Psych 640 Lecture Notes Visual Information Processing PDF

Title Psych 640 Lecture Notes Visual Information Processing
Author carie dearing
Course Personnel Psychology
Institution University of Phoenix
Pages 3
File Size 71.4 KB
File Type PDF
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An individual can see what is around them and then take it in so that they can process, store and receive the information. Some are not as fortunate as others and have the sensory of vision in order to take in all the wonderful sights that can be seen. Some individuals may have an issue that can actually make it so that they do not see the same shapes and figures as others may see them. Humans have cognitive abilities with their vision and there is research that continues regarding the vision and how it actually works. The following presentation will discuss visual information processing and two conditions that can impair visual information processing. It will also include current trends in the research of visual information processing and how they advance understanding of visual information processing. A visual cognitive skill is known as visual information processing and is how we interpret and process visual information that we are able to take in by using our sight. One of the most influential senses in the human body is known as vision. It is known that we actually use fifty percent of our brains for the sense of vision and this is a sense that we have inherited since the primary days (Anderson, 2010). The way that we understand and use the information that we see through our vision is that the brain and eyes work together and this is all part of visual information processing. The section of the brain that helps in interpreting what we see is known as the cortex. What happens in the early years and visual information processing is that when we see something like an object or such it enters our eye through the lens and hits the back of the eye known as the retina. At this point it is where the eye and brain work together and make it so that what we may be seeing is turned into a shape, color, depth, orientation and, texture of some sort. This is how an individual is able to see what they are taking in and it helps with the visual information process and makes it so that it can stay in a person’s memory. There are many different conditions that can actually impair visual information processing and two of them will be discussed in this presentation. When there are conditions that happen to impair the visual information processing this usually had nothing to do with how our vision is or the strength of our vision but how the brain processes the information. Two of the common conditions that can impair visual information processing can be CVI which is known as Cortical Visual Impairment and Myopia. Both of these conditions can impair the visual information processing that one has. The first one that is mentioned is Cortical Visual Impairment which is visual information processing issue that has to do with the pathways and lobes of the brain. This impairment is permanent and can actually cause a person to be completely blind or may just be a severe impairment of the vision and not completely blind. This is considered a neurological disorder that effects the brain and is damage that has been done. Depending on the intensity can depend on how severe the impairment is to the visual information processing. When the eye looks at something and it is taken into the eye how it is processed at that point can end up not being properly processed. This will happen as the eye takes in objects and pictures. This is caused because of an abnormal brain function and not because the eye in itself as the structure of the eye will tend to be completely normal (“Boston Children’s Hospital, 2018). The other visual information processing impairment mentioned would be myopia. What this condition is known as is nearsightedness. This is one of the most common visual information processing impairments that is known at this time. What happens when a person has this disorder is that they can see objects that are close up to them but are not able to see clearly what may be far away from them. Everyone with this impairment may have it at different strengths and weaknesses and it can eventually lead to blindness in some cases. They say that in

some cases that this can be inherited but it can also have to do with the way that the person may use their eyes. This is one of the visual information processing that can be effected by a person’s environment as well as other health problems that they may be having. Some only experience this to happen at night time when it is dark and with others it may happen at all times. There are many ways that this visual information processing can be treated which can include eyeglasses, contact lens and some types of surgery in order to correct the problem (“American Optometric Association”, 2018). There are now advanced assessment models that can be used in determining visual information processing in a person. How this can help and determine if a person has a visual information processing impairment is that it can determine strengths and weaknesses in the person and their vision. These models and how they are used have actually helped in many ways when assesses visual information processing. Even though there have been current trends it all comes down to there is still so much that is unknown on why a person would develop a visual information processing impairment and just information regarding it as a whole. There is also research that is ongoing and helps with understanding on how the brain is connected to the entire vision process. This research can also help in determining on why a brain may function the way that it does if there is damaged that is caused and it affects the vision of a person. With the impairments that are listed above the more research that can be done the greater knowledge we will have on the impairments and how they can be helped in different ways. In conclusion, one of the main sensory portions of a person’s brain has to do with vision. Vision is not just seeing something with your eye but how your brain processes what you see. You can look at something but how the brain processes it can make you see the shape, color, texture among other things. Not all of us are as fortunate to have perfect vision and to have our visual information processing to work as it is supposed to. There are some that happen to have impairments that can happen to their visual information processing. While there is research that is being done in order to help in determining how these can be correct as some can be easily corrected while others may not be. The more research that is done the more advanced they can become with understanding and possibly correcting the matter. Everyone should not take how they see our world for granted as it is unfortunately not the same for everyone. American Optometric Association(2018). Retrieved from Anderson, J. R. (2010). Cognitive psychology and its implications (7th ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishers Boston Children’s Hospital (2018). Retrieved from

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