurable activities. Selected Answer:

posttraumatic stress disorder; serotonin

Correct Answer:

Parkinson’s disease; dopamine



Question 20

1 out of 1 points

An evolutionary psychologist would suggest that the function of a tradition, such as wearing green on St. Patrick’s day, is to ____. Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


enhance the sense of group membership c.

enhance the sense of group membership

Question 21 0 out of 1 points

Police Officer Amy Randall suspects that the driver of a car in front of her is driving under the

influence of alcohol. She pulls the driver over and administers a field sobriety test. She asks the driver to stand on one leg so that she can evaluate the driver’s balance. This test is performed because the ____ is one of the first structures in the brain to be affected by alcohol. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


cerebral cortex d.


Question 22

0 out of 1 points

What system transmits commands for voluntary movement from the central nervous system to the muscles and brings sensory input back to the CNS for further processing? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


sympathetic c.


Question 23

0 out of 1 points

The nervous system is divided into two major components: the ____ and the ____. Selected Answer:

peripheral nervous system; autonomic nervous system

Correct Answer:

central nervous system; peripheral nervous system



Question 24

0 out of 1 points

How do drugs classified as “SSRIs,” such as Prozac, alter neuronal communication? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


They increase the effectiveness of the neurotransmitter serotonin by stopping its diffusion from the synaptic cleft. a.

They increase the effectiveness of the neurotransmitter serotonin by blocking its reuptake into the axon terminal.

Question 25

0 out of 1 points

What is true of genetic mutations? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


They typically lead to disease. a.

They typically cause no phenotypical change.

estion 1

1 out of 1 points

The ____ is the division of the autonomic nervous system that coordinates arousal and involves the expenditure of energy. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


sympathetic nervous system a.

sympathetic nervous system

Question 2

0 out of 1 points

Neuronal communication is a two-step process. In the second step, which takes place between two neurons, what does the arrival of an action potential at the axon terminal of the first neuron signal? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


The synthesis of neurotransmitters by specialized enzymes d.

The release of neurotransmitters into the extracellular fluid

Question 3

1 out of 1 points

According to evolutionary psychologists, which male would be most interested in sharing child rearing responsibilities with his wife? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


Ahmed, who has a soft brow ridge and round chin d.

Ahmed, who has a soft brow ridge and round chin

Question 4

0 out of 1 points

Which scenario best illustrates the concept of adaptation? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


Plant “C” has a genetic mutation that creates a taller variant; this variant is able to survive and reproduce. c.

Plant “B” has a rare waxy leaf variant; as the environment becomes more arid, the waxy leaf variant becomes more prevalent.

Question 5

1 out of 1 points

Police Officer Amy Randall suspects that the driver of a car in front of her is driving under the influence of alcohol. She pulls the driver over and administers a field sobriety test. She asks the driver to stand on one leg so that she can evaluate the driver’s balance. This test is performed because the ____ is one of the first structures in the brain to be affected by alcohol. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


cerebellum d.


Question 6

0 out of 1 points

Heritability takes into account ____. Selected Answer:

only genetic factors

Correct Answer:

both environmental and genetic factors



Question 7

1 out of 1 points

Mrs. Agos is unable to recognize her husband by sight when he enters her hospital room. However, once she hears his voice, she recognizes him. Mrs. Agos has likely suffered damage to her ____. Selected Answer:


temporal lobe

Correct Answer:


temporal lobe

Question 8

1 out of 1 points

Melanie, a graduate student working in a neuroscience lab, grows neurons in a petri dish to study the effects of environmental toxins on neuronal communication. During one of Melanie’s experiments, she accidentally damages the axon of a neuron. What will be an immediate consequence of this mishap? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


The neuron will not be able to transmit information to other cells. c.

The neuron will not be able to transmit information to other cells.

Question 9

1 out of 1 points

Rodney, who has ____, takes medication to help offset the depletion of ____ in his brain. However, although the medication is helping his condition, his wife knows that she has to watch out for side effects related to Rodney over-engaging in pleasurable activities. Selected Answer:

Parkinson’s disease; dopamine

Correct Answer:

Parkinson’s disease; dopamine



Question 10

0 out of 1 points

The ________ is sometimes referred to as a “second brain,” because it has as many neurons in it as the spinal cord. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


amygdala a.

enteric nervous system

Question 11

1 out of 1 points

How do dendrites facilitate neuronal communication? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


They allow a neuron to receive multiple inputs from other neurons. c.

They allow a neuron to receive multiple inputs from other neurons.

Question 12

0 out of 1 points

Which statement is consistent with a monistic philosophy? Selected


Answer: Correct Answer:

The mind controls our emotions and the brain controls our bodies. d.

The mind and the brain are one.

Question 13

0 out of 1 points

If channels in the outer membrane of a neuron were blocked, what would be the consequence? Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


The neuron would be deprived of oxygen and would undergo necrotic death. d.

Many chemicals would not be able to move into and out of the neuron, disrupting communication.

Question 14

0 out of 1 points

A rare health condition caused damage to the amygdala on both sides of Nina’s brain. She is now more likely than most people to ____. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


be fearful of strangers c.

try skydiving

Question 15

0 out of 1 points

Which scenario best illustrates the concept of migration? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


There is a higher than average rate of Ellis-van Creveld syndrome in the Amish community because the diseased allele was introduced by some original Amish settlers. c.

Twelve thousand years ago Native Americans traversed the Bering Strait to settle in the Americas, causing different genetic traits to be favored over others.

Question 16

1 out of 1 points

The ____ lobe in the cerebral cortex curves around the side of each hemisphere and is the location of the primary ____ cortex. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


temporal; auditory c.

temporal; auditory

Question 17

1 out of 1 points

The endocrine system is comprised of a number of glands that release chemical messengers known as ____ into the ____. Selected Answer:


hormones; blood Correct Answer:


hormones; blood

Question 18

0 out of 1 points

Reciprocal altruism is best described as helping someone who ____. Selected Answer:

has helped you in the past

Correct Answer:

you expect will help you in the future



Question 19

0 out of 1 points

Why is the thalamus referred to as the “gateway to the cortex?” Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


Motor outputs generated in the cerebral cortex are funneled first through the thalamus, which then sends inputs to the motor neurons. a.

Input from most of our sensory systems travels first to the thalamus, which then funnels the information to the cerebral cortex.

Question 20

0 out of 1 points

Which statement best reflects the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) theory of sexual selection? Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:


People tend to choose mates with similar MHC genotypes to increase the immune capacity of their offspring. c.

People tend to choose mates with different MHC genotypes to increase the immune capacity of their offspring.

Question 21

0 out of 1 points

The nervous system is divided into two major components: the ____ and the ____. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


peripheral nervous system; autonomic nervous system b.

central nervous system; peripheral nervous system

Question 22

1 out of 1 points

Why is hemophilia more prevalent in males? Selected Answer:


There is no other X chromosome to offset the diseased gene.

Correct Answer:


There is no other X chromosome to offset the diseased gene.

Question 23

0 out of 1 points

The ability of one genotype to reproduce more successfully relative to other genotypes is referred to as ____. Selected Answer:


Correct Answer:




Question 24

0 out of 1 points

Dominant alleles determine a phenotype when an individual is ____ for that particular gene. Selected Answer:

only homozygous

Correct Answer:

either homozygous or heterozygous



Question 25

0 out of 1 points

Following a spinal cord injury, formation of the ____ prevents neuronal regeneration in the ____. Selected Answer: Correct Answer:


blood-brain barrier, peripheral nervous system c.

scar tissue from glia; central nervous system...

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