Problem with defining religion PDF

Title Problem with defining religion
Course Asian Religion
Institution Victoria University of Wellington
Pages 4
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-Religion: the difficulties of defn religion. Fall into htree large groups depending on the strategy of method you’re using. Best strategy as large and difficult of religion is the “fmily resemblance method”- lists of characteristis that tend to be unique to wat youre trying to describe. Not necessary that any one individual as all of the trait or that any one trait is found in every person in the group. History of the concept of religion: When we have large concepts ususaly they have long and complicatd histories that shape the way we understand the concepts and are particular. Such as shaped through earlier versions or english, latin and french. Terms we are trying to use generally to desctibe a phemniom, have bias’s built into them. Particular bias is a eurocentric and western bias. The way we think about religion is about thinking of religion in the west or more recently specific types of western religions (C to Protestant C). Concepts like this, we tend to take this as a natural object, understands that these things are artifical constructs tha have been put together over time. The [roblem in the schorly district of how to define religoin- have been several attempt n scholars over the years and can group into: A) either trying to find something all have to have or- Intellectual defn B) Affective defn- associated with a feeling- I feel really religious (A and B are both close tp Chirstian understand of what R si about) or C) Functional defn-define religion in terms of functions for the ordinary world- e.g for a society or individual e.e.g this is a family resemblance type of defn- not all people have the same trait but have enough to known that they all belong to the same family . First this is a complicated problem and when approaching a problem like this thing about the definition than assuming their already is one. If you look at an ordinary dictionary the defn has problems and wont be uselful I na course like this. One of the ressons for this is that dictionaries do not aim to provisde the most use meaning of a word but instead to defn how the english language is used by the ordinary speaker- much different from the rigerous speakers. Morespecifically the problems repaeated are cristocentric- due to english being dominated mainly by Christianity that therefore the defn religion tends to fit relion particarly well. This means if we want a better defn that can cover all religion we need to therefore be aware of bias’s and that there will eb ana emphasis on belief whichi s particalrly ture in C but not in otuher religions. Aswell as worship and God or Gods- creator or in the sky who awards or punishes them. How we use the word R- detemines and has determined today how we use the word today and therefore it is extremely important that we know the history. -Our english word comes form the Latin word- relegio: can mean a kind of power that exists outside us as humans, that can compell us to do magical things.

- Adjective- mighty incumbent… to do it. -Also used to mean a specific cult- rites and bservances- owed to a particular deity. Then early Chrsitiantiy comes alone- (suceeded in the Roman empire/in the roman world) : Uesd the word Relegio- with a new meaning attached to it and it comes to mean the church. -Also comes to mean a feeling- a new concept of faith. -And more generally- his/ a worshippers feeling towards the almighty God. Then post anticqity –whereas only one relgiion could be true: -Therefore started talking about true religion vs false religion. Hence why many Chrsitians were willing to die only practising C and no others. Therefore Marthydom made it a very reality. Then later again in Medievil Christianity: -After Augustine- the word is used very little throughout the middles ages. -Religio is used most saliently- had a special designation of the monastic life…… This sitaution is continued into the second minellium and used to refer to ritual and to mean the enlgihentinemt of the monks. Not what relgion still does not mean: Copy from slide SO where does this all come from?? The first place we see a concept emerge that include all these is in: Manicheanism Was an extremely large or important religion in a pursan world- Zarathustra. M- is the religion of money. In m we already see all these elements and that money was systematically setting out a religion and that this was because- pursia back then was living at the crossroads of the world and it was where all the cultural currents came together. Then Modernity/the modern world came along: -European exploration of the globe throguh trade an dexploration and then political and capitialistic ways. -Also was natural scientific exploration -massive expansion of wealth -There was a transformation of the economic systems and industrialisation -transformation of social structures

-Transformation of plitical arrangments -In the end means that what had historically been call R in the wwest is underminded and need to be rebranded. Enlightenment :Rebirth of classical (non-christian) thought, art and ideas. The reformation: Split from the Catholic church- sereis of fundemental rebellions against the authority of the Catholic Church. Diversification of the European religious landscape- no longer just “one” church Splintering of Western Chirsitianity into the large number of denomiations- called protestant- meaning protest, against the catholic church. Martin Luther Now looking the transformation of the word religion over time- there are new uses in the early modern europe. 18-19th C- the emrgance of Social sciences and religious studies. Religion has a very complicated history and if you want to arrive a a critical understang without bias, then need to know the history. 1. Intellectual definition Religion is defined by reference to belief – usually in God or gods; or at least intense belief in something 1. Affective definition Religion is defined with reference to an emotion or emotions – often “faith” 1. Functional definition Definition in terms of the function served be religion – psychological, social, . 1 a : the state of a religious b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2): commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance 2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices 3 archaic : scrupulous conformity 4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

If the common definition(s) of “religion” are Christocentric: we need to beware of certain biases built into common definitions (explicit and implicit): — emphasis on belief as a central criterion — emphasis on worship — emphasis on “God or gods”

— emphasis on divine creation of the world — emphasis on a divine function of reward and punishment — emphasis on institutional structures like those of the Christian church(es) What else might “religions” look like, if they can defy some or all of these criteria?...

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