Principles of Microeconomics Final Exam Review Notes PDF

Title Principles of Microeconomics Final Exam Review Notes
Course Principles Of Microeconomics
Institution Belmont University
Pages 39
File Size 1.5 MB
File Type PDF
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Belmont University Principles of Microeconomics (ECO 2220) Final Exam Review and Notes...


Principles of Microeconomics Belmont University ECO 2220 Principles of Microeconomics Final Exam Review/Notes

scar ci t y l i mi t edr esour cesandunl i mi t edwant s economi cs st udyofhowsoci et ymanagesi t sscar cer esour ce effici ency t hepr oper t yofsoci et yget t i ngt hemostf r om i t sscar cer esour ces t hepr oper t yofar esour ceal l ocat i onofmaxi mi z i ngt het ot alsur pl usr ecei v edbyal l member sofsoci et y equal i t y t hepr oper t yofdi st r i but i ngeconomi cpr osper i t yuni f or ml yamongt hemember sofsoci et y oppor t uni t ycost what ev eri sgi v enupt ogetsomet hi ngel se r at i onalpeopl e s y st emat i cal l yandpur posef ul l ydoi ngt hebesty oucant oachi ev ey ourobj ect i v es mar gi nalchange ani ncr ement al adj ust mentt oanexi st i ngpl an i nc ent i v e somet hi ngt hati nducesaper sont oact

mar k eteconomy

aneconomi cs ys t em wher ei nt er act i onofhousehol dsandfir msi nmar k et sdet er mi nest heal l ocat i onofr esour ces pr oper t yr i ght s t heabi l i t yofani ndi vi dualt oownandex er ci secont r olov erscar cer esour ces t hei nvi si bl ehand Adam Smi t h;t hepr i nci pl et hatsel f i nt er est edmar k etpar t i ci pant smayunknowi ngl y maxi mi z et hewel f ar eofsoci et yasawhol e mar k etf ai l ur e as i t uat i oni nwhi cht hemar k etf ai l st oal l ocat er esour ceseffici ent l yandcan' tr eac h soci al l yopt i malquant i t y ex t er nal i t y whenoneper son' sact i onshav eani mpactonaby st ander mar k etpower t heabi l i t yofani ndi vi dualorgr oupt osubs t ant i al l yi nfluencemar k etpr i ces pr oduct i vi t y t heamountofgoodsands er v i cespr oducedf or m eachuni tofl abori nput monopol y t hecasei nwhi cht her ei sonl yonesel l eri nt hemar k et ci r cul ar flowdi agr am adi agr am oft heeconomyt hatshowst heflowofgoodsands er v i ces,f act or sofpr oduct i on,andmonet ar ypay ment sbet weenhousehol dsandfi r ms

f act or sofpr oduct i on i nput ss uchasl and,l abor ,andcapi t al Pr oduct i onPos si bi l i t i esFr ont i er( PPF) agr apht hats howst hecombi nat i onsofout putt heeconomycanpossi bl ypr oduce gi v ent heav ai l abl ef act or sofpr oduct i onandt heav ai l abl epr oduct i ont echnol ogy

posi t i v est at ement s descr i pt i onsoft hewor l dasi ti s( descr i pt i v e) nor mat i v es t at ement s

pr escr i pt i onf orhowt hewor l doughtt obe( pr escr i pt i v e) Davi dRi car do ( 17721823) Engl i sheconomi s twhof or mul at edt he" i r onl awofwages, "accor di ngt o whi chwageswoul dal way sr emai natt hes ubsi st encel ev elf ort hewor k er sbec ause ofpopul at i ongr owt h. Adam Smi t h I nv i si bl ehand+t heor yoff r eemar ket Laffer Suppl ySi deEconomi cs( Reaganomi cs) Lafferc ur v e:fi ndopt i mum t axr at e mustgi v ei ndi vi dual si ncent i v et oi nv est wi l lgener at emor er ev enuef ort hegov er nment CoaseTheor em suggest st hateconomi cal l yeffici entout comescoul dar i sewi t houtgov er nmenti nt er v ent i oni nt hepr esenceofmar k etext er nal i t i es( peopl ecansol v epr obl emst hr ough bar gai ni ngont hei rown) Pi gouvi anTax( cor r ect i v et ax) at axonagoodwi t hext er nalcos t s( meantt odi scour agecost sf ort hi r dpar t i esand soci et yasawhol e)mus tl evyt ax espr opor t i onalt ot heext er nalcost s;enhanceeconomi ceffici ency absol ut eadvant age t heabi l i t yt opr oduc eagoodusi ngf eweri nput st hanot herpr oducer s compar at i v eadv ant age t heabi l i t yt opr oduc eagoodatal oweroppor t uni t ycos tt hananot herpr oducer gai nsf r om t r ade t hei ncr easei nt ot alpr oduct i onduet os peci al i zat i onal l owedbyt r ade mar k et

agr oupofbuy er sandsel l er sofapar t i cul argoodorser vi ce compet i t i v emar k et amar k eti nwhi cht her ear emanybuy er sandsel l er ss ot hateac hhasanegl i gi bl e i mpactont hemar k etpr i ce quant i t ydemanded t heamountofgoodt hatbuy er sar ewi l l i ngandabl et opur chase l awofdemand t hecl ai mt hat ,ot hert hi ngsequal ,t hequant i t ydemandedofagoodf al l swhent he pr i ceofagoodr i ses demandschedul e at abl et hatshowst her el at i ons hi pbet weent hepr i ceofagoodandt hequant i t ydemanded

demandcur v e agr aphoft her el at i onshi pbet weent hepr i ceofagoodandt hequant i t ydemanded

nor malgood agoodf orwhi ch,ot hert hi ngsequal ,ani ncr easei ni ncomel eadst oadecr easei n demand char act er i z edbyaposi t i v ei ncomeel ast i c i t y subst i t ut es t wogoodsf orwhi chani ncr easei nt hepr i ceofonel eadst oani ncr easei nt hedemandf ort heot her compl ement s t wogoodsf orwhi chani ncr easei nt hepr i ceofonel eadst oadecr eas ei nt hedemandf ort heot her quant i t ysuppl i ed t heamountofagoodt hatsel l er sar ewi l l i ngandabl et os el l l awofs uppl y t hecl ai mt hat ,ot hert hi ngsequal ,t hequant i t ysuppl i edofagoodr i seswhent he pr i ceoft hegoodr i ses suppl ys chedul e at abl et hatshowst her el at i ons hi pbet weent hepr i ceofagoodandt hequant i t ysuppl i ed

suppl yc ur v e agr aphoft her el at i onshi pbet weent hepr i ceofagoodandt hequant i t ysuppl i ed

equi l i br i um as i t uat i oni nwhi cht hepr i cehasr eachedt hel ev elwher equant i t ys uppl i edequal s quant i t ydemanded

equi l i br i um pr i ce t hepr i cet hatbal ancesquant i t ysuppl i edandquant i t ydemanded

equi l i br i um quant i t y t hequant i t ysuppl i edandt hequant i t ydemandedatt heequi l i br i um pr i ce

sur pl us as i t uat i oni nwhi chquant i t yi sgr eat ert hant hequant i t ydemanded

shor t age as i t uat i oni nwhi chquant i t ydemandedi sgr eat ert hanquant i t ys uppl i ed

Lawofsuppl yanddemand

t hecl ai mt hatt hepr i ceofanygoodadj ust st obr i ngt hequant i t ysuppl i edandquant i t ydemandedf ort hatgoodi nt obal ance

el ast i ci t y ameasur eoft her esponsi v enessoft hequant i t ydemandedorquant i t ysuppl i edt o changei noneofi t sdet er mi nant s( ex :v er yel ast i cdemand=l uxur ypr oduct ,notnecessi t y) -el ast i c=cur v ecl osert ohor i zont al ! ( l essDWL) -i nel ast i c=cur v ecl osert ov er t i cal ! ( mor eDWL) pr i ceel ast i ci t yofdemand ameasur eofhowmucht hequant i t ydemandedofagoodr espondst oac hangei n t hepr i ceoft hatgood

el ast i c whent hequant i t ydemandedorsuppl i edr espondssubs t ant i al l yt oachangei none ofi t sdet er mi nant s i nel ast i c whent hequant i t ydemandedorsuppl i edr espondsonl ysl i ght l yt oac hangei noneof i t sdet er mi nant s Ques t i on: Ass uppl y( demand)gr owsr el at i v el ymor ei nel as t i c ,pr oducer s( consumer s)beara gr eat erbur denoft het ax . Ques t i on: Ass uppl y( demand)gr owsr el at i v el ymor eel ast i c,pr oducer s( consumer s)beara smal l erbur denoft het ax . t ot alr ev enue t heamountpai dbybuy er sandr ecei v edbysel l er sofagoodcomput edasPxQ i ncomeel ast i c i t yofdemand ameasur eofhowmucht hequant i t yofagoodr espondst oachangei nconsumer s' i ncome

cr oss pr i ceel ast i ci t yofdemand ameasur eofhowmucht hequant i t ydemandedofonegoodr espondst oachange i nt hepr i ceofanot hergood

pr i ceel ast i ci t yofsuppl y ameasur eofhowmucht hequant i t ysuppl i edofagoodr espondst oachangei nt he pr i ceoft hatgood

i nf er i orgood agoodchar act er i z edbyanegat i v ei ncomeel ast i ci t y pr i cecei l i ng al egalmax i mum ont hepr i ceatwhi chagoodcanbesol d( pr ev entpr i cesf r om get t i ngunaffor dabl e) pr i cefl oor al egalmi ni mum ont hepr i ceatwhi c hagoodcanbes ol d( l abor-mi ni mum wage)

t axi nci dence

t hemanneri nwhi cht hebur denofat axi sshar edamongpar t i ci pant si namar k et ( spl i tbet weenb&s ;dependsons&del ast i ci t y) t axwedge t hedi ffer encebet weenwhatt hebuy erpay sandt hesel l err ecei v esaf t erat axhas beeni mposed

wel f ar eeconomi cs t hes t udyofhowt heal l ocat i onofr esour cesaffect seconomi cwel l bei ng wi l l i ngnes st opay t hemaxi mum amountt hatabuy erwi l lpayf oragood cons umers ur pl us t heamountabuy eri swi l l i ngt opayf oragoodmi nust heamountt hebuy eract ual l y pay sf ori t

cos t t hev al ueofev er yt hi ngasel l ermustgi v eupt opr oduc eagood pr oducersur pl us t heamountasel l eri spai df oragoodmi nust hesel l er ' scos tofpr ovi di ngi t

deadwei ghtl oss t her educt i oni nt ot als ur pl ust hatr esul t sf r om at ax

l afferc ur v e agr aphs howi ngt her el at i onshi pbet weent hesi z eofat axandt het axr ev enuecol l ect ed

posi t i v eext er nal i t y as i t uat i onwhenaper son' sact i onshav eabenefici ali mpactonaby st ander negat i v eext er nal i t y as i t uat i onwhenaper son' sact i onshav eanadv er sei mpactonaby st ander

soci alcos t

t hesum ofpr i v at ecost sandext er nalcost s i nt er nal i zi nganext er nal i t y al t er i ngi ncent i v ess ot hatpeopl et ak ei nt oaccountt heext er naleffect soft hei ract i ons cor r ect i v et ax( Pi gouvi an) at axdesi gnedt oi nducepr i v at edeci si onmak er st ot akei nt oaccountt hes oci al cos t st hatar i s ef r om anegat i v eext er nal i t y Coaset heor em t hepr oposi t i ont hati fpr i v at epar t i escanbar gai nwi t houtcostov ert heal l ocat i onof r esour ces,t heycans ol v et hepr obl em ofext er nal i t i esont hei rown( nogovi nt er v ent i on) t r ansact i onc ost s t hecost st hatpar t i esi ncurdur i ngt hepr ocessofagr eei ngandf ol l owi ngt hr oughona bar gai n pr i v at egoods BOTHexcl udabl eandr i v ali nconsumpt i on publ i cgoods NOTex cl udabl eNOTr i v ali nconsumpt i on commonr esour ces r i v ali nconsumpt i onbutnotex cl udabl e cl ubgoods ex c l udabl ebutnotr i v ali nc onsumpt i on

f r eer i der aper sonwhor ecei v est hebenefitofagoodbutav oi dspayi ngf ori t cos t benefi tanal y si s

as t udyt hatcompar est hecos t sandbenefit st osoci et yofpr ovi di ngapubl i cgood t r agedyoft hecommons apar abl et hati l l ust r at eswhycommonr esour cesgetusedmor et hani sdesi r abl e f r om t hest andpoi ntofs oci et yasawhol e t ot alcos t t hemar k etval ueoft hei nput safir m usesi npr oduct i on

ex pl i ci tcost s i nputcost st hatr equi r eanout l ayofmoneybyt hefir m i mpl i c i tcos t s i nputcost st hatdonotr equi r eanout l ayofmoneybyt hefi r m economi cpr ofit t ot alr ev enuemi nust ot alc ost ,i ncl udi ngbot hexpl i ci tandi mpl i ci tcost s

account i ngpr ofit t ot alr ev enuemi nusexpl i ci tcost( TR-ex pl i ci tcost ) pr oduct i onf unct i on t her el at i onshi pbet weenquant i t yofi nput susedt omak eagoodandt hequant i t yof out putoft hatgood mar gi nalpr oduct t hei ncr easei nout putt hatar i sesf r om anaddi t i onaluni tofi nput di mi ni shi ngmar gi nalpr oduct t hepr oper t ywher ebyt hemar gi nalpr oductofani nputdecl i nesast hequant i t yoft he i nputi ncr eases fix edcost s cos t st hatdonotv ar ywi t ht hequant i t yofout putpr oduced v ar i abl ecost s cos t st hatv ar ywi t ht hequant i t yofout putpr oduc ed

av er aget ot alcost

t ot alcos tdi v i dedbyt hequant i t yofout put

av er agefix edcost fix edcost sdi v i dedbyt hequant i t yoft heout put

av er agev ar i abl ecost v ar i abl ecost sdi vi dedbyt hequant i t yofout put

mar gi nalcost t hei ncr easesi nt ot al costt hatar i sesf or m anext r auni tofpr oduct i on

effic i entsc al e t hequant i t yofout putt hatmi ni mi z esav er aget ot alcost

economi esofsc al e t hepr oper t ywher ebyl ongr unav er aget ot alcostf al l sast hequant i t yofout puti ncr eases

di s economi esofs cal e t hepr oper t ywher ebyl ongr unav er ageToalcos tr i sesast hequant i t yofout puti ncr eases

cons t antr et ur nst oscal e t hepr oper t ywher ebyl ongr unav er aget ot alcosts t ay st hes ameast hequant i t yof out putchanges

pr i cet ak er s buy er sandsel l er si nacompet i t i v emar k ett hatmustacceptt hepr i cet hatt hemar k et det er mi nes av er ager ev enue t ot alr ev enuedi vi dedbyt hequant i t ysol d

mar gi nalr evenue t hechangei nt ot alr ev enuef r om anaddi t i onaluni ts ol d

shutdown as hor t r undeci si ont ot empor ar i l yceasepr oduct i ondur i ngaspeci ficper i odoft i me duet ocur r entmar k etcondi t i ons ex i t al ongr undeci si ont oper manent l yceasepr oduct i onandl eav et hemar k et

sunk ac ostt owhi c honhi sal r eadyc ommi t t edandi snotr ecov er abl e nat ur almonopol y at y peofmonopol yt hatar i sesbec auseasi ngl efir m cans uppl yagoodors er v i cet o anent i r emar k etatal owercos tt hanc oul dt woormor efi r ms pr i cedi scr i mi nat i on t hebusi nesspr act i ceofs el l i ngt hesamegoodatdi ffer entpr i cest odi ffer entcust omer s ar bi t r age t hepr ocessofbuy i ngagoodi nonemar ketatal owpr i ceands el l i ngi ti nanot her mar k etatahi gherpr i ce per f ectpr i cedi scr i mi nat i on as i t uat i oni nwhi cht hemonopol i s ti sabl et ochar geeachc ust omerpr eci sel yhi swi l l i ngnesst opay per f ectc ompet i t i on amar k ets t r uct ur ei nwhi c hal ar genumberoffir msal lpr oducet hes amepr oduct P=MC=MR Ol i gopol y amar k ets t r uct ur ei nwhi c honl yaf ewsel l er soffersi mi l arori dent i c alpr oduct s f ewb&s si mi l ar / s ame monopol i st i ccompet i t i on amar k ets t r uct ur ei nwhi c hmanyfir mssel lpr oduct st hatar esi mi l arbutnoti dent i c al manybuy er s&sel l er s di ffer ent i at ed( sl i ght l y )pr oduct duopol y

anol i gopol ywi t honl yt wofir ms f r eeent r y as i t uat i onwher efir mscanent ert hemar k etwi t houtr est r i ct i on effic i entsc al e t hequant i t yt hatmi ni mi z esav er aget ot alcos t gamet heor y t hes t udyofhowpeopl ebehav ei nst r at egi csi t uat i ons col l usi on anagr eementamongfi r msi namar k etaboutquant i t i est opr oduceorpr i cest o char ge car t el agr oupoffir msact i ngi nuni s on Nashequi l i br i um as i t uat i oni nwhi checonomi cact or si nt er act i ngwi t honeanot hereachchooset hei r bestst r at egyGI VENt hes t r at egi est hatal lt heot heract or shav echosen

pr i soner s' di l emma

apar t i cul ar" game"bet weent woc apt ur edpr i soner st hati l l us t r at eswhyc ooper at i on i sdi fficul tt omai nt ai nev enwheni ti smut ual l ybenefici al

domi nantst r at egy as t r at egyt hati sbestf orpl ay eri nagamer egar dl es soft hest r at egi esc hosenbyt he ot herpl ay er s der i v eddemand Thedemandf oraf act orofpr oduct i on,whi c hi sder i vedf r om t hefi r m' sdeci si ont o suppl yanot hergood

mar gi nalpr oductofl abor t hei ncr easei nt heamountofout putf r om anaddi t i onaluni tofl abor

v al ueoft hemar gi nalpr oduct t hemar gi nalpr oductofanout putt i mest hepr i ceoft heout put

capi t al t heequi pmentands t r uct ur esusedt opr oduc egoodsandser v i ces

compensat i ngdi ffer ent i al adi ffer encei nwagest hatar i sest ooffsett henonmonet ar ychar act er i s t i csordi ffer entj obs humancapi t al

t heaccumul at i onsi nt hei nv est ment sofpeopl e,suchaseducat i onandont hej ob t r ai ni ng effic i encywages abov eequi l i br i um wagespai dbyfir mst oi ncr easewor k erpr oduct i vi t y budgetconst r ai nt t hel i mi tont heconsumpt i onbundl est hataconsumercanaffor d

i ndi ffer encec ur v e ac ur v et hatshowsconsumpt i onbundl est hatgi v et hecons umert hes amel ev elof s at i sf act i on hi gheri ndi ffer encecur v ei spr ef er r ed!

mar gi nalr at eofsubs t i t ut i on t her at eatwhi c haconsumeri swi l l i ngt ot r adeonegoodf oranot her

per f ects ubst i t ut es t wogoodswi t hst r ai ght l i nei ndi ffer encecur v es

per f ectc ompl ement s t wogoodswi t hr i ght angl ei ndi ffer encec ur v es

i ncomeeffect t hechangei ncons umpt i ont hatr esul t swhenapr i cec hangemov est hec onsumert o ahi gherorl oweri ndi ffer encecur v e

subst i t ut i oneffect t hechangei ncons umpt i ont hatr esul t swhenapr i cec hangemov est hec onsumer al ongagi v eni ndi ffer encec ur v et oapoi ntwi t hanewmar gi nalr at eofsubst i t ut i on

gi ffengood agoodf orwhi chani ncr easei nt hepr i cer ai sest hequant i t ydemanded mor alhaz ar d Whent heactofi nsur i nganev enti ncr easest hel i k el i hoodt hatt heev entwi l lhappen

adv er sesel ect i on

t het endencyf ort hemi xofunobs er v edat t r i but est obecomeundesi r abl ef r om t he s t andpoi ntofanuni f or medpar t y si gnal i ng anact i ont ak enbyani nf or medpar t yt or ev ealpr i v at ei nf or mat i ont oanuni nf or med par t y Scr eeni ng anact i ont ak enbyanuni nf or medpar t yt oi nduc eani nf or medpar t yt or ev eali nf or mat i on pr i cecei l i ngbi ndi ngwhen. . . bel owt heequi l i br i um bi ndi ngpr i cefl oorc auses . . . as ur pl usi nt hemar k etandwas t edr esour ces subsi dy agov er nment ' sr espons et oaposi t i v eext er nal i t y( opposi t eoft ax;t oai deacompany' spr oces sesandk eept hei rpr i cesl owandcompet i t i v e) Gov er nmentcol l ect edt ax es : payr ol l&per sonal / cor por at ei ncome hor i z ont alequi t ypr i nci pl e s t at est hatpeopl ei nt hesameeconomi csi t uat i onshoul dbet r eat edequal l y economi csdeal spr i mar i l ywi t ht heconc eptof scar ci t y

effic i ency r ef er st ohowmuchasoci et ycanpr oducewi t hi t sr esour ces .equal i t yr ef er st ohow ev enl yt hebenefit sf r om usi ngr esour cesar edi s t r i but edamongmember sofsoci et y

ar at i onaldec i si onmak ert ak esact i oni fandonl yi f t hemar gi nalbenefi toft heact i onex ceedst hemar gi nalcostoft heact i on Whensoci et yget st hemosti tcanf r om i t sscar cer esour ces,t hent heout comei s cal l ed effic i ent publ i cpol i ci es maybeabl et oi mpr ov eei t hereconomi ceffici enc yorequal i t y mar k etpowerr ef er st ot he powerofasi ngl eper sonors mal lgr oupt oi nfluencemar k etpr i ces pr oduct i vi t yi sdefinedast he amountofgoodsands er v i cespr oducedf r om eachuni tofl abori nput economi st s ,l i k emat hemat i ci ans ,phys i ci st s ,andbi ol ogi st s al l oft heabov e f act or sofpr oduct i onar e i nput si nt ot hepr oduct i onpr ocess Anypoi ntonacount r y' spr oduct i onpos si bi l i t i esf r ont i err epr esent sac ombi nat i onof t wogoodst hataneconomy canpr oduceusi ngal l av ai l abl er esour cesandt echnol ogy r ef ert ofigur e2i ti spossi bl ef ort hi seconomyt opr oduce 60dr y er sand50washer s t hepr oduct i onpossi bi l i t i esf r ont i eri l l ust r at es t hecombi nat i onsofout putt hataneconomyc anpr oduce r ef ert ot abl e3whi choft hef ol l owi ngr epr esent sar uba' spr oduct i onpos si bi l i t i esf r ont i erwhen100l aborhour sar eav ai l abl e 20r adi osand50cool er s

Ass umet hatAr ubaandI cel andeachhas80l aborhour sav ai l abl e.I feachcount r y di v i desi t st i meequal l ybet weent hepr oduct i onofcool er sandr adi os,t hent het ot al pr oduct i oni s 60cool er sand18r adi os r ef ert ofigur e9max i nehasanabsol ut eadvant agei nt hepr oduct i onof nei t hergoodandacompar at i v eadv ant agei nt hepr oduct i onofpi es apr oduct i onpos si bi l i t i esf r ont i eri sas t r ai ghtl i newhen t her at eoft r adeoffbet weent het wogoodsbei ngpr oducedi sconsi st ent r ef ert ofigur e322whatar eal i ceandbet t y soppor t uni t ycost sof1pi zza al i c e' soppor t uni t ycos tof1pi z zai s2pi t cher sofl emonade,bet t y' si s1pi z za/ 1. 5 pi t cher s r ef ert ofigur e322whi choft hef ol l owi ngpr i ceswoul dr esul ti namut ual l yadvant ageoust r adef oral i ceandbet t y 100pi zzasf or180pi t cher sofl emonade 1mi x erf ormay ai s 1. 6t oast er s oppor t uni t ycostof1mi x erf ormi gueli s 2t oast er s Scar ci t y Demandcannotbes uppor t edduet ol i mi t edr esour ces Pr oduct i onPos si bi l i t i esFr ont i er Agr aphr epr esent i ngpr oduct i ont r adeoffsofaneconomygi v enfi x edr esour ces TheI nvi s i bl eHand Adam Smi t h:Amar k etwi l lr unateffici entl ev el si fbuy er sandsel l er sar ef r eet obuy andsel l Ext er ...

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