Provide a summary of the short story “Champoon” by Theb Mahapaorya PDF

Title Provide a summary of the short story “Champoon” by Theb Mahapaorya
Course BS Accountancy
Institution Mindanao State University
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Provide a summary of the short story “Champoon” by Theb Mahapaorya...


Provide a summary of the short story, “Champoon” by Theb Mahapaorya, then identify the following elements based on your reading of the story. SUMMARY The story Champoon is about the tragic love story of a beautiful girl named Champoon and a well-bred man named Nai Amnuey. It started with the narrator meeting Nai Amnuey in the hospital who was told to have gone insane. Nai Amnuey then told their story. Champpon and Nai Amnuey met by accident and fell in love with each other passionately but Taokae Soon, Champoon’s father, is a rival of Nai Amnuey and due to this he did not approve the secret love affair of his daughter to Nai Amnuey. He locked up Champoon from running away causing the two to separate. Nai Amnuey was sad of this loss and his friends offered to give him a girl named Anita as a comfort. Anita was a half filipino and half portugeuse woman whose personality is quite likable. One day, Champoon was finally able to escape and she went straight to Nai Amnuey’s residence, crossing the river inhabited with crocodiles but what welcomed her was the sight of Nai Amnuey sleeping with Anita. This broke Champoon’s heart and so she ran away. Nai Amnuey chased after her and searched for her but the next thing they saw after the search was a leg with an iron chain. It was said that Champoon was eaten by the crocodile in the river.


Main characters (Describe completely with characteristics)

Narrator - There is not much information about him. He met Nai Amnuey in the hospital and was given quite a warning by the doctor that Nai Amnuey was insane. And so he conversed with the man cautiously. Nai Amnuey - A good looking 28 years old man who can speak 5 different languages and has the manners of a well bred man. Champoon - A beautiful girl named after a flower. She is a smart and attractive girl. And quite the stubborn type, same as her father. When she is determined to do something she would do everything she can to get it. Taokae Soon - Also known as Big Brother Soon. He is the father of Champoon and is the greatest rival of Nai Amnuey. He has a reputation of the most lavish entertainer. He is very strict towards Champoon and is as stubborn as her through things that he made his mind with. Anita - A half filipino and half portuguese courtesan. She has a beauty that is difficult to believe that she is a courtesan. She also has a fascinating personality that isn't hard to fall in love with.


Setting— a. In terms of geographical location; Taimuang, Pangnga which is the center region of Thailand. b.

In terms of time;

The story telling took place 5 months after they found Champoon’s legs which means the main story took place 5 months ago. 5 months has passed since Champoon died and Nai Amnuey was hospitalized for being insane.


In terms of mood/atmosphere;

The story began with an ominous, solemn and suspenseful mood as Nai Amnuey who’s diagnosed as insane, retold his story. The narrator listened with cautiousness. And the story ended with a very sorrowful mood. d.

In terms of social conditions.

The story shows some social conditions such as Taokae Soon who is Chinese refuses to let her daughter get married to a Thai. He is described to be very nationalistic and so avoids to let her daughter enjoy and assimilate with the Thai life. 3.

Type of plot used Linear Plot.


Point of view It uses a First Person point of view as the story is retold by Nai Amnuey and readers experience or hear this story through the Narrator, the one who interacts with Nai Amnuey.


Type of conflict present, justify The type of conflict present in the story is External, Character Vs. Character. Because there are two character’s struggling against each other which is Champoon with Nai Amnuey against Taokae Soon who is against their relationship. Taokae Soon’s action to lock up Champoon caused the separation of the two lovers consequently leading up to the situation where Nai Amnuey cheated on Champoon and Champoon died tragically from learning this fact.


Climax of the story? The Climax of the story is the part where Champoon, despite being tied with iron chains in her wrists and ankles, even bared naked, finally escapes from her residence with wittiness and great courage. She then miraculously passed through the river, resided with crocodiles and finally arrived at Nai Amnuey’s house. And tragically witnessing Nai Amnuey who she sacrificed everything for, in the bed with Anita. Completely heartbroken, Champoon ran away outside and Nai Amnuey chases after her.


Falling action? The Falling action of the story is the part after the climax, Nai Amnuey chases after Champoon and desperately searches for her everywhere. Even coming to TaoKae Soon’s residence to ask if she went home but was harshly pushed away. He then

deployed thirty men to search for her and desperately continued doing so for over 24 hours. 8. Cite any three different sections (or paragraphs) in the story which uses any two or three imagery. “It’s of the family of champak. It looks like a champee, nut with a velvety calex which first wraps up the petals inside the white flower is bud, then then this velvety part opens and later the petals spread out. You can imagine the fragrance released. The petals are wax like, thick and stiff. They dont fade like those of champee. After it has blossomed the champoon lasts several days. Its scent marks that of all flowers around it. The scent is overpowering compelling and unyeilding.” “I heard the creaking of what seemed to be the front door whose hangers were never properly oiled, it was rather strange since I was sure I closed the door before I went to bed. I got up when the morning sun glared right in my face through the open door, then I saw someone’s silhouette at the door way,”

9. Cite any three symbolisms and their meanings as used in the story (either established or personal). Iron chain - Symbolizes the sacrifice of Champoon. Anita - Symbolizes a present from the devil, a temptation Champoon - symbolizes the main protagonist Champoon, Nai Amnuey’s loved one. 10.

Cite one to two examples of the three types of irony: a. Verbal irony 1. “I don't want to boast but i must say that I was very popular at Taimuang.” 2. “The fact that we have to keep it a secret and that it all seemed hopeless only intensified it.” Nai Amnuey said about their sudden love. b.

Situational Irony 1. Nai Amnuey went to Champoon’s father to make sure if she’s truly not at home, thinking that Champoon’s father would help him as they both cherish Champoon. But unexpectedly, Champoon’s father instead chased him away and even swore he would kill Champoon if she returned.

2. Champoon’s father believed the last measure which is to leave Champon naked would be more effective than others. But unlike his expectation, Champon still dared to run c.

Dramatic Irony 1. Champoon sacrificed everything to be with Nai Amnuey, believing their love is true and everything. Unbeknownst to her that Nai Amnuey was playing with Anita for five to six days while she was locked up and tortured at home.


Identify the theme of the story based on your understanding...

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