Protestant Reformation Essay PDF

Title Protestant Reformation Essay
Author Samaher Baidis
Course Medieval History
Institution Fordham University
Pages 3
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This essay discusses how the Protestant Reformation had more of an impact religiously because it opposed the authority of the Catholic Popes and it reshaped the Christian values in all of Europe....


Protestant  Reformation

During the Renaissance, new ideas helped to create a cultural birth in Europe and changed many people’s views on the Catholic church. The clergy’s abuse and lies caused Martin Luther and other Christians to criticize the church. Martin Luther was a German priest who was involved with the religious group of people. After he realised how unfair the indulgences and the practice of nepotism were, he decided to write his 95 Theses. These theses were statements that caused debates and the beginning of the Reformation. It was the year of 1517, when Luther challenged the Roman church for its policies. The Protestant Reformation had more of an impact religiously because it opposed the authority of the Catholic Popes and it reshaped the Christian values in all of Europe. The Protestant Reformation had some religious effects on Europe since it showed people the Pope’s true face. During the 16th century, many new beliefs and religious structures were built upon the church and the modern era was established. For example, in document 2, Martin Luther states, “Those who believe that they can be certain of their salvation because they have indulgence letters will be eternally damned, together with their teachers.” Indulgences were the letters that people had to pay to have their sins forgiven. This quote shows how the clergy including the Pope and other people who wanted to go to heaven disobeyed God’s rules and committed another sin. This affected Christians because they lost respect towards the church and religious values. In addition, in document 9, Loyola states, “We ought not, by way of custom, to speak much of predestination; but if in some way and at some times one speaks, let him to speak that the common people may not come into any error…” Predestination is a way of determining

if someone belongs to heaven or hell. This document argues why it was a religious impact because Loyola discusses about how “only” God decides whether an individual will go to heaven or not. It all depends on people’s good deeds, not the indulgences that steal people’s money. Therefore, the Reformation had more of a religious impact because it changed people’s views on the church and helped them to learn the truth. Some people may believe that the Protestant Reformation had more of an impact socially and politically because the technology helped them to communicate with others. The printing press was device that was invented by Johannes Gutenberg and it created a new way of thinking and interaction. Although some people would consider the printing press a social device, it was indeed influential for many religious purposes. For instance, in document 3a, Myconius states, “and in a month throughout Christendom, as if the angels themselves were serving as messengers to bring them to the attention of all men.” This quote demonstrates how the printing press helped people to share their beliefs with others who were all over Europe and draw attention to the religious movements. Additionally, in document 11, the Pope states, “ is altogether necessary to salvation for every human being to be subject to the Roman pontiff.” This is another reason why the Reformation had more of an effect religiously because salvation was built upon the sole principles of religion and the rules controlled people’s actions. These laws emphasized the values of human beings. Thus, the Protestant Reformation had more religious impacts on Europe because not only did it teach Christians to communicate, but it also informed them about God’s rules. Overall, the Protestant Reformation had more religious impacts on Europe because the Catholic church lost most of its power and and had to depend on the rulers such as Kings. When

the clergy lied about guaranteeing salvations or indulgences, many people changed their beliefs and stopped admiring the church. Also, the advancement of technology such as the development of the printing press helped Christians learn about each other's religious values and respect towards God. The idea of reshaping Catholic church and religion was important since it reformed new ideas and advantages. These are just a few reasons why The Protestant Reformation that was led by Martin Luther had more of an impact religiously on Europe....

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