Pre-Course Quiz 3 PDF

Title Pre-Course Quiz 3
Course Marketing Management
Institution Singapore University of Social Sciences
Pages 7
File Size 176.9 KB
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Pre-Course Quiz 3...


Quest i on15pt s Accor di ngt ot hehi er ar chy of effect smodel ,whi choft hef ol l owi ngcor r espondst ot he behavi our alst aget hatabuy erpassest hr ough? awareness preference knowledge purchase

Quest i on25pt s ________ar eset sofi nt er dependentor gani sat i onspar t i ci pat i ngi nt hepr ocessof maki ngapr oductorser vi ceavai l abl ef oruseorconsumpt i on. Marketing channels Marketing networks Communication channels Sales territories

Quest i on35pt s Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngi sanadvant ageofusi ngnewspaper sasanadver t i si ngmedi um? good local market coverage huge "pass-along" audience high level of targeting long lifespan

Quest i on45pt s An________i sas peci ficcommuni cat i onst askandachi evementl ev elt obe accompl i shedwi t haspeci ficaudi encei naspeci ficper i odoft i me. advertising medium advertising budget advertising objective advertising channel

Quest i on55pt s A( n)________appeali sac r eat i v es t r at egyt hatel abor at esonpr oductorser vi ce at t r i but esorbenefit s . emotional

intellectual transformational informational

Quest i on65pt s ________r ef er st ot hemeansbywhi chfir msat t emptt oi nf or m,per suade,andr emi nd consumer sdi r ect l yori ndi r ect l yaboutt hepr oduct sandbr andst heysel l . Marketing communications Operations management Channel strategy Pricing management

Quest i on75pt s ________r ef er st ot het askofsecur i ngedi t or i alspaceasopposedt opai dspacei n pr i ntandbr oadcastmedi at opr omot eor" hype"apr oduct ,ser vi ce,i dea,pl ace,per son, oror gani sat i on. Publicity Advertising Media planning Communication design

Quest i on85pt s Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngi st hemai nadvant ageofr adi oasanadver t i si ngmedi um? more attention than television low competition longer duration of ad exposure flexibility

Quest i on95pt s Ani nt ensi vedi st r i but i onst r at egyser v eswel lf or________. private label products premium cars newspapers commercial trucks

Quest i on105pt s Adv er t i si ngandpubl i ci t yt ool spl ayt hemosti mpor t antr ol esi ni nfluenci ngbuyi ng deci si onsatt he________st ageofbuy err eadi ness. conviction awareness comprehension reordering

Quest i on115pt s Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngi sanex ampl eofcont ext ualadpl acement ? descriptive listings of products and services in an online shopping website dynamic advertisements of an automobile company appear in a newspaper's website advertisements that appear when a consumer types in the term "baby" in Google advertisement of a new movie that appears at the background of a news webpage

Quest i on125pt s Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngi sadi s advant ageofdi r ectmar k et i ng? inability to build brand awareness low chances of customers avoiding messages invasion of privacy inability to control marketing communication

Quest i on135pt s I ncept i on,ar ecentHol l ywoodbl ockbust er ,hadcr eat edal otofi nt er estamongt he vi ewer sev enbef or ei t sr el easeduet ot hecr edent i al sofi t smaker s.Themovi ewas di s cussedi nsoci alnet wor kpagesanddi sc ussi onf or ums.Thedi scussi onsi ncr eased af t eri t sr el easeandi thel pedt hemovi edogoodbusi ness.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngmost cl osel ydescr i best het ypeofmar ket i ngdi scussedi nt hi sexampl e ? personalised marketing direct marketing word of mouth marketing interactive marketing

Quest i on145pt s Theor i gi nal andol destf or m ofdi r ectmar k et i ngar e________.

mail campaigns banner advertising billboards field sales calls

Quest i on155pt s Youar ev i si t i ngFI FA' swebsi t et oknowt heschedul eoft hef oot bal lWor l dcup.Ont he t opoft heWebpageshowi ngt heschedul e,asmal lpi ct ur edi spl ayst heoffici al mascot andt het ext" Buyt i ck et sf ort heWor l dCupnow" .Thi sst at i cexhi bi tpr ovi dest hel i nkt o t heoffici alt i ck etbooki ngwebsi t e.I dent i f yt het ypeofadver t i sementusedher e. pay-per-click ad wallpaper ad banner ad floating ad

Quest i on165pt s Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngi sanex ampl eofmar k et i ngt hr oughsoci al medi a? a software company organises a cancer awareness camp free for all a leading brand of sports shoes sponsors the soccer world cup a new department store in your neighborhood that relies on people to spread the word a leading car manufacturer advertises the new model on facebook

Quest i on175pt s Asal esper sonsendsemai l st oper suadepr ospect st obuyt hepr oduct sofhi scompany . Thi si sat ypeof________mar k et i ng. buzz direct viral word of mouth

Quest i on185pt s ________i sanot herf or m ofwor dofmout ht hatencour agesconsumer st opassal ong companydevel opedpr oduct sandser vi cesoraudi o,vi deo,orwr i t t eni nf or mat i ont o ot her sonl i ne. Motivational marketing Viral marketing

Buzz marketing Guerrilla marketing

Quest i on195pt s Thepr act i ceofusi ngcal l cent er s,wher eempl oyeesr ecei v ecal l sf r om cust omer sand pr ovi deser vi cebyt aki ngor der sandanswer i ngquer i es,i scal l ed________. customer response marketing customer service marketing outbound telemarketing inbound telemarketing

Quest i on205pt s Mar k etdemassi ficat i onhasr esul t edi n________. mass production practices niche market creation intrinsic marketing channels product standardisation

Quest i on215pt s Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngpar amet er sf or mst hebasi sf ormeasur i ngsponsor shi p effect i venessusi ngdemandsi demet hods ? amount of time a brand is clearly visible on a television screen influence on consumers' brand knowledge of the sponsor impact on market share of sponsor amount of relevant newsprint mentioning the sponsor

Quest i on225pt s ________i soneoft hesour cesofaspokesper son' scr edi bi l i t yt hatr ef er st ot he speci al i sedknowl edget hatheorshepossessest ocl ai m. Expertise Likability Professionalism Trustworthiness

Quest i on235pt s Rol excal l si t sel ft he" Offici alTi mek eeper "oft heWi mbl edonandAust r al i anOpenl awn t enni schampi onshi ps,byvi r t ueofi t ssponsor shi psoft hemar queeevent s.Whati st he mostl i k el yobj ect i v ef orRol ex' ssponsor shi pdeal wi t ht heseevent s ? to express commitment to the community or on social issues to increase salience of company or product name to create experiences and evoke feelings to permit merchandising or promotional opportunities

Quest i on245pt s ________i samar k et i ngcommuni cat i onst ool t hati ncl udesavar i et yofpr ogr ammest o pr omot eorpr ot ectacompany' si mageori ndi vi dualpr oduct s. Personal selling Public relations Advertising Direct marketing

Quest i on255pt s Acomput ermanuf act ur i ngcompanyal l owscust omer st opl aceor der sonl i ne,whi ch t heycanl at erpi ckupf r om aconveni entr et ai ll ocat i on.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngt er msbest r epr esent st hi spr act i ce? online personalisation push strategy mass customisation channel integration

Quest i on265pt s A( n)________i ncl udest hepr oducer ,whol esal er ( s) ,andr et ai l er ( s)act i ngasauni fied s yst em. extensive marketing channel conventional marketing channel vertical marketing system parallel marketing channel

Quest i on275pt s Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngi samaj oradvant ageofusi ngdi r ectmai l s ? Campaign testing is not needed for direct mails. It is the best suited tool for selling complex products. Direct mails have very high conversion rates. Direct mails permit target market selectivity.

Quest i on285pt s Buzzandvi r al mar k et i ngbot ht r yt o______. use unethical methods to popularise a brand induce impulse sales by displaying products close to the pay counters create a splash in the marketplace to showcase a brand market products by providing free samples to customers...

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