Chem 124 Spring 2019 Syllabus PDF

Title Chem 124 Spring 2019 Syllabus
Author Alyssa Redini Ramos
Course General Chemistry 2
Institution University of Illinois at Chicago
Pages 6
File Size 173.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 98
Total Views 134


Syllabus for Chem 124 Islam's Class...


CHEMISTRY 124 Spring Semester 2019 General College Chemistry II Course Syllabus Instructor: Dr. Mohammad S. Islam Office: 4346 SES Office Hours: MWF 12 - 1 pm in 4346 SES and by appointment

Email: [email protected] Office Phone: 312-355-3767

Blackboard Course web site: CHEM 124 General Chemistry II Lecture (38884) 2019 Spring Lecture: CRN 38884 Room BSB 145 MWF 11-11:50 am Discussion class: One discussion class per week COURSE REQUIREMENTS Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in CHEM 122. Those with lower than C grade in last Chem 122 course taken will automatically be dropped from the course. Students with an equivalent course from another institution must take the chemistry placement examination. Registration: Students must be registered for lecture and a discussion session. Failure to do so will mean that you will automatically be dropped. Disability accommodations: Students with disabilities who require accommodations for access and/or participation in this course must register first with the Office of Disability Services (ODS). Please contact ODS at 312-413-2183 (voice) or 312-413-0123 (TTY). ADD/DROP course: Last day for late registration is Friday, January 25th. This is also the last day to drop the course and not receive a W grade. Last day to drop course with college approval and receive a W grade is Friday, March 22nd. After this date it is not possible to drop the course. See your college advisor for further details. Course Materials: Please note: This course participates in the UIC Bookstore Direct Access program. This program is designed to provide immediate access to required materials for all students at prices cheaper than any other option. Required materials will be accessible to you via UIC Blackboard prior to the start of classes. If desired, an additional hardbound copy of textbook is available elsewhere. Required Items: 1) Textbook: CHEMISTRY The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change with Advanced Topics 8th edition by Silberberg and Amateis ISBN 978-1-259-74109-8 2) On-line Homework: The on-line homework for this class will be with Connect from McGrawHill Education. To register for Connect go to the Connect Homework Link in the blackboard course site even if you already have an active Connect account. “If you took CHEM 122 at UIC last semester and purchased Connect access, you do not have to purchase Connect access for CHEM 124. Simply click on your first Connect assignment and register for the course. PLEASE USE THE SAME EMAIL ADDRESS YOU USED WHEN YOU REGISTERED FOR CHEM122, as that is how the system will recognize that your access is still active. More detail information about Connect can be found in blackboard course site under Course Information. 3) i>clicker: The i>clicker is an electronic student response system used in lectures. The unique i>clicker number on back must be registered on blackboard. The registration itself is free. Either i>clicker1 or i>clicker2 may be used with this course. It is available from UIC bookstore, other students, or on-line. This semester the Reef application may be used as well. More detail information about i>clicker can be found in blackboard course site under Course Information. Be sure to check delivery time when purchased on-line or from other students.

4) Inexpensive Scientific Calculator with capability of exponential notation display along with function keys for yx , xth root of y, log x, antilog x, ln x and inverse ln x. It is highly recommended the calculator have linear regression statistical analysis capability and you know how to use it. Many calculator instructions can be found at COURSE STRUCTURE Lectures: There are three lectures a week. Students are expected to attend all lectures and thus you are responsible for all class handouts and announcements, as well as all material and problems discussed in lecture. Some course information will be posted on the blackboard site along with some of the lecture materials. Do not rely on blackboard to have all lecture information. Lecture notes are written with verbal descriptions in mind and are not written as stand alone study guides. Some lecture information will not be on blackboard such as overhead transparencies, models, demonstrations, and additional practice problems. Furthermore, lectures are open to student questions which strongly help clarify lecture material. These question/answer discussions will not be posted on blackboard. Exam topics reflect lectures and historically final grades strongly correlate to lecture attendance. Discussion Sessions: Discussion sessions are scheduled once a week with a TA. Attendance is mandatory and TAs will keep track who is present, prepared in advance, and actively participates in class. Note that grading in course in part is based on attendance and preparedness/participation in discussion. See grading policy below. In a smaller class room setting, there is opportunity for more interactive discussion. So you are to take advantage of that and keep these sessions interactive with your TA. Bring your questions to your session. In these sessions your TA will: à address students’ questions à demonstrate solving chemistry problems with discussion worksheets discussing concepts Please note, for most weeks, there will be a discussion worksheet assigned and you are expected to do these worksheets before your discussion class the best you can each week. Otherwise, you will not be able to keep up with all TA explanations. And, as an incentive, there is a point value for doing these worksheets before class. See Grading Point Value Section below. Please note, TAs cannot possibly cover all lecture material in discussion. So they should focus on your needs. Let them know what you need help with in these classes. HELPFUL STUDY TIPS Read the textbook material before the lectures and don’t hesitate to ask questions to the instructor in lecture or your TA in discussion, or any TA at the Math and Science Learning Center (MSLC; 3rd floor SES). If you cannot meet during scheduled office hours an alternate time can be arranged with either instructor or TA. The best students often ask the most questions during or just after lectures and discussions. Review uploaded lecture notes prior to class and take notes during the lecture. Writing improves memory retention so note taking is very important. Go over the material as soon as possible after the lectures as well and re-do example lecture problems on your own without viewing the solution. Also, the required Connect homework system is an adaptive learning tool in design and helps students study more efficiently. The LearnSmart activities and homework is a crucial learning component in the course. Problem solving practice should be a major part of your study habits. There are additional practice problems posted on blackboard as well. You learn chemistry best by doing it (problem solving and answering questions) not just by reading or listening about it. The Connect homework will help enhance your knowledge and problem solving skills covering the same topics as that on exams and quizzes. Forming study groups is very helpful and I encourage students to study together. The beneficial aspect of study groups is to help each other understand how to do the work. It is not to share the work load of completing assignments themselves otherwise it will show on exams and quizzes.

CAMPUS RESOURCES Take advantage of the Math and Science Learning Center (MSLC) located at 3rd floor of SES building. The large area is designated as a study and help center for students at UIC and has helpful resources for you. It opens on the second day of the first week of classes. You may come here to study on your own or with other students. In addition, teaching assistants are available throughout the week to help you. Even if they are not your TA, they are ready to assist all students. Their schedules along with the class they teach will be posted at the entrance of the center as soon as possible after the start of the semester. There are also computers with tutorial and graphing software available as well as internet connection for Connect homework. It is an excellent place to study either on your own or with a study partner. In addition, there are also student peer led study groups and other TA tutors there to help you. In addition to the SLC, there are a number of free tutoring services at UIC such as: Math Sciences Learning Center UIC Writing Center UIC Honors College African American Academic Network (AAAN) A full list of academic services for students may be found at There is also the Academic Center for Excellence (referred to as ACE) which helps students achieve their academic goals by helping students strengthen their academic skills, offering study strategies, and providing other counseling services. Students are advised on numerous skills such as time management, controlling test anxiety, lecture note taking, reading comprehension, and math strategies. More information on ACE along with helpful strategies can be found at or calling (312) 413-0032. General student counseling services are available as well at no cost for all UIC students by calling the Counseling Center in the Student Service Building at 312/996-3490. You may seek free and confidential services from the Counseling Center . In addition to offering counseling services, the Counseling Center also operates the InTouch Crisis Hotline from 6:00 p.m.10:30 p.m. They offer support and referrals to callers, as well as telephone crisis interventions; please call (312) 996-5535. GRADING ASSESSMENT Examinations: There will be three examinations during the semester and one final examination. The final exam will be cumulative. All exams will be based on lectures, homework, and practice problems. Makeup exams will not be given. In case of exam conflicts with university functions such as sports etc., written documentation is needed for alternate arrangements. Note that University regulations require that, if you foresee missing an exam for religious reasons, you must notify the instructor within the first two weeks of the semester. If you cannot attend an examination session, you must provide written documentation of the reason and if the reason is acceptable to the instructor, an alternative time on that same day will be determined. If you miss an exam without a pre-approved excuse from the lecturer you will receive a zero grade for that test. No exam will be dropped. All in-term exams and the final exam will count toward the final grade earned in the class. If an hour exam is missed due to serious illness or injury and formal documentation is provided to the instructor, a grade will be assigned for that exam based on other examinations, including the final, and the average class grades for the exam according to the following formula: Missing Exam Grade = Student Avg of other Hour and Final Exam Grades X

( Class Avg. on Missed Exam )

(Class Avg. on all Hour and Final Exams)

If you miss two hour exams or the final exam with an excused absence, you will be given an Incomplete. EXAM 1: Monday, February11th EXAM 2: Monday, March 11th EXAM 3: Monday, April 22nd FINAL EXAM: during finals week as per UIC Final Exam Schedule The in-term exams will be returned in discussion section and reviewed by your TA in class. Any exam considered for regrading should be given back to your TA before leaving the discussion class on that day. So check your answers and point additions at the time you get the test back. Be aware that exams are copied and will be checked as part of the regrading process by the TA. Quizzes: There will be 3 quizzes given in this class. Quizzes will be given in lecture. Each quiz will typically cover lecture material from prior weeks. Details or content and location will be given in lecture prior to the quiz. An unexcused, missed quiz will receive a grade of zero. Homework: The homework system consists of two parts – LearnSmart and on-line homework. LearnSmart is a student-interactive, adaptive learning tool. By blending textbook information with highlighted information and frequent student reflection and assessment, the program adapts to your particular needs which leads to more efficient studying. In contrast, the homework assignments consist of conceptual and computational questions. Please note that for both LearnSmart and homework assignments, the point values are scaled back so that collectively over the entire semester, LearnSmart can have maximum of 20 points and homework assignments have a maximum of 80 points. It is best to work with Connect frequently throughout the semester. Do not try to do it on the day it is due as it will become frustrating and annoying rather than an adaptive learning tool. i>clicker: i>clicker is a remote audience response system where students input answers to questions given during lecture. Students may use i>clicker1 or i>clicker2 or the Reef app. The i>clicker sessions will take place during lectures. For each session, students will get one point for participating in the session and one point for having the majority of questions answered correctly. At end of semester, the total maximum points will be scaled to 30 points maximum. Students must register their i>clickers on the class blackboard site so the responses collected in class can be identified to individual students. You may use the same i>clicker in other classes but be aware the registration method may be different in other classes. For this class, i>clicker points can be verified on blackboard grade center. Grading Point System: Final grades are determined from the total points acquired from exams, quizzes, homework, discussion worksheets, and i>clicker. The number of points possible is shown below. Graded&Assignment& Final&Exam&(cumulative)& In&term&Exams&(3&@&100&pts.&each)& Quizzes&(3&@&30&pts.&each)& Online&HW&Problems& LearnSmart&Homework& Discussion&Worksheets&(-2/0/+2&pts)& Iclicker&(approx.&2&pts.&each;&scaled&to&30& points&max.)& Total&Points&Possible&

Points&Possible& 200&& 300& &&90& &&80& &&20& &&30& &&30& 750&

*The maximum number of points on Discussion worksheets is 30 based on attendance, preparedness with discussion worksheets, and active participation. When a student does not attend a Discussion session, 2 points will be deducted from the Discussion worksheets points. When a student attends a session unprepared, no point will be awarded. Only when a student attends and has worked on the discussion worksheet problems will 2 point be awarded. Final i>clicker points will be computed as final i>clicker points = (i>clicker points accumulated/total points possible)*30 pts. So, for example, if there were 30 sessions and you acquired 40 points total your i>clicker score is computed as final iclicker points = (40/60)*30. On the Thursday of the 9th week of the semester, you will be able to view midterm grades via Student Self-Service. The midterm grade is an indicator of your class performance thus far and should be taken seriously. Students should keep all exams, worksheets, and quizzes until the end of the semester in order to keep track of grade points. Your letter grade performance in the class will be determined from the percentage of total possible points you have earned. Do not expect a curve to be applied at the end of the semester so as to gain a particular grade. You earn your grade based on your performance. In borderline cases, exam grades, homework, and class participation will be the decisive factors in your earning the higher or lower grade. POLICIES Email: Polite emails will be responded to as quickly as possible. Remember to include your full name, course ID (CHEM 124) and TA’s name in all correspondence. Using your email will assure passing through any spam filters. Also, be aware any class information I send by email to the class will be to your email address. The turnaround time for a reply is usually 24-48 hours during the week. If a couple days pass and you have not received a reply, please resend the email and ask after lecture. Email is not an appropriate way to ask complicated chemistry questions. Ask the instructor directly or see TAs at the Science Learning Center for such inquiries. Grades will not be discussed over email either; make an appointment with the professor or TA for such matters. Cell phones / pagers: The ringers of cell phones and pagers must be turned off during class. No one is allowed to use cell phones in class or labs. Academic Dishonesty: Any form of academic dishonesty will result in an immediate failing grade. You are encouraged to work together on homework and to form study groups, but all work submitted must be your own. Any student caught cheating on an exam or quiz in any way will be failed immediately. Plagiarism is not tolerated. Laboratory reports must be in your own words and all calculations, graphs, etc., must be done individually. Any work handed in that is not your own will result in at least a zero grade and, at my discretion, a failing grade for the course. If two or more students hand in the same work, both students will receive a grade of zero. All students need to do their own online homework. Having another individual do your online homework is another example of academic dishonesty and generally correlates with lower scores on quizzes and exams. In addition, for any instance of academic dishonesty, further action will be discussed with the department and the Dean. Grievance Procedures: UIC is committed to the most fundamental principles of academic freedom, equality of opportunity, and human dignity involving students and employees. Freedom from discrimination is a foundation for all decision making at UIC. Students are encouraged to study the University's “Nondiscrimination Statement”. Students are also urged to read the document “Public Formal Grievance Procedures”. Information on these policies and procedures is available on the University web pages of the Office of Access and Equity:

CAMPUS SECURITY As a UIC student, you've chosen to live in one of the nation's largest cities. But, as at any university, crime is a reality. At UIC, we are strongly committed to our public safety programs, and we encourage students to be proactive in learning what programs and services are available in case of an emergency. You are DISCOURAGED from staying in university buildings alone, including lab rooms, after hours and are ENCOURAGED to use the POLICE/STUDENT patrol escort if you are uncomfortable traveling anywhere on campus. You may request an escort to accompany you to your campus destination on foot by calling 312-996-2830, and between 11:00 pm and 7:00 am you can dial the Red Car service (312-996-6800) if you are alone and need to leave the building. Through Red Car, the university has established a safe evening transportation service for university employees, students, visitors, and other authorized individuals. The car travels between university facilities within the following general boundaries: Clinton Street on the east; Western Avenue on the west; Jackson Boulevard on the north; and, 16th on the south. This service is available only to individuals possessing a valid UIC i-card. The i-card is required to ensure the safety of the driver and other passengers. Consult the following for more information: Also you can subscribe your cell phone to receive text message alerts. An immediate SMS text alert will be sent in case of a serious crime in progress, a weather emergency, or other urgent situation. ( Finally, by dialing 5-5555 from a campus phone, you can summon Police or Fire for any on-campus emergency. You may also set up the complete number, 1-312-355-5555, on speed-dial on your cell phone. For more information contact:

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