Professional Project PDF

Title Professional Project
Author Nupur Roy
Course B.Tech civil
Institution University of Petroleum and Energy Studies
Pages 17
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1 Running head: WIPRO


The Relationship between Employee Training and Organizational Performance: A Case of Wipro

Submission date: Campus: Sydney

2 Running head: WIPRO

Executive Summary This report represents the accomplishment of the research on the training and development of the employees taking the case of the WIPRO. This report aims to define the effect of the employee training that has on the organizational performance. An overview on what is the relationship between the two and how it is affects the organizations is given in the introduction. Furthermore, the report represents the qualitative data that gives the report a back bone. The data analysis is done by applying various data interpretation tools, such as the regression and the correlation analysis. The results came out to be positive and strong. The report leaves us with the understanding of the relation between the training of the employees and the effect of the training on the operations of the organizations.

3 Running head: WIPRO

Table of contents

Table of Contents Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................2 Introduction......................................................................................................................................4 Background..................................................................................................................................4 About WIPRO..............................................................................................................................4 Aims and objectives.....................................................................................................................5 Research questions.......................................................................................................................5 Literature review..............................................................................................................................5 Research methodology.....................................................................................................................6 Findings...........................................................................................................................................7 Discussions on findings...................................................................................................................8 Correlation analysis:....................................................................................................................9 Regression analysis:...................................................................................................................10 Conclusions and recommendations Limitations............................................................................11 Recommendations......................................................................................................................11 Limitations.................................................................................................................................12 References......................................................................................................................................13 Appendix........................................................................................................................................15

4 Running head: WIPRO

Introduction Training lays the foundation of the career enhancement of the employees in the organization. The main result to this is the job satisfaction that an individual gets (Wipro, 2020). Moreover, the employees gain a sense of being respected and being valued by the organization. Training and development serves as the most important opportunity for the staff and the workers as they are facilitated with a training program which is enhancing their knowledge and adding in to their expertise (Wipro, 2020). Employees are the most important and the valuable asset to any organization and training and development is the integral part which comes under the Human Resource management in any organization. Moreover, it is the responsibility of the organization to upgrade the employee’s productivity and the efficiency. In this dynamic world, the demand for the adaptable organization is needed. The organization which is adapting to the change is always recommended and preferred in the industry (Learning and Development, 2020). It is very demanding and challenging to stay upright and thrive in the market when the organization is lagging and is incompetent to fill the gap. This is mainly due to the reason that with no knowledge of the new trends of this ever-changing business world (Dias & Silva, 2016). This develops the importance of training and development within organizations to endeavor in the target area. Therefore, the main purpose of the project will be to assess the relation between employee training and the organizational performance of Wipro. Background Nowadays, the organizations are investing a huge part of their revenue in their employee’s training and development in order to sustain in the market. The skills are upgrading and so the need for the experts is also increasing. According to Learning and Development (2020) the training and development serves as the vital part and an opportunity for the employees to enhance their knowledge through continuous up gradation of the knowledge and develop skills. There are many verticals to an organization’s training, such as the management training, sales training, the training given to the fresher’s, training for the promotions etc. About Wipro Wipro is a multinational company working under the information technology industry and the employee cap is of 145,000 employees (Wipro, 2019). The organization is serving around 900 clients in approximately. 61countries. The chairman of the esteemed organization is Mr. Azim Premji. This is the organization that is serving the society for more than 4 decades with its

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diversified service which assisted the organization to become one of the leading company in the software industry (WIPRO, 2019). This organization aims to be the biggest player in the market and to fulfill that requirement. The organization is investing a big amount from their total revenue to train their employees who in return assists the company to increase the profitability of the organization. There are many training programs initiated by the organization such as the Project readiness program for new recruits, training programs facilitated to train the experienced professionals (Wipro, 2019).

Aims and objectives This report studies the significance of the training of the employees to the profitability of the company. In other words, the report will analyze the fact that is the training of the employees significant in increase of the profitability of the organizations. The main aim of the report is to evaluate the relationship between employee training and organizational performance. Research questions The research questions which take birth in this report are: 1. What is the direction of relationship between employee training and the organizational performance? 2. Is there any significance between the training of the employees and the profitability of the organization? 3. What is the degree which is related with employee training grievances and organizational performance?

Literature review The employee plays an integral role in any organization. It can be also recognized that one of the most challenging part in building the organizations is mainly by setting following the key goals of the organization as regulated by the management of the company. The key aims, goals, and objectives are referred as the backbone and the strong pillars of the organization it also supports the organization in every situation and also attracts profitability in the organization (Buchanan

6 Running head: WIPRO

2019). According to Peter (2019) the highlights related to the positive relationships and the practices of Human Resource management of organizing and conducting the training sessions for the employees and the productivity of the employees in the organizations. He defines in the study that the most important resources an organization should cherish are the employees of the organization which is responsible for their personal and professional goals keeping in mind the business. The paper urges the needs of the Human resource management to develop such organization that promotes the development of the employees and implements it as well. The study which Peter, 2019 did was to test the overall practices of the human resource management and their programs that impacts the productivity of the organizations. According to Suhartanto & Brien (2018), the performance of the employees is seen as the main and the most vital multidimensional construct to achieve any planned organizational results and strategic goals defined by an organization while building a strong firm. The research paper focused on the examination of the level of engagement the job and the organization have and according to that the job performance and the job satisfaction were defined. The study encourages the retail store managers to improve their store management and the performances in order to increase the productivity and the efficiency of the workers. Besides, Zehra (2016) highlighted the effectiveness and efficiency which is required to enhance the level of banking performance. On the other hand, Hanaysha & Tahir (2016) added to the literature that the employees in the organizations are required to serve an organization with utmost dignity. There are some of the proper training programs which have been conducted as per the organization’s needs and policies. There are several training programs that are build and implemented to promote the individual’s as well as the organizational performance. Moreover, Mozael (2015) mentioned in the paper that the key ingredient to training in an organization and development of the employees depends mainly on the employees and their performance. The productivity of the organization includes the style of the delivery, the design of the training of the employees in the organization, and moreover keeping in mind the on-the-job training for improving the skills and the performance of the employees in the organizations. The study highlights the need of the training to the employee on a regular basis in modern world. Since the world is changing at a tremendous speed, the organizations also train their employees so that they are competent to face any situation which may hinder an organization with no knowledge and skills.

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Research methodology Research methodology is known to be the process which basically studies the details of the research. This includes the data and the method of collection of data, the selection techniques or the processes, the data interpretation tools used (if any), and other information related to the research objectives. The process includes the recognition of the problem/ gaps, usage of the research design, data collection and analysis of the data. The research design enables the researcher to gather the data from the chosen source. This design helps the researcher to stay focused on the right path avoiding all the distractions in collection of data (Kumar, 2019). There are two sources of data which includes the Primary and the Secondary Sources of data. The primary sources are those sources which are collected by the researcher, who is conducting the study (Kumar, 2019). This type of data collection method involves the data collection through the experiments, questionnaires, interviews, discussions, surveys, and the information extraction by consulting a samples size, etc., field observation, or focus groups. This source is much more reliable when compared to the secondary sources as this data is collected by the researcher itself so the possibilities of human error minimizes. In addition to this, the researcher has more confidence in decision making as the data collected is raw in nature (Kumar, 2019). On the contrary, the secondary data is a source where the data is collected by the researcher from the literatures published in past. In other words, the data is collected with the studies that are conducted already with the previous number of researchers in the past. This source involves the company’s manual, annual reports of the company, journals, magazines, newsletters, websites, articles, newspapers, etc. Moreover, the data is collected from the documents and policies related to the study (Kumar, 2019). There are two types of data which are known to be the Quantitative and the Qualitative data. The qualitative data is referred to be represented as the written information (in words/ text) and on the other side, Quantitative data is represented in numbers. The data obtained in this study is accessed by the annual reports of the Wipro are relevant and information can be interpreted easily in this research design. This research design consists basically of the secondary data collection and interpretation tools used in this study to analyze the data are the Regression and the correlation Analysis. The data is in both qualitative and Quantitative in nature. Annual reports of Wipro from 2009-2018 will be used to conclude the research (Wipro, 2019). Excel statistics will be applied with the purpose to analyze the data

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gathered for the study. In the next part the findings of the study has being shared and some of the qualitative data has been highlighted about Wipro. Whereas the data which was represented in the research proposal is used and the analysis and the interpretation of the data is done in excel.

Findings The data was analyzed by the interpretation tools such as the Regression and the correlation analysis. The data presented in the report is the data collected by the Annual Report of Wipro, 2018-2019. The overview on the results of the finding through the data provided is as follows. The findings are as follows: Correlation analysis: Correlation is a statistical technique that determines that the variables are strongly and positively correlated or not. If the value of correlation is above 0.05 it is said to be the positive and the strong relation and if the value tends to be below 0.05 it is positive and weak relation. In some cases the value results in negative as well.


Total Number of







Year 1 Total Number of Employees



Trained Profitability Margin

(₹ 0.904997



Millions) Table 1.2 As you can see in the Table 1.2, the value tends to be 0.788130339 or 0.79, the correlation between the two variables came to be strong and positive in nature. The finding of the report shows that the relationship of the employees being trained shows a positive and a strong co relation between each other.

9 Running head: WIPRO

Regression analysis: Regression analysis is an interpretation tool where p value helps to determine the relationship between the population and the samples. SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R R Square Adjusted R Square Standard Error Observations

0.788130339 0.621149432 0.573793111 10838.27416 10

Table 1.3 ANOVA Df




Significance F














Table 1.4 Upper Coeffici






ents -

d Error

t Stat -


95% -


95.0% -











pt Total



























Numbe r


Emplo yees

10 Running head: WIPRO

Table 1.5 As you can see in the above tables, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 F value and the significance is considered to interpret the data. The significance came out to be less than 0.05. It is defined that the standard deviation was 21808.65433, and 16601.59824 respectively.

Moreover the values for the

regression analysis is be identified as; F= 13.11650521 and the significance of F= 0.006766182, which is less than 0.05. All the data will be analyzed keeping the level of significance as 0.05. The finding of the report shows that the relationship of the employees being trained shows a positive and a strong co relation between each other and moreover the significance of the data is positive and strongly correlated with each other.

Discussion Wipro invests a solid 1% of the company’s total revenue on the training of the employees to promote the effectiveness and the productivity of the employees. The organization concentrates to improve the sustainability of the organization. This organization aims to be the biggest player in the market and to fulfill that requirement. The organization is investing a big amount from their total revenue to train their employees who will in return assist the company to increase the profitability of the organization. The training and development play a vital part in an organization’s development and the opportunity for the employees to enhance their knowledge through continuous up gradation of the knowledge. Training and development serves as one of the most important opportunity for the staff and the workers as they are facilitated with a training program which is enhancing their knowledge and adding in to their expertise. As described the findings from the analysis done by the interpretation tools previously, here is the data presentation. The mean for the Total Number of Employees Trained turned out to be 142997, and for the Profitability Margin (₹ Millions) it was 72536.30. The standard deviation was 21808.65433, and 16601.59824 respectively.

Moreover the values for the regression

analysis is be identified as; F= 13.11650521 and the significance of F= 0.006766182, which is less than 0.05. All the data will be analyzed keeping the level of significance as 0.05. The values for the correlation came out to be the 0.79. The overall results when talking about the total employees were; the total number of employees increased in 2019 to 175,690 from 163,827 in

11 Running head: WIPRO

2018, including the percentage of the women employees as 35% in 2018 to the new percentage of 3.2% in 2019. According to Wipro (2019), the staffs have increased in the nationalities by 15 people. In addition to that the WIPRO has expanded their Intellectual capital in the financial year of 2019, which includes the investments on the Research and development, number of the people who got the opportunity to be trained through a digital medium. The company has increased the tot...

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