PSYC 309 Exam Notes PDF

Title PSYC 309 Exam Notes
Course Psychology: Exploring the Discipline and Careers
Institution University of Maryland Baltimore County
Pages 30
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Good notes to prepare for the first psyc 309 exam....


PSYC 309 Exam According to the text, what is psychology? --> Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior in human and nonhuman animals. What approach relies on hypothesis testing, careful observation and experimentation, manipulation and measurement of variables, rigorous analysis, and replication? --> Scientific Method Psychology has which of the following characteristics? --> - A reliance on direct observation. - The application of key ideas in solving problems. - A commitment to making findings public and expanding understanding.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of psychologically literate students? --> Provide counsel for people struggling with mental illness

ARE characteristics: - Respect diversity and diverse groups of individuals. - Find key information and evaluate whether it's useful. - Communicate effectively (writing, speaking, public presentations) APA is an acronym for which of the following? --> American Psychological Association

Whereas ___ psychologists treat individuals who have psychological disorders, ___ psychologists treat individuals who experience disruptions in their normative functioning. --> - clinical

- counseling

Individuals with training in this subfield explore issues that help or hinder learning within a given curriculum. Additional work may include designing effectiveness studies in classrooms or consulting with individual teachers on ways to improve learning performance. --> Educational Psychology

Dr. Jones works closely with a large law-firm, often evaluating defendants and assessing their competency. He frequently provides expert testimony based on his findings. Dr. Jones is likely a ___. --> Forensic Psychologist Dr. Smith is interested in how people change throughout their lives. She is particularly interested in how speech and language adapts and changes depending on a person's age. Dr. Smith is likely trained in what subfield of psychology? --> Developmental Psychology

What degree is usually necessary to earn the title of psychologist? --> Doctoral Degree The American Psychological Association (APA) has identified five learning goals for all undergraduate psychology programs. Which of the follow is NOT a learning goal? --> Organizational and time management skills

ARE learning goals: - Critical thinking and scientific inquiry - Ethical and social responsibility in a diverse world - Professional Development

Dunn & Halonen recommend you visit your college or university's ___ to see if they have any standardized occupation inventories available. --> Career Center

Social, investigative, and artistic are examples of ___. --> Hollan code Which of the following is not included in a cover letter? --> Expected salary and benefits ARE in a cover letter: - The position you are applying for. - Relevant background information. - Why you are interested in the job.

What job field(s) is likely to hire a person with a psychology degree? --> - Public Relations - Advertising and Marketing - Health Care A resume is a brief document that ___. --> includes your qualifications and is tailored to a particular job description or advertisement.

The BEST example of a resume is one that ___. --> begins with action-oriented words

CV is an acronym for which of the following? --> Curriculum Vitae Who is most likely to submit a CV with his/her job application? --> Alejandro, a senior in college applying to a graduate program in experimental psychology.

Which of the following statements is TRUE? --> A CV grows throughout one's academic career.

What is typically submitted with a resume? --> A cover letter. What is the difference between unstructured and structured interviews? --> Unstructured interviews are led by trained interviewers and include informal, unplanned questions. Structured interviews are led by trained interviewers and are comprised on standard questions that all prospective employees are asked.

A standard cover letter is approximately ___ in length and has ___ paragraphs. -> - 1 page -3

When an interviewer asks if you have any questions, what is the BEST way to respond? --> What do you consider the best part of your job?

Should you send a thank you note after the interview is over? If so, when should it be sent? --> Yes, email a thank you note the day after the interview.

What is the goal of a personal statement? --> To describe your interests, skills, experiences, and career goals.

To make a good impression at an interview, you should: --> - Be knowledgeable about the position. - Be interested in the position. - Demonstrate you are a good fit for the position.

When writing a personal statement, it is important to ___. --> answer the questions on the application and stay within the required length.

Which of the following is a reason employees end up losing their jobs? --> - Not meeting required deadlines. - Being late for work. - Showing little or poor motivation. What is something you should NOT do after drafting a personal statement? --> Use a thesaurus to make yourself sound more intelligent. Which of the following statements about Degree Audit is TRUE? --> - Degree Audit is a tool designed to display requirements that a student needs to complete towards his/her undergraduate education at UMBC. - Degree Audit includes graduation and general education requirements. - Degree includes major, minor, and certificate requirements.

Most Psychology courses are categorized into one of six domains of knowledge. Which of the following is TRUE? --> Psychology majors (both B.A. and B.S. students) are required to take one course in each domain.

Courses used to fulfill Psychology Major/Minor requirements MUST ___. --> Have a grade of "C" or higher, and thus cannot be taken Pass/Fail.

Which of the following is a prerequisite for PSYC 311? --> Both PSYC 211 or PSYC 309 and STAT 121

Successful completion of a ___ will be noted on a student's official transcript. --> Certificate

What is Psi Chi? --> Psi Chi is an academic organization for psychology students. According to Dunn and Halonen, students may mismanage their time because they ___. --> - underestimate the amount of time a task will take - the evaluate themselves more positively than they deserve - they believe things will work out in their favor

The steps of the SQ3R Method for reading are ___. --> Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review If you miss a class, Dunn and Halonen recommend you ___. --> contact a classmate to ask what you have missed. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of high-impact practices according to Dunn & Halonen? --> They help you prepare for the GRE ARE benefits: - They help develop relationships with people who might write letters of recommendation. - The provide evidence of abilities and traits that may impress a future employer. - They exercise leadership skills when completing projects.

You decide you are interested in attending graduate school in psychology. What is something you should do before you apply? --> - Attempt to gain research experience by volunteering in a psychology research lab. - Get an idea about the field through participation in internships. - Join psychology related clubs or programs.

Fatima knows she wants to go to graduate school in psychology, but she cannot decide between a master's and a doctorate degree. What is NOT true about choosing a master's degree? --> Master's degrees allow the same career opportunities.

ARE true: - Master's degrees take less time to complete. - Master's degrees often have easier admissions requirements. - Master's degrees often offer more flexible or part-time degrees. Sammy had a wonderful psychology professor at UMBC, and decided she wants to pursue a career working as a full-time faculty member at a University. To do so, Sammy would need what degree? --> Ph.D. Gerald knows he wants to pursue a graduate degree so that he can work at a mental health agency. However, statistics and research are not appealing to him. What program BEST meets Gerald's needs? --> Master's in Social Work (MSW) With regard to recommendation letters, Dunn and Halonen recommend you ___. --> waive your right to see what a recommender wrote about you. Lucy has decided she wants to be a clinical psychologist. She would like to open her own practice and work with individuals with schizophrenia. However, Lucy is not very interested in conducting her own research. What is the BEST degree for Lucy. --> Psy.D.

Which of the following is NOT a section on the Graduate Record Exam (GRE)? -> Qualitative Reasoning

ARE sections: - Verbal Reasoning - Quantitative Reasoning - Analytical Writing

What does NOT belong in your personal statement when you apply for graduate programs? --> Your personal life difficulties

DOES belong: - previous research experiences - your career goals - your interest in the field

According to the text, which of the following is important to consider when applying to graduate school? --> - Cost - Location - Placement What are among the MOST important criterion for admission to graduate programs? --> Letters of Recommendation, Personal Statement, and GPA Advertisements that feature people portraying medical professionals are successful because they create the illusion that such people have expertise. This is an example of which method of acquiring knowledge? --> The method of authority.

An Orioles fan believes that wearing his jersey helps the team win. This is an example of which method of acquiring knowledge? --> The method of tenacity.

What is empiricism? --> Using observation to obtain knowledge.

A ___ is a tentative statement of how two or more events or constructs are related. --> Hypothesis.

When we are reasoning from the specific to the general, we are using ___ reasoning. In contrast, when we are reasoning from the general to the specific, we are using ___ reasoning. --> - Inductive - Deductive The scientific method is a ___ process. --> cyclical

Which of the following allow for scientists to evaluate research reports carefully for potential errors or fraud? --> - Subjecting studies to peer review - Replicating studies - Verifying findings Which of the following is NOT a distinction between science and pseudoscience? --> Scientific hypotheses are non-refutable, pseudoscientific hypotheses are refutable. ARE distinctions: - Scientific evidence is objective, pseudoscientific evidence is subjective. - Scientific theories evolve, pseudoscientific theories are stagnant. - Scientific theories rely on empirical support, pseudoscientific theories lack empirical evidence.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a good hypothesis? --> A good hypothesis should be testable.

When conducting research, humans are referred to as ___ whereas nonhumans are referred to as ___. --> - participants - subjects

If I read a study and am interested in replicating it, what section will be of most use to me? --> Method.

The hypothesis should first be included in what section of an empirical article? --> Introduction.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding Literature Reviews? --> Literature Reviews should not express the authors point of view on a topic.

ARE true: - Literature Reviews are written in APA style. - Literature Reviews summarize what is known about a topic. - Literature Reviews do not have a methodology or results section.

Which of the following information is required for an APA in-text citation for a quote from a single author? --> The author's last name, the page number, and the publication year. Which of the following examples does NOT need a citation? --> Facts that are common knowledge.

DO need citations:

- Paraphrasing another person's written or oral work. - Facts that are not common knowledge. - Discussion of another person's ideas. Which information is NOT included in the Method section of an empirical article? --> What the main findings were.

ARE included: - What was used to gather information. - How the information was gathered. - Who was part of the study. What information is NOT included in the Discussion section of an empirical article? --> What materials were used. ARE included: - What future research should be considered. - What limitations were present. - What the findings mean.

The Reference Section ___. --> is formatted using hanging indents. Which of the following statements about the Results section of an empirical article is FALSE? --> Includes an interpretation of the findings. TRUE: - Provides readers a clear sense of whether the research supported the hypothesis. - May include tables or figures.

- Includes statistical analyses.

Which of the following information is required for an APA-style in-text citation for a direct quote from a single-authored journal article? --> Author's last name, year of publication, and page number.

When referencing empirical research, a popular press article would be considered a ___. --> secondary source

Which of the following is NOT a suggested method for fine-tuning a PsycINFO search? --> Limit your search to full-text articles. ARE suggested: - Use Boolean operators. - Focus on key authors. - Generate synonyms associated with key search terms.

What is PsycINFO? --> An online database that contains citations, abstracts, books, and other published materials in psychology.

What does it mean to request an interlibrary loan? --> The process by which students can acquire resources from other libraries that are not available in their school library.

Using a website's content for an academic paper in psychology is only appropriate if ___. --> the content comes from a peer-reviewed source.

Which of the following is important to considered when evaluating evidence from the Internet? --> - Accuracy

- Credibility - Objectivity

What does it mean for a source to be peer-reviewed? --> Ideas and arguments are evaluated by other professionals working in the same field before the source is published.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a Boolean operator? --> But

ARE Booleans: - Or - And - Not

A good way to obtain sources for your assignments is to look through the reference sections of the works you already have identified. Why may this be helpful? --> - Provides the major or "classic" references on a topic. - Identifies the names of the main authors working within a research area. - Includes a list journals that are important to consider.

To search for an exact phrase in PsycINFO, you MUST ___. --> put the phrase in quotes

Research strategies that examine relationships between variables by comparing two or more groups of scores include all of the following except ___. --> correlational

The purpose of a correlational research design is ___. --> to describe the relation between two variables

Dr. Smith wants to test if age affects levels of physical activity in a sample with equal numbers of males and females. What is the dependent variable? --> Physical activity A third variable that changes systematically with the other two variables being studied is referred to as ___. --> a confounding variable ___ is a method used to control for extraneous variables where participants have an equal chance of being placed in the experimental or control group. --> Random assignment Matching values across treatment conditions includes which of the following? --> - Ensuring the average value on an extraneous variable is the same across treatment conditions. - Counterbalancing treatment conditions over time.

Which of the following statements about randomization is false? --> Randomization always guarantees that extraneous variables are controlled.

True: - Randomization has the benefit of controlling for many variables at once. - Randomization is more likely to be successful the larger the sample size. - Randomization is used to help prevent an extraneous variable from becoming a confounding variable. What is the main hypothesis assessed in Bowman, Levine, Waite, and Gendron's (2010) multitasking article? --> Students who IM while reading a passage will

take longer to read the passage and perform more poorly on a comprehension test of the passage than students who do not IM while reading.

What is the main finding in the Bowman et al. (2010) article? --> Students who IMed while reading a passage took significantly longer to read the passage than students who did not IM while reading.

What is the main implication of Bowman et al.'s (2010) multitasking article? --> Multitasking is not an efficient way to complete tasks.

Identify the scale of measurement that corresponds with the following statement: In a science fair, Tom came in 3rd place and Bill finished 5th. Although we know that Tom's project was better than Bill's there were no numeric scores to determine exactly how much better Tom's project was than Bill's. --> ordinal Identify the scale of measurement that corresponds with the following statement: Betty's pinball score is three times larger than Sally's. --> ratio Professor Avery took a survey of future career choices in his Psychology 100 class. The top five careers chosen were therapist, researcher, school teacher, nurse, and social worker. The "career choices" variable uses which scale of measurement? --> nominal

A psychology professor uses letter grades (A, B, C, D, and F) to evaluate a set of student essays. Which scale of measurement is being used to assess the quality of the essays? --> ordinal

A researcher is interested in the degree to which positive or negative affect is shared between parent and child during a videotaped interaction. He scores

parents' affect on a scale from -7 (always displays negative affect) to 7 (always shows positive affect). Which scale of measurement is being used to assess parental affect? --> interval Which of the following statements is FALSE? --> A scale with low reliability can have high validity.

TRUE: - A scale with high reliability can have low validity. - A scale with high reliability can have high validity. - A scale with low reliability can have low validity. Dr. Bob Smith is a researcher who studies the relationship between aggression and altruism. His latest findings confirmed his hypothesis that individuals with aggressive tendencies scored lowest on a measure of altruism. While analyzing his data, he realized that all participants who scored in the top 30% on the measure of aggression worked full time and had evening appointments. While writing up his findings, Dr. Smith suggested commuting through rush hour traffic as a possible confounding variable and threat to the ______________ of his study. --> internal validity

Conceptually, ___ is consistency in measurement. --> reliability

External validity is the extent to which we can generalize results to ___. --> people other than those used in the study - measures (of the same construct) other than those used in the study - settings other than those used in the study

A study with several confounding variables will most likely have ___ than a study with fewer confounding variables. --> lower internal validity

In Dr. Smith's study comparing the weight of computer users to non-computer users, Dr. Smith intends to compare the average weight of each group as a measure of central tendency. What measure is she intending to compare? --> Mean Researchers have found a strong association (i.e., a strong correlation) between average number of hours slept and self-reports of depressive symptoms. Specifically, the less a person s...

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