Prejudice Homework PDF

Title Prejudice Homework
Author Kaitlyn Grier
Course Social Psychology
Institution Jackson College
Pages 3
File Size 122.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 5
Total Views 126




#1 Prejudice:

Read the page and list six things people can do to reduce their prejudicial behavior (I know there are more than 6). 1. Increase your exposure to or contact with those who belong to the group(s) toward which you have learned some prejudicial stereotypes.

2. Thought-stopping is a valuable process for changing one's "self-talk" about others.

3. Enter a supportive group or a supportive relationship for making the needed changes.

4. Confront without guilt or blame the stereotypes that you have learned.

5. Acknowledge that you have learned prejudicial information about other people.

6. Learn how other groups see your own identity group.

#2 Prisoner’s Dilemma ht t ps : / / s e r e ndi ps t udi o. or g/ pl a y gr ound/ pd. ht ml Tell me your results? What did you think? I won, I got 20 coins and he only got 15, it honestly didn’t make a lot of sense to me.

#3 Can we avoid segregation? Go to this site, read each short page and do the exercise. Describe the Schelling Effect and the Anti-Schelling Effect. Schelling Effect The Schelling model of segregation is an agent-based model that shows how individual

attitudes toward neighbors may lead to segregation. Schelling's residential pattern converges to either total integration.

Anti-Schelling Effect

What you learned as a result of doing this exercise: Ordinary people have the capacity to integrate even the most segregated environments, whether they be in a neighborhood, cafeteria, school, or elsewhere. Integration does not necessitate significant behavioral adjustments. When we find ourselves in a segregated scenario, we must each seek interaction with at least one individual who is not a member of our group.


Click next to the American Flag Take two of the demonstration quizzes on this page. Be brave and try something that might surprise you. Which two did you take? How did you do? What surprised you? Explain. Quiz 1 Result: Age IAT Slight liking of Young people over old people Quiz 2 Result: Skin Tone IAT Slight liking of Light skin people over dark skin people

Explain why you think you scored this way. How did it surprise you? This is really shocking to me because I am actually really attracted to darker skinned people, that’s my type as you would say. And I love old people, more than young people because they’re just not as stupid as young people are and they’re usually funnier so it was surprising to get those results....

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