Week 3 Lectorial Defining research problem CQLi 060821 canvas-1 PDF

Title Week 3 Lectorial Defining research problem CQLi 060821 canvas-1
Author Chet Bran
Course Research Methods for Engineers
Institution Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Pages 30
File Size 2.5 MB
File Type PDF
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Week 3 lecture notes to help with Assignment 1...


Research Methods for Engineers EEET2449

Week 3 Lecture

Defining a Research Problem (DS: BH077, BH088, BH076, BH092)

Prof. Chun-Qing Li [email protected]

RMIT Classification: Trusted

Learning Objectives 1. State a Problem 2. Hypothesis 3. Inference

RMIT University©CQLi2021


RMIT Classification: Trusted

Reflection… ➢ What did you learn last lecture? ➢ What research is?

A systematic investigation into and study of a subject (e.g. materials, resources, etc.) in order to establish facts and reach conclusions RMIT University©CQLi2021


RMIT Classification: Trusted

A General Research Process ➢ How to begin - what, is there a problem? - why, significance? - how, hypothesis? methods? qualitative ? - where, lab or field - when, timing? - who, qualification of researchers?

- how much, who pays for it

➢ This is research method ➢ Research is a dynamic process RMIT Engineering


RMIT Classifica

✓ Assignment 1 ➢ Key points ✓ due date:15/08/21 (Sunday) ✓ penalty: 10% per late day 10 late days =>0 ✓ select a paper/group

➢ Started work ✓ Discuss

✓ In submission, clearly mark group number (in People) and paper number e.g. Group XX-Paper YY RMIT University©CQLi2021


RMIT Classification: Trusted

Identify a Problem ➢ Identify a problem is very difficult ➢ It can be based on ✓ your curiosity ✓ your desire to learn ✓ your observation ✓ your educated guess

➢ From literature review ✓ find the gap ✓ based on your knowledge RMIT University©CQLi2021


RMIT Classification: Trusted

Stating the Problem ➢ State the problem clearly and concisely! ➢ Think through the feasibility of the project that the problem implies. ➢ Say precisely what you mean. ➢ State the problem that reflects an open mind about its solution. ➢ Edit your work!

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RMIT Classification: Trusted

Refine the Problem ➢ A checklist for evaluating the research problem ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Is problem stated in a complete, grammatical sentence? Is it clear how the area of study will be limited or focused? Is it clear that you have an open mind about results? No? Rewrite/rephrase/edit you written statement.

✓ Reflect again! ✓ Does the answer to this problem have the potential for providing important and useful solutions/information? ✓ Will the result be more than a simple exercise in gathering information, answering yes/no question, or making a simple comparison? ✓ Is the problem focused enough to be accomplished with a reasonable expenditure of time, money and effort? ✓ Finally, is the problem really what you want to investigate? RMIT University©CQLi2021


RMIT Classification: Trusted

Refine the Problem ➢ Practical examples

✓ Is the problem stated in a complete, grammatical sentence? ✓ Is it clear how the area of study will be limited or focused?

✓ Is it clear that you have an open mind about ❑ Problem 1: Structure failure is results? attributed to aging and ✓ No? Rewrite/rephrase/edit you written deterioration of materials, which statement.

can be mitigated by maintenance and repairs. ✓ Checked

✓ Reflect again! ✓ Does the answer to this problem have the potential for providing important and useful solutions/information?

❑ Problem 2: Transport contributes to greenhouse gas ✓ Will the result be more than a simple exercise in gathering information, answering yes/no emissions through the burning question, or making a simple comparison? of fossil fuels, which can be ✓ Is the problem focused enough to be reduced by making cars lighter. accomplished with a reasonable expenditure of ✓ Checked time, money and effort? ❑ Do you have any problems? ✓ Finally, is the problem really what you want to ✓ To be discussed at tutorials investigate? RMIT University©CQLi2021


RMIT Classification: Trusted

Sub-problems ➢ Useful for a general problem or a large project ➢ A sub-problem is not o a procedural issue – e.g. is the equipment available or data measurement and analysis.

➢ A sub-problem has the following characteristics o o o o

A completely researchable unit It is tied to the interpretation of the data Must add up to the totality of the problem small in number, e.g., 2 - 6

In experimental research sub-problems are different tests, e.g., materials tests, structural tests, etc. RMIT University©CQLi2021


RMIT Classification: Trusted

Sub-problems ➢ Example of Problem 1 – Structural failure ➢ Structure failure can be divided by failure modes

➢ Or by components

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Sub-problems ➢ Example of Transport

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RMIT Classification: Trusted

Boundary ➢ The boundary or scope of the project need to be carefully defined ➢ Your research cannot do everything ➢ Problem 1: structural failure – concrete structures or.. ➢ Problem 2: transport – high speed train or RMIT University©CQLi2021


RMIT Classification: Trusted

Hypotheses ➢ One of the most powerful, but most often misunderstood tools of research ➢ It acts as guidance or direction ➢ A hypothesis is a

❑ logical supposition, possibility ❑ reasonable guess ❑ educated conjecture ➢ Proposed solution to a problem ➢ Guide the research RMIT University©CQLi2021


RMIT Classification: Trusted

Hypotheses ➢ A hypothesis can never be proven ➢ It can only be ‘supported’ or disproven ➢ Once a hypothesis has been supported by sufficient data it becomes a theory


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RMIT Classification: Trusted

Hypotheses ➢ Null hypothesis ❑ “opposite guess” or possibility, etc. ❑ assume that there is no relationship between two measured phenomena ❑Not a cause and effect relation

➢ Alternative hypothesis ➢ Hypothesis must be tested ❑produce supporting data RMIT University©CQLi2021


RMIT Classification: Trusted

Define a Hypothesis ➢ Practical examples ➢ Problem 1 – Structural failure ❑How to minimize structural failures? o Sub-problem 1: Why does material deteriorate ? o Hypothesis: Materials deteriorate due to attacks from surrounding aggressive environments. o Sub-problem 2: How does material deteriorate ? o Hypothesis: Mass is reduced and strength decreased. o Sub-problem 3: What is the mechanism for deterioration ? o Hypothesis: Corrosion is the main mechanism of material deterioration. RMIT University©CQLi2021


RMIT Classification: Trusted

Define a Hypothesis ➢ Problem 2 – Transport ❑What is the best way to reduce a car’s weight to maximise fuel efficiency? o Sub-problem 1: Which materials have the best properties for light weight cars? o Hypothesis: Light metal alloys are the best to use because of their low density and lower cost than alternative materials such as composites. o Sub-problem 2: What is the best way to manufacture a car using light alloys? o Hypothesis: Light metal alloys components can be made to shape with minimal disruption to existing supply chains. RMIT University©CQLi2021


RMIT Classification: Trusted

Define a Hypothesis ➢ Exercises ➢ Choose one of the following scenarios ❑You were going to meet friends at a restaurant. However they do not turn up ❑You get into your car and turn the key and it does not start ❑You get home at night open the front door and flick the light switch and it does not turn on

➢ Create 2 – 3 hypotheses to explain one of these scenarios ➢ How would you test these hypotheses?

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RMIT Classification: Trusted

Inference ➢ Critical thinking ✓ Investigate what others have done e.g., literature review ✓ Think judgmentally about what has been done

✓ Evaluating the accuracy, credibility and worth of information and lines of reasoning.

➢ Deductive logic (or reasoning) ✓ Top-down logic ✓ Reason from general to specific ✓ More certain with the conclusion RMIT University©CQLi2021


RMIT Classification: Trusted

Inference ➢ Example of deductive logic ✓ All man are mortal ✓ Hawking is a man ✓ Hawking is mortal

- almost certain

➢ Inductive reasoning ✓ Bottom-up logic ✓ From specific to general ✓ Conclusion is probable RMIT University©CQLi2021

Example of inductive reasoning ✓ Bob got a good job due to RMIT ✓ Bill got a good job due to RMIT ✓ Anyone can get a good job due to RMIT - probably


RMIT Classification: Trusted

Inference ➢ Scientific Method Identifying a problem that defines the goal of research Put forward a hypothesis Gathering relevant data Analyzing data Interpreting results Draw conclusion

➢ This is research method RMIT University©CQLi2021


RMIT Classification: Trusted

Tools of Research Library (see week 4 for a library session) Computer technology – start using software to organise your research from the beginning, e.g. use Endnote for bibliographic referencing Measurement – using instruments (see quantitative research) or using data from questionnaires (qualitative). The techniques used today are better and more specific than in other times. Statistics/Mathematics – statistics used more in psychology, medicine and business to group and find meaning in data. Engineers use both statistics and mathematics for more complicated calculations Language – writing reports and papers are particularly important to both organizing thoughts and communicating results. Hence we need to learn how to read and write scientific papers.

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RMIT Classification: Trusted

Next Week Library Research Skills 1. Overview of library website 2. Searching for academic information 3. Identifying keywords and setting up a search strategy to use in Library databases 4. Finding influential and highly cited research using citation databases 5. Using the Easy Cite tool to reference 6. Endnote – where to download and supporting documentation 7. Getting help

This session will work best if you 1. Download EndNote X9 program 2. Create a new library following ‘Endnote: a beginner’s guide’ 3. Review the instructions for adding references, changing reference styles, and interacting with Word There will be no time or IT support to do this during the session. RMIT University©CQLi2021


RMIT Classification: Trusted

Tutorial Activities 1. Use examples to define a research problem, - including subproblems and boundaries. 2. Do exercises on hypotheses - on slide 20 3. Do exercise on inference on slide 22 - inverse deductive and inductive examples 4. Helping with assignment 1 with examples - three example papers for analysis 5. Open questions RMIT University©CQLi2021


RMIT Classification: Trusted

Example Papers 1. For assignment 1 – scientific paper analysis 2. To be discussed at tutorials (please download) 3. Some projects as well

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RMIT Classification: Trusted

Selected Projects 1. Failure assessment of corrosion affected structures 2. Service life prediction of corrosion affected structures 3. Steel corrosion and its effect on mechanical properties 4. Mechanism of corrosion induced degradation of mechanical strength 5. Corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete and its effect on structural behavior 6. Performance assessment of green buildings in their whole service life RMIT University©CQLi2021


RMIT Classification: Trusted

Open Questions

Don’t forget the optional consultation today RMIT Engineering


Prof. Chun-Qing Li [email protected]...

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