Psycho 1 notebook midterm 1 Christopher Gade Partial Chinese PDF

Title Psycho 1 notebook midterm 1 Christopher Gade Partial Chinese
Author Chuhan Huang
Course General Psychology
Institution University of California, Berkeley
Pages 66
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Psycho 1 notebook midterm 1 Christopher Gade Partial Chinese...


Chapter 1 What is psychology Module 1.1 Psychologists’ goal

psychology!derives from the Greek roots!psyche, meaning “soul” or “mind,” and!logos, meaning “word.” ⼼理学的⽅向: first, what we observe as mind is unobservable then, about “the mind” how mental activity is a process later, beginning in the early 1900s, psychology defined as the study of behavior

Psycho def: The systematic study of behavior and experience

— Philosophical issue 1) Free will vs determinism *Determinism: def: the idea that everything that happens has a cause or determinant, that someone could observe or measure *Free Will: def: the belief that behavior is caused by a person’s independent decision is known as free will.

2) Mind and brain problem * Dualism def: mind is separate from brain, but somehow controls the rest of the body. This idea contradict the law of conservation of matter and energy *Monism def: conscious experience is inseparable from the physical brain Mental activity=brain activity

— Psychology’s Job A. For individuals * Clinical psychology - master/phd - focus on psychological problems * Psychiatry -medical doctor + 4 years of residency training in psychiatry - use medicine yo deal with emotional disturbance * other -psychoanalyst (sigmund freud) -clinical social worker master degree but earn less -counseling psychologists PHD Educational, vocational, marriage, health related decision -Forensic psychologists PHD and training in legal issue Advice for lawyers and courts, and police

B. For organizations * industrial/organizational psychology - provide service for people at work eg: training people for job/hiring right people *human factors - facilitate the operation of machinery so that people can use the machine efficiently&safely *Military psychologist -provide service to the military *school psychology - focuses on psychological condition of students

C. Psychologists in teaching & research *developmental psychology - how behavior changes with age * Learning and motivation - behavior depends on the outcomes of past behavior & current motivation eg: food choice (之前我吃了海鲜,过敏所以不吃) *cognitive psychology -study the process of thought and knowledge - focuses on how people make decision, solve problems and convert their thoughts into language eg: food choice (素⾷主义者不吃⾁不是因为⾁不好吃⽽是因为她们recognize 吃⾁是不对的). *biological psychology - behavior in terms of biological factors * evolutionary psychology - behavior in term of the evolutionary history of species * social psychology -individual influence group/group influence individual * cross culture psychology - compares behavior of people from different cultures

Module 1.2 — The Early Era *Science begin with people who were amateurs while psychology began as a deliberate attempt to start a new science

A. Wihelm Wundt & First Psychology Laboratory - Goal: find the elements (sensation & feelings) of experience - process: uses different texture, light, voice, to ask the 测试者 report the intensity & quality of their sensation

-Introspection def: look within themselves

B. Edward Eichener &structuralism - student of Wundt - idea: main question of psychology is the natural of mental experiences - structuralism def: an attempt to describe the structure that compose the mine structuralism on lemon: yellowness/shape/brightness

C. William James and Functionalism -Book: the principle of psychology -Functionalism def: learn how people produce useful behaviors (how mind is functioned) Eg: can someone attend to more than one item at a time? How can people strengthen good habits

D. Studying sensation -late 1800s-1900s early, people study vision and other sensation to understand mental activity - difference between physical stimuli and psychological perception - Psychophysical function def: mathematical description of the relationship between the physical stimulus and its perceived properties eg: ⼀个灯的intensity 是另外⼀个的两倍,但⼈眼不会认为是两倍bright

E. Darwin & Animal intelligence -comparative psychologist def: people who compare different animal species

-Tools to test animal intelligence (Darwin propose since people has the same ancestor as animal, animal has intelligence too) *delated respond problem 给signal关于⾷物,但是把动物惯着看他们可以记住signal 多久 *detour problem 动物和事物之间有barrier,看动物会不会绕道

F. Measuring human intelligence - Francis Galton Idea: ⼈类的智⼒是遗传的,法官,律师等社会地位⾼的⼈的⼉⼦往往更有 成就。

— The Rise of Behaviorism John B. Watson *the founder of behaviorism Behaviorism def: a field of psychology that concentrates on observable, measurable behaviors and not on mental process.

Studies of Learning *many psychologists in the mid-1900s thought they could learn all behalf by studying rats in mazes

— Freud to modern Clinical Psychology Clinical Psychology def: devoted largely to disorders of vision, hearing, movement, and memory.

* Sigmund Freud popularized psychotherapy (analyzing patients’ dream and memories — tracing current behavior to early Childhood experiences) *During world war II, psychiatrists could not keep up with the need, psychologists began providing therapy and clinical psychology

— Recent trends *Basic Research def: seeks theoretical knowledge for its own sake, such as understanding the process of learning and memory

*Applied research def: deals with practical problems such as how to help children will learning disabilities

*relative new field is positive psychology def: studies the predispositions and experiences that make people happy, productive and successful.

*women 1) Mary Calkins : the first women president of APA 2) Margaret Washburn

Chapter 3 Biological Psychology Module 3.1 Neurons and Behavior

— Nervous System Cell A. Neurons def: cells that made the Brian.

* Component of Neurons 1) Cell body `

def: the nucleus of the Cell 2) Dendrites def: widely branching structures that receive input from other neurons 3) axon def: a single, long, thin, straight fiber with branches near its tip *Some axons are covered with myelin def: myelin is an insulating sheath that speeds up the transmission of impulses

along an axon *axon transmits information to other Celsius and the dendrites or cell body receives that information

B. Glia def: support the neurons in many ways such as insulating them, synchronizing activity among neurons, and removing waste products

— The Action potential * Axons convey information by a process called action potential def: an excitation that travels along an axon at a constant strength, no matter how far it travels.

*All or none Law

def: the fact that an axon cannot vary the strength or velocity of its action potentials. Therefore A single nerve fiber will always give a maximum response and producing spikes of the same amplitude when stimulated

* process of action potential 1) resting potential/ electrical polarization * inside negative while outside positive *sodium ion(+) out of the axon, while potassium ions(-) inside the axon

2) action potential starts *axons produce spontaneous activity/input from other neurons excite the axon’s membrane *open gates in the axon that sodium and potassium ions can flow that positive ions attracted by negative ions inside the axon and thus flow inside. (Vice versa).

3)Back to resting potential *the gate will only open for a short time at a place, but the sodium-potassium pumper still exist, so the + will be pumped out and - will be pumped in.

— Synapse * Neurons communicate with each other through synapses def: the specialized junction between one neuron and another, a neuron releases a chemical that either excites or inhibit the next neuron * terminal button is the place when an action potential reaches the end, and the axon reaches the end, and it will release neurotransmitter. def: Neurotransmitter is a chemical that activates receptors on other neurons * Neurotransmitter will diffuse across a narrow gap to the receptors on the other synapse. The receptors is called postsynaptic Neuron def: postsynaptic neuron is the neuron on the receiving end of the synapse

*Synaptic message are highly variable that they have sudden message (vision and hearing) or long-lasting messages (taste and smell), very low, minutes long messages (hunger, thirsts, and sex drive). * Message excitatory message will increase the firing possibility of next neuron inhibitory message will decrease the firing possibility of next neuron

* After neurotransmitter excites or inhibits a receptor a. Bounce back to re-excite the postsynaptic receptor b. Diffuse away from the synapse c. Be reabsorbed by the axon that released it ( a process called reuptake)

— Neurotransmitters and behavior A. Glutamate - main exciters transmitter - essential for learning /releasing extra will lead to stroke

B.GABA - main inhibitory transmitter - anti-anxiety drugs and anti-epileptic drugs increase activity at GABA synapses

C ach acetylcholine - increases brain Arousal - released by motor neurons to simulate skeletal muscles

D. Dopamine - important for movement (damaged leads to Parkinson’s diseases - important for memory and cognition - antipsychotic drugs decrease activity at dopamine synapse

E. Serotonin - correct motivated and emotional behavior - antidepressant drugs prolong activity at serotonin synapses

F. Norepinephrine - enhances storage of memory/emotion or meaningful events - all axons releasing norepinephrine from locus coeruleus

G. Histamine - increases around all and alertness - antihistamines block histamine and lead to drowsiness

H. Endorphins - decrease pain and increase pleasure - morphine and heroin stimulate the same receptors as endorphins

I. Nitric oxide - expand the blood vessels in the most active brain areas - only transmitter that is a gas

J. Anandamide

- sent by postsynaptic neuron back to the presynaptic neuron to decrease further release of transmitter

- THC, active chemical in marijuana, stimulates the presynaptic receptors

Module 3.2 Drugs and their effects *Agonist def: a drug that increases activity at a synapse

*Antagonist def: A drug that decreases activity at a synapse

—Stimulants *Stimulants def: drugs that increase energy, alertness and activity. - Cocaine, amphetamine, methylphenidate blows the protein that the presynaptic neuron uses to reabsorb dopamine or serotonin causes more releasing of the neurotransmitter and thus increases the effects of those transmitters at their receptors.

A) Cocaine -Powdery form of cocaine hydrochloride -Types of Cocaine *Freebase cocaine cocaine with the hydrochloride removed that enters the Brian rapidly, and fast entry intensifies the experience *Crack cocaine cocaine that has already been converted into freebase rocks, ready to be smoked will make popping noises when smoked

-effect *Low dose enhance attention *higher doses will lead to confusion, impaired attention and impulsiveness, physical effects include higher heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature, and a risk of convulsions, lung damage, and heart attack *when enters, it increases arousal and produces mostly pleasant effects

*over few hours, because transmitter 没有被reuptake so the supply of transmitter decreases and users will begin to experience mild lethargy and depression.

B) amphetamine - Prescribed for attain deficit disorder -effect *same as cocaine

C) Methylphenidate (Ritalin) -A druge prescirbed for attentioan deficit disorder - Reaches the brain gradually over an hour or more and declines slowly over hours - not produce the sudden “rush” that makes crack cocaine so addictive

D) nicotine -increases wakefulness and arousal by stimulating synapses responsive to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. - nicotine alters certain cells so that they become more responsive to nicotine an less responsive to other kinds of pleasant events (which Maes people difficult to quit smoking)

—Hallucinogens Def: Drugs that induce sensory distortions

A) LSD (lysergic acid diethyl amide) -effect: *produce sensory distortions, sudden emotional changes, a dreamlike state, or an intense mystical experience - derived from a cactus plant - LSD attaches mainly to one kind of serotonin receptor, and stimulate receptors at irregular times and lead to a decrease in communication among brain areas

B)MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine) - known as ecstasy -effect *similar stimulant effect of amphetamine at low doses and hallucinogenic effect to LSD at higher does *Young adult use MDMA at parties to increase their energy but when the drug wears off, people feel depressed and lethargic *MDMA increases body temperature, persistent depression, anxiety, and memory loss

—Depressant Def: drugs that decrease arousal

A) Alcohol -def: a class of molecules that includes methanol, ethanol, propylalcohol, and others. Ethanol is the type that people drink. -effect: *at moderate doses, alcohol relaxes people by facilitating activity at inhibitory synapses *in greater amounts, it increases risk-taking behaviors including aggression, by suppressing the fears and inhibitions that ordinarily limit such behavior * in still greater amounts, as in big drinking, alcohol suppresses breathing and heart rate to a dangerous degree.It will imparts memory and motor control *Women drinks alcohol during pregnancy risks damage to her baby’s brain, health , and appearance

B) Anxiolytic drugs or tranquilizers -effect: * help people relax

* take these drugs at the same time as alcohol can produce dangerous suppression of breathing and heart rate - types * benzodiazepines (includes diazepam and alprazolam)

* benzodiazepines calm people by facilitating transmission at inhibitory synapses - Date rape druge *flunitrazepam a. a benzodaizepine druge, has attracted attention as a “date rape drug” as it dissolves quickly in water and has no cold, odor, or taste. b. flunitrazepam will induces drowsiness, clumsiness, and memory impairment *GHB a. It relax es the body and impairs muscle coordination, large doses induce vomitting, tremors, coma and death.

—Narcotics (⿇醉剂) def: drugs that produce drowsiness, insensitivity to pain, and decreased responsiveness

A) Opiates (鸦⽚) - either natural drugs derived from the opium poppy or synthetic drugs with a chemical structure resembling natural opiates -function * make people feel happy, warm, and content with little anxiety or pain. -how function *opiate drugs such as morphine, heroin, methadone, and codeine bind specific receptor in the brain * the brain produces several chemicals, called endorphins, that bind to the opiate receptors,.

Endorphine: inhibit chronic pain, and also releases endorphins during pleasant experiences

B) Morphine - has important medical use as a painkiller - undesirable consequences include nausea and withdrawal from the world - concentrated opiates

- after drug leaves the brain, elation gives way to anxiety, pain, and exaggerated responsiveness to sounds and other still,

—Marijuana -effect: *It softens pain but not as powerfully as opiates. *it produces an illusion that time is passing more slowly than usual *no extreme sensory distortions that LSD causes *it has a calming effect but not like that of alcohol or tranquilizers \ -Behavioral effects: * decrease nausea by blocking the type of serotonin receptor responsible for nausea *increases activity in brain areas responsible for feeding and appetite. -studies * students doing poorly more likely to use marijuana early *after people quit using marijuana, their memory gradually improved

- medical uses * reduces nausea, suppresses tremors, reduces pressure in the eyes, and decreases cell loss in the brain after a stroke. * most effective in protecting the brain from stroke damage if it is administered as quickly as possible after the stroker or better before the stroke

- ingredient in marijuana *the activity ingredient in marijuana is THC which attaches to the receptors (originally attached by anandamide and 2-AG) that are abundant through the brain which control memory and movement

*medulla (controls heart rate and breathing) don’t have these receptors, but has many opiate receptors *receptors, for anandamide and 2-AG (and therefore marijuana) are located on the!presynaptic neuron. 当前⼀个neuron释放transmitter的时候后⾯的cell就会释放2-AG然后 inhibit前⼀个neuron的further release。⽽Marijuana 会告诉前⼀个cell你已经释放够了even though没有。


Effects on the Nervous Short-Term

Risks (Partial

Category System Effects Drug Effects on the Nervous Short-Term

List) Risks (Partial

Category System Stimulants Ampheta Increases release of



Increases energy

Psychotic reaction,



dopamine and decreases and alertness

agitation, heart

reuptake, prolonging




Decreases reuptake of

Increases energy

stroke Psychotic reaction,

dopamine, prolonging

and alertness

heart problems

effects Methylph Decreases reuptake of

Increases alertness; Increased blood


dopamine but with

much milder


slower onset and offset withdrawal effects than cocaine

than cocaine



Blocks a chemical that Increases energy



inhibits arousal Stimulates some

Lung cancer from

and alertness Increases arousal;

acetylcholine synapses; abstention by a stimulates some

habitual smoker

neurons that release

produces tension

dopamine Depressants Alcohol Facilitates effects of

the tars in cigarettes

and depression Relaxation, reduced Automobile

GABA, an inhibitory


accidents, loss of


impaired memory


Benzodia Facilitate effects of

and judgment Relaxation,

Dependence. Life-


GABA, an inhibitory

decreased anxiety, threatening if



combined with alcohol or opiates

Narcotics Morphine Stimulate endorphin

Decrease pain;

, heroin,

withdrawal from



interest in real


world; unpleasant withdrawal effects during abstention


Heart stoppage

Marijuana Excites negative feedback receptors of

nausea; distorted

both excitatory and

sense of time

inhibitory synapses Hallucinogens LSD Stimulates serotonin type 2 receptors at MDMA

Decreases pain and Impaired memory;


Psychotic reaction,

sensory distortions accidents, panic

inappropriate times Stimulates neurons that At low doses

(“ecstasy” release dopamine; at

increases arousal; at


higher doses,

higher doses also

lung diseases

attacks, flashbacks Dehydration, fever

stimulates neurons that hallucinations release serotonin Rohypnol Facilitate action at

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