PSYC 1111 Practice Exam Questions from Quizlet PDF

Title PSYC 1111 Practice Exam Questions from Quizlet
Author Nabeel Uddin
Course Introduction to Health Psychology
Institution University of the People
Pages 12
File Size 305.1 KB
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You may use this to assist in your preparation of the final exam. These are some ramdom questions...


1/8/22, 11:16 PM

PSYC 1111 Flashcards | Quizlet


PSYC 1111


Social Science / Psychology / Health Psychology

PSYC 1111 93 studiers in the last day

Terms in this set (78) Health psychology emphasizes health


and illness as being on a continuum. True or False?

Which of the following is a theoretical

Biopsychosocial Model

framework that notes social class as a variable in health psychology and illness?

Health psychology encompasses a


variety of activities including basic research, clinical research, education, and clinical service. True or False?

According to your readings, diabetes


related illness beliefs and selfmanagement appear to be shaped by the sociocultural context. True or False?

Psychological science has the


potential to enhance health t



b tt


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PSYC 1111 Flashcards | Quizlet

outcomes through a better understanding of health promoting and health damaging behaviors. True or False?

In the biomedical PSYC 1111 model, the



responsibility for treatment rests with the medical profession. True or False?

Which of the following are basic concepts in health psychology:

Illness cannot entirely be predicted

The understanding that illness can be caused by biological, psychological, and social factors and that people are complex systems


or explained because of:

According to the ___________, diseases

Biomedical model, outside, internal

either come from _______ the body, or originate as _______ physical changes. Such diseases may be caused by several factors (e.g. chemical imbalances, viruses, genetic predisposition, etc.). Fill in the blanks.

The field that studies the role of

Health Psychology

psychology in the development of physical health problems is:

According to your readings, which

Illness onset, illness management, health outcomes

stage of health is behavior most linked to?

An individual's attitude is an example


of a type of belief that influences behavior. True or False?

Any behavior that is related to an

A health behavior 2/12

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PSYC 1111 Flashcards | Quizlet

individual's health status is considered:

According to your readings, which of PSYC 1111

Pre-contemplation model


the following is NOT a model of beliefs and their impact on health behaviors?

Health psychologists study what


people believe and the relationship of those beliefs to their health behavior. True or False?

The term _______________ refers to the

Self-efficacy; ability

extent to which people feel confident that they can do whatever it is that they wish to do. This is related to the individual's belief about their ______ to carry out certain behaviors.

Attribution theory states that people


want to understand what causes events because this makes it easier to accept the inevitable health outcome. True or False?

Behavior and lifestyle have a


potentially major effect on longevity and health. True or False?

According to your readings,


individuals consistently correctly estimate their risk of getting a health problem. True or False?


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PSYC 1111 Flashcards | Quizlet

According to your readings, mass PSYC 1111

Availability of required services, availability of communi

media campaigns can produce

based programs, policies that support behavior change


positive changes or prevent negative changes in health related behaviors across large populations given the presence of some supportive conditions. Which of the following is/are those condition(s)?

Research indicates that whether or

Mood, bodily, cognition, social context

not we perceive ourselves as having a symptom is influenced by which of the following sources of information?

Socratic questions involve searching


for evidence to see whether any given cognition is actually backed up by any evidence. True or False?

The available evidence suggests that


health promoting financial incentive interventions are less effective than usual care or no intervention for encouraging healthy behavior change. True or False?

According to your readings, both


praise and criticism have the same effect in creating new behaviors. True or False?

Too much fear in health promotion or


behavior change initiatives can lead


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PSYC 1111 Flashcards | Quizlet

to a person blocking the message. True or False?:

If you want to change your behavior, PSYC 1111



it is helpful to surround yourself with people who behave the way that you want to behave. True or False?

Health behaviors are only those


behaviors that have a positive impact on overall health status. True or False?

To date, the most effective messaging


for health promotion is found in the fear appeal. True or False?

According to your readings, about


half of all deaths from the 10 leading causes of death are a result of individual behavior. True or False?

According to your readings, one of

S-specific, M-measurable, A-attainable, R-relevant

the noted ways to help intentions translate into behavior and promote behavior change is to set SMART goals. Which of the following is represented by the SMART acronym?

Health care professionals often use

Symptom perception

the Stages of Change Model to describe how ready their clients are to change. Which of the following is not a stage in this model?


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Which of the following is NOT a

PSYC 1111 Flashcards | Quizlet

Biomedical model

theoretical framework with ties to health psychology?

Which of the following is not a stage


within the Stages of Change Model?

The most1111 effective time to support PSYC



someone to change behaviors is in the pre-contemplation phase. True or False?

Which of the following are strategies

Use a moderate amount of fear appeal in messaging, use

to mitigate blocking of behavior

images instead of text, provide affirmation messages prior to

change messaging?

fear-based messages

Joe is a smoker. Despite knowing that


he should quit, Joe feels that he would be unable to quit because his entire family smokes, and the temptation would be too much. This belief is termed ___________ in your readings.

The Self Regulatory Model (SRM) is


based on approaches to problemsolving, suggesting that illness/symptoms are dealt with by individuals in the same way as any other problem. True or False?

According to your readings,

Identity, perceived cause of illness, timeline, curability and

Leventhal et al used interviews with


patients suffering from a variety of health conditions to identify which of the following core beliefs?

Which of the following is NOT one of


the three stages of problem solving according to traditional models?


1/8/22, 11:16 PM

At Stage 1 of the Self Regulatory

PSYC 1111 Flashcards | Quizlet

Social messages; symptom perceptions

Model of illness behavior (SRM), an individual may be confronted with the problem of a potential illness through two channels: _______________ or ________.

Illness beliefs PSYC 1111 can be defined as a



patient's own implicit common sense beliefs about their illness. True or False?

Illness beliefs provide patients with a


framework or a schema for coping with and understanding their illness and telling patients what to look out for if they are becoming ill. True or False?

The core illness belief of identity


refers to the label given to the illness/medical diagnosis, while the belief of the perceived cause of the illness refers to the symptoms. True or False?

According to your readings, stress


can cause illness through either a direct pathway or an indirect pathway. A direct pathway involves stressrelated changes in health behaviors such as sleep, diet, smoking or exercise, which in turn cause poor health. True or False?

Which of the following is NOT a type

Social support and personality

of coping discussed in your readings?

According to contemporary


definitions of stress, the external


1/8/22, 11:16 PM

PSYC 1111 Flashcards | Quizlet

environment can act as a stressor (e.g. workplace conditions). True or False?

Current models of pain view pain as


an automatic response to an external factor. True or False?

Research1111 has suggested that PSYC

Isolation, sense of purpose


blogging about chronic pain and illness may decrease a sense of _________________ and increase a __________________.

Stress that is harmful and damaging is


called eustress. True or False?

According to Lazarus, which of the


following is NOT one of the ways in which an event can be appraised during primary appraisal?

Which of the following might a

Pressure, tension, emotional response, unpleasant external

layperson use to define stress?


According to your readings, the most

Obese, psychological, low self-esteem, anxiety, low mood,

immediate consequences of being

general lack of confidence

______ are ____________, including _____, _____, ______, and a ____________.

According to your readings, children


who are obese have a higher likelihood of being bullied than thin children. Experiencing bullying can lead to underachievement or missing school. True or False?

According to your readings, which of

Smoking, diet, stress, high blood pressure

the of the following is/are key risk factors for coronary heart disease?


1/8/22, 11:16 PM

According to your readings, which of

PSYC 1111 Flashcards | Quizlet

Depression, perceptions of control, and social support

the of the following is/are psychological predictors of quality of life in patients with coronary heart disease?

Symptom1111 perception is influenced by PSYC

Mood; bodily data; cognitions; social context


four main sources of information. Those are:

According to your readings, which of

Behavior modification, medication, surgery

the of the following is a key way to treat obesity?

A doctor has the power to turn a


person into a patient simply by legitimizing their symptoms. True or False?

According to your readings, an


example of an obesogenic environment would be going to the gym. True or False?

Research has shown that hostility is


not only an important risk factor for the development of heart disease but also a trigger for heart attack. True or False?

According to Lazarus' transactional


model of stress, primary appraisal involves the appraisal of the outside world and secondary appraisal involves an appraisal of the individual themselves. True or False?

According to your readings, an


example of an obesogenic


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PSYC 1111 Flashcards | Quizlet

example of an obesogenic environment would be the availability of inexpensive ready-made meals. True or False?

The gate 1111 control theory of pain PSYC



integrated psychology into the traditional biomedical model of pain. In this model, psychological causes and interventions were included along with physiological causes and interventions. True or False?

Help-seeking behavior is the process

Deciding to get professional help; symptoms; signs

of _________________ for a health related problem. According to the biomedical model, help-seeking refers to two factors: ________ and ____________.

According to your readings, which of

Coping, social support, control, personality

the following are psychological mediators which influence whether stress translates into illness?

According to your readings, illness


beliefs about a problem will give the problem meaning and will enable the individual to develop and consider suitable coping strategies. True or False?

Some research suggests that men


may believe that they have less control over their heath than women. True or False?

According to your readings on

True 10/12

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PSYC 1111 Flashcards | Quizlet

gender and health, although men often seek help at a later stage of the disease, research indicates that men rate their subjective health status as higher than women rate theirs. True or False?

Which of 1111 the following is a possible PSYC

Biological factors, health behaviors, risky behaviors, soc

reason listed for gender differences



in health?

According to your readings on


gender and health, of those who die from a heart attack in the U.S. under the age of 65, nearly 75% of these are men. True or False?

Though the gap is closing, women, on


average, live longer than men. True or False?

According to your readings on


gender and health, the social norm of masculinity promotes a version of being male which encourages beliefs and behaviors which are ultimately damaging to health and longevity. True or False?

Despite the gender differences


among some disease profiles, men and women appear to estimate risk for illness or injury similarly. True or False?

Research shows that there are several


gender differences in all disease patterns. True or False?

Morbidity rates count the number of

False 11/12

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Morbidity rates count the number of


PSYC 1111 Flashcards | Quizlet

people who visit their physician within a given time frame. True or False?

Based on1111 your readings about health PSYC



outcome measurement and Quality of Life, it is clear that all health interventions have an implicit positive effect on Quality of Life. True or False?

Which of the following is NOT a

mortality rates, morbidity rates, measures of functioning,

health outcome measure?

subjective health status

As a health outcome measure, an


increase in crude mortality rate can be seen as an increase in health status. True or False?


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