Project 2- Essay PDF

Title Project 2- Essay
Course Communication Skills from a global perspective
Institution Swinburne University of Technology
Pages 2
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Argumentative Essay...



Project 2- Essay

Project 2- Essay Submit Assignment

Due 5 May by 23:59

Points 40

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Available after 18 Feb at 0:00

Assignment Two: Minor Essay The purpose of Assignment Two is to compose a formal, well-referenced academic essay extending on the work done in Assignment One. In this assessment, you are asked to turn your annotated bibliography into a structured essay, complete with a central argument, a clear format/structure, and a thorough engagement with the literature in your chosen area. Your piece should be: 1. Roughly 2000 words in length (+/- 10%) 2. Contain between 10-15 academic references, sourced from credible journal articles and other sources. 3. Must be an extension of the topic you chose for Assignment One (no new topics). This essay gives you a chance to develop sound research skills and essay writing techniques. Students must form a strong argument based on the literature they source, and engage with this literature in a critical way. References: 10-15 minimum (present in Harvard style please). Due: May 5th - Sunday midnight. Weight: 40% Essay Criteria: Introduction Orients reader to organisation of essay Clearly introduces argument of essay States why the argument is important Argument and Discussion Successful identification of scholarly literature Evidence of understanding the literature, including concepts Application of literature and concepts to the topic Balanced, logical and flowing argument Takes a critical and analytical rather than descriptive approach Synthesises all relevant individual points into a cohesive overall argument Conclusion Summarises key findings Clearly reinforces overall argument through reference to key points made in essay Referencing and Presentation Appropriate sentencing and paragraphing Discussions and meanings are clear Correct grammar and spelling Consistent and accurate in-text referencing and reference list Essay conforms to Submission Requirements. Extensions and Late Submission Extensions will not be given for anything less than extenuating circumstances such as accident or illness, and a medical or other certificate must be provided. If a student wishes to apply for an extension they must contact their tutor before the assignment is due. Extensions will not be granted for time-related problems such as workloads from other units or employment. Late Submissions - Unless an extension has been approved, you cannot submit an assessment after the due date. If this does occur, yo will be penalised 10% of the assessments worth for each calendar day the task is late up to a maximum of 5 days. After 5 days a zero result will be recorded.



Project 2- Essay

Useful Links: What is a Scholarly Reference? Links to an external site.


How to Write Clearly and Concisely Links to an external site.


How to Write an Intro, Argument, and Conclusion Links to an external site.

Swinburne Harvard Style Guide Links to an external site.



Sample essay: Sample essay.docx Project 2-Essay Criteria Structure



5.0 Pts Full marks

0.0 Pts No marks

Systematic reasoning

5.0 Pts

0.0 Pts

Sytematic line of reasoning towards a conclusion

Full marks

No marks

having an essay question and answering the question

4.0 Pts Full marks

0.0 Pts No marks

4.0 pts

5.0 Pts Full marks

0.0 Pts No marks

5.0 pts

5.0 Pts Full marks

0.0 Pts No marks

5.0 pts

3.0 Pts Full marks

0.0 Pts No marks

3.0 pts

6.0 Pts Full marks

0.0 Pts No marks

6.0 pts

7.0 Pts Full marks

0.0 Pts No marks

7.0 pts

Critical Analysis Engaging with the literature and analysing that

Academic Resources Identification and application of appropriate academic sources

Proofing Spelling, punctuation and presentation

Expression Academic language, expression and tone

Referencing and citation

5.0 pts

5.0 pts

Total points: 40.0


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