Psychology Final Essay Questions Options PDF

Title Psychology Final Essay Questions Options
Course Psychology of Human Growth and Development
Institution Appalachian State University
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Lucinda Payne...


1. Compare and contrast the lifespan perspective with two other developmental theories. Complete answers will incorporate a discussion of factors involved in the evaluation of developmental research.(7-13) ● Lifespan perspective: ○ Development is ■ Lifelong ■ multidimensional/multidirectional ■ Highly plastic ■ Affected by multiple, interacting forces ● Behaviorism ○ Directly observable events-stimuli and responses ○ Watson-classical conditioning- little Albert ■ Fears are learned, not innate ■ Association between stimuli and response ○ Skinner- operant conditioning ■ Reinforcers & punishers ● sociaL learning theory ○ modeling/imitation/observational learning ○ Bandura ○ Babies imitate clapping ○ Hard work/perseverance 2. Describe the concepts of range of reaction, canalization(72), the genetic-environment correlation(72,171,193), and the epigenetic framework(73-75). Explain how each of these concepts provides a way of understanding how heredity and environment interact. ● range of reaction: ○ Nature and Nurture together help to fully shape an individual. If a child has the genes to be a potential genius, they must be nurtured in education and a healthy upbringing. ● CanaLization: ○ Heredity restricts the development of some characteristics to just one or a few outcomes. ○ Canalized behaviors do not change with environmental factors unless it undergoes an extreme condition. ○ Babies rolling over, reaching for objects, sitting up, crawling, and walking. ● the genetic-environmental Correlation:

○ Our genes influence the environments to which we are exposed. ■ Passive correlation because the child has no control over it. Parents are athletic→ put kids in sports→ kids inherited athletic ability→ likely to become good athletes for both genetic and environmental reasons. ■ Evocative correlation: kids evoke responses that are influenced by heredity, and this strengthens the kids original style. ● Infant is active, friendly→ receive more social stimulation than passive, quiet infant. ● Cooperative, attentive kid→ receives patient and sensitive interactions from parents than an inattentive, distractible kid. ● The less genetically alike siblings are, the more parents treat them differently ■ Active correlation (older ages): seek environments that fit with their genetic tendencies called niche-picking. ● Musically talented kid→ school orchestra ● well-coordinated kid→ sports. ● the epigenetic framework: ○ Genes affect people’s behavior and experiences, but their experiences and behavior also affect gene expression. ○ Development resulting from ongoing, bidirectional exchanges between heredity and all levels of the environment. 3. Discuss human development from fertilization through delivery. What specific things can you and your partner do before and during pregnancy to increase your chances of having a healthy baby? ● Every woman of childbearing age should take folic acid daily to decrease neural tube defects ● Healthy nutrition ● Moderate amount of stress ● Prenatal care ● Rh factor ● Maternal age (18-35) ● Eliminate alcohol/ smoking/ drugs ● Don’t go on diet or gain too much weight ● Avoid radiation and pollution

● Avoid viruses such as zika- have vaccinations ● Keep physically fit ● Plenty of rest ● Implantation occurs the week after ovulation and the week before period. There are three periods of prenatal development: zygote, embryo, fetus.


○ Zygote: (weeks 1-2) Fertilization, implantation, start of placenta ○ emBryo: (weeks 3-8) Arms, legs, face, organs, muscles all develop, heart begins beating. VERY IMPORTANT TO AVOID TERATOGENS. This is when morning sickness is most common ○ fetus: (weeks 9-38) stage of “growth and finishing”, lung development, weight gain, brain development ● Braxton Hicks contractions begin before actually going into labor ● Three stages of childbirth ○ stage 1 ■ Contractions cause dilation and effacement of the cervix ■ When frequency and strength of contractions at peak, transition is reached and cervix opens completely ○ stage 2 ■ With each contraction, mom pushes, forcing baby down birth canal, head appears ■ End of stage 2, shoulders emerge followed by rest of body quickly ○ stage 3 ■ A few final pushes to deliver placenta 4. Discuss healthy eating in infancy and early childhood as well as issues related to malnutrition and obesity throughout the lifespan. ● In first two years, nutrition is crucial for baby’s brain and body growth (25 % caloric intake devoted to growth). ● In early infancy, breastfeeding is ideal (best for up to 2 years) ○ High in fat, lower in protein, iron easily absorbed ○ Protects against tooth decay ○ Help to protect against respiratory and intestinal infections ● Adding in solid foods at 6 months. Breastfed babies accept solid foods better ● Need lots of calories for how active they are, but these need to be healthy calories, not soda and french fries ● Marasmus is caused by a diet low in ALL essential nutrients. Mom is too malnourished to produce

enough breast milk ● Kwashiorkor not enough PROTEIN, usually occurs between 1-3 when weaning ● Preschoolers’ appetite decline due to growth slowing down. If not eat much at one meal, will eat more at another- don’t worry. ● Need good nutrition like adults, just in smaller quantities ○ Limit fat, oil, salt, and sugar. Leads to high blood pressure, heart disease, overweight/obesity ● Imitate food choices of those they admire ● Unpressured exposure to new food increases acceptance ● Overweight children tend to have overweight parents ● Low SES, low physical activity, TV, parents feeding practices (food fixes everything) causes obesity 5. What is intelligence and why does it matter? Complete answers will include a discussion of how IQ is calculated, the relationship between creativity and intelligence, and Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences.(309-312)(197-170)(169-170) ● Compares raw score to the typical performance of same age individual, average score being 100 ○ (mental age)/(chronological age)*100 ● Correlation b/w scores on IQ test and creativity are modest ● Creativity is divergent thinking- think along many paths ● IQ test is convergent thinking- systematic thinking ● Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, dismissing idea of general intelligence, proposes 8 intelligences BilL nims ○ BodiLy-kinesthetiC (dancer/athlete) ○ intrapersonaL (accurate self-knowledge) ○ Linguistic (poet) ○ LogiCal-mathematicaL (mathematician) ○ naturalist (biologist) ○ interpersonaL (therapist) ○ musiCal (composer) ○ spatial (sculptor) 6. Discuss Erikson’s theory of identity development. Complete answers will include a clear description of each identity status. How can we, as adults, support healthy identity development in the young people we know? Where do you currently stand in your identity development?

(16,184,256,330,402,533,604,605) TAI(III) GI ● 0-1 yrs ○ Trust/mistrust ■ Hope ● Balance of care is sympathetic and loving ● 1-3 yrs ○ Autonomy/shame & doubt ■ Will ● Provide kids with guidelines and reasonable choices ● 3-6 yrs ○ Initiative/guilt ■ Purpose ● Support to explore new ideas and help out like cooking ● 6-11 yrs ○ Industry/inferiority ■ Competence ● Have expectations for kids to reach towards ● adoLesCenCe ○ Identity/identity diffusion ■ Fidelity ● Support exploration ● earLy adulthood ○ Intimacy/isolation ■ Love ● mid adulthood ○ Generativity/stagnation ■ Care ● Late aduLthood ○ Integrity/despair ■ Wisdom ● how to heLp young’ns & know where you stand 7. Discuss the aging process and the major health concerns of adulthood. What factors impact good and poor health?

● Immune system declines, hearing loss, vision declines, taste/smell decline, touch sensitivity, cardiovascular system slows down, need extra nutrients, STDs, hair thinning/gray, reproductive system, osteoporosis, cancer, memory ● heredity ● lifestyLe/environment ○ diet/weight ○ Exercise ○ Low substance use ○ Optimism ○ Low stress ○ Social support ○ Community involvement ○ Learning 8. Thoroughly discuss the Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs). What are they and why do they matter?(567-568)(597) ● activities of daiLy Living ○ Basic self care tasks ○ Learn first, last longest ■ Bathing, dressing, eating ● instrumentaL activities of daiLy Living ○ Conducting business of everyday life ○ Learn after ADLs, lose earlier ○ Require cognitive competence ■ Shopping, food prep, housekeeping 9. Discuss Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. What are they and how do they impact the family? Complete answers will demonstrate an understanding of the research as well as how to apply the research to your life.(577-587) ● dementia- aspects of thought and behavior are impaired so that everyday activities are disrupted ● alZheimer’s disease- most common form of dementia, structural and chemical brain deterioration is associated with gradual loss of aspects of thought and behavior ● famiLy: ○ Give encouragement

○ Stick with daily routine ○ Sustaining good eye contact ○ Speaking slowly, with simple words ○ Don’t interrupt, correct, criticize ○ Have to be caregiver ○ Need to have knowledge 10. Discuss the end of life. Complete answers will demonstrate our current understanding of the Kübler-Ross’s theory as well as a discussion about our culture’s treatment of this final stage of life. (647)(648-659) ● Our culture is more focused on quantity rather than quality of life ● Many young people haven’t experienced death ● Avoidance of talking about death ● Death is a guarantee ● kubLer-ross’s theory: 5 typical responses to death

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○ Denial ○ Anger ○ Bargaining “trade places” ○ Depression ○ Acceptance 11. Thoroughly discuss bidirectional relationships within families. Complete answers will include a summary of the current research on child temperament(192-195), parenting styles (287-281)(279-280)(392), and appropriate discipline(279). ● ChiLd temperament ○ Flexible ■ Easy, 40% , schedule, resilient, cheerful ○ Fearful ■ Slow to warm up, 15% , cautious, don’t notice when hungry, easy to be overstimulated ○ Feisty ■ Difficult, 10%, constant physical activity, easily distracted, no rhythm, irritable, demand attention, don’t like physical closeness ○ Other 35%

● ChiLd-rearing styles warmth/support

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● appropriate discipline ○ Exercise firm, reasonable control ○ Insist on appropriate maturity ○ Give reasons for their expectations ○ Don’t hit, which promotes violence ○ Don’t give in to tantrums, which promotes more tantrums 12. Please thoroughly discuss the main physical, cognitive, and emotional/ social milestones for each developmental stage: infancy & toddlerhood, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood. 13. Please thoroughly discuss physical, cognitive, or emotional / social development across three consecutive stages of life (i.e., infancy -> toddlerhood -> early childhood). Complete answers will include an overview of the appropriate milestones for your selected topic, the use of correct terms, and a discussion of the appropriate researchers. How will you use this information to help you live a better life?...

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