Psy 150 review - Lecture notes all of them PDF

Title Psy 150 review - Lecture notes all of them
Author Cheyenne Hennessee
Course Careers Psychology
Institution Indiana State University
Pages 9
File Size 179.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 39
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How many bachelor's degrees in psychology are given in the U.S. annually? - : over 90,000 Which of the following skills would expect to get from an undergraduate major in psychology? - interpersonal skills writing skills analytic skills About what percentage of people with doctorates in psychology work in human/social service settings? - 35% According to your textbook, a "liberal arts" degree teaches you - how to think and problem solve Which of the following is recommended to increase your post-college opportunities? Get to know your professors Take some classes in disciplines other than your major Participate in extra-curricular activities According to your textbook, for the most part, your major determines your career. False A counseling psychologist is more likely to be trained to work with groups. - True Most doctorates in psychology are in the subfields dealing with mental health (e.g., clinical, counseling, and school psychology). - True When it comes to graduate training, there are many professional schools (e.g., Chicago Professional School of Psychology) that provide training outside of the university settings. Which of the follow are true? - Professional schools are typically more expensive Because of their different history and philosophy, the training of clinical and counseling psychologists is very different. - False Which subfield is most associated with integrating science and practice to explain, understand, predict, and alleviate psychological problems and distress. - Clinical The main difference between a licensed psychologist and other mental health workers is (e.g., licensed professional counselor or master social worker): - you must be a licensed psychologist to administer and interpret psychological tests

The Psy.D. and Ph.D. represent two different doctorates in psychology. Which of the following distinguishes them? - The Psy.D. is a more practice-oriented degree than the Ph.D. A master's degree is required to become a substance-abuse counselor. - False To be licensed as a psychologist, you must: - Typically have a doctoral degree Pass licensure exams governing psychology and state laws and ethics Have two years supervised clinical practice Which sub-field in psychology deals not only with distress, but is also oriented to understanding normative functioning throughout the lifespan? - Counseling Psychology According to "Inequality at School", by Kirsten Weir, the way in which school lessons are taught does not affect student performance. - False According to "Inequality at School", by Kirsten Weir, research shows that black students, compared to white students, are more likely to - be suspended or expelled. have a lesser chance of being placed in gifted programs. be subject to lower expectations from their teachers. According to "Inequality at School, by Kirsten Weir, racial bias affects whether and how teachers discipline students for misbehavior. - True School psychologists often teach others (e.g., parents and teachers) how to handle behavior problems rather than handling them themselves. - True According to "Inequality at School", by Kirsten Weir, black students are 3.8 times more likely to be suspended than white students. Therefore, black students are causing more problems. - False Private practice is impossible if you get a degree in school psychology. - False Which of following persons is most likely to help students cope with social, behavioral, and personal problems? - school counselor According to "Journey to Gunland", by Melinda Moyer, firearm assaults were 6.8 times more common in the states with the most guns compared to the states with the least amount of guns. - True According to "Journey to Gunland", by Melinda Moyer, when Florida implemented the "stand your ground" law the monthly rate of homicide - Increased Criminal profiling is a primary activity of a forensic psychologist. - False

Which of the following careers can be entered with a Bachelor's degree in psychology? correctional officer police officer (with completion of police academy) parole officer What percent of custody hearings require a child-custody evaluation? - 10% Many gun owners believe owning a firearm makes them safer, despite evidence that it does not. - True Forensic psychologists are usually trained in counseling or clinical psychology. - True Which of the following is true of a health educator? - It is a career field available to someone with a BA in psychology (although some specialized training in health education is also desirable). The difference between a recreational therapist and a recreation worker is: - A recreational therapist provides treatment to assist people with problems while a recreational worker helps people (including non-disabled people) to develop interests in recreational activities. According to the article, "The Power of Restorative Sleep", lack of sleep does not impair attention, work memory, reaction time, and executive functioning. - False Health psychologists working in medical settings often get less respect than their colleagues with medical degrees. - True Practicing health psychologists typically receive degrees in clinical or counseling psychology. - True According to the article, "The Power of Restorative Sleep", what are the three pillars of a healthy lifestyle? - Diet, physical activity, and sleep. According to the article, "The Power of Restorative Sleep", which are healthy sleep habits? - avoiding late-day caffeine skipping out on late-night screens Limiting afternoon naps According to the article, "The Power of Restorative Sleep", people who get between 7-8 hours of sleep live the longest. - True According to the article, "The Power of Restorative Sleep", which organ is not affected is not affected detrimentally by sleep loss? - All organs are detrimentally affected by sleep loss.

Someone who wanted to have an impact on public policy and the health services available in a community would want to work in a _________ setting. - Public Health The vast majority of sports psychologists work in private practice or academic (college) settings. - True Which of the following activities would a sports psychologist be concerned with: - Using imagery to help athletes learn or improve a skill Teaching relaxation to reduce athlete's anxiety before an important game Helping athletes learn to set (and keep) training goals to improve their performance over the long run With appropriate courses in PE or recreation, people with a Bachelor's in psychology may become fitness instructors. - True Sports psychologists in private practice typically supplement their income with nonsports related counseling or services. - true People may get sports psychology training from which of the following university departments? - Physical education Psychology Counseling What does the article, "Epigenetics Offers the Promise of More Precise Treatments" by Tori Deangelis, discuss about addiction research? - It discusses how a person's genetic expression could possibly be targeted for intervention. Physiological psychology is another name for biopsychology . - True According to "Epigenetics Offers the Promise of the More Precise Treatments" by Tori Deangelis, psychologists are delving more deeply than ever into the roles played genes and gene expression in mental illness, substance abuse, and neurodevelopmental disorders. - True A meeting with a clinical neuropsychologist is likely to involve: - Assessment and diagnosis According to the article, "Fostering the Use of New Technology" by Heather Stringer, what does Stanley King II do at Emulate? - Work on partnering with organizations and researchers and outline the scope of the project. A disadvantage of biopsychology research in a university setting is the high costs of initiating and maintaining a lab, which typically requires that the research spend a lot of time seeking grants. - True

According to the article, "Fostering the Use of New Technology" by Heather Stringer, how does Stanley King II use his psychology training at his job? - Through his training in neuroscience and behavior he learned to use rigor and the scientific method in his critical thinking to make decisions on who to partner with. According to the article, "Fostering the Use of New Technology" Emulate's Organ-Chips are plastic vessels lined with living cells, designed to mimic human organs in the laboratory. - True Pharmaceuticals or biotechnology firms are an employment possibility for people with interest training in biopsychology, particularly at the graduate level. - True Which of the following careers are possible with a bachelor's degree in psychology and knowledge about biopsychology (or skills from working in a biopsychology lab)? science (lab) technician psychiatric technician pharmacy technician According to the article, "Down on the Farm", Margaux Ascherl and her coworkers work problems out in the lab before they incorporate a product in the field to ensure the product will work. - True The psychologist most likely to help design a new workstation where employees will need to sit for hours at a time to do their work is most likely a: - human factors psychologist According to the article, "Down on the Farm", what type of people does Margaux Ascherl collaborate with? - agronomists industrial designers people from all types of engineering fields According to the article, "Down on the Farm", which type of setting does Margaux Ascherl work in? - Agricultural Students with undergraduate degrees in psychology (with supplemental courses or minors in business, merchandising, or IT) may be eligible for which of the following types of jobs? - human resources generalist commercial design assistant office administrator Which of the following fields falls in the area "organizational" psychology? - improving employee morale running leadership development groups promoting improvement of organizational functioning What company does Marguax Ascherl work for? - John Deere

Which type of psychology has to understand legal implications of applying personality tests in employee decision-makin - Industrial psychology According to the article, "Down on the Farm", Margaux Ascherl is a human factors psychologist. - True The study of individual behavior in the workplace including strategies for selecting the best employee for a job is the field of: - Industrial psychology Which of the following types of careers could a degree in psychology lead you to (with careful choice of non-major classes)? - Computer programmer Computer support specialist Insurance underwriter A psychologist who studies how people take in, store, and retrieve information from memory is known as a: - Cognitive psychologist A scientific approach to business decision-making is known as: - operations research The psychological specialty concerned with the development of methods of measuring behavior (i.e., psychological testing) is known as: - psychometrics A psychologist who specializes in techniques for designing studies and analyzing data is a : - Quantitative psychologist Many psychologists with a master's degree enter this field where they conduct analyses to understand the needs, tastes, and purchasing decision of a company's customers. market researcher The field of psychology devoted to understanding people's purchasing decisions is known as: - consumer psychology According to the article, "Dismantling Hate", by Kirsten Weir, what question did Daryl Davis want the answer to? - "How can you hate me if you don't even know me?" According to the article, "Dismantling Hate", by Kirsten Weir, what is at the core of prejudice? - believing some groups have more worth than others According to the article, "Dismantling Hate", by Kirsten Weir, what branch of psychology research can help identify factors to fan the flames of hostility? - Social According to the article, "Dismantling Hate", by Kirsten Weir, which psychologist proposed contact theory? - Allport

According to the article, "Dismantling Hate", by Kirsten Weir, contact theory states that contact between two groups can promote tolerance under certain conditions, such as having common goals. - True Which type of psychologist attempts to understand attitude formation and change generally? - Social Psychologist Which of the following fields is it possible to enter with an undergraduate degree in psychology (though careful selection of minor/elective courses may be recommended)? - advertising retail sales/management public relations People who work in gerontology specialize in working with those who are: - elderly According to the article, "Justice for Teens", by Heather Stringer, Jessie Owens will not have to serve life in prison and will be eligible for parole in 2018. - True According to the article, "Justice for Teens", by Heather Stringer, which is one of the ways formal processing of juveniles in the justice system negatively affects them? - They may be targeted by the police They are grouped with other delinquent kids and they influence one another They may lose the chance to be in the school system According to the article, "Justice for Teens", by Heather Stringer, research indicates that juveniles processed into a justice system have an increased likelihood of continuing to commit crimes. - True According to the article, "Justice for Teens", by Heather Stringer, what are the brains of adolescents especially sensitive to? - Rewards People who work in urban hospitals and specialize in helping children and families adjust with a child's hospitalization are known as: - Child-life specialists The subfield of psychology concerned with understanding psychological change and growth across the lifespan is known as: - Developmental psychology According to the article, "Justice for Teens", by Heather Stringer, the research of psychologists and others has not dramatically changed the way the courts view sentencing minors for serious crimes. - False The "non-profit" sector of the economy includes all those organizations that: - o not generate a "profit" for owners or stockholders

A developmental psychologist working in product development for a toy company might do what? - Offer insight into children's abilities and play stiles help identify the age-appropriateness of toys test prototypes of toys with children Should you get one, your performance on an interview will override grades or recommendations. - True According to the article, "How to Earn that 'Welcome Aboard'", by Heather Stringer, before attending a job interview you should: - Read articles about the company Try and meet with someone who works at the company beforehand Learn about the interviewers According to the article, "How to Earn that 'Welcome Aboard'", by Heather Stringer, in terms of discussing salary, one should name the figure before the employer. - False According to the article, "How to Earn that 'Welcome Aboard'", by Heather Stringer, what should you do after an interview? - Send a thank you note Follow up Connect with the interviewers through LinkedIn You should send a resume even if the employment ad doesn't explicitly ask for it. - True According to the article, "How to Earn that 'Welcome Aboard'", by Heather Stringer, if you are outgoing and comfortable talking, preparation for an interview is not necessary. - False According to numerous national surveys, which of the following are skills employers want? - Communication and interpersonal skills Problem-solving skills Data analysis skills The majority of students earning a bachelor's degree in psychology go on to graduate school. - False Most employers specify the desired major of their applicants in their job posting. - False A functional resume organizes information about you: - according to skills/accomplishments Experimental (non-clinical) psychologists with a doctorate (Ph.D.) have few choices outside of being a professor. - False To obtain a full-time job as a professor at a four-year university, you will most likely need a doctoral degree. - True

No matter what type of institution (e.g., community college or large university), a professor's major job is teaching students. - False The military offers a range of opportunities for psychologists in all disciplines. - True Which of the following are places where you might find psychology professors teaching? - medical schools business schools engineering schools If your grades and test scores meet a graduate school's admissions requirements, they have to let you in. - False A standardized test whose scores are required as part of an application for many graduate programs in psychology is the: - GRE Which of the following is considered a "professional" degree akin to the J.D. (for lawyers)? - Psy.D There are really no career options available to someone who ends their education with a master's degree in psychology--unless they get a counseling license. - False Which of the following is a consideration used by faculty to determine whether to admit students to graduate school? - Admissions essay (personal statement) Research experience Undergraduate grades Match between student's and program's interests...

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