Q2 - managerial PDF

Title Q2 - managerial
Course Material Balances and Applications
Institution University of Luzon
Pages 5
File Size 102.5 KB
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Question 11 / 1 pts A person who is qualified by education, experience, technical ability, and temperament to advise or assist businessmen on a professional basis in identifying, defining, and solving specific management problems involving the organization, planning, direction, control and operation...


Quest i on1 1/1pt s 1.

Aper sonwhoi squal i fiedbyeducat i on,exper i ence,t echni calabi l i t y ,andt emper amentt oadvi s eorass i st busi ness menonapr of essi onalbasi si ni dent i f yi ng,defini ng,andsol vi ngspeci ficmanagementpr obl ems i nvol vi ngt heor gani zat i on,pl anni ng,di r ect i on,cont r olandoper at i onofafi r mi sc al l ed

A.ManagementAc count ant

B.Cer t i fi edPubl i cAc count ant

C.Ac count i ngT echni c i an Cor r ect ! D.ManagementCons ul t ant

Quest i on2 0/1pt s 2.Somer eas onsf orhi r i ngmanagementcons ul t ant sar easf ol l ows ,ex c ept YouAnswer ed A.Tohel pdefines peci fi cpr obl emsandi mpl ements ol ut i ons

B.Topr ov i des pec i al i z eds k i l l sandex per i ence

C.Topr ov i dec onfi dent i als er v i cei nwhi c ht hei dent i t yoft hec l i enti sconc eal ed Cor r ectAnswer D.Tor enderani ndependentopi ni on

Quest i on3 1/1pt s 3.I npr o v i di ngadv i s or yser v i c es ,t heCPAoft hei ndependentac count i ngfi r m,appl i esananal y t i c alappr oac hand pr oces s ,whi cht y pi cal l ydoesnote x c l udet hef ol l owi ng,ex cept

A.As c er t ai ni ngt heper t i nentf act sandc i r c ums t anc es

B.Seek i ngandi dent i f y i ngobj ect i v es

C.Defi ni ngt hepr obl em oroppor t uni t yf ori mpr ov ement Cor r ect ! D.Ev al uat i ngandi mpl ement i ngpos s i bl es ol ut i ons

Quest i on4 1/1pt s 4. St at ement1:MASr el at est ot hef ut ur e St at ement2:MASc ov er sawi derar eat hant heus ualaudi tandt axwor k St at ement3:Becaus eoft hebr oads c opec ov er edbyMAS,awi derv ar i et yofas si gnment sar eus ual l yencount er ed St at ement4:MASengagement sr equi r ehi ghl yqual i fi edst aff Cor r ect ! A.Al lt hes t at ement sar et r ue

B.Onl yt hr ees t at ement sar et r ue

C.Onl yt wos t at ement sar et r ue

D.Onl yones t at ementi st r ue

Quest i on5 1/1pt s 5.I tr ef er st ot hes y st emat i c ,obj ec t i v eandr at i onalmet hodofsol v i ngbus i nesspr obl ems Cor r ect ! A.Anal y t i c alappr oac handpr oces s


C.Si mul at i onMet hod

D.Sensi t i vi t yAnal y s i s

Quest i on6 1/1pt s 6.Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngi sunt r ue ?

A.Bef or eac c ept i nganengagement ,apr act i t i oneri st onot i f yhi spar t nerofanyr es er v at i onshehasr egar di ng ant i c i pat edbenefi t s

B.Bef or eunder t aki nganengagement ,apr ac t i t i oneri st oi nf or m hi scl i entofal lmat t er sr el at edt ot heengagement

C.TheMASpr ac t i c es t andar dsar eappl i cabl enotonl yt os t r uc t ur aloror gani z edMASengagement s ,butal s ot o i nf or mal advi c e Cor r ect ! D.Al loft heabov e

Quest i on7 1/1pt s 7.Thi ss t ageofMASengagementi nv ol v esv ar i ousact i v i t i eswhi c hmaygener al l ybec l ass i fi edasgat her i ngof i nf or mat i onandanal y s i s / ev al uat i onofi nf or mat i ongat her ed

A.Negot i at i ngt heengagement

B.Pr epar i ngf ort heengagement

C.Ex ec ut i onoft hemanagement Cor r ect !

D.Noneoft heabov e

Quest i on8 1/1pt s 8.Thef ol l owi ngc har ac t er i z emanagementadv i sor ys er vi c es ,ex c ept Cor r ect ! A.MASut i l i z esmor ej uni ors t afft hanseni ormember soft hefi r ms

B.MASi nv ol v esdeci s i onf ort hef ut ur e

C.MASi sbr oaderi ns copeandv ar i edi nnat ur e

D.MASr el at est ospec i fi cpr obl emswher eex per thel pi sr equi r ed

Quest i on9 1/1pt s 9.ACPAs houl dr ej ec taMASengagementi f

A.Heaudi t st hefi nanc i als t at ement sofasubs i di ar yoft hepr os pect i v ecl i ent

B.Thepr opos edengagementi snotacc ount i ngr el at ed

C.Hi sr ecommendat i onsar et obes ubj ec t edt oar ev i ewbyt hec l i ent Cor r ect ! D.I twoul dr equi r ehi mt omak emanagementdec i si onsf ort hepr os pect i v ecl i ent

Quest i on10 1/1pt s 10.Asc ons ul t ant ,t heCPA/ MASpr ac t i t i oners houl d

A.Conduc thi sengagementasi fhei samemberoft hecl i ent ’ sor gani z at i on

B.Ex er c i s eadmi ni s t r at i v ec ont r olov ert hecl i ent ’ ss t afft oav oi dunnec es sar ydel ay si ni mpl ement at i on

C.Enc our agedependenc eofc l i entont hec ons ul t ant ’ ss t affs oast opi npoi ntc l earr es ponsi bi l i t yi ni mpl ement i ng s y s t ems Cor r ect ! D.Nott ak er es pons i bi l i t yf ormaki ngdeci s i onsandpol i c yj udgment si nMASengagement s...

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