Psych 2322 Chpt 18 PDF

Title Psych 2322 Chpt 18
Course Developmental Psychology: Adulthood
Institution Kwantlen Polytechnic University
Pages 5
File Size 193.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Professor: Kyle Matsuba...


PSYCH 2322 Chapter 18 Emerging Adulthood: Cognitive Development  Metacognition: to think about your thinking After formal operations comes Postformal thought Postformal thought - Very dogmatic and idealistic - Tend to be a little more rigid, less flexible - More impulsive Time Management - Emerging adults struggle the most Delay Discounting - Adults are more cautious to take risks than teenagers - Prefrontal cortex (impulsive nature) matures and less idealistic ideas for and more realistic ideas manifest Stereotype Threat - Many adolescents are self conscious - Gender prejudice - Ethnic prejudice Dialectical Thought Process - Can see both pros and cons of an issue - You can hold contradictory issues and it’s alright Subjective Thought - Younger adults Objective Thought - Older individuals Cognitive Flexibility  Dialectics in DBT (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy) - Therapists stance in helping the subject see the many different views - Client wants to live and die at the same time   

Adolescence to Adulthood - Awareness of future /planning/consequences - Realistic VS Idealistic - Dialectical thinking - Less impulsive/riskful - Less Dogmatic - Abstract Complex  These are due to:  - Life experiences (Nature) - Brain development (Nurture)  KOHLBERG-------------------->  Morality and Ethical thinking Measuring moral growth - Defining Issues Test - A way to measure moral thinking by having test-takers rank possible solutions to moral dilemmas; developed by James Rest - Based on schemas not stages James Rest - Personal Schema - Focused on themselves. Self interest - Maintaining Norms Schema - Hierarchy laws and norms - Post conventional Schema - College students - Society issues Gillagan’s Moralities - Morality of Care - Morality of Justice    

Haidt’s Five Theories of Moral Development (Moral Principles/Values) 1. Care for others; harm no one 2. Promote Freedom 3. Be fair; do not cheat 4. Seek purity; avoid contamination (religion/cultures) 5. Respect authority; do not break laws - He believed that everyone was born with it - Cultures just emphasize certain values and make it crucial for certain religions to abide by  Value of Education: Cognitive Growth and Higher Education - Current reality - Over two years college students made no cognitive advances - Students are dropping out of programs - Better Instruction - Engaged learners, marked improvement in classroom instruction New Pedagogical techniques that foster greater learning - Flipped class - Massive open online courses (MOOCs) Massification - College is available for the masses, not just the elite      

 Term



Stage Approach

Analyzes adult cognition by describing a new shift in the characteristics of thought.

Pg. 491

Psychometric Analyzes adult cognition by observing the intelligence Approach longitudinally via various tests.

Pg. 491

Informationprocessing Approach

Analyzes adult cognition by studying the neurological encoding, storage, and retrieval.

Pg. 491

Postformal Thought

A proposed adult stage of cognitive development, following Piaget’s four stages, that goes beyond adolescent thinking by being more practical, flexible and dialectical.

Pg. 492

Stereotype Threat

The thought in a person’s mind that their appearance or behaviour will be misread to confirm another person’s oversimplified, prejudiced assumptions/attitudes. Ex. African American men in the US have lower grades in high school because of what social norms seem to perceive and they believe from discouraging higher authorities and students.


Subjective Thought

Thinking that is strongly influenced by personal qualities of Pg. 498 the individual thinker, such as past experiences, cultural assumptions, and goals for the future.

Objective Thought

Thinking that is not influenced by the thinker’s personal qualities but instead involves facts and numbers that are universally considered true and valid.

Cognitive Flexibility

Is a characteristic that is common in emerging adults. It Chpt 18 helps people deal with sudden events and helps avoid Slide 10 retreating to emotions or intellect. It also considers diverse opinions and listening to others.

Moral Principles

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Care for others; harm no one Promote Freedom Be fair; do not cheat Seek purity; avoid contamination (religion/cultures) Respect authority; do not break laws

Pg. 498

Chpt 18 Slide 17

Morality of Care

In Gilligan’s view, moral principles that reflect the tendency of females to be reluctant to judge right and wrong in absolute terms because they are socialized to be nurturing, compassionate, and non-judgemental.

Pg. 504

Morality of Justice

In Gilligan’s view, moral principles that reflect the tendency of males to emphasize justice over compassion, judging right and wrong in absolute terms.

Pg. 504

Massification The idea that establishing institutions of higher learning Pg. 512 and encouraging college enrollment can benefit everyone (the masses/wide majority) Dialectical Thinking 

Capability of combining contradictory elements into a comprehensive whole.

Pg. 492...

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