PSY2012 Final Review PDF

Title PSY2012 Final Review
Author Nikki V
Course  General Psychology
Institution University of Central Florida
Pages 6
File Size 53.2 KB
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Study guide for final exam...


PSY 2012 Exam Review ● Wilhelm Wundt ○ Father of Modern Psychology ○ Structuralism ● Sigmund Freud ○ Psychodynamic - psychoanalysis/psychosexual ○ Iceberg Model of Mind ○ Our unconscious is dynamic ■ Repressed trauma and instincts (id, thanatos) ○ dreams , symbols, and metaphors ■ Phobias and “Freudian Slips” ● C.G. Jung ○ Psychodynamic analytical ● John Watson ○ Father of behaviorism ○ “Little Albert Study” (1920) + Raynor ■ Classically conditioned phobia ■ Stimulus generalization ■ Epic ethics fail ● B.F. Skinner ○ S---R Operant/Instrumental Conditioning ○ Operant/instrumental conditioning ○ Stimulus response learning (instrumental conditioning) ○ Behavioral ○ “Black Box Psychology” ● Ivan Pavlov ○ S---S Classical Conditioning ○ Simulus associative learning (classical conditioning) ○ Behavioral ● Albert Bandura ○ Social Cognitive ■ Observational learning, self efficacy ○ Learning by seeing ○ Monkey see monkey do ○ The aggression experiment ● Walter Mischel ○ Social Cognitive ■ Marshmallow study ○ Wait for marshmallow or eat it now (kids) ● Solomon Asch ○ Group Influence ■ Study of conformity ○ Group norm ● Philip Zimbardo

Group Influence ■ obedience ○ Prison study Stanley Milgram ○ Group Influence ■ Obedience ○ Shock experiment ○ Obedience to authority Jean piaget ○ Developmentall ■ Cognitive Lawrence Kohlberg ○ Developmental ■ Moral ● 3 stages ○ Preconventional: rewards and punishment ○ Conventional: right or wrong from authority ○ Postconventional: rights or wrong on moral reasoning Erik erikson ○ Developmental ■ Psychosocial ○ 8 stages of developmental Abraham Maslow ○ Humanistic ■ Hierarchy of needs ■ Self-actualization Carl Rogers ○ Humanistic ■ Conditions of worth, client-centered therapy Henry Murray ○ Personality ■ Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) ○ Tell a story based on photos Hermann Rorschach ○ Personality ■ Rorschach Inkblot Test Psychology Basics ○ Definition of Psychology ■ Scientific study of behavior and mental processes ○ Psychology’s subfields ■ Many - Experimental, Social, developmental, Clinical ○ What is psychology biggest question? ■ Can we explain and predict human behavior

Basic vs. applied research areas ■ Theoretical vs. practical Thinking Critically with psychological science ○ Scientific method ■ The use of systematic methods to observe the natural world and to draw conclusions ○ Theory ■ Collections of ideas - schema ■ A set of ideas used to organize, explain and predict future observations ○ Hypothesis ■ A logical guess derived from a theory ○ Descriptive studies ■ Survey ■ Case studies ■ Naturalistic observation ○ Correlation research

■ -1.0 > r < +1.0 ■ Correlation is not causation ○

Experimental research ■ IV, DV, confounding variables, control/experimental groups, Placebo effect Biological Bases of Behavior ○ Parts of a neuron ■ Cell body, axon, dendrites, myelin sheathing ○ How do neurons communicate? ■ Electrochemical basis, synaptic gap, action potential, neurotransmitters ○ Divisions of the nervous system ■ Central vs. peripheral ● Central: brain and spinal cord ● Peripheral: connects brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body ■ Sympathetic vs. parasympathetic ● Both part of the peripheral - autonomic central nervous system ○ Sympathetic: flight or fight ○ Parasympathetic: rest and digest calms the body ○ Parts of the brain ■ Cortex, midbrain, hindbrain, cerebral lobes, corpus callosum ○ Neurotransmitters ■ Serotonin, dopamine, endorphin oxytocin Lifespan Development ○ Physical and cognitive ■ Reflexes, language, puberty, maturation ○ Maturation ■ Emergence of physical, cognitive, psychosocial characteristics through

growth Parental styles ■ Authoritative, authoritarian (obedience), neglectful, permissive (few parenting guidelines don’t want to upset their children) ○ Piaget’s Theory ■ 4 stages of cognitive development ● Sensorimotor (birth-2): infants know mostly in terms of sensory impressions and motor activities ● Preoperational (2-6/7): child learns language but doesn’t comprehend mental operation ● Concrete operational (6/7-11): gain mental operations to think logically and concrete events ● Formal operational (12): think logically about abstract concept ○ Maslow’s Theory ■ Hierarchy of Needs and self-actualization ○ Erikson’s Theory ■ 8 stages of psychosocial development ○ Kohlberg's Theory ■ 3 stages of moral development ● Preconventional: rewards and punishment ● Conventional: right or wrong by authority ● Postconventional: right or wrong based on moral reasoning Learning ○ What is learning ■ A systematic relatively permanent change in an organism’s behavior due to experience ○ Generalization vs, discrimination ■ Ability to differentiate stimuli ○ Reinforcement ■ Increase behavior ○ Punishment and extinction ■ Decrease behavior ○ Classical conditioning ■ S--S learning, Pavlov, Little Albert ○ Operant conditioning ■ S--R learning, Skinner, Skinner boxes ○ Observational learning ■ Modeling, imitative behavior, Bandura’s Bobo Doll study Memory ○ What is memory? ■ The retention of information over time as a result of encoding, storage, and retrieval ○ Encoding, storage, and retrieval ○

■ Cognitive psychology and information processing ○

Rehearsal ■ Rote vs. elaborative (mnemonic devices) ○ Sensory memory ■ shallow , brief, perceptual processing ○ STM ■ 7+- 2 items, 30 sec. ○ LTM ■ Episodic, semantic, implicit, cognitive schemas ○ Forgetting ■ Interference, retrieval failure, repression Personality ○ What is personality? ■ A pattern of enduring, distinctive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that characterize an individual ○ Psychoanalytic perspective ■ Iceberg model of mind, dynamic unconscious ■ ID, Ego, Superego ■ Defense mechanism ○ Humanistic perspective ■ Optimistic, positive view of human condition ■ Self actualization ○ Trait perspective ■ Broad, enduring dispositions ■ Factor analysis and the Big 5 (NEO) ○ Social-Cognitive theory of personality ■ Emphasis on conscious awareness, beliefs expectations and goal setting ■ Self efficacy Social psychology ○ What is social psychology? ■ The study of how people think about, influence and relate to others ○ Attribution theory ■ Explanations of the causes of behavior ■ Fundamental attribution error ○ Pro- and Anti- Behavior ■ Altruism and aggression ○ Social influence ■ Conformity, obedience, and group think ○ Stereotyping ■ In-group vs. Out-group identification ■ Prejudice vs. Discrimination Psychological Disorders

What is abnormal behavior? ■ Maladaptive, deviant, and/or personal distress ○ DSM-5 ■ Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ○ Anxiety Disorders ■ Phobias, OCD, Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder ○ PTSD ■ Flashbacks, problems with memory and sleeping, anxiety ○ Mood disorders ■ Major depressive disorder (anhedonia, lethargy) ■ Bipolar Disorder (extreme Mood swings) ○ Antisocial personality disorders ■ Manipulative, deceitful, guiltless, amoral ○ Schizophrenia ■ Hallucinations, delusions, thought and movement disorder ○ Dissociative disorders ■ Loss of memory, fugue states, multiple identities Clinical Treatment ○ Psychodynamic ■ Transference, dream interpretation, freeassociation insight ○ Client-centered ■ Unconditional positive regard, conditions of worth ○ Medical ■ Medicines, ECT, psychosurgery ○ Behavior Therapy ■ Focus on learning new adaptive behavior ■ Systematic desensitization ○ Cognitive Behavior Therapy ■ Focus on reducing maladaptive thoughts to change behavior ○ Group/Family therapy ■ Universality, empathy, altruism, interpersonal skill training...

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