Proto Indo- European (PIE) History of english PDF

Title Proto Indo- European (PIE) History of english
Course History of Englisch Language
Institution Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Pages 6
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History of english...


Proto Indo- European (PIE) All colored ares inhabited by people who speak a indo- european language 500 BC map originated somewhere north of caspians sea and black sea 5000 BC 2000 BC extended to West and East reached greatest extent in 500 BC, 2500 years ago (celtic in france, spain, british isles)(in east scythian, sarmatian, indian and iranian) 500 AD 1500 years ago end of Roman Empire in West and latin dominant language France, spain, italy), germanic in north of europe and greek predominant in the east, some caltic languages in ireland and british isles scythian and sarmatian in asia have dissapeared bc hannish invasion 374 AD, Hans came out of asia and swept across europe and sc and sa wiped off of linguistic landscape 1500 AD, 500 years ago caltic languages still survived on british isles, but largest patz now settled by germanic speaking tribes (angles, saxons, judes) non indo european langage in europe North finnish,histonian; in Balkan Hungarian; in east turkish) underlying idea of PIE once a mother language out of which other languages developed, depicted as tree PIE ⟶ Germanic ⟶ English

Theories about a common source

 james found explanation in bible Biblicle explanation) Japhet one of the 3 sons of Noah, Noah built Arc after great flood came, each son settled to one continent bc population drowned Japhet in Europe)

in Middle Ages people visualised world with Mappa Mundi (mediterranean and jerusalem (bc rose from dead) in the centre to the west greece italy germany, to right africa, right hand top red sea) knew 3 continents Asia, Europe and Africa), settled by 3 sons of noah, east was on top so north East sun rises), north found out by magnetic compass 2. Sir William Jones: sent to india and there found out that sanskrit had similarity to latin and greek, proposed that must belong to same language family which he called common source

people started speculating on common source and tried to reconsruct this common source one of them Schleicher who told story in what he thought would be PIE

Reconstructing the common source 1868 Schleicher reconstructed a kind of PIE using vocabulary from latin, french, german, sanskrit in which he wrote an animal tale 1939 another version by Hirt

In search of the IE homeland how do they know homeland? bc all they had was daughter languages of indo european, argued that we can reconstrct PIE by comparing daughter languages and finding common words ⟶ very likely that origin is in northern hemisphere and they have more winter because daughter language has a lot of common words associated to winter one theory favored that potential urheimat of PIE by Maria Kimpultas in north of black and caspian sea reason: spread of Kurgan Cultures same as spread of PIE and Culture also contemporary

The British Isles New Grange in Ireland 5000 years old a grave, tempel and contains astronomic info, when sun hits centric grave chamber then winter solstice — >when to bring out seed to harvest ⟶ matter of survival to know right time stone henge in england around 2500 BC 40005000 years old, ritualistic and asrtronomical purposes, no idea who built bc brought them 80 miles, no idea what language they spokestone henge associated with droids, droids where elite(priests, layers of celts), celts came to Britain around 500 BC and took over stone henge for rituals, were not the ones who built it neo droids were not first ones to claim stone henge, in middle ages said that magician brought stones from ireland and had giants put them together a bit later after building stone henge new people settling in britain (beaker people) from 2000, migrated from continental europe

Celtic Invasion Celts immigratd into europe out of east 9 century BC and reached britain around 500 bc, became dominant people in britain and their celtic languages became dominant languages droids forbidden tow rite things down, had to learn history, legends, laws by heart to become a droid when romans conquered celtic people tried to keep them peaceful and include them into roman empire, killed droids to destroy national identity of celts only romans and greeks had contact with celts in 43 AD britain conquered by emporor claudius, britain became last added province of roman empire

Roman britain everyone in celtic britain knew latin as language of administration/trade, celtic population also spoke celtic languages

Historical Britain political/linguistic landscape change when romans pulled back their troops in Britain bc rome had problems of their own bc of germanic tribes celts felt not protected anymore cant rely on romans anymore, other forces tried to get foothold, celts secured against these threats with help from across germanic sea by saxons after helping saxons turned against celts, brought more commarades from germany and started to conquer and settle in celtic britain ⟶ from seltic britain step by step to germanic speaking anglo saxon britain celts still stuck to celtic languages

Linguistic History

change comes when romans retreated

anglo saxons speak germanic language out of which english will develop english goes back to tribe name the engel ⟶ england, english language of engels

know little about anglo saxon bc oral culture, only found in reports by other cultures for germanic tribes have resources in tatsitus germania in AD 98, tribes who have laws;history but passed on oraly were pagan, roman britain was nominally christian but now pagan invasion ⟶ many gods in outward temples, human sacrifices

English and Proto Indo European Modern English goes back to middle english to old english to proto germanic

Characteristics of Germanic a reconstructed language, no textual evidence

4th century gothic bible translation earliest evidence, gothic germanic language sound shift indo european p shifted to s, t to th/d, c to h...

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