Psych 1X03 - Tutorial 1 Notes PDF

Title Psych 1X03 - Tutorial 1 Notes
Author Summer Slattery
Course Biodiversity Evolution and Humanity
Institution McMaster University
Pages 3
File Size 74.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Thursday, September 12, 2019

PSYCH1X03 – Tutorial Notes Rachel Lam - [email protected] -peerwise MC Questions -SONA Research participation 3 cresits = 3 hours -request accounts PeerWise – Before QuizTerm write 15 Q’s. answer 15 After QuizTerm – answer 15 Qs ***QUIZ TERM***?? Write dates down Course ID: 19419 – group 1 -discussion board weekly to get extra mark -subscribe to weekly discussion post -find textbook readings *p-value -less tah n0.05 5% chance you owuldv got that by chance Watch classical condition and read chapter 3 -quiz

Question 1: D Question 2: C Question 3: Tutorial 3 Classical Conditioning: involuntary Instrumental Conditioning: learn

Discriminative Stimulus: grandma’s house  candy, therefore contingency S-Delta: parents’ house  no candy, therefore no contingency Continuous Reinforcement Scheudke: given reward every time -higher rate of extinction  faster Partial Reinforcement Schedule: reinforcer is given after a response only sometimes -more resistant to extinction Smaller slope = increased rate of extinction Tutorial 6 – Categories and Concepts

Prototype: one prototype in your mind, average of all you’ve seen -ex. Typical, ideal , average point you to it being prototype theory Exemplar Theory: database, compare it to everything you have seen -categorize what you have seen the fastest because you have seen it the most Four Functions of Ceto: -clcassicaiton: being able to categorize dissimilar things into categories -understanding surroundings`: how to act in surroundings from what you’ve learned, looking at a current situation and understanding how to behave, using cues in your surroundings, using PRESENT -predicting: if you classify something as you can predit how it will behave or what to do, using past experiences, doing something led to bad results making you realize -communication: able to use specific words to describe categories of things (ex. Doctors can speak about things without having ot explain, making it more efficient) Tutorial 7 Controlled Processes: slow and effectful -ex. Focusing on a test Automatic Processes: fast and unconscious -ex. Someone coming through the door with a loud sound we all turn and look, automatically catches your attention -as % of congruent word increases, Stroop effect increases, and you make more mistakes because you are just using automatic processing Spotlight Model and Filter Model: describe the same thing just different processes Spotlight Model: enhance the processing of what you are focused on

Filter Model: Single Filter Model: only physical characteristics, decreases processing of ALL unattended information Dual Filter Model: physical and semantic filter, decreases processing of IRRELEVANT information Breakthrough: name breaks through barrier of not listening -ex. Hearing his name he will recognize Spotlight: increases processing of relevant information -visual cues (usually) -ex. Computer screen is too dim, turning up the brightness of computer screen Filter Model: decrease processing of irrelevant information -auditory cues (usually) -ex. Computer screen is too dim, turning down lights in room

Tutorial 8 Gnome Fries Chips Baby Headphones Socks Presto card Stoplight Birthday hat Chocolate thing Shoes...

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