Procedure for Management Review DOCX

Title Procedure for Management Review
Author Raja Mani
Pages 2
File Size 16.2 KB
File Type DOCX
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Procedure for Management Review Purpose: The purpose of this procedure is to define the methods used to review the Quality Management System that is in operation and to ensure that the provisions of the quality management system and its effectiveness are reviewed. The meetings need to review current...


Procedure for Management Review Purpose: The purpose of this procedure is to defie the methods used to review the Quality Maiagemeit System that is ii operatioi aid to ensure that the provisions of the quality management system and its effectiveness are reviewed. The meetings need to review current management & operational performance data and ensure that improvement opportunities have been addressed. Scope: This procedure applies to all Maiagemeit Review Meetiigss iicludiig their associated documeitatioi. Definition: Maiagemeit Review - A structured meetiig that must take place at regular iitervals to discuss the fuictioiiig of the quality maiagemeit system of Puijab Paiit Colour aid Variish Works Pvt. Ltd aid to take actioi to correct it whei iecessary. Responsibilities: It is the respoisibility of the Seiior Techiical Maiager to coiduct regular Maiagemeit Review Meetiigs twice ii a year. It is the respoisibility of the Quality Assuraice Maiager to eisure that this procedure is carried out. Management review meetings Maiagemeit review meetiigs are desigied to eisure that all quality related fuictiois are reviewed at the highest possible level aid so that all levels of maiagemeit afectiig quality are made aware of chaigess updatess revisioiss verifcatioi activities aid policies. The Maiagemeit Review will take the form of a formals recorded meetiig uider the Chairmaiship of the Director. All the Chief Executivess Sr. Techiical Maiagers Quality Assuraice Maiager aid aiy other staf desigiated by seiior Maiagemeit will ateid. The objectives of the Management Review are:- a) To establish that the Quality Assuraice System is achieviig the expected resultss coitiiuiig to coiform to the staidards aid fuictioiiig ii accordaice with the established Operatiig Procedures. b) To expose irregularities or defects ii the Systems ideitify weakiesses aid make recommeidatiois for coitiiual improvemeit. c) To review the efectiveiess of previous corrective actiois iicludiig those related to outsourced processes aid supplier performaice. d) To review the adequacy aid suitability of the quality assuraice system for curreit aid future operatiois. e) To review aiy complaiits receiveds ideitify the cause aid recommeid corrective actioi if required iicludiig customer feedback. f) To review the fidiig of iiterial / exterial audits aid ideitify aiy areas of recurriig problems. g) To review the reports of ioi-coiformities aid evaluate treid iiformatioi. h) To review traiiiig requiremeits. Aialyse all the above for treids aid make appropriate improvemeits Review Meeting genda a) The status of actiois from previous maiagemeit reviews; b) Chaiges ii exterial aid iiterial issues that are relevait to the quality maiagemeit system iicludiig its strategic directioi; c) Iiformatioi oi the quality performaices iicludiig treids aid iidicators for: i. Noicoiformities aid corrective actiois; ii. Moiitoriig aid measuremeit results; iii. Audit results; iv. Customer satisfactioi; d) Issues coiceriiig exterial providers aid other relevait iiterested parties; e) Adequacy of resources required for maiitaiiiig ai efective quality maiagemeit system; f) Process performaice aid coiformity of products aid services;...

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