Purpose, result, contrast PDF

Title Purpose, result, contrast
Course Inglese
Institution Liceo (Italia)
Pages 3
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Purpose, result and contrast PURPOSE: come esprimere lo scopo, obbiettivo, il motivo per cui viene fatta un’azione 1. So (that) ⇒ it’s used to express purpose, the reason why someone does something. it is usually followed by can, could, will or would. The police locked the door so that no-one could get in. La polizia ha chiuso la porta per far si che nessuno potesse entrare. 2. Infinitive of purpose (= to do) ⇒ we can also use to to express purpose but the subject of the main clause and of the purpose must be the same. If the two subjects are different, we can’t use to. We use so that. Jack went to England to study engineering. Jack went to England so that his brother would have some help working in the restaurant. 3. In order to, so as to ⇒ they are more formal ways of expressing purpose. They can be used also in the negative forms: in order not to, so as not to. Scientists used only local materials, in order to save money. The soldiers moved at night, so as not to alarm the villagers. 4. For (+ ing) This button is for starting the engine. This one is for the lights. This tin is for keeping sugar in.

RESULT: 1. So ⇒ it is used with an adjective or adverb Jim was so tall (that) he hit his head on the ceiling. Jim drove so quickly (that) they reached the station twenty minutes early. 2. Such a ⇒ it is used with adjective + singular noun Helen is such a busy person that she never feels bored. 3. So many, so much, so few, so little So many and so few are used with plural nouns. So much and so little are used with uncountable nouns. There were so many passengers (that) we couldn’t find a seat. There was so much noise (that) I didn’t get to sleep until 3 a.m.

4. Too / Not enough + to ⇒ MOLTO IMPORTANTE PER ES. REPHRASING The bookcase was too big to get down the stairs (= era troppo grande per portarla giù dalle scale) The bookcase was not small enough to get down the stairs (=non era abbastanza piccola) Attenzione alla struttura: You are too young to vote = you are not old enough to vote This bag is too heavy for me to lift. This coffee is too hot for me to drink. There’s a too long queue for us to wait.

CONTRAST: 1. Although, though, even though -

Although often becomes though in speech. Though can come at the beginning or at the end of a sentence BUT although and even though are always put at the beginning.

Although I asked her, she didn’t come. Even though I asked her, she didn’t come. This happens only in speaking: Though I asked her, she didn’t come. I asked her. She didn’t come, though. 2. While, whereas ⇒"they"compare"two"facts"and"emphasize"the"difference"between"them." While United were fast and accurate, City were slow and careless. 3. However, Nevertheless -

However is a way of expressing contrast in formal speech or writing. It can go at the beginning, middle or end of the sentence, and it is separated by a comma. Nevertheless is a very formal way of expressing however or despite this.

On this occasion, however, I’ll do it. …. However, on this occasion I’ll do it. 4. Despite, in spite of ⇒"they"are"followed"by"a"noun"or"-ing"form Despite the rain, we went out = Although it was raining, we went out Despite losing, we celebrated = Although we lost, we celebrated In spite of feeling ill, Jack played = Although he felt ill, he played....

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