Medical Terminologies Chpt 5 PDF

Title Medical Terminologies Chpt 5
Course Medical Terminology
Institution Miami University
Pages 10
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Chpt. 5: The Nervous System→ Neurology & Psychiatry 1. Composed of the Peripheral and Central Nervous System a. Peripheral system i. Collects data ii. Receives info such as temp, pain, light & pressure iii. Transmits info to an analytic center via nerves b. Central nervous system i. Brain & spine ii. Processes the details & formulates a response iii. Somatic nervous system 1. Voluntary system 2. Afferent neurons send info to CNS iv. Autonomic nervous system 1. Involuntary system 2. Beating of heart, sweating, digesting food 2. Word Parts of the Nervous System a. Word parts associated with the structure i. Brain (encephalo) ii. Nerves (neuro) iii. Brain & spinal cord (myelo) iv. Brain has several sections (lobes) & divided into two halves (hemispheres) v. Largest portion is the cerebrum vi. Cerebellum controls coordination of movements vii. Terms: 1. Brain a. Roots: cerebr/o, encephal/o b. Ex: cerebropathy, cerebrospinal, encephalitis 2. Cerebellum→ the little brain

a. Root: cerebell/o b. Ex: cerebellar, cerebellitis 3. Head a. Root: cephal.o b. Ex: microcephaly, macrocephaly 4. Head, skull a. Root: crani/o b. Ex: craniometer, craniomalacia 5. Meninges→ membrane surrounding the brain & spinal cord a. Roots: mening/o, meningi/o b. Ex: meningitis, meningopathy 6. Dura→ tough outer membrane surrounding the brain & spinal cords a. Root: dur/o b. Ex: epidural, subdural hematoma 7. Nerve a. Root: neur/o b. Ex: neuralgia, neuropathy 8. Spinal cord, bone marrow→ innermost part a. Root: myel/o b. Ex: myelitis, myelodyspasia b. Words associated with the function i. Feeling, sensation 1. Root: esthesi/o 2. Ex: anesthesia, hyperesthesia ii. Speech 1. Root: phas/o 2. Ex: aphasia iii. Mind 1. Roots: phren/o, psych/o 2. Ex: phrenetic, psychology iv. Know 1. Root: gnosi/o 2. Ex: agnosia, diagnosis, prognosis


Excessive desire 1. Suffix: mania 2. Ex: pyromania, kleptomania vi. Excessive fear or sensitivity 1. Suffix: phobia 2. Ex: photophobia, hydrophobia vii. Slight or partial paralysis 1. Suffix: paresis 2. Ex: hemiparesis viii. Paralysis 1. Suffix: plegia 2. Ex: quadriplegia 3. Patient History, Problems, Complaints (Subjective) a. Impairments i. Aphasia (ah-FAY-zhah) 1. Inability to speak 2. a/phas/ia→ not/speaking/condition ii. Dementia (da-MEN-chah) 1. loss/decline in mental function 2. de/ment/ia→ down/mind/condition iii. Dysphasia (dis-FAY-zhah) 1. Difficulty speaking 2. dys/phas/ia→ bad/speaking/condition iv. Neurasthenia (NUR-as-THEN-ee-ah) 1. Nerve weakness 2. neur/asthenia→ nerve/weakness v. Syncope (SIN-koh-pee)- fainting, losing consciousness due to temporary loss of blood flow to brain

b. Pain i. Cephalalgia (SEH-ful-AL-jah) 1. Head pain 2. cephal/algia→ head/pain ii. Neuralgia (nur-AL-jah)

1. Nerve pain 2. neur/algia→ nerve pain c. Paralysis i. Paralysis (puh-RAH-lu-sis)- complete loss of sensation & motor function ii. Paresis (puh-REE-sis)- partial paralysis characterized by varying degrees of sensation & motor function d. Phobia/Mania i. Acrophobia (AK-roh-FOH-bee-ah) 1. Fear of heights 2. acro/phobia→ heights/excessive fear ii. Agoraphobia (ah-GOR-ah-FOH-be-ah) 1. Fear of outdoor spaces 2. agora/phobia→ marketplace/excessive fear iii. Hydrophobia (HAI-droh-FOH-bee-ah) 1. Fear of water 2. hydro/phobia→ water/excessive fear iv. Kleptomania (KLEP-toh-MAY-nee-ah) 1. Desire to steal 2. klepto/mania→ theft/excessive desire v. Pyromania (PAI-roh-MAY-nee-ah) 1. Desire to set fire 2. pyro/mania→ fire/excessive desire 4. Observation & Discovery (Objective) a. Diagnostic procedures i. Electroencephalography (EEG) (eh-LEK-troh-en-SEHfah-LAW-grah-fee) 1. Procedure used to examin the electrical activity of the brain 2. electro/encephalo/graphy→ electricity/brain/writing procedure ii. Lumbar puncture (LP) (LUM-bar-PUNK-chir) 1. Inserting a needle into the lumbar region of the spine in order to collect spinal fluid, commonly called “spinal tap”

2. lumb/ar puncture→ lower back/pertaining to b. Radiology i. Cerebral angiography (sih-REE-bral AN-jee-AW-grah-fee) 1. Procedure used to examin blood vessels in the brain 2. cerebr/al→ brain/pertaining too 3. angio/graphy→ vessel/writing procedure ii. Myelogram (MAI-el-oh-gram) 1. Image of spinal cord, usually done using x-ray 2. myelo/gram→ spinal cord/record iii. Positron emission tomography (PET) scan (PAWZ-ihtrawn ee-MISH-un taw-MAW-gra-fee) 1. An image procedure that uses radiation (positrons) to produce cross sections of the brain 2. e/mission→ out/send 3. tomo/graphy→ cut/writing procedure c. Suture i. Encephalocele (en-SEF-ah-loh-SEEL) 1. Hernia of the brain 2. encephalo/cele→ brain/hernia ii. Hematoma (HEE-mah-TOH-mah) 1. Tumor like mass made up of blood 2. hemat/oma→ blood/tumor iii.



Epidural hematoma (EH-pi-DIR-al) 1. Hematoma located on top of the dura 2. epi/dur/al→ upon/dura/pertaining to 3. hemat/oma→ blood/tumor Intracerebral hematoma (IN-trah-se-REE-bral) 1. Hematoma located inside the brain 2. intra/cerebr/al→ inside/brain/pertaining to 3. hemat/oma→ blood tumor Subdural hematoma (sub-DIR-al) 1. Hematoma located beneath the dura

2. sub/dur/al→ beneath/dura/pertaining to 3. hemat/oma→ blood tumor vi. Meningocele (meh-NIN-goh-seel) 1. Hernia of the meninges 2. meningo/cele→ meninges/hernia vii. Neuritis (nir-AI-tis) 1. Nerve inflammation 2. neur/itis→ nerve/inflammation d. Professional Terms i. Afferent nerve (A-fir-ent nirv) 1. Nerve that carries impulses toward the CNS 2. af/ferent nerve→ toward/carry ii. Efferent nerve (EH-fir-ent nirv) 1. Nerve that carries impulses away from the CNS 2. ef/ferent nerve→ away/carry iii. Psychiatrist (sai-KAI-ah-trist) 1. Doctor who specialized in treatment of the mind 2. psych/iatrist→ mind/ treatment specialist iv. Psychiatry (sai-KAI-ah-tree) 1. Branch of medicine that focuses on the treatment of the mind 2. psych/iatry→ mind/specialty v.



Psychologist (sai-KAW-loh-jist) 1. Doctor who specializes in the study of the mind 2. psycho/logist→ mind/specialist Psychology (sai-KAW-loh-jee) 1. Branch of medicine that focuses on the study of the mind 2. psycho/logy→ mind/study of Psychosomatic (SAI-koh-soh-MA-tik) 1. Pertaining to the relationship between the body & the mind 2. psycho/somat/ic→ mind/body/pertaining to

5. Diagnosis & Pathology (Assessment) a. neurogenic→ problem originates from the nervous system b. psychogenic→ problem originates from the mind c. Structure i. Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) (seh-REE-BRO-VASKYOO-LAR AK-sih-dent) 1. An accident involving the blood vessels of the brain 2. cerebro/vascul/ar→ brain/blood vessel/pertaining to ii. Stroke (STROHK)- loss of function caused by interruption of blood flow/supply to the brain iii. Transient ischemic attack (TIA) (TRAN-zee-entt ih-SKEEmik ah-TAK) 1. “Mini stroke” caused by the blockage of blood vessel, which resolves 2. trans/ient→ across/go 3. isch/em/ic→ hold back/blood/pertaining to iv. Hydrocephaly (HAI-droh-SEH-fah-lee) 1. Abnormal accumulation of spinal fluid in the brain 2. hydro/cephal/y→ water/head/condition

d. Other i. Encephalitis (en-SEF-ah-LAI-tis) 1. Inflammation of the brain 2. encephal/itis→ brain/inflammation ii. Encephalopathy (en-SEF-ah-LAW-pah-thee) 1. Disease of the brain 2. encephalo/pathy→ brain/disease iii. Meningitis (MEH-nin-JAI-tus) 1. Inflammation of the meninges 2. mening/itis→ meninges/inflammation


Myelitis (MAI-el-AI-tis) 1. Inflammation of the spinal cord 2. myel/itis→ spinal cord/inflammation v. Neuropathy (nir-AW-pah-thee) 1. Disease of the nervous system 2. neuro/pathy→ nerve/disease vi. Poliomyelitis (POH-lee-oh-MAI-el-AI-tis) 1. Inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord 2. polio/myel/itis→ gray/spinal cord/inflammation e. Function i. Anorexia (a-noh-REK-see-ah) 1. An eating disorder characterized by the patient’s refusal to eat 2. an/orex/ia→ no/appetite/condition ii. Autism (AW-tiz-um) 1. Psychiatric disorder characterized by withdrawal from communication with others, patient is focused on the self 2. aut/ism→ self/condition





Bulimia (boo-LEE-mee-ah)- eating disorder characterized by overeating & usually followed by forced vomiting or other compensatory behaviors Cerebral palsy (sih-REE-bral PAL-zee) 1. Paralysis caused by damage to the area of the brain responsible for movement 2. cerebr/al palsy→ brain/pertaining to paralysis Epilepsy (eh-pih-LEP-see) 1. Disease marked by seizures 2. epi/lepsy→ upon/seize Narcolepsy (NAR-coh-LEP-see) 1. Disease characterized by sudden, uncontrolled

sleepiness 2. narco/lepsy→ sleep/seize vii. Neurosis (neh-ROH-sis) 1. Nerve condition 2. neur/osis→ nerve/condition viii. Psychosis (sai-KOH-sis) 1. Mind condition 2. psych/osis→ mind/condition ix. Schizophrenia (SKIT-zob-FREH-nee-ah)- mental illness characterized by delusions, hallucinations, & disordered speech 6. Treatments and Therapies (Plan) a. Anesthesiology i. Anesthetic (an-es-THET-ik) 1. Drug that causes loss of sensation 2. an/esthetic→ not/sensation b. Pharmacology i. Analgesic (an-al-JEE-zik) 1. Drug that relieves pain 2. an/alge/sic→ not/pain/agent ii.

Anticonvulsant (AN-tee-kon-VUL-sant) 1. Drug that opposes convulsions 2. anti/convuls/ant→ against/convulsion/agent iii. Antipsychotic (AN-tee-sai-KAW-tik) 1. Drug that opposes psychoses 2. anti/psycho/tic→ against/psychosis/agent iv. Anxiolytic (ANG-zee-oh-LIH-tik) 1. Drug that lessens anxiety 2. anxio/lyt/ic→ anxiety/loss/agent c. Surgical Procedures and Treatments i. Craniectomy (KRAY-nee-EK-toh-mee) 1. Removal of a piece of the skull 2. crani/ectomy→ skull/removal






Craniotomy (KRAY-nee-AW-toh-mee) 1. Incision into the skull 2. cranio/tomy→ skull/incision Neurectomy (nir-EK-toh-mee) 1. Removal of a nerve 2. neur/ectomy→ nerve/removal Neurolysis (nir-AW-lih-sis) 1. Destruction of nerve tissue 2. neuro/lysis→ nerve/loose Neuroplasty (NIR-oh-PLAS-tee) 1. Reconstruction of a nerve 2. neuro/plasty→ nerve/reconstruction Neurorrhaphy (nir-OR-ah-fee) 1. Suturing of a nerve 2. neuro/rrhaphy→ nerve/suture...

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