PS 201 - Exam 1 - concepts - example questions PDF

Title PS 201 - Exam 1 - concepts - example questions
Author zy rules
Course Us Racial & Ethnic Politics
Institution University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Pages 2
File Size 52.7 KB
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PS 201: U.S. Racial and Ethnic Politics Spring 2020

EXAM 1 This exam covers material from Modules 1-4, and consists of Identification, Short Answer, and Essay questions. You have one hour to complete the exam. You will have a choice of questions to answer for each section.

Part I. Identification Define and identify the significance of four of the following eight terms/phrases. Each should be answered in two sentences: one sentence for the definition, and one for the significance of the term. Example: ● Relative Deprivation Theory ○ This is a theory that argues that people become discontented when they perceive a gap between the standard of living they are currently enjoying and the standard they believe they should have or hope to be enjoying. It is significant because it is one of the ways to explain ethnocentrism and prejudice. List of possible concepts: ● This is an exhaustive list of IDs. In other words, if a concept does not appear on this list, it will not appear on the exam. 1. American Dilemma 2. Americanization 3. Automatic vs. controlled racial stereotyping 4. Black utility heuristic 5. Bogus pipeline 6. Ethnocentrism 7. Implicit Association Test 8. Implicit racial message 9. Linked fate 10. List experiment 11. Panethnic identity 12. Prerequisite cases 13. Principled Politics 14. Race as a social construct 15. Reactive ethnicity 16. Realistic group conflict theory

PS 201: U.S. Racial and Ethnic Politics Spring 2020

17. Relative deprivation theory 18. Segmented assimilation 19. Social desirability bias 20. Social dominance theory 21. Straightline assimilation 22. Superordinate goals 23. Symbolic racism

Part II. Short-Answer Questions You will be asked to answer two short-answer questions. The responses should be about 3-4 sentences each. Example question: ● LaPiere found that a vast majority of the hotel and restaurant proprietors he surveyed indicated that they would not be willing to serve a Chinese couple, even though all but one had allowed the couple to stay or eat. What affects whether attitudes will be consistent with behavior? What are 3 things about the individual and the environment that can change how attitudes are translated to behavior? Explain using the LaPiere experiment as an example.

Part III. Essay Question You will be asked to answer one essay question. The response should be 4-5 paragraphs. Example question: ● Why does Samuel Huntington (author of Who Are We?) think that today's immigrants are posing problems that the immigrants of the past did not? (1) List at least 3 ways scholars have measured assimilation into American culture. (2) Explain why Huntington thinks Mexican immigration is not like immigration in the early 20th century. And (3) provide arguments other authors have used to make the case that Mexican immigrants are assimilating....

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