Psyc 2314 Exam 2 - motor work PDF

Title Psyc 2314 Exam 2 - motor work
Author Gary Lopez
Course Political Psychology
Institution The University of Texas at San Antonio
Pages 11
File Size 220.5 KB
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motor work...


1. The __________ principle of development suggests that growth begins at the top (the head) of the body and moves downward. A) size constancy B) proximodistal C) cephalocaudal D) developmental biodynamics 2. The average North American newborn is __________ inches long and weighs __________ pounds. A) 20; 6 ½ B) 20; 7 ½ C) 19; 6 ½ D) 19; 7 ½ 3. At birth, the newborn's brain is about ______% of its adult weight. A) 10 B) 25 C) 50 D) 75 4. The term __________ describes the specialization of the two hemispheres of the brain. A) hippocampus B) cephalocaudal C) lateralization D) proximodistal 5. Which of the following statements about the REM sleep of a newborn is FALSE? A) One-half of the sleep cycle is REM sleep. B) Infants often begin their sleep with REM. C) The amount of time spent in REM sleep increases with age. D) REM sleep is believed to promote brain development in babies. 6. Which of the following is not a risk factor for SIDS? A) being Hispanic B) being Eskimo C) low birthweight infants D) infants sleeping on their stomachs 7. Which of the following is a nutritional recommendation for infants? A) Infants should consume approximately 500 calories per day for each pound they weigh. B) Parents should feed their infant a low-fat, low-calorie diet in order to establish healthy eating habits early on. C) Overall, breast milk seems to be preferable to formula unless there is a compelling reason not to breastfeed. D) Children under age 2 should consume skim milk. 8. When presented with a sudden, intense noise, Baby Nathan is startled, arches his back, throws back his head, and flings out his arms and legs. This is an example of which reflex? A) grasping B) rooting C) sucking D) Moro

9. An infant would use which of the following reflexes to obtain food? A) sucking B) rooting C) Moro D) both sucking and rooting 10. Which of the following is an example of a fine motor skill? A) walking B) lifting your head C) finger dexterity D) crawling 11. Which gross motor skill is acquired before sitting without support? A) holding the head erect B) standing with support C) pulling to a stand D) walking 12. __________ occurs when information interacts with sensory receptors. A) Perception B) Sensation C) Developmental biodynamics D) Intermodal perception 13. The visual cliff is used to study infant: A) depth perception. B) visual acuity and color. C) visual preferences. D) visual expectations. 14. The main theme of the ecological approach of Eleanor and James Gibson is to discover __________. A) how perception guides action B) how action guides perception C) why action and perception seem unrelated in infant development D) both how perception guides action and how action guides perception 15. A (An) __________ is a cognitive structure that helps individuals organize and understand their experiences. A) scheme B) primary circular reaction C) intentionality D) object permanence 16. Which of the following is Piaget's stage of cognitive development for infancy? A) formal operational B) concrete operational C) preoperational D) sensorimotor 17. Andrew Meltzoff is known for: A) demonstrating how infants can retain information through conditioning. B) developing the developmental quotient. C) demonstrating infants' imitative abilities. D) developing the Bayley Scales of Infant Development.

18. According to Piaget, one of the most important accomplishments in infancy is the development of __________, which allows an infant to understand that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen, heard, or touched. A) infant-directed speech B) dishabituation C) object permanence D) receptive vocabulary 19. Research evaluating Piaget's sensorimotor stage suggests that perceptual development occurs __________ than Piaget suggested, and that conceptual development occurs __________ than Piaget envisioned. A) later; later B) later; earlier C) earlier; later D) earlier; earlier 20. The term ___________ refers to memory without conscious recollection. A) implicit memory B) explicit memory C) infantile memory D) reflective memory 21. The vocabulary spurt that begins at approximately 18 months involves a: A) dramatic increase in receptive vocabulary but not spoken vocabulary. B) rapid increase in spoken vocabulary. C) decrease in telegraph speech. D) temporary delay in language production during brain development. 22. A 24-month-old child would most likely communicate with: A) babbling. B) holophrases. C) two-word, telegraphic utterances. D) complete sentences. 23. When Jacob says "Me big boy!" his mother replies "Yes, you are a big boy!" This is known as: A) recasting. B) echoing. C) labeling. D) expanding. 24. Which of the following emotions is not generally seen in very young infants? A) surprise B) interest C) shame D) fear 25. What type of cry is characterized by a rhythmic pattern of a cry, brief silence, short whistle, and a brief rest before the next cry? A) basic cry B) anger cry C) pain cry D) boredom cry

26. Baby Joshua lets out a long initial cry followed by an extended period of breath holding. This pattern can best be described as a(n): A) anger cry. B) basic cry. C) pain cry. D) negative affectivity. 27. For the average infant, social smiles appear as early as __________ in response to a caregiver's voice. A) 2 days B) 4 weeks C) 4 months D) 10 months 28. What are the three basic types of infant temperament? A) secure, insecure, and disorganized B) positive, negative, and indifferent C) angry, basic, and happy D) easy, difficult, and slow-to-warm-up 29. Baby Elizabeth has a low activity level, is somewhat negative, and displays a low intensity of mood. She would best be described as: A) slow-to-warm-up. B) easy. C) difficult. D) sociable. 30. __________ refers to the match between a child's temperament and the environmental demands the child must cope with. A) Stranger anxiety B) Emotional regulation C) Goodness of fit D) Attachment 31. Which of Erikson's stages emphasizes the development of independence during the second year of life? A) trust versus mistrust B) autonomy versus shame and doubt C) initiative versus guilt D) independence versus dependence 32. Freud theorized that infants become attached to the person that provides: A) comfort. B) basic trust. C) love. D) oral satisfaction. 33. According to Bowlby, in which phase do infants develop specific attachments? A) phase 1 B) phase 2 C) phase 3 D) phase 4

34. Mai uses her mother as a secure base from which to explore her environment. Which type of baby would she be classified as? A) insecure avoidant B) securely attached C) insecure resistant D) disorganized 35. Which caregiving style is related to the insecure resistant style of attachment in infants? A) sensitivity to baby's needs and consistently available to meet them B) unavailable or rejecting C) inconsistently available and usually not affectionate D) neglectful or physically abusive 36. The principle of reciprocal socialization suggests that: A) parents and children both socialize each other. B) parents are responsible for initiating the attachment process with their children. C) children are responsible for actively eliciting attachment from their parents. D) attachment is a natural, biological process that evolves without effort from parents or children. 37. __________ is parental behavior that supports children's efforts, allowing them to be more skillful than they would be if they were to rely solely on their own abilities. A) Reciprocal socialization B) Attachment C) Restructuring D) Scaffolding 38. Which of the following countries has the most extensive family leave policy for new parents? A) the United States B) Australia C) Sweden D) China 39. Regarding gender differences in parental caregiving, which of the following statements is true? A) Paternal interactions are more likely to involve discipline and less likely to include play. B) Mothers engage in more rough-and-tumble play with their infants than do fathers. C) Infants consistently demonstrate a preference for the mother regardless of the availability of the father. D) Maternal interactions usually center on child care activities such as feeding, changing diapers, and bathing. 40. The National Longitudinal Study of Child Care conducted in 1991 revealed that: A) by 4 months of age, most infants have entered some form of nonmaternal child care. B) the vast majority of child care in the first three years of life was rated "high quality." C) infants from low-income families were no more likely to receive low-quality child care than their high-income counterparts. D) quality of care is primarily dependent upon the established child-adult ratio. 41. Which of Erikson's stages of personality development emphasizes the need for an infant's environment to be consistently nurturant? A) trust versus mistrust B) autonomy versus shame and doubt C) initiative versus guilt D) independence versus dependence

42. The mirror technique was devised as a means of assessing an infant's: A) social scaffolding. B) level of trust. C) self-recognition. D) awareness of reciprocal socialization. 43. During early childhood, the average child grows __________ inches. A) 1½ B) 2 C) 2½ D) 3 44. Regarding brain development in early childhood, which of the following statements is true? A) Increases in brain size are primarily due to myelination and increases in the number dendrites. B) The most rapid period of brain growth throughout the lifespan occurs during early childhood. C) The prefrontal cortex experiences a growth delay during the process of myelination. D) There are very few anatomical changes in the brain from ages 3 to 6. 45. What is the second stage of Piaget's cognitive theory of development that emphasizes a child's ability to represent the world with words, images, and drawings? A) concrete operational B) zone of proximal development C) sensorimotor D) preoperational 46. Preoperational means that a child cannot yet perform: A) reversible mental actions. B) symbolic thinking. C) intuitive reasoning. D) mental representation of an unseen object. 47. __________, a limitation of preoperational thinking, is the inability to distinguish between one's own perspective and that of another person. A) Animism B) Conservation C) Egocentrism D) Centration 48. Which substage of preoperational thinking occurs between ages 2 and 4 years and involves the child's ability to mentally represent an object that is not present? A) symbolic function substage B) egocentrism substage C) animism substage D) intuitive thought substage 49. In the United States, what is the leading cause of death in young children? A) cancer B) cardiovascular disease C) SIDS D) accidents

50. __________ is the focusing of attention on one characteristic of an object or situation to the exclusion of all others. A) Egocentrism B) Animism C) Operation D) Centration 51. __________ is the awareness that altering an object's appearance does not change its basic properties. A) Conservation B) Irreversibility C) Zone of proximal development D) Scaffolding 52. __________ is Vygotsky's term suggesting that, over the course of a teaching session, the teacher should change the level of support given to fit the student's performance level. A) Theory of mind B) Zone of proximal development C) Scaffolding D) Social construction 53. Both Vygotsky and Piaget suggested that: A) education plays a central role in helping children learn the tools of the culture. B) language plays a minimal role in cognitive development. C) knowledge is socially constructed. D) teachers should be facilitators and guides rather than directors. 54. Regarding information processing in early childhood, which of the following statements is true? A) The child's attention dramatically improves, including an ability to attend to relevant, nonsalient features in performing a task. B) Children are unable to be led into developing false memories. C) Significant improvements occur in short-term memory. D) Young children use strategies for remembering information. 55. Research on theory of mind has found that children refer to __________ earlier and more frequently than they refer to __________. A) emotions; mental processes B) cognitive states; desires C) mental processes; emotions D) desires; cognitive states 56. Jean Berko: A) is a physician who crafted a revolutionary approach to early childhood education. B) identified the zone of proximal development. C) conducted a classic experiment using nonsense words to demonstrate that children understand morphological rules. D) is a child developmentalist who suggested that parents who are competent, dedicated, and possess the time and energy can provide the basic ingredients of early childhood education at home. 57. Which of the following is not a principle of a child-centered kindergarten? A) Each child follows a unique developmental pattern. B) Young children learn best through firsthand experiences with people and materials. C) Play is extremely important in the child's total development. D) Children learn best when adults are available to guide learning experiences.

58. Developmentally appropriate practices in education are based on typical development at a given age as well as the uniqueness of each child. This type of schooling is considered: A) age-appropriate but not individual-appropriate. B) individual-appropriate but not age-appropriate. C) neither age- nor individual-appropriate. D) both age- and individual-appropriate. 59. __________ is a compensatory education program designed to provide children from low-income families with the opportunity to acquire important school success skills. A) The Montessori approach B) Project Head Start C) Project Follow Through D) NAEYC 60. Which of the following characteristics is central to the Montessori approach to education? A) Children are given considerable freedom and spontaneity in choosing their activities. B) The teacher acts as a facilitator rather than a director. C) Children are encouraged to actively make their own decisions from an early age. D) All of these 61. Preschool children are increasingly capable of learning and applying rules of syntax. Syntax refers to: A) the ways words are combined to form acceptable phrases and sentences. B) the aspect of language that involves the meaning of words and sentences. C) the appropriate use of language in different contexts. D) the units of meaning involved in word formation. 62. A young child's ability to add the letter "s" to create plurals demonstrates their growing mastery of: A) phonology. B) morphology. C) syntax. D) pragmatics. 63. What is Erikson's stage of psychosocial development in early childhood? A) industry versus inferiority B) initiative versus guilt C) identity versus identity confusion D) intimacy versus isolation 64. What type of self-descriptions do children typically provide in early childhood? A) body attributes B) material possessions C) physical activities D) all of these 65. In order to feel __________ emotions, children must be able to refer to themselves and be aware of themselves as distinct from others. A) reflective B) self-conscious C) autonomous D) symbolic

66. __________ is Piaget's first stage of moral development in which rules are conceived of as unchangeable properties of the world. A) Empathy B) Imminent justice C) Heteronomous morality D) Autonomous morality 67. __________ refer to a set of expectations that prescribe how females or males should think, act, and feel. A) Gender B) Gender roles C) Gender identities D) Sex 68. Which statement best describes the explanation given by the gender schema theory for gender development? A) An individual's attention and behavior are guided by an internal motivation to conform to cultural schemas that set out gender-based standards and stereotypes. B) Children's gender typing occurs after they have developed a concept of gender, at which point they organize their worlds on the basis of gender. C) Children learn expected gender behaviors through rewards and punishments, as well as through observation and imitation of models. D) Identification with the same-sex parent, as well as incorporation of gender behavior similar to that expressed by the parent, results after resolution of the Oedipal conflict. 69. __________ parenting involves a restrictive, punitive style in which parents expect children to obey their rules without many questions. A) Indulgent B) Neglectful C) Authoritative D) Authoritarian 70. Diana Baumrind's research suggests that parenting that is __________ and __________ leads to the best outcomes for children. A) accepting; demanding B) accepting; undemanding C) rejecting; demanding D) rejecting; undemanding 71. Regarding child maltreatment, which of the following statements is true? A) About one-third of parents who were abused themselves when young abuse their own children. B) Child abuse does not place the child at risk for a number of different developmental problems. C) The majority of maltreated children suffer life-threatening and/or disabling injuries. D) Parents who abuse their children rarely come from families where physical punishment was used. 72. Which of the following statements concerning siblings is incorrect? A) During the preschool years, siblings in the presence of each other have a conflict approximately every 10 minutes. B) Many children have mixed feelings toward their siblings. C) To promote optimal sibling relationships, parents should avoid intervening and let siblings resolve conflicts on their own. D) The intimacy between siblings can provide support or can be used to tease and undermine each other.

73. Regarding the changing family, which of these statements is true? A) A common experience of working parents is not feeling guilty about being away from their children. B) There is consensus among psychologists that children from divorced families show adjustment problems to a greater extent than do children from nondivorced families. C) Research suggests that there are long-term negative effects on children when their mothers work outside the home. D) Disengagement from the family is higher among girls than boys in divorced families. 74. A majority of children being raised by a gay or lesbian couple were born: A) in poverty. B) as a result of artificial insemination or surrogate parenting. C) in a heterosexual relationship that ended in a divorce. D) premature. 75. Regarding cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic variation in families, which of the following statements is true? A) The most common parenting style around the world is authoritarian. B) African American and Latino children are more likely than White American children are to live in small families. C) High-income families use discipline that emphasizes externalization, whereas low-income families emphasize internalization. D) African American and Latino children are more likely than White American children are to live in extended families. 76. Peers are important in normal social development because: A) they serve as powerful socialization agents. B) those children who are accepted by their peers are likely to suffer fewer developmental problems. C) they provide a source of information and comparison about the world outside the family. D) All of these 77. Regarding play, which of the following statements is true? A) Play is not essential to a young child's health. B) Play therapy is not successful in analyzing or helping with coping a child's conflicts. C) Vygotsky deemphasized the role of play in cognitive development, whereas Piaget emphasized it. D) Play is defined as a pleasurable activity that is engaged in for its own sake. 78. How does play advance a child's cognitive development? A) Play allows children to practice their competencies and acquired skills in a relaxed, pleasurable way. B) Play provides a systematic means of imitation and correction for adult activities. C) Play encourages ongoing peer negotiation and socialization through interdependent activities. D) all of these 79. Dolly is playing with a doll all by herself, and seems unaware and disinterested in what other kids on her classroom are doing. Parten would describe this as ______ play. A) unoccupied B) solitary C) imitative D) parallel 80. In what type of play does a child increasingly transform their physical environmen...

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