Qawsedrf - Grade: A+ PDF

Title Qawsedrf - Grade: A+
Course English Composition
Institution Angelo State University
Pages 3
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I never spend much time in school but I taught ladies plenty. It’s true I hire my body out for pay, hey hey. I’ve gotten burned over Cheryl Tiegs, blown up for Raquel Welch. But when I end up in the hay it’s only hay, hey hey. I might jump an open drawbridge, or Tarzan from a vine. ’Cause I’m the un...


Edgar E. Garza Mrs. Gonzalez Writing Across the Curriculum (1302.030) 09/11/2020 Academic Source In order to find the scholarly article that I will use is by using the google tool “Google Scholar.” It is a tool that tries to remove any kind of unofficial information or popular sources to only keep scholarly literature. The tittle of this piece is “Impact of intermittent fasting on health and disease processes.” The main topic of this article is to produce an experiment to gather data which could conclude on what benefits does fasting have on animals and humans. This is related to literacy because it gives a deep understanding on different aspects of what happens in human body after prolonged periods of time without eating. They make mention of different hormone, gut bacteria, and blood composition changes after prolonged periods of not eating. What kind of process, how and why they happen in our body due to fasting, which diseases can be solved with fasting and why? The authors of this article are Mattson, M., Longo, V., and Harvie, M. The article is written to an audience specialized on biology, people that have a deep knowledge on medical terminology and scientist who get to have constant contact with the same topic, fasting. They are writing this piece with the goal of finding the benefits produced by fasting and what diseases can be addresses with the use of fasting. This piece is scholarly because the website that have this article make no use of advertisement on the website. They also have an extensive variety of references and all of them are included in the article. They make use of a vocabulary that people that are not specialized in the topic can’t understand. The article is made by several author and is peer reviewed. Authors represent several institutions, centers and departments specialized in neuroscience and cancer. They have no attractive pictures; they only have graphics and tables to display their data.

In summary, this article talks of how now a days, humans are used to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner with some snacks in between. Consuming more food than our body needs can lead to abnormalities in our metabolism and health. t this might not be the best eating pattern to eat. Lab experiments have shown how in periods of time of scarcity, many animals have adapted to be deprived of food for long periods of time. Many systems are active inhuman body which allows it to improve cognitively ad physically. In many animal and human experiment, scientist have found strong evidence that with the use of fasting, many disorders as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancers and neurological disorders can be dressed in fasting. IF, as they refer to intermittent fasting, develops a higher insulin sensitivity on human body. Making cells face periods of stress, or IF activates many counteracts disease processes which enhances mitochondrial, DNA repair and autophagy, which also promotes stem cellbased regeneration. The introduction includes a background on the topic explaining how animals, in general, gets to activate different mechanisms on their body once they face a prolonged time of no eating. This article makes use of heading to separate different subtopics they will talk about. Heading includes, 1. Introduction, 2. IF and health indicators in laboratory animals, 2.1. IF and age-related diseases in animal models, 2.1.1. Diabetes, 2.1.2. Cardiovascular disease, 2.1.3. Neurological disorders, 2.1.4. Cancer, 3. IF in humans, 3.1. Weight loss and maintenance amongst overweight and obese subjects, 3.2. IF and age-related diseases in humans, 3.2.1. Type 2 diabetes, 3.2.2. Cardiovascular disease, 3.2.3. IF and cancer, 4. Conclusions and future directions, Acknowledgement, and References. They have no attractive pictures; they only have graphics and tables to display their data. Concludes with a brief description of their findings after the experiments performed and acknowledge or make mention of previous findings on people that where treated with IF while facing sclerosis and cancer; they add their supporters and references at the end. The writers only use formal writing because I can’t see any grammatical errors, and they don’t use any kind of unconventional expressions or writings. In addition, they don’t make use of any kind of advertisement. They also have an extensive variety of references and all of them are included in the article. They only refer to primary and secondary resources in the piece, which includes experiments, other’s experiments and theory. The authors do not include any kind of personal experiences. The author makes use of laboratory studies and uses journal articles and other author’s studies. They make use of a vocabulary that people that are not specialized in the topic can’t understand. The article is made by several author and is peer reviewed.

Popular Source

I located this popular source by simply typing intermittent fasting on google. The first link appeared as an add which means google is being sponsored by the owner of the website to show him on first place. The title of the article is “Intermittent Fasting 101 – The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide.” The topic of this piece is mainly focused on the benefits that intermittent fasting can produce in human body, methods of doing intermittent fasting, how should avoid doing fasting, and, where to start. This is related to literacy because it gives a general knowledge don the benefits of intermittent fasting in human body and methods of applying the theory and experiments about intermittent fasting. The author of this piece is Gunnars, K. This author more leaded to popular audience how are starting to gather knowledge about fasting or for those who have no knowledge on intermittent fasting. In addition, is also for people who are interested on doing fasting and want to know where to start or if fasting is for them. They are writing this article to teach people what are some of the method to do fasting, who can safely do fasting by their own, and what benefits they get out of it. I know this piece is not hundred percent credible because in their website they are making use of advertisement, which makes sense why their title tries to attract people searching for how to do intermittent fasting. Their vocabulary is more leaded to a broad audience that do not have a deep understanding on biology or medical terminology. They add attractive pictures with no data on them. They make use of sponsorship to receive more viewers. The article is not peer reviewed and the author is now trying to get into the stock market for some reason. Intermittent fasting has become a strong health and fitness rend recently. Many people have been noticing how intermittent fasting can improve in their life. Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern where you private yourself from eating certain number of hours and you eat in certain number of hours as well. This means that it does not depend on what you should but when you should eat. The most common of fasting methods are 16 and 24 hours fasting. According to biology, human have been exposed to many scenarios of danger and scarcity. Therefore, human being has adapted to be exposed to prolonged periods of time without eating. In fact, fasting is also practiced by many religions. Methods of intermittent fasting includes the 16/8 method, eat-stop-eat and the 5:2 diet. The improvement that it has in our cells and hormones in our insulin, cellular repair and gene expression. According to recent studies, some of the health benefits that come out of fasting are weight loss, performance on insulin resistance, inflammation, heart health, brain health, and anti-aging. Another benefit that you might see is that it makes you life simpler by not worrying too much of eating the hold day. Intermittent fasting is for everyone. This means that underweight people and diabetic people have to go with a health professional for assistance on this. People with low blood pressure and problems with blood sugar regulation also need to see a health professional to address this topic....

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