PSYC116 2019 Spring Syllabus PDF

Title PSYC116 2019 Spring Syllabus
Author Karen Chang
Course Lab in Clinical Psychology Research
Institution University of California San Diego
Pages 4
File Size 110.3 KB
File Type PDF
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PSYCH 116C: CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH SPRING 2019 Mondays 12:00-1:50 in Mandler 1539 Instructor: Dr. Ariel Lang UGIAs: Karen Chang & Gayathri Sridhar [email protected] & Email: [email protected] [email protected] Office Hours: By appointment By appointment Office: Veterans Medical Research Building, 409A Course Description: This course introduces students to topics of clinical psychology research, within a variety of diagnostic groups (e.g., psychotic disorders, trauma-related disorders, substance abuse) and using different approaches (e.g., laboratory, clinical trials, imaging). Experiences are based on seminar discussions, projects, and direct student involvement in UCSDaffiliated research labs. The class provides a great way for you to discuss your lab experience, develop research-related skills, and explore topics of clinical psychology research in more depth. This course is geared towards students with aspirations for graduate school, and, as such, is designed to prepare students directly for the rigor of graduate work. The course does not have a required text. Course Website: Login to and follow the link to the course Grading Policies Grant Application Judd Attendance and Reflection Grant Reviews (4) Grant Discussion (4) Lab Participation your PI Total

100 points 60 points 100 points 40 points 100 points *this grade comes from 400 points

Students are expected to attend and participate in all required class meetings. Please turn off your devices during class other than as absolutely needed for course activities. All written work should be in compliance with American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual (6th Edition). All peerreviewed journals should be located on sites such as PsycInfo, PsycArticles, or PubMed.

Letter grades will be assigned according to the following percentage scale: A+ 98.00+ B+ 88.00+ C+ 78.00+ D 60.00-69.99 A 93.00-97.99 B 83.00-87.99 C 73.00-77.99 F 0-59.99 A90.00-92.99 B80.00-82.99 C70.00-72.99

Grant Application: All students will propose an original research idea for consideration by the class. Following a standardized format, you will describe the objective of the proposal and the methodology by which this objective could be achieved. The proposal will then be reviewed by peers and discussed in class, after which you may make adjustments to your design. Final draft due within 1 week of when your proposal is discussed. Judd Attendance and Reflection: Students are required to attend the Judd Young Investigators Research Symposium during class time on April 15. You will submit a description (in AB format) of two research projects of your choosing (20 points each) and a reflection on the event (20 points). Grant Discussion: Following a standardized format, all students will review the applications of four peers and prepare written comments (25 points each), which will be the basis of in class discussion. The purpose of the class discussion is not evaluative but rather will serve as a demonstration of the value of collaborative input in the scientific process. Active participation in the class discussions is expected (10 points each). Extra Credit Opportunity: Attend the Public Health Research Day (April 3, 2019, 1:30-5pm in the Medical Education and Telemedicine Building) and submit a reflection on the event for up to 20 points. Register here for the event:

Lab Participation: As part of this course, all students are required to volunteer in a lab for 100 total hours during the quarter. These hours can be negotiated privately between you and your PI, though most students find it easiest to set a regular schedule of 10 hours/week in the lab. The PI will contact Dr. Lang at the completion of your 100 hours and provide a lab grade, which will reflect the quality of your work, your contributions to the lab, etc. This lab placement is an opportunity for you to develop your professional demeanor. Please be on time, dress appropriately (if you’re not sure, ask!), and be eager to learn and to contribute to their working environment. Contact your supervisor in advance if you cannot make it during regularly scheduled times. Writing Assignments:

Academic Integrity: Students are expected to do their own work. All university regulations pertaining to plagiarism and cheating will be followed strictly. Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to the following: turning in an assignment that has been copied from the internet, an article, a book or other printed source, or that has been written in whole or in part by someone other than the student (without proper quotes or paraphrasing with citations). Depending on the egregiousness of the plagiarism, Dr. Lang reserves the right to ask you to redo the assignment for a lower grade (treated as a late assignment) and/or notify your Dean about the plagiarism. UCSD policies on academic dishonesty are found at the following website: Students with Disabilities: Reasonable accommodations for students with learning or physical disabilities will be made according to university policies. If you need such accommodations, please notify Dr. Lang with written documentation from the Office for Students with Disabilities and she will ensure your needs are met. Course Calendar (please refer to TritonEd for any adjustments) Date


Monday April 1 Required class (McGill 1350) Monday April 8 Required Class (McGill 1350)

How to Construct a Research Poster (Winward)

Conducting Research: Grant Writing and Ethical Considerations (Lang)

Monday April 15 Required Class (Location TBA)

Monday April 22 Required Class Monday April 29

Attend Judd Symposium How to Review Research Grant Proposals exchanged Judd Reflection due in class

No class

Finalize grant reviews: Meet with UGIAs or Dr. Lang as needed

Monday May 6

Discussion Session 1

Required Class

Grant reviews due in class

Monday May 13

Discussion Session 2

Required Class

Session 1 final proposals due

Monday May 20

Discussion Session 3

Required Class

Session 2 final proposals due

Monday May 27

Memorial Day

No class

Session 3 final proposals due

Monday June 3

Discussion Session 4 (as needed)

Required Class

Class wrap-up and end-of-year celebration!

Monday June 10 No class

Session 4 final proposals due...

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