PX275 Mathematical Methods for Physicists 2018 with Solutions PDF

Title PX275 Mathematical Methods for Physicists 2018 with Solutions
Course Mathematical Methods for Physicists
Institution The University of Warwick
Pages 12
File Size 696 KB
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PX275 Mathematical Methods for Physicists 2018 with Solutions...


Solutions for April 2018 PX275 exam (part 2) M S Turner January 15, 2018 Q3 a) Length2 /Time (by dimensional analysis of the heat equation or otherwise). [2] [Book] b) Substituting ∂T = 0 into the heat equation we require ∂t find T = Ax + B [2] [Book]

∂2T =0. ∂x2

Integrating this twice we

∂Q , reflecting the flow of heat from warmer regions c) The heat flux takes the form j = −κ ∂x to colder regions [2], with κ some material contstant. The continuity equation takes the ∂j which corresponds to conservation of (heat) energy. It arises by a balance form ∂Q = − ∂x ∂t of the heat flowing into a line segment of length dx in time dt with the heat change per unit length multiplied by the segment length dx. Thus [Q(x, t + dt) − Q(x, t)]dx = [j(x, t) − j(x + dx, t)]dt. Dividing both sides by dx dt and taking the limits dx, dt → 0 yields the continuity equation by the first-principles definition of differentiation [2]. Substitution of the form for the flux into the continuity equation gives, for constant κ,

∂Q ∂ 2Q =κ 2 ∂t ∂x Substituting for Q = CT and dividing both sides by C (a constant) one recovers the heat equation [2]. In the special case of a non-uniform thermal diffusivity κ(x) the equation instead takes the form ! ∂Q ∂ ∂ 2Q ∂κ(x) ∂Q ∂Q = + κ(x) 2 = κ(x) ∂x ∂x ∂t ∂x ∂x ∂x or, dividing by C ,

∂κ(x) ∂T ∂T ∂ 2T = + κ(x) 2 ∂x ∂x ∂t ∂x which is not the same as the heat equation [1]. [Book]

d) Using separation of variable according to T (x, t) = χ(x)τ (t) [1] we substitute this into the heat equation and divide both sides by κχ τ . We find 1 τ˙ /τ = χ′′/χ = λ κ where λ is a constant. Physical solutions follow from (i) λ = 0 and (ii) λ < 0 (solutions with λ > 0 grow unbounded in time and are therefore not physical). (i) Writing λ = 0 gives χ′′ = 0 and hence, integrating χ = A0 x + B0 [1]. 1

(ii) Writing λ = −k 2 [3] we obtain χ′′ = −k 2 χ with solutions that are sinusoidal χ = A sin kx + cos kx . We extend the domain of the solution to x ∈ [−L, L] and define it to be periodic, with period 2L. This periodicity leads to the requirement that kL = nπ with n an integer (positive integer without loss of generality), equivalently k = nπ [2]. L [An alternative approach in which the boundary condition of part (e) is anticipated in order to establish this restriction is also acceptable]. The solution for τ then follows by integrating the time equation. (i) For λ = 0 this yields τ = C where we can choose C = 1 without loss of generality. (ii) For λ = −k 2 we find τ = C exp(−κk 2 t) where, again, we can set C = 1 without loss of generality [2]. Hence, noting that we can combine these solutions, due to linearity, yields the general solution stated in the question [1]. e) We note that the boundary conditions that the temperature is zero on both ends for all t > 0 implies that Bn = 0 for all n ≥ 0 and that A0 = 0 [1]. Using the initial condition to determine the An by computing m an integer to show ∞ X




Z L 0


RL 0

T (x, 0) sin mπx dx with L

Z L nπx mπx mπx sin To sin dx = dx L L 0 L

∞ X

L mπx L L ] = cos An δnm = To [− L 0 mπ 2 n=1

o (1 − (−1)m ) [3] This gives a solution for t > 0 according to the rubric. Hence Am = 2T mπ by substitution ∞ X nπx −κ( nπ )2 t 2To L T (x, t) = (1 − (−1)n ) sin e nπ L n=1 or X 4To nπx −κ( nπL )2 t e T (x, t) = sin L n,odd nπ

[3]R [Book/Unseen]. The heat density is Q(x, t) = CT (x, t) so the total heat Q(t) = R L L = [− nπ cos nπx C 0L T (x, t)dx. Using 0L sin nπx ]L (1 − (−1)n ) this evaluates to L L 0 = nπ Q(t) =



8CLTo −κ( Lnπ)2 t e (nπ )2

[3] [Unseen]

Q4 a) Substituting into the definition given we find (i) F[a f (x)] = (ii) F[f (a x)] =





(iii) F[f (x + a)] =

a f (x)e−ikx dx = a f (a x)e−ikx dx =



f (x + a)e


f (x)e−ikx dx = af˜(k) [2] [Book]. ′ f (x′ )e−ikx /adx′ /a = f˜(k/a)/a [2] [Book].





dx = 2



′ f (x′ )e−ik(x −a) dx′ = f˜(k)eika [2] [Book].

(iv) F[f (x)δ(x − a)] =



f (x)δ(x − a)e−ikx dx = f (a)e−ika [2] [Book]. 1



∞ ∞ e−(x/a) e−ikx dx = e−(ka) /4 −∞ e− a2 (x−ika /2) dx by completing the square. (v) F[f ] = −∞ By changing variables to x′ = x − ika2 /2 and using the result given in the rubric, √ 2 F[f ] = a π e−(ka) /4 [5] [Book]. 2




b) Using the expression given (i) Two pinholes at y = (0, l, 0) and y = (0, −l, 0) equates to an aperture a(y) = δ(y − (0, l, 0)) + δ(y − (0, −l, 0)) [up to an arbitrary constant]. Substituting and integrating, with k = kx/D, we find  e−iωt e−iωt  −ik·(0,l,0) klx2 e + e−ik·(0,−l,0) = 2 u(x, t) = cos D D D The intensity is [3] klx2 I = |u|2 ∝ cos2 D (with [3] for correct sketch, see below) (ii) A rectangular aperture, centred at the origin, with width 2w and height 2h with h > w equates to an aperture function that is zero outside this domain, hence

u(x, t) =

e−iωt Z w dy1 D −w

Z h

dy2 e−ik·y =


Z h klx1 klx2 e−iωt Z w dy1 e−i D y1 dy2 e−i D y2 −h D −w

 e−iωt  D −i klx1 y1 w D −i klx2 y2 h D D [e [e = ]−w ]−h klx1 klx2 D


with sinc x =

klhx2 klwx1 D e−iω t D sin sin u(x, t) = 4 D D D klx2 klx1 sin x x

u(x, t) = 4wh

e−iωt klhx2 klwx1 sinc sinc D D D

The intensity is [3]

klhx2 klwx1 sinc2 D D (with [3] for correct sketch, see below) [Book/unseen]. I = |u|2 ∝ sinc2




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