Psych 1000Syllabus F 17 PDF

Title Psych 1000Syllabus F 17
Author Veronica Thordardottir
Course General Biology
Institution East Carolina University
Pages 7
File Size 174.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 113
Total Views 130





Rev. 8.21.17

PSYC 10 1000 00 (0 (033 33 & 03 037): 7): In Introd trod troduc uc uctor tor toryy Ps Psych ych ycholog olog ologyy Fall 2 201 01 017 7 Eas Eastt C Carolin arolin arolinaa Un Univer iver iversit sit sityy Ins Instruc truc tructor: tor: Faye Knickerbocker, PhD Ema Email: il: [email protected] Offi Office ce LLoc oc ocati ati ation: on: Rawl 322 Offi Office ce H Hou ou ours: rs: MWF 2:00-3:00 PM, MW 5:00-6:00 PM, F 2:00-4:00 PM, and by appointment Cour Course se Tim Time: e: MWF Section 033: 9:00-9:50 AM Section 037: 1:00-1:50 PM Cour Course se Lo Locat cat cation ion ion:: Section 033: Rawl 130 Section 037: Bate 1026 Requ Require ire ired d Tex Textt Gazzaniga, Heatherton, & Halpern. (2015). Psychological Science (5th ed.). W. W. Norton & Company Inc. 0393937496 Cour Course se Ob Objec jec jective tive tivess Cour Course se De Descrip scrip scripti ti tion on (Con (Conttent ent)): PSYC 1000 is a three credit survey course designed as an introduction to the science of psychology through a survey of theories, methods, and principles of behavior. Topics include the research methods, the nervous system, sensation & perception, consciousness, learning, memory, language, intelligence, human development, emotion, social psychology, personality, psychological disorders, and treatment of psychological disorders. PSYC 1000 meets the requirements for a general education course for the social sciences competency. If you major is psychology, this course is required but will not count as a general education course. Meth Method od odss: The course will emphasize the empirical perspective of the various sub-disciplines of psychology. The scientific method, and how it is applied to each area of psychology, will be a primary focus. Students will gain a foundational understanding of the major research and professional areas of psychology, as well as the scientific method and research methods. Examples will range from empirical studies to everyday real world events. Imp Impact act Be Beyon yon yond d th the e Disc Discip ip ipline line line: The course will highlight: (a) ways in which psychology allows us to understand human behavior; (b) ways in which psychology allows us to improve health and wellbeing; (c) critically-thinking that can be applied to news and advertising; (d) a broader understanding of science that can be applied to social and behavioral issues.

Rev. 8.21.17


Cour Course se Fo Form rm rmat at Classroom time will involve a combination of lecture, class activities, video analysis, and group discussions. Lecture material will cover class readings as well as supplemental materials from a variety of sources. Therefore some of the material addressed in class will not be covered in your text. To make the class interactive, it is essential that you have completed the assigned readings and are prepared to discuss them. The Bb online class environment will be utilized for this course. Log on to Bb at using your ECU email username and password. Click on this course to access the syllabus, schedule of topics, detailed information on tests and other assignments, information on general education, links to other useful websites, and any announcements or other information that changes throughout the semester. You are responsible for all such announcements as well as the content of all documents posted on the course website. It is recommended you check the Bb course website dail dailyy. Cour Course se Beh Behav av avior ior Resp Respec ec ectt for m me e an and d cl class ass assma ma mates tes tes: I seek to create a classroom environment in which individuals can openly share their thoughts, viewpoints, and questions. Class members are expected to respect the diverse backgrounds and perspectives of other class members, including myself. The responsibility to contribute to a civil and non-disruptive learning environment is addressed in university policies, including the Student Code of Conduct, available here: Ema Emailil ccom om ommu mu munic nic nicati ati ation on on: It is expected that all email communication will be completed in professional manner. A university is a professional environment and being a student is the beginning of your professional career. All written communication should be carefully reviewed for spelling, grammar, or other errors. A professional greeting, and/or signature should be used. The tone and language in written communication should be respectful and professional. Resp Respec ec ectt for m me e an and d th the e le learnin arnin arningg en envir vir vironm onm onmen en entt: It is expected that you have come to class to learn. Please be on time to avoid disrupting class. Distractions such as cell phones, using a laptop for other purposes than taking notes, and side-conversations interfere with the quality of the course and the learning experience of everyone in the course. Please silence cell phones during class and use laptops for note-taking only. Cour Course se Req Requi ui uirem rem remen en ents ts Clas Classs A Atten tten ttend danc ance e an and d PPar ar articip ticip ticipati ati ation on on: Regular attendance and participation are expected. Participation includes engaging in class discussion, being an active listener, coming prepared for class, engaging in class discussion, and working on in-class individual and group assignments. While participation is not graded, it will be considered in grading decisions for borderline grades. *** Attendance will be recorded during class meetings with guest speakers. Attendance will be recorded via sign in sheet. Attendance and participation during guest speakers will be worth 50 points of the final grade. ***

Rev. 8.21.17


Quiz Quizzes zes zes:: This course includes 14 non-cumulative quizzes (one per week, with the exception of Thanksgiving Break. They will be based on lecture material, course notes, and course readings. Each quiz will be worth a maximum of 50 points. The two lowest quiz grades will be dropped. Quizzes will be given on Blackboard and not during class time. They will be open at 4:00 PM on Thursdays. They will close at 4:00 PM on Tuesdays. Once you begin a quiz, you will have 30 minutes to complete the quiz. As exams are given outside of class, it is anticipated that you will access your textbook or other materials as needed. The Academic Integrity Policy applies to exams and it is expected that completion of exams is a reflection of your own work. It is recommended that you prepare for the exams as you would for a traditional in-class exam as there will be not be sufficient time to access all of the information needed if you have not studied in advance. Makeup quizzes will not be offered unless written documentation of extenuating circumstances or advanced notice of a requirement to participate in a school-sponsored activity. Syll Syllabu abu abuss Qu Quiz iz iz:: There will be a single quiz on the syllabus worth a maximum of 50 points. Availab Available le Wed Wedn nesda esdayy 88.23 .23 .23.17 .17 .17.. C Close lose losess aatt 8:0 8:00 0 PPM M Frid Friday ay 8.2 8.25. 5. 5.17. 17. Fin Final al Ex Exam am am: There will be a semi-cumulative final exam worth a maximum of 150 points. Res Researc earc earch h PPar ar articip ticip ticipati ati ation on on: All students enrolled in PSYC 1000 are required to complete 5 credits of research activities for 5% of their final grade. For detailed information, including important deadlines, and steps to follow, please visit: *** Please be aware of the requirement to complete 50% of your credits by the course midpoint (10/13/17). You also must assure that you indicate your course section (033 or 037) when you create your Experimentrak account. ***


Rev. 8.21.17

Grad Grading ing Students can earn a total of 900 points. Your grade will be based on your performance on 12 weekly quizzes, the syllabus quiz, one final exam, and completion of other course expectations. I reserve the right to consider class attendance and participation in determining final grades. I will discuss grading decisions only during office hours. Assig Assignm nm nmen en ent/ t/ t/Acti Acti Activit vit vityy Syllabus Quiz 12 Quizzes (50 points each) Final Exam Attendance and questions for invited speakers Research participation Total

Poin Points ts 50 600 150 50

50 900

Fin Final al gr grad ad ades es es: (Earned Points)/900 A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF

93.0 90.0 87.0 83.0 80.0 77.0 73.0 70.0 67.0 63.0 60.0 >60.0

Extr Extraa Cr Cred ed edit: it: Extra credit will not be accepted for course credit. Acad Academ em emic ic Misc iscondu ondu onduct ct It is expected that completion of exams and written assignments is a reflection of your own work. In this class, cheating is defined as copying someone else’s work either through direct quotation or paraphrasing without giving credit to that person. Cheating is also paying someone to do your work or representing someone else’s work as your own. The Academic Integrity Policy governs student conduct directly related to academic activities involving ECU students. All alleged violations of the policy must be resolved in accordance with

Rev. 8.21.17


the procedures outlined in the Academic Integrity Policy as found in Part IV Academic Integrity of the ECU Faculty Manual. The Academic Integrity Policy and code of conduct is available to students at Penalties for academic violations may range from having to redo an assignment, to a grade of 0 on an assignment, to failure of the course. Stud Studen en ents ts with Dis Disab ab abili ili ilities ties East Carolina University seeks to comply fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students requesting accommodations based on a disability must be registered with the Department for Disability Support Services located in Slay 138 ((252) 737- 1016 (Voice/TTY)). For more information, go to Eme Emerg rg rgenc enc encyy W Wea ea eath th ther er In the event of a weather emergency, information can be accessed through the following sources: ECU emergency notice ( or the ECU emergency information hotline at 252-328-0062. Stud Studen en entt Ac Acad ad adem em emic ic Su Supp pp ppor or ortt SSer er ervices vices ECU offers several free services to support your learning and success as a student. Two of these are the University Writing Center (UWC) and Pirate Academic Success Center (PASC). Located in Joyner Library, the UWC offers a wide range of support for student writers. You may choose to schedule one or more appointments to receive feedback on your writing for assignments in this or another course. For more information, see To schedule an appointment, sign up here: Located in the Old Cafeteria Complex, the PASC offers tutoring, study skills coaching and workshops, and mentoring. For more information, see


Rev. 8.21.17

Date M 8/21 W 8/23 F 8/25

Top Topics ics and Is Issues sues Introduction and orientation to the course The Science of Psychology The Science of Psychology

Read Reading ing Syllabus Ch. 1 Syll Syllabu abu abuss Qu Quiz iz


8/28 8/30 9/1

Research Methods Research Methods Research Methods

Ch. 2


9/4 9/6 9/8

Labor Day Biology and Behavior Biology and Behavior


9/11 9/13 9/15

Consciousness Consciousness Consciousness

Ch. 4


9/18 9/20 9/22

Sensation & Perception Sensation & Perception Sensation & Perception

Ch. 5


9/25 9/27 9/29

Learning Learning Learning

Ch. 6


10/2 10/4 10/6

Memory Memory Memory

Ch. 7


10/9 No Class! Fall Break 10/11 Thinking, Language, & Intelligence 10/13 Thinking, Language, & Intelligence


10/16 Human Development 10/18 Human Development 10/20 Human Development

Ch. 9


10/23 Emotion & Motivation 10/25 Emotion & Motivation 10/27 Emotion & Motivation

Ch. 10


10/30 Social Psychology

Ch. 12

Ch. 3

Ch. 8


Rev. 8.21.17


11/1 11/3

Social Psychology Social Psychology


11/6 Personality 11/8 Personality 11/10 Personality

Ch. 13


11/13 Psychological Disorders 11/15 Psychological Disorders 11/17 Psychological Disorders

Ch. 14


11/20 Catch up, special topics 11/22 No Class! Thanksgiving Break 11/24 No Class! Thanksgiving Break


11/27 Treatment of Psychological Disorders 11/29 Treatment of Psychological Disorders 12/1 Treatment of Psychological Disorders




Final al Ex Exam am 11:00-1:30 PM (Se Se Section ction 03 037 7) 12/8 Fin 12/13 Fin Final al Ex Exam am 8:00-10:30 AM (Section Section 0033 33 33)

Wrap up, special topics

Ch. 15...

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