Q2 - Write an evaluation of your learning strengths and weaknesses in relation to a learning theory. PDF

Title Q2 - Write an evaluation of your learning strengths and weaknesses in relation to a learning theory.
Author Whitney Larsen
Course Unit 2-Preparing to study
Institution Stonebridge College
Pages 2
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Your response should be a maximum of 500 words.

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You must upload a copy of your Personal SWOT analysis to support your written evalua...


After studying different learning theories I am going to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses based on Kolb’s experiential learning theory which correlates to Honey and Mumford learning styles. Within Kolb’s learning theory there are four stages that complete a cycle – concrete experience, observations and reflection, formation of concepts and generalisations, and active experimentation. Kolb’s theory doesn’t believe that you have to start at the first point (concrete experience) in order to learn, that you can jump in at any stage and as long as the four steps have been completed then you’ve successfully learned something. [ CITATION Sau17 \l 1033 ] He believes that “Learning is the process in whereby knowledge is created through the transformations of experience” [ CITATION Dav15 \l 1033 ] and that when the learning cycle is completed, it begins again. I can apply this theory to a personal learning situation in my life. I spent 18 months in a different country as a missionary, where I had to learn the language in just six weeks to a standard where I was able to teach people something that I felt very personally about. I found it particularly helpful to do a practice run of the lesson that was to be taught so that I could identify exactly where I needed support and to review certain words or phrases that I came across that I didn’t know, then evaluate how I did, and eventually it became muscle memory. Honey and Mumfords four learning styles link into each stage of Kolbs learning theory. These four learning styles are – activist, reflector, theorist, and pragmatist[ CITATION Pet92 \l 1033 ]. It is thought that individuals have their own learning preference, for example an activist learner will have new experience but what they struggle with is to reflect and conclude. As these learning styles correlate to Kolb’s learning theory, it is vital that you complete the cycle the same in order to learn, even if it’s doing something you usually wouldn’t. Upon reflection of each of these learning styles I am mostly drawn to the characteristics of the theorist [ CITATION Emi19 \l 1033 ]. For example, I need to feel like what I’m doing makes complete sense to me, and when I’m faced with something that I’m unsure of I’m hesitant to take the plunge to do it. I’m good at asking questions to get my answers to give myself confident in what I’m doing, and I tend to think logically like it’s black or white, over thinking with my feelings and having grey areas. Spending time exploring different learning theories and learning styles have given me insight that I need to be able to make the most out of the year that I have learning though an online platform to achieve what I know I am capable of achieving, and this ultimately boils down to leaning on my other strengths, particularly my activist characteristics, to ensure that I don’t procrastinate and waste time, or lose faith in myself not being able to receive the reassurance that I naturally yearn for.

References Kolb, D. A., 2015. Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. 2nd ed. s.l.:Pearson FT Press. McLeod, S., 2017. Kolb's Learning Styles and Experiential Learning Cycle. [Online] Available at: https://www.simplypsychology.org/learning-kolb.html [Accessed 21 06 2021]. Peter Honey, A. M., 1992. The Manual of Learning Styles. 3rd Revised ed. s.l.:Peter Honey Publications.

Watson, E., 2019. Honey and Mumford Learning Style Theory. [Online] Available at: https://www.theclassroom.com/honey-mumford-learning-style-theory-10038576.html [Accessed 21 06 2021]....

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