Puritan DBQ - Mandatory assignment to get a good grade in the course PDF

Title Puritan DBQ - Mandatory assignment to get a good grade in the course
Course American Government: Practices And Values
Institution Baruch College CUNY
Pages 3
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Mandatory assignment to get a good grade in the course...


Nicholas Nerys Premisler Puritan DBQ During the time period between the 1630s-1660s, New England lifestyle was mainly influenced by the Puritans way of life. They affected many aspects such as politics, economics, and the social development of New England. In the 10 documents, the all gave different forms of proof of how they did all of this. One major aspect was the religious lifestyles of the people (Documents A,D,G,H,I,J). Another main aspect of Puritan influences was the stress of education (Documents B,C,E). An additional document that kind of went against Puritan beliefs was Document F.

One of the most memorable changes of the Puritans was definitely the educational system. They refaced the educational systems and put schools everywhere for the kids and even adults who were illiterate. In Document B, it shows a map of a modern Puritan society/community. It shows all the aspects of the community and in the middle of the town in the school. You can obviously tell that education was important because they built a school right in the middle of town. In Document C, it explains how religion is important and to teach everyone the aspects of it. A major quote was, “Promising also unto our best quality to teach our children and servants the knowledge of God, and of His Will…” It’s saying that we must teach our younger generation the aspects of God and His Will so it can keep being passed down and to have their religion kept strong and spread to other areas and different people. In Document E, it states that God has sent them to England to start new. They built their houses, provided the necessities for survival and the next thing they needed was to “...advance Learning...” The Puritans didn’t want to leave behind one illiterate person in the dust, but to help everyone and teach them.

Another influence the Puritans had on New England society was the religious way of life. Some aspects are still around in our lifestyles today but not all of it. In Document A, it tells us how everyone in the same religion should be a family. It basically said that they should do everything together, as a community and act like a whole body together. The repetitive use of the word “wee” also emphasizes the fact that everyone should act like one big family and help each other out. In Document D, it is a recall of the colonists attack on the Pequot’s Mystic River Village. The colonists basically executed the village because of their beliefs. The felt that they were doing God wrong and were disobeying him by not following their beliefs. In Document G, it explains that you should obey by only one religion and hove zero toleration for others. It was either obey the Puritans way of life, or get executed. In Document H, it explains the patriarchal family life and how men are the dominant ones in the family. It states that everyone in the family should respect the male figure and to acknowledge his power. In Document I, it is an example of a man who found himself through religion. His name was Robert Keayne, and he stated he studied and spent his time studying the way of life and religion. In Document J, the major line that explained the whole document to me was: “…New England is originally a plantation of Religion, not a Plantation of Trade.” This basically said that New England was more of an isolated religious area and not used for trade. This shows how dedicated they were to the religious way of life.

An additional document that went against the Puritan beliefs in my opinion was Document F. The Puritans had zero tolerance for any other belief then their own, and if they found out that someone didn’t follow their beliefs, they would either execute them or run them out of Puritan

territory. Document F is saying that no group or person should enforce their religion on other people for any matter. This went completely against the Puritan belief.

The Puritan had a really big impact throughout the colonies of New England. They affected the social life of the people, political aspects, and even economic aspects. This was proven by the different points of view and main aspects of the 10 documents given to me. The documents proved how the Puritans affected education, and the religious lifestyles of people....

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