Procrastination script (essay) PDF

Title Procrastination script (essay)
Author John Doe
Course Develop Writing And Reading
Institution Concordia University Wisconsin
Pages 4
File Size 108.3 KB
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great essay on procrastination, its effects, long term and short term...









As students, teachers, and as humans, we have all procrastinated at least once in our lives. You might not know what procrastination is, but let me break it down for you. Procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something, whether if it’s getting an assignment done early, or as a teacher getting your marking done, or even as simple as getting out of bed. See, we all have experienced those days when we wake up but we don’t get out of bed the second we wake up, whether it’s because we go on our phone, or we’re just tired. We are still procrastinating getting out of bed. In this video you’ll learn all there is to know about procrastination. From it’s causes to it’s effects, to how to avoid it. So let’s get started. What causes procrastination? There are three main things that cause procrastination. Thesis: Procrastination has major causes, major effects, and multiple wasy it can be avoided. 1. Lack of Motivation or Laziness. According to an article by Oxford Learning, causes of procrastination among students include: Lack of Motivation. And a different article by Oregon State University states that the no.1 reason students procrastinate is due to lack of motivation. Going back to our bed example, we don’t want to get out of bed because we’re too lazy. It’s like yeah I have 5 minutes to spare, let me just sleep for another 5 minutes, the 5 turn into 10 and so on. Then when you get out of bed you realize how much time you wasted when you could’ve got stuff done. Therefore it is proven that lack of motivation is a main cause of procrastination among students. 2. Failure of self-regulation/ lack of organization. According to an article by washington post. It states that “some researchers have viewed procrastination largely as a failure of self-regulation. This also relates to the theme of organization. Time organization is very crucial in getting things done. Back to the bed analogy. If you actually wake up on the time you set your alarm and do verything you need to get done in the morning, you will feel way better than if you don’t wake up on your alarm and don’t have enough time to get things done. Therefore, time organization and self regulation are big factors in causing procrastination 3. Distractions. From experience distractions can cause someone to procrastinate. For example, when you wake up in the morning and your phone is right beside you, this might cause you to go on your phone and check aall your notifications. You will suddenly end up scrolling on Facebook, and 30 minutes later you will realize how much time you wasted and now you don’t have enough time to get everything you need to get done done.Other distractions than your phone can include, video games. Sometimes you have an assignment due, but you’d rather play video games for instead of doing the assignment. The video game is a big barrier that is causing you not to get your assignment done on time. Therefore, distractions are another big cause of procrastination. Now that we have outlined some major causes of procrastination, we can talk about how they effect our lives.







1. As students, the biggest effect of procrastination is bad grades. Doing a project last minute, means that you didn’t take all the time you need to think about what you need to do for it. Procrastination causes students to achieve bad grades because it is shown that not full effort has been put into this project. Delaying a project to last minute means that the student who completed it rushed it the night before it is due. This isn’t good for the student because it causes their marks to drop drastically. 2. Another major effect procrastination has on us is our health. According to an article by Oxford Learning, it states “students who procrastinate experience higher levels of frustration, guilt, stress, and anxiety - in some cases leading to serious issues like low self-esteem and depression. ”Procrastinating a lot can cause us to stress over something because you haven’t started it and it’s due to the next day. This can cause long-term health issues, and cause someone to stress a lot the more they procrastinate. Therefore, procrastination takes a major toll on our health as well. 3. Another effect procrastination can have on someone, is to cause someone to not be able to meet their goals. According to an article by, procrastination can cause someone to not be able to meet their goals. Procrastination can cause a person to not be able to meet goals because of how mucch they are delaying to get one thing done. If someone is unable to get something done, how are they supposed to meet their goals? You won’t be able to reach your goals if you procrastinate a lot, because you might as well just delay those goals for later on. Therefore, procrastination can effect someone’s ability to reach their long or short-term goals. Now that we’ve seen the cause and effects of procrastination, I’m prety sure you would like to learn how to avoid procrastination. 1. The first way to avoid procrastination is time organization. Like I’ve said befre time organization is a big factor in causing people to procratinate. If your time is not organized well, you will most likely procrastinate. Time organization is crucial in your first steps to avoiding procrastination. Because if your time is organized and you set a schedule for yourself and what you’ll do and you follow that schedule that will be your first step towards success. Therefore, a major step in avoiding procastination is time organization. 2. Another way to avoid procrastination is to set goals and meet them. This means that if your goal is to wake up at 7:00 in the morning. You should wake up at 7:00 in the morning. Forget about the snooze button. It will be hard at first but once you get used to it, trust me it will get easier. But imagine how much time it would save you, if you actually wake up on your first alarm not your 4th. When you start meeting the goals you set it will be easier for you to meet the next goal and so on. Therefore, another way to avoid procrastination is setting goals and meeting them. 3. The most important way to avoid procrastination s to eat healthy adn get lots of sleep. The reason we want to sleep in, in the morning is because we didn't get enough sleep. If you get enough sleep, then when your alarm goes off, you shouldn’t be tired and you should get out of bed right away. This is crucial in avoiding procrastination because health over everything, when you’re getting a good night sleep, you will have enrgy the day of to complete all the activities and meet all the goals you need. But if you don’t eat

healthy and sleep well, then you won’t be able to do those things. Therefore, you should be eating healthy adn sleeping well in order to avoid procrastination. So now we have learned al about procrastination. It’s causes, effects and how to avoid it. Hopefully tomorrow you’ll get out of bed the second you wake up, not after you have finished watching all the snapchat stories from the night before.

“Why Do Students Procrastinate? Causes & Tips.” Oxford Learning , 2 Oct. 2019, University, Oregon State. “6 Reasons People Procrastinate.” Oregon State University , Oregon State University, 2017, tination_-_six_reasons_-_19.pdf.

Swanson, Ana. “The Real Reasons You Procrastinate - and How to Stop.” The Washington Post , WP Company, 29 Apr. 2019, e-about-procrastination-instead-of-doing-your-job/. O´Donovan, Kirstin. “8 Dreadful Effects of Procrastination That Can Destroy Your Life.” Lifehack, Lifehack, 26 June 2019, ....

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